//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // NEOPOP : Emulator as in Dreamland // // Copyright (c) 2001-2002 by neopop_uk //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. See also the license.txt file for // additional informations. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "neopop.h" #include "Z80_interface.h" #include "interrupt.h" #include "mem.h" #include "gfx.h" #include "sound.h" #include "dma.h" #include "bios.h" #include "flash.h" #include #include namespace MDFN_IEN_NGP { bool lagged; void (*inputcallback)(); extern uint8 CPUExRAM[16384]; NGPGFX_CLASS *NGPGfx = NULL; COLOURMODE system_colour = COLOURMODE_AUTO; uint8 NGPJoyLatch; uint8 settings_language; time_t frontend_time; int (*comms_read_cb)(uint8* buffer); int (*comms_poll_cb)(uint8* buffer); void (*comms_write_cb)(uint8 data); bool system_comms_read(uint8 *buffer) { if (comms_read_cb) return comms_read_cb(buffer); else return false; } bool system_comms_poll(uint8 *buffer) { if (comms_poll_cb) return comms_poll_cb(buffer); else return false; } void system_comms_write(uint8 data) { if (comms_write_cb) comms_write_cb(data); } void instruction_error(char *vaMessage, ...) { /*char message[1000]; va_list vl; va_start(vl, vaMessage); vsprintf(message, vaMessage, vl); va_end(vl); MDFN_printf("[PC %06X] %s\n", pc, message);*/ } bool NGPFrameSkip; int32 ngpc_soundTS = 0; //static int32 main_timeaccum; static int32 z80_runtime; EXPORT void FrameAdvance(MyFrameInfo* frame) { lagged = true; bool MeowMeow = 0; MDFN_Surface surface; surface.pixels = frame->VideoBuffer; surface.pitch32 = 160; frame->Width = 160; frame->Height = 152; frontend_time = frame->FrontendTime; storeB(0x6f82, frame->Buttons); ngpc_soundTS = 0; NGPFrameSkip = frame->SkipRendering; do { int32 timetime = (uint8)TLCS900h_interpret(); // This is sooo not right, but it's replicating the old behavior(which is necessary // now since I've fixed the TLCS900h core and other places not to truncate cycle counts // internally to 8-bits). Switch to the #if 0'd block of code once we fix cycle counts in the // TLCS900h core(they're all sorts of messed up), and investigate if certain long // instructions are interruptable(by interrupts) and later resumable, RE Rockman Battle // & Fighters voice sample playback. //if(timetime > 255) // printf("%d\n", timetime); // Note: Don't call updateTimers with a time/tick/cycle/whatever count greater than 255. MeowMeow |= updateTimers(&surface, timetime); z80_runtime += timetime; while (z80_runtime > 0) { int z80rantime = Z80_RunOP(); if (z80rantime < 0) // Z80 inactive, so take up all run time! { z80_runtime = 0; break; } z80_runtime -= z80rantime << 1; } } while (!MeowMeow); frame->Cycles = ngpc_soundTS; frame->Samples = MDFNNGPCSOUND_Flush(frame->SoundBuffer, 8192); frame->Lagged = lagged; } static MDFN_COLD bool Load(const uint8* romdata, int32 romlength) { const uint64 fp_size = romlength; if (fp_size > 1024 * 1024 * 8) // 4MiB maximum ROM size, 2* to be a little tolerant of garbage. return false; //throw MDFN_Error(0, _("NGP/NGPC ROM image is too large.")); ngpc_rom.length = fp_size; ngpc_rom.data = (uint8*)alloc_plain(ngpc_rom.length); memcpy(ngpc_rom.data, romdata, romlength); rom_loaded(); //if (!FLASH_LoadNV()) // return false; //MDFNMP_Init(1024, 1024 * 1024 * 16 / 1024); NGPGfx = new NGPGFX_CLASS(); //MDFNGameInfo->fps = (uint32)((uint64)6144000 * 65536 * 256 / 515 / 198); // 3072000 * 2 * 10000 / 515 / 198 MDFNNGPCSOUND_Init(); //MDFNMP_AddRAM(16384, 0x4000, CPUExRAM); SetFRM(); // Set up fast read memory mapping bios_install(); //main_timeaccum = 0; z80_runtime = 0; reset(); MDFNNGPC_SetSoundRate(44100); return true; } } using namespace MDFN_IEN_NGP; int main(void) { return 0; } EXPORT int LoadSystem(const uint8* rom, int romlength, int language) { settings_language = language; return Load(rom, romlength); } EXPORT void SetLayers(int enable) // 1, 2, 4 bg,fg,sprites { NGPGfx->SetLayerEnableMask(enable); } EXPORT void HardReset() { reset(); } EXPORT void SetInputCallback(void (*callback)()) { inputcallback = callback; } EXPORT void SetCommsCallbacks(int (*read_cb)(uint8* buffer), int (*poll_cb)(uint8* buffer), void (*write_cb)(uint8 data)) { comms_read_cb = read_cb; comms_poll_cb = poll_cb; comms_write_cb = write_cb; } EXPORT void GetMemoryAreas(MemoryArea* m) { m[0].Data = CPUExRAM; m[0].Name = "RAM"; m[0].Size = 16384; m[0].Flags = MEMORYAREA_FLAGS_WRITABLE | MEMORYAREA_FLAGS_PRIMARY | MEMORYAREA_FLAGS_WORDSIZE4; m[1].Data = ngpc_rom.data; m[1].Name = "ROM"; m[1].Size = ngpc_rom.length; m[1].Flags = MEMORYAREA_FLAGS_WORDSIZE4; m[2].Data = ngpc_rom.orig_data; m[2].Name = "ORIGINAL ROM"; m[2].Size = ngpc_rom.length; m[2].Flags = MEMORYAREA_FLAGS_WORDSIZE4; } EXPORT bool HasSaveRam() { return FLASH_IsModified(); } EXPORT bool PutSaveRam(const uint8* data, uint32 length) { return FLASH_LoadNV(data, length); } EXPORT void GetSaveRam(void (*callback)(const uint8* data, uint32 length)) { FLASH_SaveNV(callback); }