using System; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Consoles.Nintendo { //AKA half of mapper 034 (the other half is BxROM which is entirely different..) class AVE_NINA_001 : NES.NESBoardBase { //configuration int prg_bank_mask_32k, chr_bank_mask_4k; //state IntBuffer chr_banks_4k = new IntBuffer(2); int prg_bank_32k; public override void Dispose() { base.Dispose(); chr_banks_4k.Dispose(); } public override void SyncState(Serializer ser) { base.SyncState(ser); ser.Sync("chr_banks_4k", ref chr_banks_4k); ser.Sync("prg_bank_32k", ref prg_bank_32k); } public override bool Configure(NES.EDetectionOrigin origin) { switch (Cart.board_type) { case "AVE-NINA-01": //Impossible Mission 2 (U) AssertPrg(64); AssertChr(64); AssertWram(8); AssertVram(0); break; default: return false; } prg_bank_mask_32k = Cart.prg_size / 32 - 1; chr_bank_mask_4k = Cart.chr_size / 4 - 1; SetMirrorType(Cart.pad_h, Cart.pad_v); return true; } public override byte ReadPPU(int addr) { if (addr < 0x2000) { int bank_4k = addr >> 12; int ofs = addr & ((1 << 12) - 1); bank_4k = chr_banks_4k[bank_4k]; addr = (bank_4k << 12) | ofs; return VROM[addr]; } else return base.ReadPPU(addr); } public override byte ReadPRG(int addr) { addr |= (prg_bank_32k << 15); return ROM[addr]; } public override void WriteWRAM(int addr, byte value) { switch (addr) { case 0x1FFD: //$7FFD: Select 32k PRG @ $8000 prg_bank_32k = value; prg_bank_32k &= prg_bank_mask_32k; break; case 0x1FFE: chr_banks_4k[0] = value; chr_banks_4k[0] &= chr_bank_mask_4k; break; case 0x1FFF: chr_banks_4k[1] = value; chr_banks_4k[1] &= chr_bank_mask_4k; break; default: //apparently these regs are patched in over the WRAM.. base.WriteWRAM(addr,value); break; } } } //AKA mapper 079 //historically, mapper 113 is confused with this, but I can't find any need for mapper 113. bootgod's db has nothing for mapper 113 class AVE_NINA_006 : NES.NESBoardBase { //configuration int prg_bank_mask_32k, chr_bank_mask_8k; //bool mirror_control_enabled; //state int chr_bank_8k, prg_bank_32k; public override void SyncState(Serializer ser) { base.SyncState(ser); ser.Sync("chr_bank_8k", ref chr_bank_8k); ser.Sync("prg_bank_32k", ref prg_bank_32k); } public override bool Configure(NES.EDetectionOrigin origin) { //configure switch (Cart.board_type) { case "AVE-NINA-06": //Blackjack (U) case "AVE-NINA-03": //F-15 City War (U) case "AVE-MB-91": //Deathbots (U) AssertPrg(32, 64); AssertChr(32, 64); AssertWram(0); AssertVram(0); break; default: return false; } prg_bank_mask_32k = Cart.prg_size / 32 - 1; chr_bank_mask_8k = Cart.chr_size / 8 - 1; SetMirrorType(Cart.pad_h, Cart.pad_v); prg_bank_32k = 0; return true; } //FCEUX responds to this for PRG writes as well.. ? public override void WriteEXP(int addr, byte value) { addr &= 0x4100; switch (addr) { case 0x0100: //$4100: [.CPP PCCC] chr_bank_8k = (value & 7) | ((value >> 3) & 0x8); chr_bank_8k &= chr_bank_mask_8k; prg_bank_32k = ((value >> 3) & 7); prg_bank_32k &= prg_bank_mask_32k; //if (mirror_control_enabled) SetMirrorType(value.Bit(7) ? EMirrorType.Vertical : EMirrorType.Horizontal); //NES.LogLine("chr={0:X2}, prg={1:X2}, with val={2:X2}", chr_reg, prg_reg, value); break; } } public override byte ReadPRG(int addr) { addr |= (prg_bank_32k << 15); return ROM[addr]; } public override byte ReadPPU(int addr) { if (addr < 0x2000) { addr |= (chr_bank_8k << 13); return VROM[addr]; } else return base.ReadPPU(addr); } } }