using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores { [CoreAttributes("DEBUG ONLY DON'T USE", "natt")] public unsafe class LibRetroEmulator : IEmulator, IVideoProvider { #region callbacks bool retro_environment(LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT cmd, IntPtr data) { switch (cmd) { case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_ROTATION: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.GET_OVERSCAN: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.GET_CAN_DUPE: return true; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_MESSAGE: { LibRetro.retro_message msg = new LibRetro.retro_message(); Marshal.PtrToStructure(data, msg); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg.msg)) Console.WriteLine("LibRetro Message: {0}", msg.msg); return true; } case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SHUTDOWN: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_PERFORMANCE_LEVEL: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.GET_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_PIXEL_FORMAT: { LibRetro.RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT fmt = 0; int[] tmp = new int[1]; Marshal.Copy(data, tmp, 0, 1); fmt = (LibRetro.RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT)tmp[0]; switch (fmt) { case LibRetro.RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT.RGB565: case LibRetro.RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT.XRGB1555: case LibRetro.RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT.XRGB8888: pixelfmt = fmt; Console.WriteLine("New pixel format set: {0}", pixelfmt); return true; default: Console.WriteLine("Unrecognized pixel format: {0}", (int)pixelfmt); return false; } } case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_INPUT_DESCRIPTORS: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_KEYBOARD_CALLBACK: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_DISK_CONTROL_INTERFACE: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_HW_RENDER: // this can be done in principle, but there's no reason to right now return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.GET_VARIABLE: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_VARIABLES: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.GET_VARIABLE_UPDATE: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_SUPPORT_NO_GAME: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.GET_LIBRETRO_PATH: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_AUDIO_CALLBACK: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.SET_FRAME_TIME_CALLBACK: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.GET_RUMBLE_INTERFACE: return false; case LibRetro.RETRO_ENVIRONMENT.GET_INPUT_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES: return false; default: Console.WriteLine("Unknkown retro_environment command {0}", (int)cmd); return false; } } void retro_input_poll() { IsLagFrame = false; } short retro_input_state(uint port, uint device, uint index, uint id) { return 0; } LibRetro.retro_environment_t retro_environment_cb; LibRetro.retro_video_refresh_t retro_video_refresh_cb; LibRetro.retro_audio_sample_t retro_audio_sample_cb; LibRetro.retro_audio_sample_batch_t retro_audio_sample_batch_cb; LibRetro.retro_input_poll_t retro_input_poll_cb; LibRetro.retro_input_state_t retro_input_state_cb; #endregion private LibRetro retro; public static LibRetroEmulator CreateDebug(CoreComm nextComm, byte[] debugfile) { System.IO.TextReader tr = new System.IO.StreamReader(new System.IO.MemoryStream(debugfile, false)); string modulename = tr.ReadLine(); string romname = tr.ReadLine(); byte[] romdata = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(romname); var emu = new LibRetroEmulator(nextComm, modulename); try { if (!emu.Load(romdata)) throw new Exception("LibRetroEmulator.Load() failed"); // ... } catch { emu.Dispose(); throw; } return emu; } public LibRetroEmulator(CoreComm nextComm, string modulename) { retro_environment_cb = new LibRetro.retro_environment_t(retro_environment); retro_video_refresh_cb = new LibRetro.retro_video_refresh_t(retro_video_refresh); retro_audio_sample_cb = new LibRetro.retro_audio_sample_t(retro_audio_sample); retro_audio_sample_batch_cb = new LibRetro.retro_audio_sample_batch_t(retro_audio_sample_batch); retro_input_poll_cb = new LibRetro.retro_input_poll_t(retro_input_poll); retro_input_state_cb = new LibRetro.retro_input_state_t(retro_input_state); retro = new LibRetro(modulename); try { CoreComm = nextComm; LibRetro.retro_system_info sys = new LibRetro.retro_system_info(); retro.retro_get_system_info(ref sys); if (sys.need_fullpath) throw new ArgumentException("This libretro core needs filepaths"); if (sys.block_extract) throw new ArgumentException("This libretro needs non-blocked extract"); retro.retro_set_environment(retro_environment_cb); retro.retro_init(); retro.retro_set_video_refresh(retro_video_refresh_cb); retro.retro_set_audio_sample(retro_audio_sample_cb); retro.retro_set_audio_sample_batch(retro_audio_sample_batch_cb); retro.retro_set_input_poll(retro_input_poll_cb); retro.retro_set_input_state(retro_input_state_cb); } catch { retro.Dispose(); throw; } } public bool Load(byte[] data) { LibRetro.retro_game_info gi = new LibRetro.retro_game_info(); fixed (byte* p = &data[0]) { = (IntPtr)p; gi.meta = ""; gi.path = ""; gi.size = (uint)data.Length; if (!retro.retro_load_game(ref gi)) { Console.WriteLine("retro_load_game() failed"); return false; } savebuff = new byte[retro.retro_serialize_size()]; savebuff2 = new byte[savebuff.Length + 13]; } LibRetro.retro_system_av_info av = new LibRetro.retro_system_av_info(); retro.retro_get_system_av_info(ref av); BufferWidth = (int)av.geometry.base_width; BufferHeight = (int)av.geometry.base_height; vidbuff = new int[av.geometry.max_width * av.geometry.max_height]; dar = av.geometry.aspect_ratio; // TODO: more precise CoreComm.VsyncNum = (int)(10000000 * av.timing.fps); CoreComm.VsyncDen = 10000000; SetupResampler(av.timing.fps, av.timing.sample_rate); return true; } public ControllerDefinition ControllerDefinition { get { return NullEmulator.NullController; } } public IController Controller { get; set; } public void FrameAdvance(bool render, bool rendersound = true) { IsLagFrame = true; Frame++; nsamprecv = 0; retro.retro_run(); Console.WriteLine("[{0}]", nsamprecv); } public int Frame { get; private set; } public int LagCount { get; set; } public bool IsLagFrame { get; private set; } public string SystemId { get { return "TEST"; } } public bool DeterministicEmulation { // who knows get { return true; } } public string BoardName { get { return null; } } #region saveram byte[] saverambuff = new byte[0]; public byte[] CloneSaveRam() { int size = (int)retro.retro_get_memory_size(LibRetro.RETRO_MEMORY.SAVE_RAM); if (saverambuff.Length != size) saverambuff = new byte[size]; IntPtr src = retro.retro_get_memory_data(LibRetro.RETRO_MEMORY.SAVE_RAM); if (src == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Exception("retro_get_memory_data(RETRO_MEMORY_SAVE_RAM) returned NULL"); Marshal.Copy(src, saverambuff, 0, size); return (byte[])saverambuff.Clone(); } public void StoreSaveRam(byte[] data) { int size = (int)retro.retro_get_memory_size(LibRetro.RETRO_MEMORY.SAVE_RAM); if (data.Length != size) throw new Exception("Passed saveram does not match retro_get_memory_size(RETRO_MEMORY_SAVE_RAM"); IntPtr dst = retro.retro_get_memory_data(LibRetro.RETRO_MEMORY.SAVE_RAM); if (dst == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Exception("retro_get_memory_data(RETRO_MEMORY_SAVE_RAM) returned NULL"); Marshal.Copy(data, 0, dst, size); } public void ClearSaveRam() { // this is sort of wrong, because we should be clearing saveram to whatever the default state is // which may or may not be 0-fill int size = (int)retro.retro_get_memory_size(LibRetro.RETRO_MEMORY.SAVE_RAM); IntPtr dst = retro.retro_get_memory_data(LibRetro.RETRO_MEMORY.SAVE_RAM); if (dst == IntPtr.Zero) throw new Exception("retro_get_memory_data(RETRO_MEMORY_SAVE_RAM) returned NULL"); byte* p = (byte*)dst; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) p[i] = 0; } public bool SaveRamModified { get { return true; } set { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } #endregion public void ResetCounters() { Frame = 0; LagCount = 0; IsLagFrame = false; } #region savestates private byte[] savebuff; private byte[] savebuff2; public void SaveStateText(System.IO.TextWriter writer) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void LoadStateText(System.IO.TextReader reader) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SaveStateBinary(System.IO.BinaryWriter writer) { fixed (byte* ptr = &savebuff[0]) { if (!retro.retro_serialize((IntPtr)ptr, (uint)savebuff.Length)) throw new Exception("retro_serialize() failed"); } writer.Write(savebuff.Length); writer.Write(savebuff); // other variables writer.Write(Frame); writer.Write(LagCount); writer.Write(IsLagFrame); } public void LoadStateBinary(System.IO.BinaryReader reader) { int newlen = reader.ReadInt32(); if (newlen > savebuff.Length) throw new Exception("Unexpected buffer size"); reader.Read(savebuff, 0, newlen); fixed (byte* ptr = &savebuff[0]) { if (!retro.retro_unserialize((IntPtr)ptr, (uint)newlen)) throw new Exception("retro_unserialize() failed"); } // other variables Frame = reader.ReadInt32(); LagCount = reader.ReadInt32(); IsLagFrame = reader.ReadBoolean(); } public byte[] SaveStateBinary() { var ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(savebuff2, true); var bw = new System.IO.BinaryWriter(ms); SaveStateBinary(bw); bw.Flush(); ms.Close(); return savebuff2; } public bool BinarySaveStatesPreferred { get { return true; } } #endregion public CoreComm CoreComm { get; private set; } #region memory access void SetupDebuggingStuff() { } public MemoryDomainList MemoryDomains { get; private set; } public Dictionary GetCpuFlagsAndRegisters() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public void SetCpuRegister(string register, int value) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } #endregion public void Dispose() { if (resampler != null) { resampler.Dispose(); resampler = null; } if (retro != null) { retro.Dispose(); retro = null; } } #region ISoundProvider public ISoundProvider SoundProvider { get { return null; } } public ISyncSoundProvider SyncSoundProvider { get { return resampler; } } public bool StartAsyncSound() { return false; } public void EndAsyncSound() { } SpeexResampler resampler; short[] sampbuff = new short[0]; // debug int nsamprecv = 0; void SetupResampler(double fps, double sps) { Console.WriteLine("FPS {0} SPS {1}", fps, sps); // todo: more precise? uint spsnum = (uint)sps * 1000; uint spsden = (uint)1000; resampler = new SpeexResampler(5, 44100 * spsden, spsnum, (uint)sps, 44100, null, null); } void retro_audio_sample(short left, short right) { resampler.EnqueueSample(left, right); nsamprecv++; } uint retro_audio_sample_batch(IntPtr data, uint frames) { if (sampbuff.Length < frames * 2) sampbuff = new short[frames * 2]; Marshal.Copy(data, sampbuff, 0, (int)(frames * 2)); resampler.EnqueueSamples(sampbuff, (int)frames); nsamprecv += (int)frames; // what is the return from this used for? return frames; } #endregion #region IVideoProvider public IVideoProvider VideoProvider { get { return this; } } float dar; int[] vidbuff; LibRetro.RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT pixelfmt = LibRetro.RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT.XRGB1555; void Blit555(short* src, int* dst, int width, int height, int pitch) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { short* row = src; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { short ci = *row; int r = ci & 0x001f; int g = ci & 0x03e0; int b = ci & 0x7c00; r = (r << 3) | (r >> 2); g = (g >> 2) | (g >> 7); b = (b >> 7) | (b >> 12); int co = r | g | b | unchecked((int)0xff000000); *dst = co; dst++; row++; } src += pitch; } } void Blit565(short* src, int* dst, int width, int height, int pitch) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { short* row = src; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { short ci = *row; int r = ci & 0x001f; int g = ci & 0x07e0; int b = ci & 0xf800; r = (r << 3) | (r >> 2); g = (g >> 3) | (g >> 9); b = (b >> 8) | (b >> 13); int co = r | g | b | unchecked((int)0xff000000); *dst = co; dst++; row++; } src += pitch; } } void Blit888(int* src, int* dst, int width, int height, int pitch) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { int* row = src; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { int ci = *row; int co = ci | unchecked((int)0xff000000); *dst = co; dst++; row++; } src += pitch; } } void retro_video_refresh(IntPtr data, uint width, uint height, uint pitch) { if (data == IntPtr.Zero) // dup frame return; if (width * height > vidbuff.Length) { Console.WriteLine("Unexpected libretro video buffer overrun?"); return; } fixed (int* dst = &vidbuff[0]) { if (pixelfmt == LibRetro.RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT.XRGB8888) Blit888((int*)data, dst, (int)width, (int)height, (int)pitch / 4); else if (pixelfmt == LibRetro.RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT.RGB565) Blit565((short*)data, dst, (int)width, (int)height, (int)pitch / 2); else Blit555((short*)data, dst, (int)width, (int)height, (int)pitch / 2); } } public int[] GetVideoBuffer() { return vidbuff; } public int VirtualWidth { get { if (dar > 1.0f) return (int)(BufferWidth * dar); else return BufferWidth; } } public int VirtualHeight { get { if (dar < 1.0f) return (int)(BufferHeight / dar); else return BufferHeight; } } public int BufferWidth { get; private set; } public int BufferHeight { get; private set; } public int BackgroundColor { get { return unchecked((int)0xff000000); } } #endregion public object GetSettings() { return null; } public object GetSyncSettings() { return null; } public bool PutSettings(object o) { return false; } public bool PutSyncSettings(object o) { return false; } } }