// Headless version of PPSSPP, for testing using http://code.google.com/p/pspautotests/ . // See headless.txt. // To build on non-windows systems, just run CMake in the SDL directory, it will build both a normal ppsspp and the headless version. #include #include "Core/Config.h" #include "Core/Core.h" #include "Core/CoreTiming.h" #include "Core/System.h" #include "Core/HLE/sceUtility.h" #include "Core/MIPS/MIPS.h" #include "Core/Host.h" #include "Log.h" #include "LogManager.h" #include "native/input/input_state.h" #include "Compare.h" #include "StubHost.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "Windows/OpenGLBase.h" #include "WindowsHeadlessHost.h" #endif class PrintfLogger : public LogListener { public: void Log(LogTypes::LOG_LEVELS level, const char *msg) { switch (level) { case LogTypes::LVERBOSE: fprintf(stderr, "V %s", msg); break; case LogTypes::LDEBUG: fprintf(stderr, "D %s", msg); break; case LogTypes::LINFO: fprintf(stderr, "I %s", msg); break; case LogTypes::LERROR: fprintf(stderr, "E %s", msg); break; case LogTypes::LWARNING: fprintf(stderr, "W %s", msg); break; case LogTypes::LNOTICE: default: fprintf(stderr, "N %s", msg); break; } } }; struct InputState; // Temporary hack around annoying linking error. void GL_SwapBuffers() { } void NativeUpdate(InputState &input_state) { } void NativeRender() { } #ifndef _WIN32 InputState input_state; #endif void printUsage(const char *progname, const char *reason) { if (reason != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n\n", reason); fprintf(stderr, "PPSSPP Headless\n"); fprintf(stderr, "This is primarily meant as a non-interactive test tool.\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s file.elf [options]\n\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -m, --mount umd.cso mount iso on umd:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -l, --log full log output, not just emulated printfs\n"); HEADLESSHOST_CLASS h1; HeadlessHost h2; if (typeid(h1) != typeid(h2)) { fprintf(stderr, " --graphics use the full gpu backend (slower)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --screenshot=FILE compare against a screenshot\n"); } fprintf(stderr, " -i use the interpreter\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -j use jit (default)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -c, --compare compare with output in file.expected\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\nSee headless.txt for details.\n"); } int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { bool fullLog = false; bool useJit = true; bool autoCompare = false; bool useGraphics = false; const char *bootFilename = 0; const char *mountIso = 0; const char *screenshotFilename = 0; bool readMount = false; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (readMount) { mountIso = argv[i]; readMount = false; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-m") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--mount")) readMount = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-l") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--log")) fullLog = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-i")) useJit = false; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-j")) useJit = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-c") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--compare")) autoCompare = true; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--graphics")) useGraphics = true; else if (!strncmp(argv[i], "--screenshot=", strlen("--screenshot=")) && strlen(argv[i]) > strlen("--screenshot=")) screenshotFilename = argv[i] + strlen("--screenshot="); else if (bootFilename == 0) bootFilename = argv[i]; else { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--help") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-h")) printUsage(argv[0], NULL); else { std::string reason = "Unexpected argument " + std::string(argv[i]); printUsage(argv[0], reason.c_str()); } return 1; } } if (readMount) { printUsage(argv[0], "Missing argument after -m"); return 1; } if (!bootFilename) { printUsage(argv[0], argc <= 1 ? NULL : "No executable specified"); return 1; } HeadlessHost *headlessHost = useGraphics ? new HEADLESSHOST_CLASS() : new HeadlessHost(); host = headlessHost; std::string error_string; bool glWorking = host->InitGL(&error_string); LogManager::Init(); LogManager *logman = LogManager::GetInstance(); PrintfLogger *printfLogger = new PrintfLogger(); for (int i = 0; i < LogTypes::NUMBER_OF_LOGS; i++) { LogTypes::LOG_TYPE type = (LogTypes::LOG_TYPE)i; logman->SetEnable(type, fullLog); logman->SetLogLevel(type, LogTypes::LDEBUG); logman->AddListener(type, printfLogger); } CoreParameter coreParameter; coreParameter.cpuCore = useJit ? CPU_JIT : CPU_INTERPRETER; coreParameter.gpuCore = glWorking ? GPU_GLES : GPU_NULL; coreParameter.enableSound = false; coreParameter.fileToStart = bootFilename; coreParameter.mountIso = mountIso ? mountIso : ""; coreParameter.startPaused = false; coreParameter.enableDebugging = false; coreParameter.printfEmuLog = true; coreParameter.headLess = true; coreParameter.renderWidth = 480; coreParameter.renderHeight = 272; coreParameter.outputWidth = 480; coreParameter.outputHeight = 272; coreParameter.pixelWidth = 480; coreParameter.pixelHeight = 272; coreParameter.unthrottle = true; g_Config.bEnableSound = false; g_Config.bFirstRun = false; g_Config.bIgnoreBadMemAccess = true; // Never report from tests. g_Config.sReportHost = ""; g_Config.bAutoSaveSymbolMap = false; g_Config.bBufferedRendering = true; g_Config.bHardwareTransform = true; #ifdef USING_GLES2 g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 0; #else g_Config.iAnisotropyLevel = 8; #endif g_Config.bVertexCache = true; g_Config.bTrueColor = true; g_Config.ilanguage = PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH; g_Config.iTimeFormat = PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_TIME_FORMAT_24HR; g_Config.bEncryptSave = true; g_Config.sNickName = "shadow"; g_Config.iTimeZone = 60; g_Config.iDateFormat = PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_DATE_FORMAT_DDMMYYYY; g_Config.iButtonPreference = PSP_SYSTEMPARAM_BUTTON_CROSS; g_Config.iLockParentalLevel = 9; #if defined(ANDROID) #elif defined(BLACKBERRY) || defined(__SYMBIAN32__) #elif !defined(_WIN32) g_Config.memCardDirectory = std::string(getenv("HOME"))+"/.ppsspp/"; g_Config.flashDirectory = g_Config.memCardDirectory+"/flash/"; #endif if (!PSP_Init(coreParameter, &error_string)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to start %s. Error: %s\n", coreParameter.fileToStart.c_str(), error_string.c_str()); printf("TESTERROR\n"); return 1; } host->BootDone(); if (screenshotFilename != 0) headlessHost->SetComparisonScreenshot(screenshotFilename); coreState = CORE_RUNNING; while (coreState == CORE_RUNNING) { // Run for a frame at a time, just because. u64 nowTicks = CoreTiming::GetTicks(); u64 frameTicks = usToCycles(1000000/60); mipsr4k.RunLoopUntil(nowTicks + frameTicks); // If we were rendering, this might be a nice time to do something about it. if (coreState == CORE_NEXTFRAME) { coreState = CORE_RUNNING; headlessHost->SwapBuffers(); } } host->ShutdownGL(); PSP_Shutdown(); delete host; host = NULL; headlessHost = NULL; if (autoCompare) CompareOutput(bootFilename); return 0; }