// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #pragma once #include "PSPDialog.h" #include "../Core/MemMap.h" /** * Enumeration for input language */ enum SceUtilityOskInputLanguage { PSP_UTILITY_OSK_LANGUAGE_DEFAULT = 0x00, PSP_UTILITY_OSK_LANGUAGE_JAPANESE = 0x01, PSP_UTILITY_OSK_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH = 0x02, PSP_UTILITY_OSK_LANGUAGE_FRENCH = 0x03, PSP_UTILITY_OSK_LANGUAGE_SPANISH = 0x04, PSP_UTILITY_OSK_LANGUAGE_GERMAN = 0x05, PSP_UTILITY_OSK_LANGUAGE_ITALIAN = 0x06, PSP_UTILITY_OSK_LANGUAGE_DUTCH = 0x07, PSP_UTILITY_OSK_LANGUAGE_PORTUGESE = 0x08, PSP_UTILITY_OSK_LANGUAGE_RUSSIAN = 0x09, PSP_UTILITY_OSK_LANGUAGE_KOREAN = 0x0a }; /** * Enumeration for OSK internal state */ enum SceUtilityOskState { PSP_UTILITY_OSK_DIALOG_NONE = 0, /**< No OSK is currently active */ PSP_UTILITY_OSK_DIALOG_INITING, /**< The OSK is currently being initialized */ PSP_UTILITY_OSK_DIALOG_INITED, /**< The OSK is initialised */ PSP_UTILITY_OSK_DIALOG_VISIBLE, /**< The OSK is visible and ready for use */ PSP_UTILITY_OSK_DIALOG_QUIT, /**< The OSK has been cancelled and should be shut down */ PSP_UTILITY_OSK_DIALOG_FINISHED /**< The OSK has successfully shut down */ }; /** * Enumeration for OSK field results */ enum SceUtilityOskResult { PSP_UTILITY_OSK_RESULT_UNCHANGED = 0, PSP_UTILITY_OSK_RESULT_CANCELLED, PSP_UTILITY_OSK_RESULT_CHANGED }; /** * Enumeration for input types (these are limited by initial choice of language) */ enum SceUtilityOskInputType { PSP_UTILITY_OSK_INPUTTYPE_ALL = 0x00000000, PSP_UTILITY_OSK_INPUTTYPE_LATIN_DIGIT = 0x00000001, PSP_UTILITY_OSK_INPUTTYPE_LATIN_SYMBOL = 0x00000002, PSP_UTILITY_OSK_INPUTTYPE_LATIN_LOWERCASE = 0x00000004, PSP_UTILITY_OSK_INPUTTYPE_LATIN_UPPERCASE = 0x00000008, PSP_UTILITY_OSK_INPUTTYPE_JAPANESE_DIGIT = 0x00000100, PSP_UTILITY_OSK_INPUTTYPE_JAPANESE_SYMBOL = 0x00000200, PSP_UTILITY_OSK_INPUTTYPE_JAPANESE_LOWERCASE = 0x00000400, PSP_UTILITY_OSK_INPUTTYPE_JAPANESE_UPPERCASE = 0x00000800, // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiragana PSP_UTILITY_OSK_INPUTTYPE_JAPANESE_HIRAGANA = 0x00001000, // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katakana // Half-width Katakana PSP_UTILITY_OSK_INPUTTYPE_JAPANESE_HALF_KATAKANA = 0x00002000, PSP_UTILITY_OSK_INPUTTYPE_JAPANESE_KATAKANA = 0x00004000, // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanji PSP_UTILITY_OSK_INPUTTYPE_JAPANESE_KANJI = 0x00008000, PSP_UTILITY_OSK_INPUTTYPE_RUSSIAN_LOWERCASE = 0x00010000, PSP_UTILITY_OSK_INPUTTYPE_RUSSIAN_UPPERCASE = 0x00020000, PSP_UTILITY_OSK_INPUTTYPE_KOREAN = 0x00040000, PSP_UTILITY_OSK_INPUTTYPE_URL = 0x00080000 }; /** * OSK Field data */ struct SceUtilityOskData { /** Unknown. Pass 0. */ int unk_00; /** Unknown. Pass 0. */ int unk_04; /** One of ::SceUtilityOskInputLanguage */ int language; /** Unknown. Pass 0. */ int unk_12; /** One or more of ::SceUtilityOskInputType (types that are selectable by pressing SELECT) */ int inputtype; /** Number of lines */ int lines; /** Unknown. Pass 0. */ int unk_24; /** Description text */ PSPPointer desc; /** Initial text */ PSPPointer intext; // Length, in unsigned shorts, including the terminator. u32 outtextlength; /** Pointer to the output text */ PSPPointer outtext; /** Result. One of ::SceUtilityOskResult */ int result; // Number of characters to allow, not including terminator (if less than outtextlength - 1.) u32 outtextlimit; }; // Parameters to sceUtilityOskInitStart struct SceUtilityOskParams { pspUtilityDialogCommon base; // Number of fields. int fieldCount; // Pointer to an array of fields (see SceUtilityOskData.) PSPPointer fields; SceUtilityOskState state; // Maybe just padding? int unk_60; }; // Internal enum, not from PSP. enum OskKeyboardDisplay { OSK_KEYBOARD_LATIN_LOWERCASE, OSK_KEYBOARD_LATIN_UPPERCASE, OSK_KEYBOARD_HIRAGANA, OSK_KEYBOARD_KATAKANA, OSK_KEYBOARD_KOREAN, OSK_KEYBOARD_RUSSIAN_LOWERCASE, OSK_KEYBOARD_RUSSIAN_UPPERCASE, // TODO: Something to do native? OSK_KEYBOARD_COUNT }; class PSPOskDialog: public PSPDialog { public: PSPOskDialog(); virtual ~PSPOskDialog(); virtual int Init(u32 oskPtr); virtual int Update(); virtual int Shutdown(bool force = false); virtual void DoState(PointerWrap &p); virtual pspUtilityDialogCommon *GetCommonParam(); private: void ConvertUCS2ToUTF8(std::string& _string, const PSPPointer em_address); void ConvertUCS2ToUTF8(std::string& _string, const wchar_t *input); void RenderKeyboard(); std::wstring CombinationString(bool isInput); // for Japanese, Korean std::wstring CombinationKorean(bool isInput); // for Korea void RemoveKorean(); // for Korean character removal u32 FieldMaxLength(); int GetIndex(const wchar_t* src, wchar_t ch); PSPPointer oskParams; std::string oskDesc; std::string oskIntext; std::string oskOuttext; int selectedChar; std::wstring inputChars; OskKeyboardDisplay currentKeyboard; bool isCombinated; int i_level; // for Korean Keyboard support int i_value[3]; // for Korean Keyboard support };