-- M64 reader script -- Translates M64 file movies into button presses for Bizhawk, accounting for lag frames. -- This script will automatically pause at the end of the movie -- This script will not clear the saveram. If a movie requires empty saveram it must be cleared before using this script. -- If you are trying to convert a M64 into BKM format, you can try pausing the emulator and starting recording a movie, then loading this script and letting it run. Beginning a new movie will clear the saveram for you. local m64_filename = forms.openfile(nil,nil,"Mupen Movie Files (*.M64)|*.M64|All Files (*.*)|*.*") console.clear() if m64_filename == "" then console.output("No movie selected. Exiting.") return end console.output("Opening movie for playback: " .. m64_filename) -- Open the file and read past the header data local input_file = assert(io.open(m64_filename, "rb")) local header = input_file:read(0x400) -- Check the file and display some info if string.sub(header,1,3) ~= "M64" or string.byte(header,4) ~= 0x1A then console.output("File signature is not M64\\x1A. This might not be an .m64 movie, but I'll try to play it anyway") end function remove_nulls(s) if string.len(s) == 0 then return s end local i = 1 while string.byte(s,i) ~= 0 and i <= string.len(s) do i = i + 1 end return string.sub(s,1,i-1) end local movie_rom_name = string.sub(header,0x0C5,0x0E4) movie_rom_name = remove_nulls(movie_rom_name) console.output("Rom name: " .. movie_rom_name) local rerecords = string.byte(header,0x11) + string.byte(header,0x12) * 0x100 + string.byte(header,0x13) * 0x10000 + string.byte(header,0x14) * 0x1000000 console.output("# of rerecords: " .. rerecords) local rerecords = string.byte(header,0x0D) + string.byte(header,0x0E) * 0x100 + string.byte(header,0x0F) * 0x10000 + string.byte(header,0x10) * 0x1000000 console.output("# of frames: " .. rerecords) local author_info = string.sub(header,0x223,0x300) author_info = remove_nulls(author_info) console.output("Author: " .. author_info) local description = string.sub(header,0x301,0x400) description = remove_nulls(description) console.output("Description: " .. description) local video_plugin = string.sub(header,0x123,0x162) video_plugin = remove_nulls(video_plugin) console.output("Video Plugin: " .. video_plugin) local audio_plugin = string.sub(header,0x163,0x1A2) audio_plugin = remove_nulls(audio_plugin) console.output("Audio Plugin: " .. audio_plugin) local input_plugin = string.sub(header,0x1A3,0x1E2) input_plugin = remove_nulls(input_plugin) console.output("Input Plugin: " .. input_plugin) local rsp_plugin = string.sub(header,0x1E3,0x222) rsp_plugin = remove_nulls(rsp_plugin) console.output("RSP Plugin: " .. rsp_plugin) -- Flag to note that we've reached the end of the movie local finished = false -- Since m64 movies do not record on lag frames, we need to know if the input was actually used for the current frame local input_was_used = false function input_used() if not finished then input_was_used = true end end event.oninputpoll(input_used) local buttons = { } local X local Y -- Reads in the next frame of data from the movie, or sets the finished flag if no frames are left function read_next_frame() local data = input_file:read(4) if not data or string.len(data) ~= 4 then finished = true return end local byte = string.byte(string.sub(data,1,1)) if bit.band(byte,0x01) ~= 0 then buttons["DPad R"] = true else buttons["DPad R"] = false end if bit.band(byte,0x02) ~= 0 then buttons["DPad L"] = true else buttons["DPad L"] = false end if bit.band(byte,0x04) ~= 0 then buttons["DPad D"] = true else buttons["DPad D"] = false end if bit.band(byte,0x08) ~= 0 then buttons["DPad U"] = true else buttons["DPad U"] = false end if bit.band(byte,0x10) ~= 0 then buttons["Start"] = true else buttons["Start"] = false end if bit.band(byte,0x20) ~= 0 then buttons["Z"] = true else buttons["Z"] = false end if bit.band(byte,0x40) ~= 0 then buttons["B"] = true else buttons["B"] = false end if bit.band(byte,0x80) ~= 0 then buttons["A"] = true else buttons["A"] = false end byte = string.byte(string.sub(data,2,2)) if bit.band(byte,0x01) ~= 0 then buttons["C Right"] = true else buttons["C Right"] = false end if bit.band(byte,0x02) ~= 0 then buttons["C Left"] = true else buttons["C Left"] = false end if bit.band(byte,0x04) ~= 0 then buttons["C Down"] = true else buttons["C Down"] = false end if bit.band(byte,0x08) ~= 0 then buttons["C Up"] = true else buttons["C Up"] = false end if bit.band(byte,0x10) ~= 0 then buttons["R"] = true else buttons["R"] = false end if bit.band(byte,0x20) ~= 0 then buttons["L"] = true else buttons["L"] = false end X = string.byte(string.sub(data,3,3)) if X > 127 then X = X - 256 end Y = string.byte(string.sub(data,4,4)) if Y > 127 then Y = Y - 256 end end while true do -- Only read the next frame of data if the last one was used if input_was_used and not finished then read_next_frame() input_was_used = false end if not finished then joypad.set(buttons, 1) local analogs = { ["X Axis"] = X, ["Y Axis"] = Y } joypad.setanalog(analogs, 1) end if finished then console.output("Movie finished") client.pause() return end emu.frameadvance() end