using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using BizHawk.Common; using BizHawk.Client.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.DiscSystem; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Computers.Commodore64; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Calculators; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.Atari2600; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.Atari7800; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.ColecoVision; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Intellivision; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.PCEngine; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.NES; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.SNES; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.N64; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.Gameboy; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.GBA; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Sega.MasterSystem; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Sega.Genesis; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Sega.Saturn; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Sony.PSX; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Sony.PSP; namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk { public partial class MainForm : Form { #region Constructors and Initialization, and Tear down private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Text = "BizHawk" + (VersionInfo.INTERIM ? " (interim) " : ""); //Hide Status bar icons PlayRecordStatusButton.Visible = false; AVIStatusLabel.Visible = false; SetPauseStatusbarIcon(); UpdateCheatStatus(); RebootStatusBarIcon.Visible = false; } static MainForm() { //if this isnt here, then our assemblyresolving hacks wont work due to the check for MainForm.INTERIM //its.. weird. dont ask. } public MainForm(string[] args) { GlobalWin.MainForm = this; Global.FirmwareManager = new FirmwareManager(); Global.MovieSession = new MovieSession { Movie = new Movie(), MessageCallback = GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage, AskYesNoCallback = StateErrorAskUser }; _mainWait = new AutoResetEvent(false); Icon = Properties.Resources.logo; InitializeComponent(); Global.Game = GameInfo.GetNullGame(); if (Global.Config.ShowLogWindow) { ShowConsole(); DisplayLogWindowMenuItem.Checked = true; } _throttle = new Throttle(); FFMpeg.FFMpegPath = PathManager.MakeProgramRelativePath(Global.Config.FFMpegPath); Global.CheatList = new CheatCollection(); Global.CheatList.Changed += ToolHelpers.UpdateCheatRelatedTools; UpdateStatusSlots(); UpdateKeyPriorityIcon(); //in order to allow late construction of this database, we hook up a delegate here to dearchive the data and provide it on demand //we could background thread this later instead if we wanted to be real clever NES.BootGodDB.GetDatabaseBytes = () => { using (var NesCartFile = new HawkFile(Path.Combine(PathManager.GetExeDirectoryAbsolute(), "gamedb", "NesCarts.7z")).BindFirst()) return Util.ReadAllBytes(NesCartFile.GetStream()); }; Database.LoadDatabase(Path.Combine(PathManager.GetExeDirectoryAbsolute(), "gamedb", "gamedb.txt")); SyncPresentationMode(); Load += (o, e) => { AllowDrop = true; DragEnter += FormDragEnter; DragDrop += FormDragDrop; }; Closing += (o, e) => { if (GlobalWin.Tools.AskSave()) { Global.CheatList.SaveOnClose(); CloseGame(); Global.MovieSession.Movie.Stop(); GlobalWin.Tools.Close(); SaveConfig(); } else { e.Cancel = true; } }; ResizeBegin += (o, e) => { if (GlobalWin.Sound != null) GlobalWin.Sound.StopSound(); }; ResizeEnd += (o, e) => { if (GlobalWin.RenderPanel != null) GlobalWin.RenderPanel.Resized = true; if (GlobalWin.Sound != null) GlobalWin.Sound.StartSound(); }; Input.Initialize(); InitControls(); Global.CoreComm = new CoreComm(ShowMessageCoreComm); CoreFileProvider.SyncCoreCommInputSignals(); Global.Emulator = new NullEmulator(Global.CoreComm); Global.ActiveController = Global.NullControls; Global.AutoFireController = Global.AutofireNullControls; Global.AutofireStickyXORAdapter.SetOnOffPatternFromConfig(); #if WINDOWS GlobalWin.Sound = new Sound(Handle, GlobalWin.DSound); #else Global.Sound = new Sound(); #endif GlobalWin.Sound.StartSound(); RewireInputChain(); GlobalWin.Tools = new ToolManager(); RewireSound(); //TODO - replace this with some kind of standard dictionary-yielding parser in a separate component string cmdRom = null; string cmdLoadState = null; string cmdMovie = null; string cmdDumpType = null; string cmdDumpName = null; if (Global.Config.MainWndx >= 0 && Global.Config.MainWndy >= 0 && Global.Config.SaveWindowPosition) { Location = new Point(Global.Config.MainWndx, Global.Config.MainWndy); } for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { //for some reason sometimes visual studio will pass this to us on the commandline. it makes no sense. if (args[i] == ">") { i++; string stdout = args[i]; Console.SetOut(new StreamWriter(stdout)); continue; } string arg = args[i].ToLower(); if (arg.StartsWith("--load-slot=")) { cmdLoadState = arg.Substring(arg.IndexOf('=') + 1); } else if (arg.StartsWith("--movie=")) { cmdMovie = arg.Substring(arg.IndexOf('=') + 1); } else if (arg.StartsWith("--dump-type=")) { cmdDumpType = arg.Substring(arg.IndexOf('=') + 1); } else if (arg.StartsWith("--dump-name=")) { cmdDumpName = arg.Substring(arg.IndexOf('=') + 1); } else if (arg.StartsWith("--dump-length=")) { int.TryParse(arg.Substring(arg.IndexOf('=') + 1), out _autoDumpLength); } else if (arg.StartsWith("--dump-close")) { autoCloseOnDump = true; } else if (arg.StartsWith("--fullscreen")) { ToggleFullscreen(); } else { cmdRom = arg; } } if (cmdRom != null) { //Commandline should always override auto-load LoadRom(cmdRom); if (Global.Game == null) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to load " + cmdRom + " specified on commandline"); } } else if (Global.Config.RecentRoms.AutoLoad && !Global.Config.RecentRoms.Empty) { LoadRomFromRecent(Global.Config.RecentRoms[0]); } if (cmdMovie != null) { if (Global.Game == null) { OpenRom(); } else { var movie = new Movie(cmdMovie); Global.MovieSession.ReadOnly = true; // if user is dumping and didnt supply dump length, make it as long as the loaded movie if (_autoDumpLength == 0) { _autoDumpLength = movie.InputLogLength; } StartNewMovie(movie, false); Global.Config.RecentMovies.Add(cmdMovie); } } else if (Global.Config.RecentMovies.AutoLoad && !Global.Config.RecentMovies.Empty) { if (Global.Game == null) { OpenRom(); } else { StartNewMovie(new Movie(Global.Config.RecentMovies[0]), false); } } if (cmdLoadState != null && Global.Game != null) { LoadState("QuickSave" + cmdLoadState); } else if (Global.Config.AutoLoadLastSaveSlot && Global.Game != null) { LoadState("QuickSave" + Global.Config.SaveSlot); } if (Global.Config.RecentWatches.AutoLoad) { GlobalWin.Tools.LoadRamWatch(!Global.Config.DisplayRamWatch); } if (Global.Config.RecentSearches.AutoLoad) { GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); } if (Global.Config.AutoLoadHexEditor) { GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); } if (Global.Config.RecentCheats.AutoLoad) { GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); } if (Global.Config.AutoLoadNESPPU && Global.Emulator is NES) { GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); } if (Global.Config.AutoLoadNESNameTable && Global.Emulator is NES) { GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); } if (Global.Config.AutoLoadNESDebugger && Global.Emulator is NES) { GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); } if (Global.Config.NESGGAutoload && Global.Emulator is NES) { LoadGameGenieEc(); } if (Global.Config.AutoLoadGBGPUView && Global.Emulator is Gameboy) { GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); } if (Global.Config.AutoloadTAStudio) { LoadTAStudio(); } if (Global.Config.AutoloadVirtualPad) { GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); } if (Global.Config.AutoLoadLuaConsole) { OpenLuaConsole(); } if (Global.Config.PCEBGViewerAutoload && Global.Emulator is PCEngine) { GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); } if (Global.Config.AutoLoadSNESGraphicsDebugger && Global.Emulator is LibsnesCore) { GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); } if (Global.Config.TraceLoggerAutoLoad) { if (Global.CoreComm.CpuTraceAvailable) { LoadTraceLogger(); } } if (Global.Config.DisplayStatusBar == false) { MainStatusBar.Visible = false; } else { DisplayStatusBarMenuItem.Checked = true; } if (Global.Config.StartPaused) { PauseEmulator(); } if (!VersionInfo.INTERIM) { NESDebuggerMenuItem.Enabled = false; } // start dumping, if appropriate if (cmdDumpType != null && cmdDumpName != null) { RecordAVI(cmdDumpType, cmdDumpName); } UpdateStatusSlots(); _renderTarget.Paint += (o, e) => { GlobalWin.DisplayManager.NeedsToPaint = true; }; } public void ProgramRunLoop() { CheckMessages(); LogConsole.PositionConsole(); for (; ; ) { Input.Instance.Update(); //handle events and dispatch as a hotkey action, or a hotkey button, or an input button ProcessInput(); Global.ClientControls.LatchFromPhysical(GlobalWin.HotkeyCoalescer); Global.ActiveController.LatchFromPhysical(GlobalWin.ControllerInputCoalescer); Global.ActiveController.OR_FromLogical(Global.ClickyVirtualPadController); Global.AutoFireController.LatchFromPhysical(GlobalWin.ControllerInputCoalescer); if (Global.ClientControls["Autohold"]) { Global.StickyXORAdapter.MassToggleStickyState(Global.ActiveController.PressedButtons); Global.AutofireStickyXORAdapter.MassToggleStickyState(Global.AutoFireController.PressedButtons); } else if (Global.ClientControls["Autofire"]) { Global.AutofireStickyXORAdapter.MassToggleStickyState(Global.ActiveController.PressedButtons); } if (GlobalWin.Tools.Has()) { GlobalWin.Tools.LuaConsole.ResumeScripts(false); } StepRunLoop_Core(); StepRunLoop_Throttle(); if (GlobalWin.DisplayManager.NeedsToPaint) { Render(); } CheckMessages(); if (_exit) { break; } Thread.Sleep(0); } Shutdown(); } /// /// Clean up any resources being used. /// /// true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (GlobalWin.DisplayManager != null) GlobalWin.DisplayManager.Dispose(); GlobalWin.DisplayManager = null; if (disposing && (components != null)) { components.Dispose(); } base.Dispose(disposing); } #endregion` #region Properties public string CurrentlyOpenRom; public bool PauseAVI = false; public bool PressFrameAdvance = false; public bool PressRewind = false; public bool FastForward = false; public bool TurboFastForward = false; public bool RestoreReadWriteOnStop = false; public bool UpdateFrame = false; public bool RewindActive = true; public bool EmulatorPaused { get; private set; } #endregion #region Public Methods public void FlagNeedsReboot() { RebootStatusBarIcon.Visible = true; GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("Core reboot needed for this setting"); } /// /// Controls whether the app generates input events. should be turned off for most modal dialogs /// public bool AllowInput { get { //the main form gets input if (ActiveForm == this) return true; //modals that need to capture input for binding purposes get input, of course if (ActiveForm is HotkeyConfig) return true; if (ActiveForm is ControllerConfig) return true; if (ActiveForm is TAStudio) return true; if (ActiveForm is VirtualPadForm) return true; //if no form is active on this process, then the background input setting applies if (ActiveForm == null && Global.Config.AcceptBackgroundInput) return true; return false; } } public void ProcessInput() { for (; ; ) { //loop through all available events var ie = Input.Instance.DequeueEvent(); if (ie == null) { break; } //useful debugging: //Console.WriteLine(ie); //TODO - wonder what happens if we pop up something interactive as a response to one of these hotkeys? may need to purge further processing //look for hotkey bindings for this key var triggers = Global.ClientControls.SearchBindings(ie.LogicalButton.ToString()); if (triggers.Count == 0) { //bool sys_hotkey = false; //maybe it is a system alt-key which hasnt been overridden if (ie.EventType == Input.InputEventType.Press) { if (ie.LogicalButton.Alt && ie.LogicalButton.Button.Length == 1) { var c = ie.LogicalButton.Button.ToLower()[0]; if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || c == ' ') { SendAltKeyChar(c); //sys_hotkey = true; } } if (ie.LogicalButton.Alt && ie.LogicalButton.Button == "Space") { SendPlainAltKey(32); //sys_hotkey = true; } } //ordinarily, an alt release with nothing else would move focus to the menubar. but that is sort of useless, and hard to implement exactly right. //???????????? //no hotkeys or system keys bound this, so mutate it to an unmodified key and assign it for use as a game controller input //(we have a rule that says: modified events may be used for game controller inputs but not hotkeys) //if (!sys_hotkey) //{ // var mutated_ie = new Input.InputEvent(); // mutated_ie.EventType = ie.EventType; // mutated_ie.LogicalButton = ie.LogicalButton; // mutated_ie.LogicalButton.Modifiers = Input.ModifierKey.None; // Global.ControllerInputCoalescer.Receive(ie); //} } //zero 09-sep-2012 - all input is eligible for controller input. not sure why the above was done. //maybe because it doesnt make sense to me to bind hotkeys and controller inputs to the same keystrokes //adelikat 02-dec-2012 - implemented options for how to handle controller vs hotkey conflicts. This is primarily motivated by computer emulation and thus controller being nearly the entire keyboard bool handled; switch (Global.Config.Input_Hotkey_OverrideOptions) { default: case 0: //Both allowed GlobalWin.ControllerInputCoalescer.Receive(ie); handled = false; if (ie.EventType == Input.InputEventType.Press) { handled = triggers.Aggregate(handled, (current, trigger) => current | CheckHotkey(trigger)); } //hotkeys which arent handled as actions get coalesced as pollable virtual client buttons if (!handled) { GlobalWin.HotkeyCoalescer.Receive(ie); } break; case 1: //Input overrides Hokeys GlobalWin.ControllerInputCoalescer.Receive(ie); bool inputisbound = Global.ActiveController.HasBinding(ie.LogicalButton.ToString()); if (!inputisbound) { handled = false; if (ie.EventType == Input.InputEventType.Press) { handled = triggers.Aggregate(handled, (current, trigger) => current | CheckHotkey(trigger)); } //hotkeys which arent handled as actions get coalesced as pollable virtual client buttons if (!handled) { GlobalWin.HotkeyCoalescer.Receive(ie); } } break; case 2: //Hotkeys override Input handled = false; if (ie.EventType == Input.InputEventType.Press) { handled = triggers.Aggregate(handled, (current, trigger) => current | CheckHotkey(trigger)); } //hotkeys which arent handled as actions get coalesced as pollable virtual client buttons if (!handled) { GlobalWin.HotkeyCoalescer.Receive(ie); GlobalWin.ControllerInputCoalescer.Receive(ie); } break; } } //foreach event // also handle floats GlobalWin.ControllerInputCoalescer.AcceptNewFloats(Input.Instance.GetFloats()); } public void RebootCore() { LoadRom(CurrentlyOpenRom); } public void PauseEmulator() { EmulatorPaused = true; SetPauseStatusbarIcon(); } public void UnpauseEmulator() { EmulatorPaused = false; SetPauseStatusbarIcon(); } public void TogglePause() { EmulatorPaused ^= true; SetPauseStatusbarIcon(); } public string GenerateDefaultCheatFilename() { PathEntry pathEntry = Global.Config.PathEntries[Global.Game.System, "Cheats"]; if (pathEntry == null) { pathEntry = Global.Config.PathEntries[Global.Game.System, "Base"]; } string path = PathManager.MakeAbsolutePath(pathEntry.Path, Global.Game.System); var f = new FileInfo(path); if (f.Directory != null && f.Directory.Exists == false) { f.Directory.Create(); } return Path.Combine(path, PathManager.FilesystemSafeName(Global.Game) + ".cht"); } public void TakeScreenshotToClipboard() { using (var img = Global.Config.Screenshot_CaptureOSD ? CaptureOSD() : MakeScreenshotImage()) { Clipboard.SetImage(img); } GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("Screenshot saved to clipboard."); } public void TakeScreenshot() { string path = String.Format(PathManager.ScreenshotPrefix(Global.Game) + ".{0:yyyy-MM-dd}.png", DateTime.Now); TakeScreenshot(path); } public void TakeScreenshot(string path) { var fi = new FileInfo(path); if (fi.Directory != null && fi.Directory.Exists == false) fi.Directory.Create(); using (var img = Global.Config.Screenshot_CaptureOSD ? CaptureOSD() : MakeScreenshotImage()) { img.Save(fi.FullName, ImageFormat.Png); } GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage(fi.Name + " saved."); } public void LoadGameGenieEc() { if (Global.Emulator is NES) { GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); } else if (Global.Emulator is LibsnesCore) { GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); } else if ((Global.Emulator.SystemId == "GB") || (Global.Game.System == "GG")) { GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); } else if (Global.Emulator is Genesis) { GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); } } public void LoadTraceLogger() { if (Global.Emulator.CoreComm.CpuTraceAvailable) { GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); } } public void FrameBufferResized() { // run this entire thing exactly twice, since the first resize may adjust the menu stacking for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { var video = Global.Emulator.VideoProvider; int zoom = Global.Config.TargetZoomFactor; var area = Screen.FromControl(this).WorkingArea; int borderWidth = Size.Width - _renderTarget.Size.Width; int borderHeight = Size.Height - _renderTarget.Size.Height; // start at target zoom and work way down until we find acceptable zoom for (; zoom >= 1; zoom--) { if ((((video.BufferWidth * zoom) + borderWidth) < area.Width) && (((video.BufferHeight * zoom) + borderHeight) < area.Height)) break; } // Change size Size = new Size((video.BufferWidth * zoom) + borderWidth, (video.BufferHeight * zoom + borderHeight)); PerformLayout(); GlobalWin.RenderPanel.Resized = true; // Is window off the screen at this size? if (area.Contains(Bounds) == false) { if (Bounds.Right > area.Right) // Window is off the right edge Location = new Point(area.Right - Size.Width, Location.Y); if (Bounds.Bottom > area.Bottom) // Window is off the bottom edge Location = new Point(Location.X, area.Bottom - Size.Height); } } } public void ToggleFullscreen() { if (_inFullscreen == false) { _windowed_location = Location; FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; if (Global.Config.ShowMenuInFullscreen) MainMenuStrip.Visible = true; else MainMenuStrip.Visible = false; MainStatusBar.Visible = false; PerformLayout(); GlobalWin.RenderPanel.Resized = true; _inFullscreen = true; } else { FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.Sizable; WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; MainMenuStrip.Visible = true; MainStatusBar.Visible = Global.Config.DisplayStatusBar; Location = _windowed_location; PerformLayout(); FrameBufferResized(); _inFullscreen = false; } } public void LoadTAStudio() { GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); } public void OpenLuaConsole() { #if WINDOWS GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); #else MessageBox.Show("Sorry, Lua is not supported on this platform.", "Lua not supported", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); #endif } public void NotifyLogWindowClosing() { DisplayLogWindowMenuItem.Checked = false; LogWindowAsConsoleMenuItem.Enabled = true; } public void SetNesSoundChannels() { NES nes = Global.Emulator as NES; nes.SetSquare1(Global.Config.NESSquare1); nes.SetSquare2(Global.Config.NESSquare2); nes.SetTriangle(Global.Config.NESTriangle); nes.SetNoise(Global.Config.NESNoise); nes.SetDMC(Global.Config.NESDMC); } public void ClickSpeedItem(int num) { if ((ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) != 0) SetSpeedPercentAlternate(num); else SetSpeedPercent(num); } public void FrameSkipMessage() { GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("Frameskipping set to " + Global.Config.FrameSkip); } public void UpdateCheatStatus() { if (Global.CheatList.ActiveCount > 0) { CheatStatusButton.ToolTipText = "Cheats are currently active"; CheatStatusButton.Image = Properties.Resources.Freeze; CheatStatusButton.Visible = true; } else { CheatStatusButton.ToolTipText = String.Empty; CheatStatusButton.Image = Properties.Resources.Blank; CheatStatusButton.Visible = false; } } public void SNES_ToggleBG1(bool? setto = null) { if (!(Global.Emulator is LibsnesCore)) return; if (setto.HasValue) { Global.Config.SNES_ShowBG1_1 = Global.Config.SNES_ShowBG1_0 = setto.Value; } else { Global.Config.SNES_ShowBG1_1 = Global.Config.SNES_ShowBG1_0 ^= true; } CoreFileProvider.SyncCoreCommInputSignals(); GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage(Global.Config.SNES_ShowBG1_1 ? "BG 1 Layer On" : "BG 1 Layer Off"); } public void SNES_ToggleBG2(bool? setto = null) { if (!(Global.Emulator is LibsnesCore)) return; if (setto.HasValue) { Global.Config.SNES_ShowBG2_1 = Global.Config.SNES_ShowBG2_0 = setto.Value; } else { Global.Config.SNES_ShowBG2_1 = Global.Config.SNES_ShowBG2_0 ^= true; } CoreFileProvider.SyncCoreCommInputSignals(); GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage(Global.Config.SNES_ShowBG2_1 ? "BG 2 Layer On" : "BG 2 Layer Off"); } public void SNES_ToggleBG3(bool? setto = null) { if (!(Global.Emulator is LibsnesCore)) return; if (setto.HasValue) { Global.Config.SNES_ShowBG3_1 = Global.Config.SNES_ShowBG3_0 = setto.Value; } else { Global.Config.SNES_ShowBG3_1 = Global.Config.SNES_ShowBG3_0 ^= true; } CoreFileProvider.SyncCoreCommInputSignals(); GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage(Global.Config.SNES_ShowBG3_1 ? "BG 3 Layer On" : "BG 3 Layer Off"); } public void SNES_ToggleBG4(bool? setto = null) { if (!(Global.Emulator is LibsnesCore)) return; if (setto.HasValue) { Global.Config.SNES_ShowBG4_1 = Global.Config.SNES_ShowBG4_0 = setto.Value; } else { Global.Config.SNES_ShowBG4_1 = Global.Config.SNES_ShowBG4_0 ^= true; } CoreFileProvider.SyncCoreCommInputSignals(); GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage(Global.Config.SNES_ShowBG4_1 ? "BG 4 Layer On" : "BG 4 Layer Off"); } public void SNES_ToggleOBJ1(bool? setto = null) { if (!(Global.Emulator is LibsnesCore)) return; if (setto.HasValue) { Global.Config.SNES_ShowOBJ1 = setto.Value; } else { Global.Config.SNES_ShowOBJ1 ^= true; } CoreFileProvider.SyncCoreCommInputSignals(); GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage(Global.Config.SNES_ShowOBJ1 ? "OBJ 1 Layer On" : "OBJ 1 Layer Off"); } public void SNES_ToggleOBJ2(bool? setto = null) { if (!(Global.Emulator is LibsnesCore)) return; if (setto.HasValue) { Global.Config.SNES_ShowOBJ2 = setto.Value; } else { Global.Config.SNES_ShowOBJ2 ^= true; } CoreFileProvider.SyncCoreCommInputSignals(); GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage(Global.Config.SNES_ShowOBJ2 ? "OBJ 2 Layer On" : "OBJ 2 Layer Off"); } public void SNES_ToggleOBJ3(bool? setto = null) { if (!(Global.Emulator is LibsnesCore)) return; if (setto.HasValue) { Global.Config.SNES_ShowOBJ3 = setto.Value; } else { Global.Config.SNES_ShowOBJ3 ^= true; } CoreFileProvider.SyncCoreCommInputSignals(); GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage(Global.Config.SNES_ShowOBJ3 ? "OBJ 3 Layer On" : "OBJ 3 Layer Off"); } public void SNES_ToggleOBJ4(bool? setto = null) { if (!(Global.Emulator is LibsnesCore)) return; if (setto.HasValue) { Global.Config.SNES_ShowOBJ4 = setto.Value; } else { Global.Config.SNES_ShowOBJ4 ^= true; } CoreFileProvider.SyncCoreCommInputSignals(); GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage(Global.Config.SNES_ShowOBJ4 ? "OBJ 4 Layer On" : "OBJ 4 Layer Off"); } #endregion #region Private variables private int _lastWidth = -1; private int _lastHeight = -1; private Control _renderTarget; private RetainedViewportPanel _retainedPanel; private readonly SaveSlotManager _stateSlots = new SaveSlotManager(); private readonly Dictionary _snesPrepared = new Dictionary(); //avi/wav state private IVideoWriter _currAviWriter; private ISoundProvider _aviSoundInput; private MetaspuSoundProvider _dumpProxy; //an audio proxy used for dumping private long _soundRemainder; //audio timekeeping for video dumping private int _avwriterResizew; private int _avwriterResizeh; private EventWaitHandle _mainWait; private bool _exit; private bool _runloopFrameProgress; private DateTime FrameAdvanceTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue; private int _runloopFps; private int _runloopLastFps; private bool _runloopFrameadvance; private DateTime _runloopSecond; private bool _runloopLastFf; private readonly Throttle _throttle; private bool _unthrottled; //For handling automatic pausing when entering the menu private bool _wasPaused; private bool _didMenuPause; private bool _inFullscreen; private Point _windowed_location; private int _autoDumpLength; private readonly bool autoCloseOnDump; private int _lastOpenRomFilter; // workaround for possible memory leak in SysdrawingRenderPanel private RetainedViewportPanel captureosd_rvp; private SysdrawingRenderPanel captureosd_srp; #endregion #region Private methods private static void UpdateToolsLoadstate() { if (GlobalWin.Tools.Has()) { GlobalWin.Tools.SNESGraphicsDebugger.UpdateToolsLoadstate(); } } private void UpdateToolsAfter(bool fromLua = false) { GlobalWin.Tools.UpdateToolsAfter(fromLua); HandleToggleLight(); } private static void ClearAutohold() { Global.StickyXORAdapter.ClearStickies(); Global.AutofireStickyXORAdapter.ClearStickies(); if (GlobalWin.Tools.Has()) { GlobalWin.Tools.VirtualPad.ClearVirtualPadHolds(); } GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("Autohold keys cleared"); } private bool CheckHotkey(string trigger) { //todo - could have these in a table somehow ? switch (trigger) { default: return false; case "Pause": TogglePause(); break; case "Toggle Throttle": _unthrottled ^= true; GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("Unthrottled: " + _unthrottled); break; case "Soft Reset": SoftReset(); break; case "Hard Reset": HardReset(); break; case "Quick Load": LoadState("QuickSave" + Global.Config.SaveSlot); break; case "Quick Save": SaveState("QuickSave" + Global.Config.SaveSlot); break; case "Clear Autohold": ClearAutohold(); break; case "Screenshot": TakeScreenshot(); break; case "Full Screen": ToggleFullscreen(); break; case "Open ROM": OpenRom(); break; case "Close ROM": CloseRom(); break; case "Display FPS": ToggleFPS(); break; case "Frame Counter": ToggleFrameCounter(); break; case "Lag Counter": ToggleLagCounter(); break; case "Input Display": ToggleInputDisplay(); break; case "Toggle BG Input": ToggleBackgroundInput(); break; case "Toggle Menu": MainMenuStrip.Visible ^= true; break; case "Volume Up": VolumeUp(); break; case "Volume Down": VolumeDown(); break; case "Record A/V": RecordAVI(); break; case "Stop A/V": StopAVI(); break; case "Larger Window": IncreaseWindowSize(); break; case "Smaller Window": DecreaseWIndowSize(); break; case "Increase Speed": IncreaseSpeed(); break; case "Decrease Speed": DecreaseSpeed(); break; case "Reboot Core": bool autoSaveState = Global.Config.AutoSavestates; Global.Config.AutoSavestates = false; LoadRom(CurrentlyOpenRom); Global.Config.AutoSavestates = autoSaveState; break; case "Save State 0": SaveState("QuickSave0"); break; case "Save State 1": SaveState("QuickSave1"); break; case "Save State 2": SaveState("QuickSave2"); break; case "Save State 3": SaveState("QuickSave3"); break; case "Save State 4": SaveState("QuickSave4"); break; case "Save State 5": SaveState("QuickSave5"); break; case "Save State 6": SaveState("QuickSave6"); break; case "Save State 7": SaveState("QuickSave7"); break; case "Save State 8": SaveState("QuickSave8"); break; case "Save State 9": SaveState("QuickSave9"); break; case "Load State 0": LoadState("QuickSave0"); break; case "Load State 1": LoadState("QuickSave1"); break; case "Load State 2": LoadState("QuickSave2"); break; case "Load State 3": LoadState("QuickSave3"); break; case "Load State 4": LoadState("QuickSave4"); break; case "Load State 5": LoadState("QuickSave5"); break; case "Load State 6": LoadState("QuickSave6"); break; case "Load State 7": LoadState("QuickSave7"); break; case "Load State 8": LoadState("QuickSave8"); break; case "Load State 9": LoadState("QuickSave9"); break; case "Select State 0": SelectSlot(0); break; case "Select State 1": SelectSlot(1); break; case "Select State 2": SelectSlot(2); break; case "Select State 3": SelectSlot(3); break; case "Select State 4": SelectSlot(4); break; case "Select State 5": SelectSlot(5); break; case "Select State 6": SelectSlot(6); break; case "Select State 7": SelectSlot(7); break; case "Select State 8": SelectSlot(8); break; case "Select State 9": SelectSlot(9); break; case "Save Named State": SaveStateAs(); break; case "Load Named State": LoadStateAs(); break; case "Previous Slot": PreviousSlot(); break; case "Next Slot": NextSlot(); break; case "Toggle read-only": ToggleReadOnly(); break; case "Play Movie": LoadPlayMovieDialog(); break; case "Record Movie": LoadRecordMovieDialog(); break; case "Stop Movie": StopMovie(); break; case "Play from beginning": RestartMovie(); break; case "Save Movie": SaveMovie(); break; case "Toggle MultiTrack": if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsActive) { if (Global.Config.VBAStyleMovieLoadState) { GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("Multi-track can not be used in Full Movie Loadstates mode"); } else { Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.IsActive = !Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.IsActive; if (Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.IsActive) { GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("MultiTrack Enabled"); GlobalWin.OSD.MT = "Recording None"; } else { GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("MultiTrack Disabled"); } Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.RecordAll = false; Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.CurrentPlayer = 0; } } else { GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("MultiTrack cannot be enabled while not recording."); } GlobalWin.DisplayManager.NeedsToPaint = true; break; case "MT Select All": Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.CurrentPlayer = 0; Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.RecordAll = true; GlobalWin.OSD.MT = "Recording All"; GlobalWin.DisplayManager.NeedsToPaint = true; break; case "MT Select None": Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.CurrentPlayer = 0; Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.RecordAll = false; GlobalWin.OSD.MT = "Recording None"; GlobalWin.DisplayManager.NeedsToPaint = true; break; case "MT Increment Player": Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.CurrentPlayer++; Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.RecordAll = false; if (Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.CurrentPlayer > 5) //TODO: Replace with console's maximum or current maximum players??! { Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.CurrentPlayer = 1; } GlobalWin.OSD.MT = "Recording Player " + Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.CurrentPlayer; GlobalWin.DisplayManager.NeedsToPaint = true; break; case "MT Decrement Player": Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.CurrentPlayer--; Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.RecordAll = false; if (Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.CurrentPlayer < 1) { Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.CurrentPlayer = 5;//TODO: Replace with console's maximum or current maximum players??! } GlobalWin.OSD.MT = "Recording Player " + Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.CurrentPlayer; GlobalWin.DisplayManager.NeedsToPaint = true; break; case "Movie Poke": ToggleModePokeMode(); break; case "Ram Watch": GlobalWin.Tools.LoadRamWatch(true); break; case "Ram Search": GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); break; case "Hex Editor": GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); break; case "Trace Logger": LoadTraceLogger(); break; case "Lua Console": OpenLuaConsole(); break; case "Cheats": GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); break; case "TAStudio": LoadTAStudio(); break; case "ToolBox": GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); break; case "Virtual Pad": GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); break; case "Do Search": GlobalWin.Tools.RamSearch.DoSearch(); break; case "New Search": GlobalWin.Tools.RamSearch.NewSearch(); break; case "Previous Compare To": GlobalWin.Tools.RamSearch.NextCompareTo(reverse: true); break; case "Next Compare To": GlobalWin.Tools.RamSearch.NextCompareTo(); break; case "Previous Operator": GlobalWin.Tools.RamSearch.NextOperator(reverse: true); break; case "Next Operator": GlobalWin.Tools.RamSearch.NextOperator(); break; case "Toggle BG 1": SNES_ToggleBG1(); break; case "Toggle BG 2": SNES_ToggleBG2(); break; case "Toggle BG 3": SNES_ToggleBG3(); break; case "Toggle BG 4": SNES_ToggleBG4(); break; case "Toggle OBJ 1": SNES_ToggleOBJ1(); break; case "Toggle OBJ 2": SNES_ToggleOBJ2(); break; case "Toggle OBJ 3": SNES_ToggleOBJ3(); break; case "Toggle OBJ 4": SNES_ToggleOBJ4(); break; case "Y Up Small": GlobalWin.Tools.VirtualPad.BumpAnalogValue(null, Global.Config.Analog_SmallChange); break; case "Y Up Large": GlobalWin.Tools.VirtualPad.BumpAnalogValue(null, Global.Config.Analog_LargeChange); break; case "Y Down Small": GlobalWin.Tools.VirtualPad.BumpAnalogValue(null, -(Global.Config.Analog_SmallChange)); break; case "Y Down Large": GlobalWin.Tools.VirtualPad.BumpAnalogValue(null, -(Global.Config.Analog_LargeChange)); break; case "X Up Small": GlobalWin.Tools.VirtualPad.BumpAnalogValue(Global.Config.Analog_SmallChange, null); break; case "X Up Large": GlobalWin.Tools.VirtualPad.BumpAnalogValue(Global.Config.Analog_LargeChange, null); break; case "X Down Small": GlobalWin.Tools.VirtualPad.BumpAnalogValue(-(Global.Config.Analog_SmallChange), null); break; case "X Down Large": GlobalWin.Tools.VirtualPad.BumpAnalogValue(-(Global.Config.Analog_LargeChange), null); break; } return true; } private void UpdateDumpIcon() { DumpStatusButton.Image = Properties.Resources.Blank; DumpStatusButton.ToolTipText = ""; if (Global.Emulator == null) return; if (Global.Game == null) return; var status = Global.Game.Status; string annotation; if (status == RomStatus.BadDump) { DumpStatusButton.Image = Properties.Resources.ExclamationRed; annotation = "Warning: Bad ROM Dump"; } else if (status == RomStatus.Overdump) { DumpStatusButton.Image = Properties.Resources.ExclamationRed; annotation = "Warning: Overdump"; } else if (status == RomStatus.NotInDatabase) { DumpStatusButton.Image = Properties.Resources.RetroQuestion; annotation = "Warning: Unknown ROM"; } else if (status == RomStatus.TranslatedRom) { DumpStatusButton.Image = Properties.Resources.Translation; annotation = "Translated ROM"; } else if (status == RomStatus.Homebrew) { DumpStatusButton.Image = Properties.Resources.HomeBrew; annotation = "Homebrew ROM"; } else if (Global.Game.Status == RomStatus.Hack) { DumpStatusButton.Image = Properties.Resources.Hack; annotation = "Hacked ROM"; } else if (Global.Game.Status == RomStatus.Unknown) { DumpStatusButton.Image = Properties.Resources.Hack; annotation = "Warning: ROM of Unknown Character"; } else { DumpStatusButton.Image = Properties.Resources.GreenCheck; annotation = "Verified good dump"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Global.Emulator.CoreComm.RomStatusAnnotation)) annotation = Global.Emulator.CoreComm.RomStatusAnnotation; DumpStatusButton.ToolTipText = annotation; } private static void LoadSaveRam() { try //zero says: this is sort of sketchy... but this is no time for rearchitecting { byte[] sram; // GBA core might not know how big the saveram ought to be, so just send it the whole file if (Global.Emulator is GBA) { sram = File.ReadAllBytes(PathManager.SaveRamPath(Global.Game)); } else { sram = new byte[Global.Emulator.ReadSaveRam().Length]; using (var reader = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(PathManager.SaveRamPath(Global.Game), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))) reader.Read(sram, 0, sram.Length); } Global.Emulator.StoreSaveRam(sram); } catch (IOException) { } } private static void SaveRam() { var path = PathManager.SaveRamPath(Global.Game); var f = new FileInfo(path); if (f.Directory != null && f.Directory.Exists == false) { f.Directory.Create(); } //Make backup first if (Global.Config.BackupSaveram && f.Exists) { var backup = path + ".bak"; var backupFile = new FileInfo(backup); if (backupFile.Exists) { backupFile.Delete(); } f.CopyTo(backup); } var writer = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)); var saveram = Global.Emulator.ReadSaveRam(); // this assumes that the default state of the core's sram is 0-filled, so don't do // int len = Util.SaveRamBytesUsed(saveram); int len = saveram.Length; writer.Write(saveram, 0, len); writer.Close(); } private void SelectSlot(int num) { Global.Config.SaveSlot = num; SaveSlotSelectedMessage(); UpdateStatusSlots(); } private void RewireSound() { if (_dumpProxy != null) { // we're video dumping, so async mode only and use the DumpProxy. // note that the avi dumper has already rewired the emulator itself in this case. GlobalWin.Sound.SetAsyncInputPin(_dumpProxy); } else if (Global.Config.SoundThrottle) { // for sound throttle, use sync mode Global.Emulator.EndAsyncSound(); GlobalWin.Sound.SetSyncInputPin(Global.Emulator.SyncSoundProvider); } else { // for vsync\clock throttle modes, use async if (!Global.Emulator.StartAsyncSound()) { // if the core doesn't support async mode, use a standard vecna wrapper GlobalWin.Sound.SetAsyncInputPin(new MetaspuAsync(Global.Emulator.SyncSoundProvider, ESynchMethod.ESynchMethod_V)); } else { GlobalWin.Sound.SetAsyncInputPin(Global.Emulator.SoundProvider); } } } private static Controller BindToDefinition(ControllerDefinition def, IDictionary> allbinds, IDictionary> analogbinds) { var ret = new Controller(def); Dictionary binds; if (allbinds.TryGetValue(def.Name, out binds)) { foreach (var cbutton in def.BoolButtons) { string bind; if (binds.TryGetValue(cbutton, out bind)) { ret.BindMulti(cbutton, bind); } } } Dictionary abinds; if (analogbinds.TryGetValue(def.Name, out abinds)) { foreach (var cbutton in def.FloatControls) { Config.AnalogBind bind; if (abinds.TryGetValue(cbutton, out bind)) { ret.BindFloat(cbutton, bind); } } } return ret; } private static AutofireController BindToDefinitionAF(ControllerDefinition def, IDictionary> allbinds) { var ret = new AutofireController(def); Dictionary binds; if (allbinds.TryGetValue(def.Name, out binds)) { foreach (var cbutton in def.BoolButtons) { string bind; if (binds.TryGetValue(cbutton, out bind)) { ret.BindMulti(cbutton, bind); } } } return ret; } private void SaturnSetPrefs(Yabause e = null) { if (e == null) e = Global.Emulator as Yabause; if (Global.Config.SaturnUseGL != e.GLMode) { // theoretically possible; not coded. meh. FlagNeedsReboot(); return; } if (e.GLMode && Global.Config.SaturnUseGL) { if (Global.Config.SaturnDispFree) e.SetGLRes(0, Global.Config.SaturnGLW, Global.Config.SaturnGLH); else e.SetGLRes(Global.Config.SaturnDispFactor, 0, 0); } } private void HandlePlatformMenus() { var system = String.Empty; if (Global.Game != null) { system = Global.Game.System; } TI83SubMenu.Visible = false; NESSubMenu.Visible = false; PCESubMenu.Visible = false; SMSSubMenu.Visible = false; GBSubMenu.Visible = false; GBASubMenu.Visible = false; AtariSubMenu.Visible = false; SNESSubMenu.Visible = false; ColecoSubMenu.Visible = false; N64SubMenu.Visible = false; SaturnSubMenu.Visible = false; switch (system) { default: case "GEN": break; case "NULL": N64SubMenu.Visible = true; break; case "TI83": TI83SubMenu.Visible = true; break; case "NES": NESSubMenu.Visible = true; NesSpecialMenuControls(); break; case "PCE": case "PCECD": case "SGX": PCESubMenu.Visible = true; break; case "SMS": SMSSubMenu.Text = "SMS"; SMSSubMenu.Visible = true; break; case "SG": SMSSubMenu.Text = "SG"; SMSSubMenu.Visible = true; break; case "GG": SMSSubMenu.Text = "GG"; SMSSubMenu.Visible = true; break; case "GB": case "GBC": GBSubMenu.Visible = true; break; case "GBA": GBASubMenu.Visible = true; break; case "A26": AtariSubMenu.Visible = true; break; case "SNES": case "SGB": if ((Global.Emulator as LibsnesCore).IsSGB) SNESSubMenu.Text = "&SGB"; else SNESSubMenu.Text = "&SNES"; SNESSubMenu.Visible = true; break; case "Coleco": ColecoSubMenu.Visible = true; break; case "N64": N64SubMenu.Visible = true; break; case "SAT": SaturnSubMenu.Visible = true; break; } } private static string DisplayNameForSystem(string system) { var str = String.Empty; switch (system) { case "INTV": str = "Intellivision"; break; case "SG": str = "SG-1000"; break; case "SMS": str = "Sega Master System"; break; case "GG": str = "Game Gear"; break; case "PCECD": str = "TurboGrafx-16 (CD)"; break; case "PCE": str = "TurboGrafx-16"; break; case "SGX": str = "SuperGrafx"; break; case "GEN": str = "Genesis"; break; case "TI83": str = "TI-83"; break; case "NES": str = "NES"; break; case "SNES": str = "SNES"; break; case "GB": str = "Game Boy"; break; case "GBC": str = "Game Boy Color"; break; case "A26": str = "Atari 2600"; break; case "A78": str = "Atari 7800"; break; case "C64": str = "Commodore 64"; break; case "Coleco": str = "ColecoVision"; break; case "GBA": str = "Game Boy Advance"; break; case "N64": str = "Nintendo 64"; break; case "SAT": str = "Saturn"; break; case "DGB": str = "Game Boy Link"; break; } if (VersionInfo.INTERIM) { str += " (interim)"; } return str; } private static void InitControls() { var controls = new Controller( new ControllerDefinition { Name = "Emulator Frontend Controls", BoolButtons = Global.Config.HotkeyBindings.Select(x => x.DisplayName).ToList() }); foreach (var b in Global.Config.HotkeyBindings) { controls.BindMulti(b.DisplayName, b.Bindings); } Global.ClientControls = controls; Global.NullControls = new Controller(NullEmulator.NullController); Global.AutofireNullControls = new AutofireController(NullEmulator.NullController); } private static bool IsValidMovieExtension(string ext) { if (ext.ToUpper() == "." + Global.Config.MovieExtension) { return true; } else if (ext.ToUpper() == ".TAS" || ext.ToUpper() == ".BKM") { return true; } return false; } private void LoadMoviesFromRecent(string path) { var movie = new Movie(path); if (!movie.Loaded) { ToolHelpers.HandleLoadError(Global.Config.RecentMovies, path); } else { Global.MovieSession.ReadOnly = true; StartNewMovie(movie, false); } } private void LoadRomFromRecent(string rom) { if (!LoadRom(rom)) { ToolHelpers.HandleLoadError(Global.Config.RecentRoms, rom); } } private void SetPauseStatusbarIcon() { if (EmulatorPaused) { PauseStatusButton.Image = Properties.Resources.Pause; PauseStatusButton.Visible = true; PauseStatusButton.ToolTipText = "Emulator Paused"; } else { PauseStatusButton.Image = Properties.Resources.Blank; PauseStatusButton.Visible = false; PauseStatusButton.ToolTipText = String.Empty; } } private void Cheats_Restart() { if (!GlobalWin.Tools.Has()) { Global.CheatList.NewList(GenerateDefaultCheatFilename()); } //If Cheat tool is loaded, restarting will restart the list too anyway } //contains a mapping: profilename->exepath ; or null if the exe wasnt available private string SNES_Prepare(string profile) { SNES_Check(profile); if (_snesPrepared[profile] == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Couldn't locate the executable for SNES emulation for profile: " + profile + ". Please make sure you're using a fresh dearchive of a BizHawk distribution."); } return _snesPrepared[profile]; } private void SNES_Check(string profile) { if (_snesPrepared.ContainsKey(profile)) return; const string bits = "32"; //disabled til it works //if (Win32.Is64BitOperatingSystem) // bits = "64"; var exename = "libsneshawk-" + bits + "-" + profile.ToLower() + ".exe"; var thisDir = PathManager.GetExeDirectoryAbsolute(); var exePath = Path.Combine(thisDir, exename); if (!File.Exists(exePath)) { exePath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(thisDir, "dll"), exename); } if (!File.Exists(exePath)) { exePath = null; } _snesPrepared[profile] = exePath; } private void SyncPresentationMode() { GlobalWin.DisplayManager.Suspend(); #if WINDOWS bool gdi = Global.Config.DisplayGDI || GlobalWin.Direct3D == null; #endif if (_renderTarget != null) { _renderTarget.Dispose(); Controls.Remove(_renderTarget); } if (_retainedPanel != null) _retainedPanel.Dispose(); if (GlobalWin.RenderPanel != null) GlobalWin.RenderPanel.Dispose(); #if WINDOWS if (gdi) #endif _renderTarget = _retainedPanel = new RetainedViewportPanel(); #if WINDOWS else _renderTarget = new ViewportPanel(); #endif Controls.Add(_renderTarget); Controls.SetChildIndex(_renderTarget, 0); _renderTarget.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; _renderTarget.BackColor = Color.Black; #if WINDOWS if (gdi) { #endif GlobalWin.RenderPanel = new SysdrawingRenderPanel(_retainedPanel); _retainedPanel.ActivateThreaded(); #if WINDOWS } else { try { var d3dPanel = new Direct3DRenderPanel(GlobalWin.Direct3D, _renderTarget); d3dPanel.CreateDevice(); GlobalWin.RenderPanel = d3dPanel; } catch { Program.DisplayDirect3DError(); GlobalWin.Direct3D.Dispose(); GlobalWin.Direct3D = null; SyncPresentationMode(); } } #endif GlobalWin.DisplayManager.Resume(); } private void SyncThrottle() { bool fastforward = Global.ClientControls["Fast Forward"] || FastForward; bool superfastforward = Global.ClientControls["Turbo"]; Global.ForceNoThrottle = _unthrottled || fastforward; // realtime throttle is never going to be so exact that using a double here is wrong _throttle.SetCoreFps(Global.Emulator.CoreComm.VsyncRate); _throttle.signal_paused = EmulatorPaused || Global.Emulator is NullEmulator; _throttle.signal_unthrottle = _unthrottled || superfastforward; if (fastforward) { _throttle.SetSpeedPercent(Global.Config.SpeedPercentAlternate); } else { _throttle.SetSpeedPercent(Global.Config.SpeedPercent); } } private void SetSpeedPercentAlternate(int value) { Global.Config.SpeedPercentAlternate = value; SyncThrottle(); GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("Alternate Speed: " + value + "%"); } private void SetSpeedPercent(int value) { Global.Config.SpeedPercent = value; SyncThrottle(); GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("Speed: " + value + "%"); } private void Shutdown() { if (_currAviWriter != null) { _currAviWriter.CloseFile(); _currAviWriter = null; } } private static void CheckMessages() { Application.DoEvents(); if (ActiveForm != null) { ScreenSaver.ResetTimerPeriodically(); } } private static unsafe Image MakeScreenshotImage() { var video = Global.Emulator.VideoProvider; var image = new Bitmap(video.BufferWidth, video.BufferHeight, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); //TODO - replace with BitmapBuffer var framebuf = video.GetVideoBuffer(); var bmpdata = image.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); int* ptr = (int*)bmpdata.Scan0.ToPointer(); int stride = bmpdata.Stride / 4; for (int y = 0; y < video.BufferHeight; y++) for (int x = 0; x < video.BufferWidth; x++) { int col = framebuf[(y * video.BufferWidth) + x]; if (Global.Emulator is TI83) { if (col == 0) col = Color.Black.ToArgb(); else col = Color.White.ToArgb(); } // make opaque col |= unchecked((int)0xff000000); ptr[y * stride + x] = col; } image.UnlockBits(bmpdata); return image; } private void SaveStateAs() { if (Global.Emulator is NullEmulator) { return; } var sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); var path = PathManager.GetSaveStatePath(Global.Game); sfd.InitialDirectory = path; sfd.FileName = PathManager.SaveStatePrefix(Global.Game) + "." + "QuickSave0.State"; var file = new FileInfo(path); if (file.Directory != null && file.Directory.Exists == false) { file.Directory.Create(); } var result = sfd.ShowHawkDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { SaveStateFile(sfd.FileName, sfd.FileName, false); } } private void LoadStateAs() { if (Global.Emulator is NullEmulator) { return; } var ofd = new OpenFileDialog { InitialDirectory = PathManager.GetSaveStatePath(Global.Game), Filter = "Save States (*.State)|*.State|All Files|*.*", RestoreDirectory = true }; var result = ofd.ShowHawkDialog(); if (result != DialogResult.OK) return; if (File.Exists(ofd.FileName) == false) { return; } LoadStateFile(ofd.FileName, Path.GetFileName(ofd.FileName)); } private static void SaveSlotSelectedMessage() { GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("Slot " + Global.Config.SaveSlot + " selected."); } private static VideoPluginSettings N64GenerateVideoSettings(GameInfo game, bool hasmovie) { var PluginToUse = String.Empty; if (hasmovie && Global.MovieSession.Movie.Header[HeaderKeys.PLATFORM] == "N64" && Global.MovieSession.Movie.Header.ContainsKey(HeaderKeys.VIDEOPLUGIN)) { PluginToUse = Global.MovieSession.Movie.Header[HeaderKeys.VIDEOPLUGIN]; } if (PluginToUse == "" || (PluginToUse != "Rice" && PluginToUse != "Glide64")) { PluginToUse = Global.Config.N64VidPlugin; } var video_settings = new VideoPluginSettings(PluginToUse, Global.Config.N64VideoSizeX, Global.Config.N64VideoSizeY); if (PluginToUse == "Rice") { Global.Config.RicePlugin.FillPerGameHacks(game); video_settings.Parameters = Global.Config.RicePlugin.GetPluginSettings(); } else if (PluginToUse == "Glide64") { Global.Config.GlidePlugin.FillPerGameHacks(game); video_settings.Parameters = Global.Config.GlidePlugin.GetPluginSettings(); } else if (PluginToUse == "Glide64mk2") { Global.Config.Glide64mk2Plugin.FillPerGameHacks(game); video_settings.Parameters = Global.Config.Glide64mk2Plugin.GetPluginSettings(); } if (hasmovie && Global.MovieSession.Movie.Header[HeaderKeys.PLATFORM] == "N64" && Global.MovieSession.Movie.Header.ContainsKey(HeaderKeys.VIDEOPLUGIN)) { var settings = new List(video_settings.Parameters.Keys); foreach (var setting in settings) { if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.Header.ContainsKey(setting)) { var Value = Global.MovieSession.Movie.Header[setting]; if (video_settings.Parameters[setting] is bool) { try { video_settings.Parameters[setting] = bool.Parse(Value); } catch { } } else if (video_settings.Parameters[setting] is int) { try { video_settings.Parameters[setting] = int.Parse(Value); } catch { } } } } } return video_settings; } private void Render() { var video = Global.Emulator.VideoProvider; if (video.BufferHeight != _lastHeight || video.BufferWidth != _lastWidth) { _lastWidth = video.BufferWidth; _lastHeight = video.BufferHeight; FrameBufferResized(); } GlobalWin.DisplayManager.UpdateSource(Global.Emulator.VideoProvider); } //sends a simulation of a plain alt key keystroke private void SendPlainAltKey(int lparam) { var m = new Message { WParam = new IntPtr(0xF100), LParam = new IntPtr(lparam), Msg = 0x0112, HWnd = Handle }; base.WndProc(ref m); } //sends an alt+mnemonic combination private void SendAltKeyChar(char c) { typeof(ToolStrip).InvokeMember("ProcessMnemonicInternal", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance, null, MainformMenu, new object[] { c }); } private static string FormatFilter(params string[] args) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); if (args.Length % 2 != 0) throw new ArgumentException(); var num = args.Length / 2; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { sb.AppendFormat("{0} ({1})|{1}", args[i * 2], args[i * 2 + 1]); if (i != num - 1) sb.Append('|'); } var str = sb.ToString().Replace("%ARCH%", "*.zip;*.rar;*.7z"); str = str.Replace(";", "; "); return str; } private void OpenRom() { var ofd = new OpenFileDialog { InitialDirectory = PathManager.GetRomsPath(Global.Emulator.SystemId) }; //adelikat: ugly design for this, I know if (VersionInfo.INTERIM) { ofd.Filter = FormatFilter( "Rom Files", "*.nes;*.fds;*.sms;*.gg;*.sg;*.pce;*.sgx;*.bin;*.smd;*.rom;*.a26;*.a78;*.cue;*.exe;*.gb;*.gbc;*.gen;*.md;*.col;.int;*.smc;*.sfc;*.prg;*.d64;*.g64;*.crt;*.sgb;*.xml;*.z64;*.v64;*.n64;%ARCH%", "Music Files", "*.psf;*.sid", "Disc Images", "*.cue", "NES", "*.nes;*.fds;%ARCH%", "Super NES", "*.smc;*.sfc;*.xml;%ARCH%", "Master System", "*.sms;*.gg;*.sg;%ARCH%", "PC Engine", "*.pce;*.sgx;*.cue;%ARCH%", "TI-83", "*.rom;%ARCH%", "Archive Files", "%ARCH%", "Savestate", "*.state", "Atari 2600", "*.a26;*.bin;%ARCH%", "Atari 7800", "*.a78;*.bin;%ARCH%", "Genesis (experimental)", "*.gen;*.smd;*.bin;*.md;*.cue;%ARCH%", "Gameboy", "*.gb;*.gbc;*.sgb;%ARCH%", "Colecovision", "*.col;%ARCH%", "Intellivision (very experimental)", "*.int;*.bin;*.rom;%ARCH%", "PSX Executables (very experimental)", "*.exe", "PSF Playstation Sound File (very experimental)", "*.psf", "Commodore 64 (experimental)", "*.prg; *.d64, *.g64; *.crt;%ARCH%", "SID Commodore 64 Music File", "*.sid;%ARCH%", "Nintendo 64", "*.z64;*.v64;*.n64", "All Files", "*.*"); } else { ofd.Filter = FormatFilter( "Rom Files", "*.nes;*.fds;*.sms;*.gg;*.sg;*.gb;*.gbc;*.pce;*.sgx;*.bin;*.smd;*.gen;*.md;*.smc;*.sfc;*.a26;*.a78;*.col;*.rom;*.cue;*.sgb;*.z64;*.v64;*.n64;*.xml;%ARCH%", "Disc Images", "*.cue", "NES", "*.nes;*.fds;%ARCH%", "Super NES", "*.smc;*.sfc;*.xml;%ARCH%", "Nintendo 64", "*.z64;*.v64;*.n64", "Gameboy", "*.gb;*.gbc;*.sgb;%ARCH%", "Master System", "*.sms;*.gg;*.sg;%ARCH%", "PC Engine", "*.pce;*.sgx;*.cue;%ARCH%", "Atari 2600", "*.a26;%ARCH%", "Atari 7800", "*.a78;%ARCH%", "Colecovision", "*.col;%ARCH%", "TI-83", "*.rom;%ARCH%", "Archive Files", "%ARCH%", "Savestate", "*.state", "Genesis (experimental)", "*.gen;*.md;*.smd;*.bin;*.cue;%ARCH%", "All Files", "*.*"); } ofd.RestoreDirectory = false; ofd.FilterIndex = _lastOpenRomFilter; var result = ofd.ShowHawkDialog(); if (result != DialogResult.OK) { return; } var file = new FileInfo(ofd.FileName); Global.Config.LastRomPath = file.DirectoryName; _lastOpenRomFilter = ofd.FilterIndex; LoadRom(file.FullName); } private void SaveConfig() { if (Global.Config.SaveWindowPosition) { Global.Config.MainWndx = Location.X; Global.Config.MainWndy = Location.Y; } else { Global.Config.MainWndx = -1; Global.Config.MainWndy = -1; } if (Global.Config.ShowLogWindow) LogConsole.SaveConfigSettings(); ConfigService.Save(PathManager.DefaultIniPath, Global.Config); } private void PreviousSlot() { if (Global.Config.SaveSlot == 0) { Global.Config.SaveSlot = 9; //Wrap to end of slot list } else if (Global.Config.SaveSlot > 9) { Global.Config.SaveSlot = 9; //Meh, just in case } else { Global.Config.SaveSlot--; } SaveSlotSelectedMessage(); UpdateStatusSlots(); } private void NextSlot() { if (Global.Config.SaveSlot >= 9) { Global.Config.SaveSlot = 0; //Wrap to beginning of slot list } else if (Global.Config.SaveSlot < 0) { Global.Config.SaveSlot = 0; //Meh, just in case } else { Global.Config.SaveSlot++; } SaveSlotSelectedMessage(); UpdateStatusSlots(); } private static void ToggleFPS() { Global.Config.DisplayFPS ^= true; } private static void ToggleFrameCounter() { Global.Config.DisplayFrameCounter ^= true; } private static void ToggleLagCounter() { Global.Config.DisplayLagCounter ^= true; } private static void ToggleInputDisplay() { Global.Config.DisplayInput ^= true; } private static void ToggleReadOnly() { if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsActive) { Global.MovieSession.ReadOnly ^= true; if (Global.MovieSession.ReadOnly) { GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("Movie read-only mode"); } else { GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("Movie read+write mode"); } } else { GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("No movie active"); } } private static void VolumeUp() { Global.Config.SoundVolume += 10; if (Global.Config.SoundVolume > 100) { Global.Config.SoundVolume = 100; } GlobalWin.Sound.ChangeVolume(Global.Config.SoundVolume); GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("Volume " + Global.Config.SoundVolume); } private static void VolumeDown() { Global.Config.SoundVolume -= 10; if (Global.Config.SoundVolume < 0) { Global.Config.SoundVolume = 0; } GlobalWin.Sound.ChangeVolume(Global.Config.SoundVolume); GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("Volume " + Global.Config.SoundVolume); } private static void SoftReset() { //is it enough to run this for one frame? maybe.. if (Global.Emulator.ControllerDefinition.BoolButtons.Contains("Reset")) { if (!Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsPlaying || Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsFinished) { Global.ClickyVirtualPadController.Click("Reset"); GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("Reset button pressed."); } } } private static void HardReset() { //is it enough to run this for one frame? maybe.. if (Global.Emulator.ControllerDefinition.BoolButtons.Contains("Power")) { if (!Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsPlaying || Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsFinished) { Global.ClickyVirtualPadController.Click("Power"); GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("Power button pressed."); } } } private void UpdateStatusSlots() { _stateSlots.Update(); Slot1StatusButton.ForeColor = _stateSlots.HasSlot(1) ? Color.Black : Color.Black; Slot2StatusButton.ForeColor = _stateSlots.HasSlot(2) ? Color.Black : Color.Black; Slot3StatusButton.ForeColor = _stateSlots.HasSlot(3) ? Color.Black : Color.Black; Slot4StatusButton.ForeColor = _stateSlots.HasSlot(4) ? Color.Black : Color.Black; Slot5StatusButton.ForeColor = _stateSlots.HasSlot(5) ? Color.Black : Color.Black; Slot6StatusButton.ForeColor = _stateSlots.HasSlot(6) ? Color.Black : Color.Black; Slot7StatusButton.ForeColor = _stateSlots.HasSlot(7) ? Color.Black : Color.Black; Slot8StatusButton.ForeColor = _stateSlots.HasSlot(8) ? Color.Black : Color.Black; Slot9StatusButton.ForeColor = _stateSlots.HasSlot(9) ? Color.Black : Color.Black; Slot0StatusButton.ForeColor = _stateSlots.HasSlot(0) ? Color.Black : Color.Black; Slot1StatusButton.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; Slot2StatusButton.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; Slot3StatusButton.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; Slot4StatusButton.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; Slot5StatusButton.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; Slot6StatusButton.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; Slot7StatusButton.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; Slot8StatusButton.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; Slot9StatusButton.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; Slot0StatusButton.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; if (Global.Config.SaveSlot == 0) Slot0StatusButton.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlDark; if (Global.Config.SaveSlot == 1) Slot1StatusButton.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlDark; if (Global.Config.SaveSlot == 2) Slot2StatusButton.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlDark; if (Global.Config.SaveSlot == 3) Slot3StatusButton.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlDark; if (Global.Config.SaveSlot == 4) Slot4StatusButton.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlDark; if (Global.Config.SaveSlot == 5) Slot5StatusButton.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlDark; if (Global.Config.SaveSlot == 6) Slot6StatusButton.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlDark; if (Global.Config.SaveSlot == 7) Slot7StatusButton.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlDark; if (Global.Config.SaveSlot == 8) Slot8StatusButton.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlDark; if (Global.Config.SaveSlot == 9) Slot9StatusButton.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlDark; } private Bitmap CaptureOSD() //sort of like MakeScreenShot(), but with OSD and LUA captured as well. slow and bad. { // this code captures the emu display with OSD and lua composited onto it. // it's slow and a bit hackish; a better solution is to create a new // "dummy render" class that implements IRenderer, IBlitter, and possibly // IVideoProvider, and pass that to DisplayManager.UpdateSourceEx() if (captureosd_rvp == null) { captureosd_rvp = new RetainedViewportPanel(); captureosd_srp = new SysdrawingRenderPanel(captureosd_rvp); } // this size can be different for showing off stretching or filters captureosd_rvp.Width = Global.Emulator.VideoProvider.BufferWidth; captureosd_rvp.Height = Global.Emulator.VideoProvider.BufferHeight; GlobalWin.DisplayManager.UpdateSourceEx(Global.Emulator.VideoProvider, captureosd_srp); return (Bitmap)captureosd_rvp.GetBitmap().Clone(); } private void ShowConsole() { LogConsole.ShowConsole(); LogWindowAsConsoleMenuItem.Enabled = false; } private void HideConsole() { LogConsole.HideConsole(); LogWindowAsConsoleMenuItem.Enabled = true; } private void IncreaseWindowSize() { switch (Global.Config.TargetZoomFactor) { case 1: Global.Config.TargetZoomFactor = 2; break; case 2: Global.Config.TargetZoomFactor = 3; break; case 3: Global.Config.TargetZoomFactor = 4; break; case 4: Global.Config.TargetZoomFactor = 5; break; case 5: Global.Config.TargetZoomFactor = 10; break; case 10: return; } FrameBufferResized(); } private void DecreaseWIndowSize() { switch (Global.Config.TargetZoomFactor) { case 1: return; case 2: Global.Config.TargetZoomFactor = 1; break; case 3: Global.Config.TargetZoomFactor = 2; break; case 4: Global.Config.TargetZoomFactor = 3; break; case 5: Global.Config.TargetZoomFactor = 4; break; case 10: Global.Config.TargetZoomFactor = 5; return; } FrameBufferResized(); } private void IncreaseSpeed() { int oldp = Global.Config.SpeedPercent; int newp; if (oldp < 3) newp = 3; else if (oldp < 6) newp = 6; else if (oldp < 12) newp = 12; else if (oldp < 25) newp = 25; else if (oldp < 50) newp = 50; else if (oldp < 75) newp = 75; else if (oldp < 100) newp = 100; else if (oldp < 150) newp = 150; else if (oldp < 200) newp = 200; else if (oldp < 400) newp = 400; else if (oldp < 800) newp = 800; else newp = 1600; SetSpeedPercent(newp); } private void DecreaseSpeed() { int oldp = Global.Config.SpeedPercent; int newp; if (oldp > 800) newp = 800; else if (oldp > 400) newp = 400; else if (oldp > 200) newp = 200; else if (oldp > 150) newp = 150; else if (oldp > 100) newp = 100; else if (oldp > 75) newp = 75; else if (oldp > 50) newp = 50; else if (oldp > 25) newp = 25; else if (oldp > 12) newp = 12; else if (oldp > 6) newp = 6; else if (oldp > 3) newp = 3; else newp = 1; SetSpeedPercent(newp); } private static void SaveMovie() { if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsActive) { Global.MovieSession.Movie.Save(); GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage(Global.MovieSession.Movie.Filename + " saved."); } } private void HandleToggleLight() { if (MainStatusBar.Visible) { if (Global.Emulator.CoreComm.UsesDriveLed) { if (!LedLightStatusLabel.Visible) { LedLightStatusLabel.Visible = true; } if (Global.Emulator.CoreComm.DriveLED) { LedLightStatusLabel.Image = Properties.Resources.LightOn; } else { LedLightStatusLabel.Image = Properties.Resources.LightOff; } } else { if (LedLightStatusLabel.Visible) { LedLightStatusLabel.Visible = false; } } } } private void UpdateKeyPriorityIcon() { switch (Global.Config.Input_Hotkey_OverrideOptions) { default: case 0: KeyPriorityStatusLabel.Image = Properties.Resources.Both; KeyPriorityStatusLabel.ToolTipText = "Key priority: Allow both hotkeys and controller buttons"; break; case 1: KeyPriorityStatusLabel.Image = Properties.Resources.GameController; KeyPriorityStatusLabel.ToolTipText = "Key priority: Controller buttons will override hotkeys"; break; case 2: KeyPriorityStatusLabel.Image = Properties.Resources.HotKeys; KeyPriorityStatusLabel.ToolTipText = "Key priority: Hotkeys will override controller buttons"; break; } } private static void ToggleModePokeMode() { Global.Config.MoviePlaybackPokeMode ^= true; GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage(Global.Config.MoviePlaybackPokeMode ? "Movie Poke mode enabled" : "Movie Poke mode disabled"); } private static void ToggleBackgroundInput() { Global.Config.AcceptBackgroundInput ^= true; GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage(Global.Config.AcceptBackgroundInput ? "Background Input enabled" : "Background Input disabled"); } private static void LimitFrameRateMessage() { GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage(Global.Config.ClockThrottle ? "Framerate limiting on" : "Framerate limiting off"); } private static void VsyncMessage() { GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage( "Display Vsync set to " + (Global.Config.VSyncThrottle ? "on" : "off") ); } private static bool StateErrorAskUser(string title, string message) { var result = MessageBox.Show(message, title, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question ); return result == DialogResult.Yes; } //--alt key hacks protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { //this is necessary to trap plain alt keypresses so that only our hotkey system gets them if (m.Msg == 0x0112) //WM_SYSCOMMAND if (m.WParam.ToInt32() == 0xF100) //SC_KEYMENU return; base.WndProc(ref m); } protected override bool ProcessDialogChar(char charCode) { //this is necessary to trap alt+char combinations so that only our hotkey system gets them return (ModifierKeys & Keys.Alt) != 0 || base.ProcessDialogChar(charCode); } #endregion #region Frame Loop private void StepRunLoop_Throttle() { SyncThrottle(); _throttle.signal_frameAdvance = _runloopFrameadvance; _throttle.signal_continuousframeAdvancing = _runloopFrameProgress; _throttle.Step(true, -1); } private void StepRunLoop_Core() { bool runFrame = false; _runloopFrameadvance = false; DateTime now = DateTime.Now; bool suppressCaptureRewind = false; double frameAdvanceTimestampDelta = (now - FrameAdvanceTimestamp).TotalMilliseconds; bool frameProgressTimeElapsed = Global.Config.FrameProgressDelayMs < frameAdvanceTimestampDelta; if (Global.Config.SkipLagFrame && Global.Emulator.IsLagFrame && frameProgressTimeElapsed) { runFrame = true; } if (Global.ClientControls["Frame Advance"] || PressFrameAdvance) { //handle the initial trigger of a frame advance if (FrameAdvanceTimestamp == DateTime.MinValue) { PauseEmulator(); runFrame = true; _runloopFrameadvance = true; FrameAdvanceTimestamp = now; } else { //handle the timed transition from countdown to FrameProgress if (frameProgressTimeElapsed) { runFrame = true; _runloopFrameProgress = true; UnpauseEmulator(); } } } else { //handle release of frame advance: do we need to deactivate FrameProgress? if (_runloopFrameProgress) { _runloopFrameProgress = false; PauseEmulator(); } FrameAdvanceTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue; } if (!EmulatorPaused) { runFrame = true; } bool ReturnToRecording = Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsRecording; if (RewindActive && (Global.ClientControls["Rewind"] || PressRewind)) { Rewind(1); suppressCaptureRewind = true; if (0 == RewindBuf.Count) { runFrame = false; } else { runFrame = true; } //we don't want to capture input when rewinding, even in record mode if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsRecording) { Global.MovieSession.Movie.SwitchToPlay(); } } if (UpdateFrame) { runFrame = true; if (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsRecording) { Global.MovieSession.Movie.SwitchToPlay(); } } bool genSound = false; bool coreskipaudio = false; if (runFrame) { bool ff = Global.ClientControls["Fast Forward"] || Global.ClientControls["Turbo"]; bool fff = Global.ClientControls["Turbo"]; bool updateFpsString = (_runloopLastFf != ff); _runloopLastFf = ff; //client input-related duties GlobalWin.OSD.ClearGUIText(); if (!fff) { GlobalWin.Tools.UpdateToolsBefore(); } Global.ClickyVirtualPadController.FrameTick(); _runloopFps++; if ((DateTime.Now - _runloopSecond).TotalSeconds > 1) { _runloopLastFps = _runloopFps; _runloopSecond = DateTime.Now; _runloopFps = 0; updateFpsString = true; } if (updateFpsString) { string fps_string = _runloopLastFps + " fps"; if (fff) { fps_string += " >>>>"; } else if (ff) { fps_string += " >>"; } GlobalWin.OSD.FPS = fps_string; } if (!suppressCaptureRewind && RewindActive) CaptureRewindState(); if (!_runloopFrameadvance) genSound = true; else if (!Global.Config.MuteFrameAdvance) genSound = true; Global.MovieSession.HandleMovieOnFrameLoop(); coreskipaudio = Global.ClientControls["Turbo"] && _currAviWriter == null; //======================================= Global.CheatList.Pulse(); Global.Emulator.FrameAdvance(!_throttle.skipnextframe || _currAviWriter != null, !coreskipaudio); GlobalWin.DisplayManager.NeedsToPaint = true; Global.CheatList.Pulse(); //======================================= if (!PauseAVI) { AVIFrameAdvance(); } if (Global.Emulator.IsLagFrame && Global.Config.AutofireLagFrames) { Global.AutoFireController.IncrementStarts(); } PressFrameAdvance = false; if (!fff) { UpdateToolsAfter(); } } if (Global.ClientControls["Rewind"] || PressRewind) { UpdateToolsAfter(); if (ReturnToRecording) { Global.MovieSession.Movie.SwitchToRecord(); } PressRewind = false; } if (UpdateFrame) { if (ReturnToRecording) { Global.MovieSession.Movie.SwitchToRecord(); } UpdateFrame = false; } if (genSound && !coreskipaudio) { GlobalWin.Sound.UpdateSound(); } else GlobalWin.Sound.UpdateSilence(); } #endregion #region AVI Stuff /// /// start avi recording, unattended /// /// match the short name of an ivideowriter /// filename to save to private void RecordAVI(string videowritername, string filename) { _RecordAVI(videowritername, filename, true); } /// /// start avi recording, asking user for filename and options /// private void RecordAVI() { _RecordAVI(null, null, false); } /// /// start avi recording /// /// /// /// private void _RecordAVI(string videowritername, string filename, bool unattended) { if (_currAviWriter != null) return; // select IVideoWriter to use IVideoWriter aw = null; var writers = VideoWriterInventory.GetAllVideoWriters(); var video_writers = writers as IVideoWriter[] ?? writers.ToArray(); if (unattended) { foreach (var w in video_writers) { if (w.ShortName() == videowritername) { aw = w; break; } } } else { aw = VideoWriterChooserForm.DoVideoWriterChoserDlg(video_writers, GlobalWin.MainForm, out _avwriterResizew, out _avwriterResizeh); } foreach (var w in video_writers) { if (w != aw) w.Dispose(); } if (aw == null) { if (unattended) GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage(string.Format("Couldn't start video writer \"{0}\"", videowritername)); else GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("A/V capture canceled."); return; } try { aw.SetMovieParameters(Global.Emulator.CoreComm.VsyncNum, Global.Emulator.CoreComm.VsyncDen); if (_avwriterResizew > 0 && _avwriterResizeh > 0) aw.SetVideoParameters(_avwriterResizew, _avwriterResizeh); else aw.SetVideoParameters(Global.Emulator.VideoProvider.BufferWidth, Global.Emulator.VideoProvider.BufferHeight); aw.SetAudioParameters(44100, 2, 16); // select codec token // do this before save dialog because ffmpeg won't know what extension it wants until it's been configured if (unattended) { aw.SetDefaultVideoCodecToken(); } else { var token = aw.AcquireVideoCodecToken(GlobalWin.MainForm); if (token == null) { GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("A/V capture canceled."); aw.Dispose(); return; } aw.SetVideoCodecToken(token); } // select file to save to if (unattended) { aw.OpenFile(filename); } else { var sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); if (!(Global.Emulator is NullEmulator)) { sfd.FileName = PathManager.FilesystemSafeName(Global.Game); sfd.InitialDirectory = PathManager.MakeAbsolutePath(Global.Config.PathEntries.AvPathFragment, null); } else { sfd.FileName = "NULL"; sfd.InitialDirectory = PathManager.MakeAbsolutePath(Global.Config.PathEntries.AvPathFragment, null); } sfd.Filter = String.Format("{0} (*.{0})|*.{0}|All Files|*.*", aw.DesiredExtension()); var result = sfd.ShowHawkDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.Cancel) { aw.Dispose(); return; } aw.OpenFile(sfd.FileName); } //commit the avi writing last, in case there were any errors earlier _currAviWriter = aw; GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("A/V capture started"); AVIStatusLabel.Image = Properties.Resources.AVI; AVIStatusLabel.ToolTipText = "A/V capture in progress"; AVIStatusLabel.Visible = true; } catch { GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("A/V capture failed!"); aw.Dispose(); throw; } // do sound rewire. the plan is to eventually have AVI writing support syncsound input, but it doesn't for the moment if (!Global.Emulator.StartAsyncSound()) _aviSoundInput = new MetaspuAsync(Global.Emulator.SyncSoundProvider, ESynchMethod.ESynchMethod_V); else _aviSoundInput = Global.Emulator.SoundProvider; _dumpProxy = new MetaspuSoundProvider(ESynchMethod.ESynchMethod_V); _soundRemainder = 0; RewireSound(); } private void AbortAVI() { if (_currAviWriter == null) { _dumpProxy = null; RewireSound(); return; } _currAviWriter.Dispose(); _currAviWriter = null; GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("A/V capture aborted"); AVIStatusLabel.Image = Properties.Resources.Blank; AVIStatusLabel.ToolTipText = ""; AVIStatusLabel.Visible = false; _aviSoundInput = null; _dumpProxy = null; // return to normal sound output _soundRemainder = 0; RewireSound(); } private void StopAVI() { if (_currAviWriter == null) { _dumpProxy = null; RewireSound(); return; } _currAviWriter.CloseFile(); _currAviWriter.Dispose(); _currAviWriter = null; GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("A/V capture stopped"); AVIStatusLabel.Image = Properties.Resources.Blank; AVIStatusLabel.ToolTipText = ""; AVIStatusLabel.Visible = false; _aviSoundInput = null; _dumpProxy = null; // return to normal sound output _soundRemainder = 0; RewireSound(); } private void AVIFrameAdvance() { GlobalWin.DisplayManager.NeedsToPaint = true; if (_currAviWriter != null) { long nsampnum = 44100 * (long)Global.Emulator.CoreComm.VsyncDen + _soundRemainder; long nsamp = nsampnum / Global.Emulator.CoreComm.VsyncNum; // exactly remember fractional parts of an audio sample _soundRemainder = nsampnum % Global.Emulator.CoreComm.VsyncNum; short[] temp = new short[nsamp * 2]; _aviSoundInput.GetSamples(temp); _dumpProxy.buffer.enqueue_samples(temp, (int)nsamp); try { IVideoProvider output; if (_avwriterResizew > 0 && _avwriterResizeh > 0) { Bitmap bmpin; if (Global.Config.AVI_CaptureOSD) bmpin = CaptureOSD(); else { bmpin = new Bitmap(Global.Emulator.VideoProvider.BufferWidth, Global.Emulator.VideoProvider.BufferHeight, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); var lockdata = bmpin.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpin.Width, bmpin.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(Global.Emulator.VideoProvider.GetVideoBuffer(), 0, lockdata.Scan0, bmpin.Width * bmpin.Height); bmpin.UnlockBits(lockdata); } Bitmap bmpout = new Bitmap(_avwriterResizew, _avwriterResizeh, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmpout)) g.DrawImage(bmpin, new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpout.Width, bmpout.Height)); bmpin.Dispose(); output = new BmpVideoProvder(bmpout); } else { if (Global.Config.AVI_CaptureOSD) output = new BmpVideoProvder(CaptureOSD()); else output = Global.Emulator.VideoProvider; } _currAviWriter.AddFrame(output); if (output is BmpVideoProvder) (output as BmpVideoProvder).Dispose(); _currAviWriter.AddSamples(temp); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Video dumping died:\n\n" + e); AbortAVI(); } if (_autoDumpLength > 0) { _autoDumpLength--; if (_autoDumpLength == 0) // finish { StopAVI(); if (autoCloseOnDump) { _exit = true; } } } GlobalWin.DisplayManager.NeedsToPaint = true; } } #endregion #region Scheduled for refactor void ShowMessageCoreComm(string message) { MessageBox.Show(this, message, "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } private void NesSpeicalMenuAdd(string name, string button, string msg) //TODO: don't do this, put these into the menu but hide them in the dropdownopened event as needed { NESSpecialControlsMenuItem.Visible = true; NESSpecialControlsMenuItem.DropDownItems.Add(name, null, delegate { if (Global.Emulator.ControllerDefinition.BoolButtons.Contains(button)) { if (!Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsPlaying || Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsFinished) { Global.ClickyVirtualPadController.Click(button); GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage(msg); } } }); } private void NesSpecialMenuControls() //Ditto { // ugly and hacky NESSpecialControlsMenuItem.Visible = false; NESSpecialControlsMenuItem.DropDownItems.Clear(); var ss = Global.Emulator.ControllerDefinition.BoolButtons; if (ss.Contains("FDS Eject")) { NesSpeicalMenuAdd("Eject Disk", "FDS Eject", "FDS Disk Ejected."); } for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { var s = "FDS Insert " + i; if (ss.Contains(s)) { NesSpeicalMenuAdd("Insert Disk " + i, s, "FDS Disk " + i + " inserted."); } } if (ss.Contains("VS Coin 1")) { NesSpeicalMenuAdd("Insert Coin 1", "VS Coin 1", "Coin 1 inserted."); } if (ss.Contains("VS Coin 2")) { NesSpeicalMenuAdd("Insert Coin 2", "VS Coin 2", "Coin 2 inserted."); } } private static void RewireInputChain() //Move to Client.Common { GlobalWin.ControllerInputCoalescer = new ControllerInputCoalescer { Type = Global.ActiveController.Type }; Global.OrControllerAdapter.Source = Global.ActiveController; Global.OrControllerAdapter.SourceOr = Global.AutoFireController; Global.UD_LR_ControllerAdapter.Source = Global.OrControllerAdapter; Global.StickyXORAdapter.Source = Global.UD_LR_ControllerAdapter; Global.AutofireStickyXORAdapter.Source = Global.StickyXORAdapter; Global.MultitrackRewiringControllerAdapter.Source = Global.AutofireStickyXORAdapter; Global.ForceOffAdaptor.Source = Global.MultitrackRewiringControllerAdapter; Global.MovieInputSourceAdapter.Source = Global.ForceOffAdaptor; Global.ControllerOutput.Source = Global.MovieOutputHardpoint; Global.Emulator.Controller = Global.ControllerOutput; Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerAdapter.Type = Global.MovieInputSourceAdapter.Type; //connect the movie session before MovieOutputHardpoint if it is doing anything //otherwise connect the MovieInputSourceAdapter to it, effectively bypassing the movie session if (Global.MovieSession.Movie != null) { Global.MovieOutputHardpoint.Source = Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerAdapter; } else { Global.MovieOutputHardpoint.Source = Global.MovieInputSourceAdapter; } } private static void SyncControls() //Move to client.comon { var def = Global.Emulator.ControllerDefinition; Global.ActiveController = BindToDefinition(def, Global.Config.AllTrollers, Global.Config.AllTrollersAnalog); Global.AutoFireController = BindToDefinitionAF(def, Global.Config.AllTrollersAutoFire); // allow propogating controls that are in the current controller definition but not in the prebaked one // these two lines shouldn't be required anymore under the new system? Global.ActiveController.ForceType(new ControllerDefinition(Global.Emulator.ControllerDefinition)); Global.ClickyVirtualPadController.Type = new ControllerDefinition(Global.Emulator.ControllerDefinition); RewireInputChain(); } public bool LoadRom(string path, bool deterministicemulation = false, bool hasmovie = false) //Move to client.common { if (path == null) return false; using (var file = new HawkFile()) { var romExtensions = new[] { "SMS", "SMC", "SFC", "PCE", "SGX", "GG", "SG", "BIN", "GEN", "MD", "SMD", "GB", "NES", "FDS", "ROM", "INT", "GBC", "UNF", "A78", "CRT", "COL", "XML", "Z64", "V64", "N64" }; //lets not use this unless we need to //file.NonArchiveExtensions = romExtensions; file.Open(path); //if the provided file doesnt even exist, give up! if (!file.Exists) return false; //try binding normal rom extensions first if (!file.IsBound) file.BindSoleItemOf(romExtensions); //if we have an archive and need to bind something, then pop the dialog if (file.IsArchive && !file.IsBound) { var ac = new ArchiveChooser(file); if (ac.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { file.BindArchiveMember(ac.SelectedMemberIndex); } else return false; } IEmulator nextEmulator = null; RomGame rom = null; GameInfo game = null; var nextComm = new CoreComm(ShowMessageCoreComm); CoreFileProvider.SyncCoreCommInputSignals(nextComm); try { string ext = file.Extension.ToLower(); if (ext == ".iso" || ext == ".cue") { Disc disc = ext == ".iso" ? Disc.FromIsoPath(path) : Disc.FromCuePath(path, new CueBinPrefs()); var hash = disc.GetHash(); game = Database.CheckDatabase(hash); if (game == null) { // try to use our wizard methods game = new GameInfo { Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.Name), Hash = hash }; switch (disc.DetectDiscType()) { case DiscType.SegaSaturn: game.System = "SAT"; break; case DiscType.SonyPSP: game.System = "PSP"; break; case DiscType.SonyPSX: game.System = "PSX"; break; case DiscType.MegaCD: game.System = "GEN"; break; case DiscType.TurboCD: case DiscType.UnknownCDFS: case DiscType.UnknownFormat: default:// PCECD was bizhawk's first CD core, // and during that time, all CDs were blindly sent to it // so this prevents regressions game.System = "PCECD"; break; } } switch (game.System) { case "GEN": { var genesis = new BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Sega.gpgx.GPGX( nextComm, null, disc, "GEN", true, Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Sega.gpgx.GPGX.ControlType.Normal); nextEmulator = genesis; } break; case "SAT": { var saturn = new Yabause(nextComm, disc, Global.Config.SaturnUseGL); nextEmulator = saturn; SaturnSetPrefs(saturn); } break; case "PSP": { var psp = new PSP(nextComm, file.Name); nextEmulator = psp; } break; case "PSX": { var psx = new Octoshock(nextComm); nextEmulator = psx; psx.LoadCuePath(file.CanonicalFullPath); nextEmulator.CoreComm.RomStatusDetails = "PSX etc."; } break; case "PCE": case "PCECD": { var biosPath = Global.FirmwareManager.Request("PCECD", "Bios"); if (File.Exists(biosPath) == false) { MessageBox.Show("PCE-CD System Card not found. Please check the BIOS path in Config->Paths->PC Engine."); return false; } rom = new RomGame(new HawkFile(biosPath)); if (rom.GameInfo.Status == RomStatus.BadDump) MessageBox.Show("The PCE-CD System Card you have selected is known to be a bad dump. This may cause problems playing PCE-CD games.\n\n" + "It is recommended that you find a good dump of the system card. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news!"); else if (rom.GameInfo.NotInDatabase) MessageBox.Show("The PCE-CD System Card you have selected is not recognized in our database. That might mean it's a bad dump, or isn't the correct rom."); else if (rom.GameInfo["BIOS"] == false) MessageBox.Show("The PCE-CD System Card you have selected is not a BIOS image. You may have selected the wrong rom."); if (rom.GameInfo["SuperSysCard"]) game.AddOption("SuperSysCard"); if ((game["NeedSuperSysCard"]) && game["SuperSysCard"] == false) MessageBox.Show("This game requires a version 3.0 System card and won't run with the system card you've selected. Try selecting a 3.0 System Card in Config->Paths->PC Engine."); if (Global.Config.PceSpriteLimit) game.AddOption("ForceSpriteLimit"); if (Global.Config.PceEqualizeVolume) game.AddOption("EqualizeVolumes"); if (Global.Config.PceArcadeCardRewindHack) game.AddOption("ArcadeRewindHack"); game.FirmwareHash = Util.BytesToHexString(System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1.Create().ComputeHash(rom.RomData)); nextEmulator = new PCEngine(nextComm, game, disc, rom.RomData); break; } } } else if (file.Extension.ToLower() == ".xml") { try { var XMLG = XmlGame.Create(file); // if load fails, are we supposed to retry as a bsnes XML???????? game = XMLG.GI; switch (game.System) { case "DGB": var L = Database.GetGameInfo(XMLG.Assets["LeftRom"], ""); var R = Database.GetGameInfo(XMLG.Assets["RightRom"], ""); if (Global.Config.GB_ForceDMG) L.AddOption("ForceDMG"); if (Global.Config.GB_GBACGB) L.AddOption("GBACGB"); if (Global.Config.GB_MulticartCompat) L.AddOption("MulitcartCompat"); if (Global.Config.GB_ForceDMG) R.AddOption("ForceDMG"); if (Global.Config.GB_GBACGB) R.AddOption("GBACGB"); if (Global.Config.GB_MulticartCompat) R.AddOption("MulitcartCompat"); var gbl = new GambatteLink(nextComm, L, XMLG.Assets["LeftRom"], R, XMLG.Assets["RightRom"]); nextEmulator = gbl; // other stuff todo break; default: return false; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "XMLGame Load Error"); } } else // most extensions { rom = new RomGame(file); game = rom.GameInfo; bool isXml = false; // other xml has already been handled if (file.Extension.ToLower() == ".xml") { game.System = "SNES"; isXml = true; } switch (game.System) { case "SNES": { game.System = "SNES"; nextComm.SNES_ExePath = SNES_Prepare(Global.Config.SNESProfile); // need to get rid of this hack at some point ((CoreFileProvider)nextComm.CoreFileProvider).SubfileDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(path.Replace("|", "")); //Dirty hack to get around archive filenames (since we are just getting the directory path, it is safe to mangle the filename var snes = new LibsnesCore(nextComm); nextEmulator = snes; byte[] romData = isXml ? null : rom.FileData; byte[] xmlData = isXml ? rom.FileData : null; snes.Load(game, romData, deterministicemulation, xmlData); } break; case "SMS": case "SG": if (Global.Config.SmsEnableFM) game.AddOption("UseFM"); if (Global.Config.SmsAllowOverlock) game.AddOption("AllowOverclock"); if (Global.Config.SmsForceStereoSeparation) game.AddOption("ForceStereo"); if (Global.Config.SmsSpriteLimit) game.AddOption("SpriteLimit"); nextEmulator = new SMS(nextComm, game, rom.RomData); break; case "GG": if (Global.Config.SmsAllowOverlock) game.AddOption("AllowOverclock"); if (Global.Config.SmsSpriteLimit) game.AddOption("SpriteLimit"); nextEmulator = new SMS(nextComm, game, rom.RomData); break; case "A26": nextEmulator = new Atari2600(nextComm, game, rom.FileData); ((Atari2600)nextEmulator).SetBw(Global.Config.Atari2600_BW); ((Atari2600)nextEmulator).SetP0Diff(Global.Config.Atari2600_LeftDifficulty); ((Atari2600)nextEmulator).SetP1Diff(Global.Config.Atari2600_RightDifficulty); break; case "PCE": case "PCECD": case "SGX": if (Global.Config.PceSpriteLimit) game.AddOption("ForceSpriteLimit"); nextEmulator = new PCEngine(nextComm, game, rom.RomData); break; case "GEN": { //nextEmulator = new Genesis(nextComm, game, rom.RomData); nextEmulator = new BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Sega.gpgx.GPGX(nextComm, rom.RomData, null, "GEN", true, Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Sega.gpgx.GPGX.ControlType.Normal); break; } case "TI83": nextEmulator = new TI83(nextComm, game, rom.RomData); if (Global.Config.TI83autoloadKeyPad) { GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); } break; case "NES": { var nes = new NES(nextComm, game, rom.FileData, Global.MovieSession.Movie.Header.BoardProperties) { NTSC_FirstDrawLine = Global.Config.NTSC_NESTopLine, NTSC_LastDrawLine = Global.Config.NTSC_NESBottomLine, PAL_FirstDrawLine = Global.Config.PAL_NESTopLine }; nes.NTSC_LastDrawLine = Global.Config.PAL_NESBottomLine; nes.SetClipLeftAndRight(Global.Config.NESClipLeftAndRight); nextEmulator = nes; if (Global.Config.NESAutoLoadPalette && Global.Config.NESPaletteFile.Length > 0 && HawkFile.ExistsAt(Global.Config.NESPaletteFile)) { nes.SetPalette( NES.Palettes.Load_FCEUX_Palette(HawkFile.ReadAllBytes(Global.Config.NESPaletteFile))); } } break; case "GB": case "GBC": if (!Global.Config.GB_AsSGB) { if (Global.Config.GB_ForceDMG) game.AddOption("ForceDMG"); if (Global.Config.GB_GBACGB) game.AddOption("GBACGB"); if (Global.Config.GB_MulticartCompat) game.AddOption("MulitcartCompat"); var gb = new Gameboy(nextComm, game, rom.FileData); nextEmulator = gb; if (gb.IsCGBMode()) { gb.SetCGBColors(Global.Config.CGBColors); } else { try { using (var f = new StreamReader(Global.Config.GB_PaletteFile)) { int[] colors = ColorChooserForm.LoadPalFile(f); if (colors != null) { gb.ChangeDMGColors(colors); } } } catch { } } } else { try { game.System = "SNES"; game.AddOption("SGB"); nextComm.SNES_ExePath = SNES_Prepare(Global.Config.SNESProfile); var snes = new LibsnesCore(nextComm); nextEmulator = snes; snes.Load(game, rom.FileData, deterministicemulation, null); } catch { // failed to load SGB bios. to avoid catch-22, disable SGB mode ShowMessageCoreComm("Failed to load a GB rom in SGB mode. Disabling SGB Mode."); Global.Config.GB_AsSGB = false; throw; } } break; case "Coleco": { var c = new ColecoVision(nextComm, game, rom.RomData, Global.Config.ColecoSkipBiosIntro); nextEmulator = c; } break; case "INTV": { var intv = new Intellivision(nextComm, game, rom.RomData); nextEmulator = intv; } break; case "A78": var gamedbpath = Path.Combine(PathManager.GetExeDirectoryAbsolute(), "gamedb", "EMU7800.csv"); var a78 = new Atari7800(nextComm, game, rom.RomData, gamedbpath); nextEmulator = a78; break; case "C64": C64 c64 = new C64(nextComm, game, rom.RomData, rom.Extension); c64.HardReset(); nextEmulator = c64; break; case "GBA": if (VersionInfo.INTERIM) { GBA gba = new GBA(nextComm); //var gba = new GarboDev.GbaManager(nextComm); gba.Load(rom.RomData); nextEmulator = gba; } break; case "N64": Global.Game = game; var video_settings = N64GenerateVideoSettings(game, hasmovie); int SaveType = 0; if (game.OptionValue("SaveType") == "EEPROM_16K") { SaveType = 1; } nextEmulator = new N64(nextComm, game, rom.RomData, video_settings, SaveType); break; case "DEBUG": if (VersionInfo.INTERIM) { nextEmulator = LibRetroEmulator.CreateDebug(nextComm, rom.RomData); } break; } } if (nextEmulator == null) throw new Exception("No core could load the rom."); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Exception during loadgame:\n\n" + ex); return false; } CloseGame(); Global.Emulator.Dispose(); Global.Emulator = nextEmulator; Global.CoreComm = nextComm; Global.Game = game; CoreFileProvider.SyncCoreCommInputSignals(); SyncControls(); if (nextEmulator is LibsnesCore) { var snes = nextEmulator as LibsnesCore; snes.SetPalette((SnesColors.ColorType)Enum.Parse(typeof(SnesColors.ColorType), Global.Config.SNESPalette, false)); } if (game.System == "NES") { NES nes = Global.Emulator as NES; if (nes.GameName != null) Global.Game.Name = nes.GameName; Global.Game.Status = nes.RomStatus; SetNesSoundChannels(); } Text = DisplayNameForSystem(game.System) + " - " + game.Name; ResetRewindBuffer(); if (Global.Emulator.CoreComm.RomStatusDetails == null && rom != null) { Global.Emulator.CoreComm.RomStatusDetails = string.Format("{0}\r\nSHA1:{1}\r\nMD5:{2}\r\n", game.Name, Util.BytesToHexString(System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1.Create().ComputeHash(rom.RomData)), Util.BytesToHexString(System.Security.Cryptography.MD5.Create().ComputeHash(rom.RomData))); } if (Global.Emulator.BoardName != null) { Console.WriteLine("Core reported BoardID: \"{0}\"", Global.Emulator.BoardName); } //restarts the lua console if a different rom is loaded. //im not really a fan of how this is done.. if (Global.Config.RecentRoms.Empty || Global.Config.RecentRoms[0] != file.CanonicalFullPath) { GlobalWin.Tools.Restart(); } Global.Config.RecentRoms.Add(file.CanonicalFullPath); JumpLists.AddRecentItem(file.CanonicalFullPath); if (File.Exists(PathManager.SaveRamPath(game))) { LoadSaveRam(); } if (Global.Config.AutoSavestates) { LoadState("Auto"); } GlobalWin.Tools.Restart(); Cheats_Restart(); if (Global.Config.LoadCheatFileByGame) { if (Global.CheatList.AttemptToLoadCheatFile()) { GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("Cheats file loaded"); } } CurrentlyOpenRom = file.CanonicalFullPath; HandlePlatformMenus(); _stateSlots.Clear(); UpdateStatusSlots(); UpdateDumpIcon(); CaptureRewindState(); Global.StickyXORAdapter.ClearStickies(); Global.StickyXORAdapter.ClearStickyFloats(); Global.AutofireStickyXORAdapter.ClearStickies(); RewireSound(); return true; } } public void SaveState(string name) //Move to client.common { if (Global.Emulator is NullEmulator) { return; } var path = PathManager.SaveStatePrefix(Global.Game) + "." + name + ".State"; var file = new FileInfo(path); if (file.Directory != null && file.Directory.Exists == false) { file.Directory.Create(); } //Make backup first if (Global.Config.BackupSavestates && file.Exists) { var backup = path + ".bak"; var backupFile = new FileInfo(backup); if (backupFile.Exists) { backupFile.Delete(); } file.CopyTo(backup); } SaveStateFile(path, name, false); if (GlobalWin.Tools.Has()) { GlobalWin.Tools.LuaConsole.LuaImp.CallSaveStateEvent(name); } } public void SaveStateFile(string filename, string name, bool fromLua) //Move to client.common { SavestateManager.SaveStateFile(filename, name); GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("Saved state: " + name); if (!fromLua) { UpdateStatusSlots(); } } public void LoadStateFile(string path, string name, bool fromLua = false) //Move to client.commo { GlobalWin.DisplayManager.NeedsToPaint = true; if (SavestateManager.LoadStateFile(path, name)) { SetMainformMovieInfo(); GlobalWin.OSD.ClearGUIText(); GlobalWin.Tools.UpdateToolsBefore(fromLua); UpdateToolsAfter(fromLua); UpdateToolsLoadstate(); GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("Loaded state: " + name); if (GlobalWin.Tools.Has()) { GlobalWin.Tools.LuaConsole.LuaImp.CallLoadStateEvent(name); } } else { GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("Loadstate error!"); } } public void LoadState(string name, bool fromLua = false) //Move to client.commo { if (Global.Emulator is NullEmulator) { return; } string path = PathManager.SaveStatePrefix(Global.Game) + "." + name + ".State"; if (File.Exists(path) == false) { GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("Unable to load " + name + ".State"); return; } LoadStateFile(path, name, fromLua); } //whats the difference between these two methods?? //its very tricky. rename to be more clear or combine them. private void CloseGame(bool clearSram = false) { if (Global.Config.AutoSavestates && Global.Emulator is NullEmulator == false) { SaveState("Auto"); } if (clearSram) { var path = PathManager.SaveRamPath(Global.Game); if (File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage("SRAM cleared."); } } else if (Global.Emulator.SaveRamModified) { SaveRam(); } StopAVI(); Global.Emulator.Dispose(); Global.CoreComm = new CoreComm(ShowMessageCoreComm); CoreFileProvider.SyncCoreCommInputSignals(); Global.Emulator = new NullEmulator(Global.CoreComm); Global.ActiveController = Global.NullControls; Global.AutoFireController = Global.AutofireNullControls; // adelikat: TODO: Ugly hack! But I don't know a way around this yet. if (!(Global.MovieSession.Movie is TasMovie)) { Global.MovieSession.Movie.Stop(); } RebootStatusBarIcon.Visible = false; } public void CloseRom(bool clearSram = false) { if (GlobalWin.Tools.AskSave()) { CloseGame(clearSram); Global.CoreComm = new CoreComm(ShowMessageCoreComm); CoreFileProvider.SyncCoreCommInputSignals(); Global.Emulator = new NullEmulator(Global.CoreComm); Global.Game = GameInfo.GetNullGame(); GlobalWin.Tools.Restart(); RewireSound(); ResetRewindBuffer(); Cheats_Restart(); Text = "BizHawk" + (VersionInfo.INTERIM ? " (interim) " : String.Empty); HandlePlatformMenus(); _stateSlots.Clear(); UpdateDumpIcon(); } } private void SwapBackupSavestate(string path) //Move inside Saveslot Manager { //Takes the .state and .bak files and swaps them var state = new FileInfo(path); var backup = new FileInfo(path + ".bak"); var temp = new FileInfo(path + ".bak.tmp"); if (state.Exists == false) return; if (backup.Exists == false) return; if (temp.Exists) temp.Delete(); backup.CopyTo(path + ".bak.tmp"); backup.Delete(); state.CopyTo(path + ".bak"); state.Delete(); temp.CopyTo(path); temp.Delete(); _stateSlots.ToggleRedo(Global.Config.SaveSlot); } private static void ProcessMovieImport(string fn) //Nothing Winform Specific here, move to Movie import { var d = PathManager.MakeAbsolutePath(Global.Config.PathEntries.MoviesPathFragment, null); string errorMsg; string warningMsg; var m = MovieImport.ImportFile(fn, out errorMsg, out warningMsg); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errorMsg)) { MessageBox.Show(errorMsg, "Conversion error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(warningMsg)) { GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage(warningMsg); } else { GlobalWin.OSD.AddMessage(Path.GetFileName(fn) + " imported as " + "Movies\\" + Path.GetFileName(fn) + "." + Global.Config.MovieExtension); } if (!Directory.Exists(d)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(d); } var outPath = Path.Combine(d, (Path.GetFileName(fn) + "." + Global.Config.MovieExtension)); m.SaveAs(outPath); } #endregion } }