using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.ComponentModel; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common.IEmulatorExtensions; using BizHawk.Client.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using BizHawk.Common.ReflectionExtensions; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk { public class ToolManager { #region Fields private readonly Form _owner; // TODO: merge ToolHelper code where logical // For instance, add an IToolForm property called UsesCheats, so that a UpdateCheatRelatedTools() method can update all tools of this type // Also a UsesRam, and similar method private readonly List _tools = new List(); #endregion #region cTor(s) /// /// Initialize an new ToolManager instance /// /// Form that handle the ToolManager public ToolManager(Form owner) { _owner = owner; } #endregion /// /// Loads the tool dialog T (T must implemants ) , if it does not exist it will be created, if it is already open, it will be focused /// This method should be used only if you can't use the generic one /// /// Type of tool you want to load /// Define if the tool form has to get the focus or not (Default is true) /// An instanciated /// Raised if can't be casted into IToolForm internal IToolForm Load(Type toolType, bool focus = true) { if (!typeof(IToolForm).IsAssignableFrom(toolType)) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Type {0} does not implement IToolForm.", toolType.Name)); } else { //The type[] in parameter is used to avoid an ambigous name exception MethodInfo method = GetType().GetMethod("Load", new Type[] { typeof(bool) }).MakeGenericMethod(toolType); return (IToolForm)method.Invoke(this, new object[] { focus }); } } /// /// Loads the tool dialog T (T must implement ) , if it does not exist it will be created, if it is already open, it will be focused /// /// Type of tool you want to load /// Define if the tool form has to get the focus or not (Default is true) /// An instanciated public T Load(bool focus = true) where T : class, IToolForm { return Load(string.Empty, focus); } /// /// Loads the tool dialog T (T must implement ) , if it does not exist it will be created, if it is already open, it will be focused /// /// Type of tool you want to load /// Define if the tool form has to get the focus or not (Default is true) /// Path to the dll of the external tool /// An instanciated public T Load(string toolPath, bool focus = true) where T : class, IToolForm { bool isExternal = typeof(T) == typeof(IExternalToolForm); if (!IsAvailable() && !isExternal) { return null; } T existingTool; if (isExternal) { existingTool = (T)_tools.FirstOrDefault(x => x is T && x.GetType().Assembly.Location == toolPath); } else { existingTool = (T)_tools.FirstOrDefault(x => x is T); } if (existingTool != null) { if (existingTool.IsDisposed) { _tools.Remove(existingTool); } else { if (focus) { existingTool.Show(); existingTool.Focus(); } return existingTool; } } IToolForm newTool = CreateInstance(toolPath); if (newTool == null) { return null; } if (newTool is Form) { (newTool as Form).Owner = GlobalWin.MainForm; } ServiceInjector.UpdateServices(Global.Emulator.ServiceProvider, newTool); string toolType = typeof(T).ToString(); // auto settings if (newTool is IToolFormAutoConfig) { ToolDialogSettings settings; if (!Global.Config.CommonToolSettings.TryGetValue(toolType, out settings)) { settings = new ToolDialogSettings(); Global.Config.CommonToolSettings[toolType] = settings; } AttachSettingHooks(newTool as IToolFormAutoConfig, settings); } // custom settings if (HasCustomConfig(newTool)) { Dictionary settings; if (!Global.Config.CustomToolSettings.TryGetValue(toolType, out settings)) { settings = new Dictionary(); Global.Config.CustomToolSettings[toolType] = settings; } InstallCustomConfig(newTool, settings); } newTool.Restart(); newTool.Show(); return (T)newTool; } public void AutoLoad() { var genericSettings = Global.Config.CommonToolSettings .Where(kvp => kvp.Value.AutoLoad) .Select(kvp => kvp.Key); var customSettings = Global.Config.CustomToolSettings .Where(list => list.Value.Any(kvp => typeof(ToolDialogSettings).IsAssignableFrom(kvp.Value.GetType()) && (kvp.Value as ToolDialogSettings).AutoLoad)) .Select(kvp => kvp.Key); var typeNames = genericSettings.Concat(customSettings); foreach (var typename in typeNames) { // this type resolution might not be sufficient. more investigation is needed Type t = Type.GetType(typename); if (t == null) { Console.WriteLine("BENIGN: Couldn't find type {0}", typename); } else { Load(t, false); } } } private static void RefreshSettings(Form form, ToolStripItemCollection menu, ToolDialogSettings settings, int idx) { (menu[idx + 0] as ToolStripMenuItem).Checked = settings.SaveWindowPosition; (menu[idx + 1] as ToolStripMenuItem).Checked = settings.TopMost; (menu[idx + 2] as ToolStripMenuItem).Checked = settings.FloatingWindow; (menu[idx + 3] as ToolStripMenuItem).Checked = settings.AutoLoad; form.TopMost = settings.TopMost; // do we need to do this OnShown() as well? form.Owner = settings.FloatingWindow ? null : GlobalWin.MainForm; } private void AttachSettingHooks(IToolFormAutoConfig tool, ToolDialogSettings settings) { var form = (Form)tool; ToolStripItemCollection dest = null; var oldsize = form.Size; // this should be the right time to grab this size foreach (Control c in form.Controls) { if (c is MenuStrip) { var ms = c as MenuStrip; foreach (ToolStripMenuItem submenu in ms.Items) { if (submenu.Text.Contains("Settings")) { dest = submenu.DropDownItems; dest.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); break; } } if (dest == null) { var submenu = new ToolStripMenuItem("&Settings"); ms.Items.Add(submenu); dest = submenu.DropDownItems; } break; } } if (dest == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("IToolFormAutoConfig must have menu to bind to!"); int idx = dest.Count; dest.Add("Save Window &Position"); dest.Add("Stay on &Top"); dest.Add("&Float from Parent"); dest.Add("&Autoload"); dest.Add("Restore &Defaults"); RefreshSettings(form, dest, settings, idx); if (settings.UseWindowPosition) { form.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; form.Location = settings.WindowPosition; } if (settings.UseWindowSize) { if (form.FormBorderStyle == FormBorderStyle.Sizable || form.FormBorderStyle == FormBorderStyle.SizableToolWindow) form.Size = settings.WindowSize; } form.FormClosing += (o, e) => { if (form.WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal) { settings.Wndx = form.Location.X; settings.Wndy = form.Location.Y; settings.Width = form.Right - form.Left; // why not form.Size.Width? settings.Height = form.Bottom - form.Top; } }; dest[idx + 0].Click += (o, e) => { bool val = !(o as ToolStripMenuItem).Checked; settings.SaveWindowPosition = val; (o as ToolStripMenuItem).Checked = val; }; dest[idx + 1].Click += (o, e) => { bool val = !(o as ToolStripMenuItem).Checked; settings.TopMost = val; (o as ToolStripMenuItem).Checked = val; form.TopMost = val; }; dest[idx + 2].Click += (o, e) => { bool val = !(o as ToolStripMenuItem).Checked; settings.FloatingWindow = val; (o as ToolStripMenuItem).Checked = val; form.Owner = val ? null : _owner; }; dest[idx + 3].Click += (o, e) => { bool val = !(o as ToolStripMenuItem).Checked; settings.AutoLoad = val; (o as ToolStripMenuItem).Checked = val; }; dest[idx + 4].Click += (o, e) => { settings.RestoreDefaults(); RefreshSettings(form, dest, settings, idx); form.Size = oldsize; }; } private static bool HasCustomConfig(IToolForm tool) { return tool.GetType().GetPropertiesWithAttrib(typeof(ConfigPersistAttribute)).Any(); } private static void InstallCustomConfig(IToolForm tool, Dictionary data) { Type type = tool.GetType(); var props = type.GetPropertiesWithAttrib(typeof(ConfigPersistAttribute)).ToList(); if (props.Count == 0) return; foreach (var prop in props) { object val; if (data.TryGetValue(prop.Name, out val)) { if (val is string && prop.PropertyType != typeof(string)) { // if a type has a TypeConverter, and that converter can convert to string, // that will be used in place of object markup by JSON.NET // but that doesn't work with $type metadata, and JSON.NET fails to fall // back on regular object serialization when needed. so try to undo a TypeConverter // operation here var converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(prop.PropertyType); val = converter.ConvertFromString(null,System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,((string)val)); } else if (!(val is bool) && prop.PropertyType.IsPrimitive) { // numeric constanst are similarly hosed val = Convert.ChangeType(val, prop.PropertyType, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } prop.SetValue(tool, val, null); } } (tool as Form).FormClosing += (o, e) => SaveCustomConfig(tool, data, props); } private static void SaveCustomConfig(IToolForm tool, Dictionary data, List props) { data.Clear(); foreach (var prop in props) { data.Add(prop.Name, prop.GetValue(tool, BindingFlags.GetProperty, Type.DefaultBinder, null, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } /// /// Determines whether a given IToolForm is already loaded /// public bool IsLoaded() where T : IToolForm { var existingTool = _tools.FirstOrDefault(x => x is T); if (existingTool != null) { return !existingTool.IsDisposed; } return false; } /// /// Returns true if an instance of T exists /// public bool Has() where T : IToolForm { return _tools.Any(x => x is T && !x.IsDisposed); } /// /// Gets the instance of T, or creates and returns a new instance /// public IToolForm Get() where T : class, IToolForm { return Load(false); } public IEnumerable AvailableTools { get { //return _tools.Where(t => !t.IsDisposed); return Assembly .GetAssembly(typeof(IToolForm)) .GetTypes() .Where(t => typeof(IToolForm).IsAssignableFrom(t)) .Where(t => !t.IsInterface) .Where(t => IsAvailable(t)); } } public void UpdateBefore() { var beforeList = _tools.Where(x => x.UpdateBefore); foreach (var tool in beforeList) { if (!tool.IsDisposed || (tool is RamWatch && Global.Config.DisplayRamWatch)) // RAM Watch hack, on screen display should run even if RAM Watch is closed { tool.UpdateValues(); } } } public void UpdateAfter() { var afterList = _tools.Where(x => !x.UpdateBefore); foreach (var tool in afterList) { if (!tool.IsDisposed || (tool is RamWatch && Global.Config.DisplayRamWatch)) // RAM Watch hack, on screen display should run even if RAM Watch is closed { tool.UpdateValues(); } } } /// /// Calls UpdateValues() on an instance of T, if it exists /// public void UpdateValues() where T : IToolForm { var tool = _tools.FirstOrDefault(x => x is T); if (tool != null) { if (!tool.IsDisposed || (tool is RamWatch && Global.Config.DisplayRamWatch)) // RAM Watch hack, on screen display should run even if RAM Watch is closed { tool.UpdateValues(); } } } public void Restart() { // If Cheat tool is loaded, restarting will restart the list too anyway if (!GlobalWin.Tools.Has()) { Global.CheatList.NewList(GenerateDefaultCheatFilename(), autosave: true); } var unavailable = new List(); foreach (var tool in _tools) { if (ServiceInjector.IsAvailable(Global.Emulator.ServiceProvider, tool.GetType())) { ServiceInjector.UpdateServices(Global.Emulator.ServiceProvider, tool); bool restartTool = false; if ((tool.IsHandleCreated && !tool.IsDisposed) || tool is RamWatch) // Hack for RAM Watch - in display watches mode it wants to keep running even closed, it will handle disposed logic restartTool = true; if (tool is LuaConsole && ((LuaConsole)tool).IsRebootingCore) restartTool = false; if (restartTool) { tool.Restart(); } } else { unavailable.Add(tool); ServiceInjector.ClearServices(tool); // the services of the old emulator core are no longer valid on the tool } } foreach (var tool in unavailable) { tool.Close(); _tools.Remove(tool); } } /// /// Calls Restart() on an instance of T, if it exists /// public void Restart() where T : IToolForm { var tool = _tools.FirstOrDefault(x => x is T); if (tool != null) { tool.Restart(); } } /// /// Runs AskSave on every tool dialog, false is returned if any tool returns false /// public bool AskSave() { if (Global.Config.SupressAskSave) // User has elected to not be nagged { return true; } return _tools .Select(tool => tool.AskSaveChanges()) .All(result => result); } /// /// Calls AskSave() on an instance of T, if it exists, else returns true /// The caller should interpret false as cancel and will back out of the action that invokes this call /// public bool AskSave() where T : IToolForm { if (Global.Config.SupressAskSave) // User has elected to not be nagged { return true; } var tool = _tools.FirstOrDefault(x => x is T); if (tool != null) { return tool.AskSaveChanges(); } else { return false; } } /// /// If T exists, this call will close the tool, and remove it from memory /// public void Close() where T : IToolForm { var tool = _tools.FirstOrDefault(x => x is T); if (tool != null) { tool.Close(); _tools.Remove(tool); } } public void Close(Type toolType) { var tool = _tools.FirstOrDefault(x => toolType.IsAssignableFrom(x.GetType())); if (tool != null) { tool.Close(); _tools.Remove(tool); } } public void Close() { _tools.ForEach(x => x.Close()); _tools.Clear(); } /// /// Create a new instance of an IToolForm and return it /// /// Type of tool you want to create /// Path dll for an external tool /// New instance of an IToolForm private IToolForm CreateInstance(string dllPath) where T : IToolForm { return CreateInstance(typeof(T), dllPath); } /// /// Create a new instance of an IToolForm and return it /// /// Type of tool you want to create /// Path dll for an external tool /// New instance of an IToolForm private IToolForm CreateInstance(Type toolType, string dllPath) { IToolForm tool; //Specific case for custom tools //TODO: Use AppDomain in order to be able to unload the assembly //Hard stuff as we need a proxy object that inherit from MarshalByRefObject. if (toolType == typeof(IExternalToolForm)) { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure want to load this external tool?\r\nAccept ONLY if you trust the source and if you know what you're doing. In any other case, choose no." , "Confirmm loading", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { try { tool = Activator.CreateInstanceFrom(dllPath, "BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.CustomMainForm").Unwrap() as IExternalToolForm; if (tool == null) { MessageBox.Show("It seems that the object CustomMainForm does not implement IExternalToolForm. Please review the code.", "No, no, no. Wrong Way !", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return null; } } catch (MissingMethodException) { MessageBox.Show("It seems that the object CustomMainForm does not have a public default constructor. Please review the code.", "No, no, no. Wrong Way !", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return null; } catch (TypeLoadException) { MessageBox.Show("It seems that the object CustomMainForm does not exists. Please review the code.", "No, no, no. Wrong Way !", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return null; } } else { return null; } } else { tool = (IToolForm)Activator.CreateInstance(toolType); } // Add to our list of tools _tools.Add(tool); return tool; } public void UpdateToolsBefore(bool fromLua = false) { if (Has()) { if (!fromLua) { LuaConsole.StartLuaDrawing(); } } UpdateBefore(); } public void UpdateToolsAfter(bool fromLua = false) { if (!fromLua && Has()) { LuaConsole.ResumeScripts(true); } GlobalWin.Tools.UpdateAfter(); if (Has()) { if (!fromLua) { LuaConsole.EndLuaDrawing(); } } } public void FastUpdateBefore() { var beforeList = _tools.Where(x => x.UpdateBefore); foreach (var tool in beforeList) { if (!tool.IsDisposed || (tool is RamWatch && Global.Config.DisplayRamWatch)) // RAM Watch hack, on screen display should run even if RAM Watch is closed { tool.FastUpdate(); } } } public void FastUpdateAfter() { if (Global.Config.RunLuaDuringTurbo && Has()) { LuaConsole.ResumeScripts(true); } var afterList = _tools.Where(x => !x.UpdateBefore); foreach (var tool in afterList) { if (!tool.IsDisposed || (tool is RamWatch && Global.Config.DisplayRamWatch)) // RAM Watch hack, on screen display should run even if RAM Watch is closed { tool.FastUpdate(); } } if (Global.Config.RunLuaDuringTurbo && Has()) { LuaConsole.EndLuaDrawing(); } } public bool IsAvailable() { return IsAvailable(typeof(T)); } public bool IsAvailable(Type t) { if (!ServiceInjector.IsAvailable(Global.Emulator.ServiceProvider, t)) { return false; } var tool = Assembly .GetExecutingAssembly() .GetTypes() .FirstOrDefault(type => type == t); if (tool == null) // This isn't a tool, must not be available { return false; } var attr = tool.GetCustomAttributes(false) .OfType() .FirstOrDefault(); if (attr == null) // If no attributes there is no supported systems documented so assume all { return true; } // If no supported systems mentioned assume all if (attr.SupportedSystems != null && attr.SupportedSystems.Any()) { return attr.SupportedSystems.Contains(Global.Emulator.SystemId); } return true; } // Note: Referencing these properties creates an instance of the tool and persists it. They should be referenced by type if this is not desired #region Tools public RamWatch RamWatch { get { var tool = _tools.FirstOrDefault(x => x is RamWatch); if (tool != null) { if (tool.IsDisposed) { _tools.Remove(tool); } else { return tool as RamWatch; } } var newTool = new RamWatch(); _tools.Add(newTool); return newTool; } } public RamSearch RamSearch { get { var tool = _tools.FirstOrDefault(x => x is RamSearch); if (tool != null) { if (tool.IsDisposed) { _tools.Remove(tool); } else { return tool as RamSearch; } } var newTool = new RamSearch(); _tools.Add(newTool); return newTool; } } public Cheats Cheats { get { var tool = _tools.FirstOrDefault(x => x is Cheats); if (tool != null) { if (tool.IsDisposed) { _tools.Remove(tool); } else { return tool as Cheats; } } var newTool = new Cheats(); _tools.Add(newTool); return newTool; } } public HexEditor HexEditor { get { var tool = _tools.FirstOrDefault(x => x is HexEditor); if (tool != null) { if (tool.IsDisposed) { _tools.Remove(tool); } else { return tool as HexEditor; } } var newTool = new HexEditor(); _tools.Add(newTool); return newTool; } } public VirtualpadTool VirtualPad { get { var tool = _tools.FirstOrDefault(x => x is VirtualpadTool); if (tool != null) { if (tool.IsDisposed) { _tools.Remove(tool); } else { return tool as VirtualpadTool; } } var newTool = new VirtualpadTool(); _tools.Add(newTool); return newTool; } } public SNESGraphicsDebugger SNESGraphicsDebugger { get { var tool = _tools.FirstOrDefault(x => x is SNESGraphicsDebugger); if (tool != null) { if (tool.IsDisposed) { _tools.Remove(tool); } else { return tool as SNESGraphicsDebugger; } } var newTool = new SNESGraphicsDebugger(); _tools.Add(newTool); return newTool; } } public LuaConsole LuaConsole { get { var tool = _tools.FirstOrDefault(x => x is LuaConsole); if (tool != null) { if (tool.IsDisposed) { _tools.Remove(tool); } else { return tool as LuaConsole; } } var newTool = new LuaConsole(); _tools.Add(newTool); return newTool; } } public TAStudio TAStudio { get { // prevent nasty silent corruption if (!GlobalWin.Tools.IsLoaded()) System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("TAStudio does not exist!"); var tool = _tools.FirstOrDefault(x => x is TAStudio); if (tool != null) { if (tool.IsDisposed) { _tools.Remove(tool); } else { return tool as TAStudio; } } var newTool = new TAStudio(); _tools.Add(newTool); return newTool; } } #endregion #region Specialized Tool Loading Logic public void LoadRamWatch(bool loadDialog) { if (!IsLoaded()) { Load(); } if (IsAvailable()) // Just because we attempted to load it, doesn't mean it was, the current core may not have the correct dependencies { if (Global.Config.RecentWatches.AutoLoad && !Global.Config.RecentWatches.Empty) { RamWatch.LoadFileFromRecent(Global.Config.RecentWatches.MostRecent); } if (!loadDialog) { Get().Close(); } } } public void LoadGameGenieEc() { if (GlobalWin.Tools.IsAvailable()) { GlobalWin.Tools.Load(); } } #endregion public static string GenerateDefaultCheatFilename() { var pathEntry = Global.Config.PathEntries[Global.Game.System, "Cheats"] ?? Global.Config.PathEntries[Global.Game.System, "Base"]; var path = PathManager.MakeAbsolutePath(pathEntry.Path, Global.Game.System); var f = new FileInfo(path); if (f.Directory != null && f.Directory.Exists == false) { f.Directory.Create(); } return Path.Combine(path, PathManager.FilesystemSafeName(Global.Game) + ".cht"); } } }