using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; namespace BizHawk { public enum RomStatus { GoodDump, BadDump, Homebrew, TranslatedRom, Hack, BIOS, Overdump, NotInDatabase } public enum HashType { CRC32, MD5 } public class GameInfo { public string Name; public string System; public string MetaData; public string hash; public RomStatus Status; public string[] GetOptions() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MetaData)) return new string[0]; return MetaData.Split(';').Where(opt => string.IsNullOrEmpty(opt) == false).ToArray(); } public Dictionary ParseOptionsDictionary() { var ret = new Dictionary(); foreach (var opt in GetOptions()) { var parts = opt.Split('='); var key = parts[0]; var value = parts.Length > 1 ? parts[1] : ""; ret[key] = value; } return ret; } } public static class Database { private static Dictionary db = new Dictionary(); static string RemoveHashType(string hash) { hash = hash.ToUpper(); if (hash.StartsWith("MD5:")) hash = hash.Substring(4); if (hash.StartsWith("SHA1:")) hash = hash.Substring(5); return hash; } public static GameInfo CheckDatabase(string hash) { GameInfo ret = null; hash = RemoveHashType(hash); db.TryGetValue(hash, out ret); return ret; } static void LoadDatabase_Escape(string line) { if (!line.ToUpper().StartsWith("#INCLUDE")) return; line = line.Substring(8).TrimStart(); if (File.Exists(line)) { Console.WriteLine("loaded external game database {0}", line); LoadDatabase(line); } else Console.WriteLine("BENIGN: missing external game database {0}", line); } public static void LoadDatabase(string path) { using (var reader = new StreamReader(new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))) { while (reader.EndOfStream == false) { string line = reader.ReadLine(); try { if (line.StartsWith(";")) continue; //comment if (line.StartsWith("#")) { LoadDatabase_Escape(line); continue; } if (line.Trim().Length == 0) continue; string[] items = line.Split('\t'); var Game = new GameInfo(); //remove a hash type identifier. well don't really need them for indexing (theyre just there for human purposes) Game.hash = RemoveHashType(items[0].ToUpper()); switch (items[1].Trim()) { case "B": Game.Status = RomStatus.BadDump; break; case "V": Game.Status = RomStatus.BadDump; break; case "T": Game.Status = RomStatus.TranslatedRom; break; case "O": Game.Status = RomStatus.Overdump; break; case "I": Game.Status = RomStatus.BIOS; break; case "D": Game.Status = RomStatus.Homebrew; break; case "H": Game.Status = RomStatus.Hack; break; default: Game.Status = RomStatus.GoodDump; break; } Game.Name = items[2]; Game.System = items[3]; Game.MetaData = items.Length >= 6 ? items[5] : null; if (db.ContainsKey(Game.hash)) Console.WriteLine("gamedb: Multiple hash entries {0}, duplicate detected on {1}",Game.hash, Game.Name); db[Game.hash] = Game; } catch { Console.WriteLine("Error parsing database entry: "+line); } } } } public static GameInfo GetGameInfo(byte[] RomData, string fileName) { GameInfo ret; string hash = string.Format("{0:X8}", CRC32.Calculate(RomData)); if (db.TryGetValue(hash, out ret)) return ret; hash = Util.BytesToHexString(System.Security.Cryptography.MD5.Create().ComputeHash(RomData)); if (db.TryGetValue(hash, out ret)) return ret; hash = Util.BytesToHexString(System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1.Create().ComputeHash(RomData)); if (db.TryGetValue(hash, out ret)) return ret; // rom is not in database. make some best-guesses var Game = new GameInfo(); Game.hash = hash; Game.MetaData = "NotInDatabase"; Game.Status = RomStatus.NotInDatabase; Console.WriteLine("Game was not in DB. CRC: {0:X8} MD5: {1}", CRC32.Calculate(RomData), Util.BytesToHexString(System.Security.Cryptography.MD5.Create().ComputeHash(RomData))); string ext = Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToUpperInvariant(); switch (ext) { case ".SMS": Game.System = "SMS"; break; case ".GG" : Game.System = "GG"; break; case ".SG" : Game.System = "SG"; break; case ".PCE": Game.System = "PCE"; break; case ".SGX": Game.System = "SGX"; break; case ".GB" : Game.System = "GB"; break; case ".BIN": case ".SMD": Game.System = "GEN"; break; case ".NES": Game.System = "NES"; break; } Game.Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName).Replace('_', ' '); // If filename is all-caps, then attempt to proper-case the title. if (Game.Name == Game.Name.ToUpperInvariant()) Game.Name = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(Game.Name.ToLower()); return Game; } } }