using System; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using BizHawk.Common.ReflectionExtensions; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Common.IEmulatorExtensions { public static class Extensions { public static CoreAttributes Attributes(this IEmulator core) { return (CoreAttributes)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(core.GetType(), typeof(CoreAttributes)); } public static bool IsNull(this IEmulator core) { return core == null || core is NullEmulator; } public static bool HasMemoryDomains(this IEmulator core) { if (core == null) { return false; } return core.ServiceProvider.HasService(); } public static IMemoryDomains AsMemoryDomains(this IEmulator core) { return (IMemoryDomains)core.ServiceProvider.GetService(); } public static bool HasSaveRam(this IEmulator core) { if (core == null) { return false; } return core.ServiceProvider.HasService(); } public static ISaveRam AsSaveRam(this IEmulator core) { return (ISaveRam)core.ServiceProvider.GetService(); } public static bool HasSavestates(this IEmulator core) { if (core == null) { return false; } return core.ServiceProvider.HasService(); } public static IStatable AsStatable(this IEmulator core) { return (IStatable)core.ServiceProvider.GetService(); } public static bool CanPollInput(this IEmulator core) { if (core == null) { return false; } return core.ServiceProvider.HasService(); } public static IInputPollable AsInputPollable(this IEmulator core) { return (IInputPollable)core.ServiceProvider.GetService(); } public static bool CanDebug(this IEmulator core) { if (core == null) { return false; } return core.ServiceProvider.HasService(); } public static IDebuggable AsDebuggable(this IEmulator core) { return (IDebuggable)core.ServiceProvider.GetService(); } public static bool CpuTraceAvailable(this IEmulator core) { if (core == null) { return false; } // TODO: this is a pretty ugly way to handle this var debuggable = (IDebuggable)core.ServiceProvider.GetService(); if (debuggable != null) { try { var tracer = debuggable.Tracer; return true; } catch (NotImplementedException) { return false; } } return false; } public static bool MemoryCallbacksAvailable(this IEmulator core) { if (core == null) { return false; } // TODO: this is a pretty ugly way to handle this var debuggable = (IDebuggable)core.ServiceProvider.GetService(); if (debuggable != null) { try { var tracer = debuggable.MemoryCallbacks; return true; } catch (NotImplementedException) { return false; } } return false; } // TODO: a better place for these public static bool IsImplemented(this MethodInfo info) { // If a method is marked as Not implemented, it is not implemented no matter what the body is if (info.GetCustomAttributes(false).Any(a => a is FeatureNotImplemented)) { return false; } // If a method is not marked but all it does is throw an exception, consider it not implemented return !info.ThrowsError(); } public static bool IsImplemented(this PropertyInfo info) { return !info.GetCustomAttributes(false).Any(a => a is FeatureNotImplemented); } } }