using System.Collections.Generic; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Computers.Commodore64.Cartridge { // EasyFlash cartridge // No official games came on one of these but there // are a few dumps from GameBase64 that use this mapper // There are 64 banks total, DE00 is bank select. // Selecing a bank will select both Lo and Hi ROM. // DE02 will switch exrom/game bits: bit 0=game, // bit 1=exrom, bit 2=for our cases, always set true. // These two registers are write only. // This cartridge always starts up in Ultimax mode, // with Game set high and ExRom set low. // There is also 256 bytes RAM at DF00-DFFF. public class Mapper0020 : Cart { private byte[][] banksA = new byte[64][]; //8000 private byte[][] banksB = new byte[64][]; //A000 private uint bankNumber; private bool boardLed; private byte[] currentBankA; private byte[] currentBankB; private byte[] dummyBank; private byte[] ram = new byte[256]; public Mapper0020(List newAddresses, List newBanks, List newData) { uint count = (uint)newAddresses.Count; // build dummy bank dummyBank = new byte[0x2000]; for (uint i = 0; i < 0x2000; i++) dummyBank[i] = 0xFF; // todo: determine if this is correct // force ultimax mode (the cart SHOULD set this // otherwise on load, according to the docs) pinGame = false; pinExRom = true; // for safety, initialize all banks to dummy for (uint i = 0; i < 64; i++) banksA[i] = dummyBank; for (uint i = 0; i < 64; i++) banksB[i] = dummyBank; // load in all banks for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (newAddresses[i] == 0x8000) { banksA[newBanks[i]] = newData[i]; } else if (newAddresses[i] == 0xA000 || newAddresses[i] == 0xE000) { banksB[newBanks[i]] = newData[i]; } } // default to bank 0 BankSet(0); } private void BankSet(uint index) { bankNumber = index & 0x3F; UpdateState(); } public override byte Peek8000(int addr) { return currentBankA[addr]; } public override byte PeekA000(int addr) { return currentBankB[addr]; } public override byte PeekDE00(int addr) { // normally you can't read these regs // but Peek is provided here for debug reasons // and may not stay around if (addr == 0x00) return (byte)bankNumber; else if (addr == 0x02) return (byte)( (pinGame ? 0x00 : 0x01) | (pinExRom ? 0x00 : 0x02) | 0x04 | 0x08 | 0x10 | 0x20 | 0x40 | (boardLed ? 0x80 : 0x00) ); else return (byte)0xFF; } public override byte PeekDF00(int addr) { return ram[addr]; } public override void PokeDE00(int addr, byte val) { if (addr == 0x00) BankSet(val); else if (addr == 0x02) StateSet(val); } public override void PokeDF00(int addr, byte val) { ram[addr] = val; } public override byte Read8000(ushort addr) { return currentBankA[addr]; } public override byte ReadA000(ushort addr) { return currentBankB[addr]; } public override byte ReadDF00(ushort addr) { return ram[addr]; } private void StateSet(byte val) { pinGame = ((val & 0x01) == 0); pinExRom = ((val & 0x02) == 0); boardLed = ((val & 0x80) != 0) ? !boardLed : boardLed; UpdateState(); } private void UpdateState() { currentBankA = banksA[bankNumber]; currentBankB = banksB[bankNumber]; } public override void WriteDE00(ushort addr, byte val) { if (addr == 0x00) BankSet(val); else if (addr == 0x02) StateSet(val); } public override void WriteDF00(ushort addr, byte val) { ram[addr] = val; } public override void SyncState(Serializer ser) { base.SyncState(ser); ser.Sync("bankNumber", ref bankNumber); ser.Sync("boardLed", ref boardLed); ser.Sync("ram", ref ram, false); if (ser.IsReader) UpdateState(); } } }