using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using BizHawk.Common; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.SNES { public unsafe partial class LibsnesApi : IDisposable { InstanceDll instanceDll; string InstanceName; [DllImport("msvcrt.dll", EntryPoint = "memcpy", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, SetLastError = false)] public static unsafe extern void* CopyMemory(void* dest, void* src, ulong count); [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] delegate IntPtr DllInit(); [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] delegate void MessageApi(eMessage msg); [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] delegate void BufferApi(int id, void* ptr, int size); CommStruct* comm; MessageApi Message; BufferApi _copyBuffer; //TODO: consider making private and wrapping BufferApi _setBuffer; //TODO: consider making private and wrapping public LibsnesApi(string dllPath) { InstanceName = "libsneshawk_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); instanceDll = new InstanceDll(dllPath); var dllinit = (DllInit)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(instanceDll.GetProcAddress("DllInit"), typeof(DllInit)); Message = (MessageApi)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(instanceDll.GetProcAddress("Message"), typeof(MessageApi)); _copyBuffer = (BufferApi)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(instanceDll.GetProcAddress("CopyBuffer"), typeof(BufferApi)); _setBuffer = (BufferApi)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(instanceDll.GetProcAddress("SetBuffer"), typeof(BufferApi)); comm = (CommStruct*)dllinit().ToPointer(); } public void Dispose() { instanceDll.Dispose(); foreach (var smb in DeallocatedMemoryBlocks.Values) smb.Dispose(); foreach (var smb in SharedMemoryBlocks.Values) smb.Dispose(); SharedMemoryBlocks.Clear(); DeallocatedMemoryBlocks.Clear(); } /// /// Copy an ascii string into libretro. It keeps the copy. /// public void CopyAscii(int id, string str) { fixed (byte* cp = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str+"\0")) _copyBuffer(id, cp, str.Length + 1); } /// /// Copy a buffer into libretro. It keeps the copy. /// public void CopyBytes(int id, byte[] bytes) { fixed (byte* bp = bytes) _copyBuffer(id, bp, bytes.Length); } /// /// Locks a buffer and sets it into libretro. You must pass a delegate to be executed while that buffer is locked. /// This is meant to be used for avoiding a memcpy for large roms (which the core is then just going to memcpy again on its own) /// The memcpy has to happen at some point (libretro semantics specify [not literally, the docs dont say] that the core should finish using the buffer before its init returns) /// but this limits it to once. /// Moreover, this keeps the c++ side from having to free strings when they're no longer used (and memory management is trickier there, so we try to avoid it) /// public void SetBytes(int id, byte[] bytes, Action andThen) { fixed (byte* bp = bytes) { _setBuffer(id, bp, bytes.Length); andThen(); } } /// /// see SetBytes /// public void SetAscii(int id, string str, Action andThen) { fixed (byte* cp = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str+"\0")) { _setBuffer(id, cp, str.Length + 1); andThen(); } } public Action ReadHook, ExecHook; public Action WriteHook; public enum eCDLog_AddrType { CARTROM, CARTRAM, WRAM, APURAM, SGB_CARTROM, SGB_CARTRAM, SGB_WRAM, SGB_HRAM, NUM }; public enum eTRACE : uint { CPU = 0, SMP = 1, GB = 2 } public enum eCDLog_Flags { ExecFirst = 0x01, ExecOperand = 0x02, CPUData = 0x04, DMAData = 0x08, //not supported yet BRR = 0x80, }; Dictionary SharedMemoryBlocks = new Dictionary(); Dictionary DeallocatedMemoryBlocks = new Dictionary(); snes_video_refresh_t video_refresh; snes_input_poll_t input_poll; snes_input_state_t input_state; snes_input_notify_t input_notify; snes_audio_sample_t audio_sample; snes_scanlineStart_t scanlineStart; snes_path_request_t pathRequest; snes_trace_t traceCallback; public void QUERY_set_video_refresh(snes_video_refresh_t video_refresh) { this.video_refresh = video_refresh; } public void QUERY_set_input_poll(snes_input_poll_t input_poll) { this.input_poll = input_poll; } public void QUERY_set_input_state(snes_input_state_t input_state) { this.input_state = input_state; } public void QUERY_set_input_notify(snes_input_notify_t input_notify) { this.input_notify = input_notify; } public void QUERY_set_path_request(snes_path_request_t pathRequest) { this.pathRequest = pathRequest; } public delegate void snes_video_refresh_t(int* data, int width, int height); public delegate void snes_input_poll_t(); public delegate short snes_input_state_t(int port, int device, int index, int id); public delegate void snes_input_notify_t(int index); public delegate void snes_audio_sample_t(ushort left, ushort right); public delegate void snes_scanlineStart_t(int line); public delegate string snes_path_request_t(int slot, string hint); public delegate void snes_trace_t(uint which, string msg); public struct CPURegs { public uint pc; public ushort a, x, y, z, s, d, vector; //7x public byte p, nothing; public uint aa, rd; public byte sp, dp, db, mdr; } public struct LayerEnables { byte _BG1_Prio0, _BG1_Prio1; byte _BG2_Prio0, _BG2_Prio1; byte _BG3_Prio0, _BG3_Prio1; byte _BG4_Prio0, _BG4_Prio1; byte _Obj_Prio0, _Obj_Prio1, _Obj_Prio2, _Obj_Prio3; public bool BG1_Prio0 { get { return _BG1_Prio0 != 0; } set { _BG1_Prio0 = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); } } public bool BG1_Prio1 { get { return _BG1_Prio1 != 0; } set { _BG1_Prio1 = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); } } public bool BG2_Prio0 { get { return _BG2_Prio0 != 0; } set { _BG2_Prio0 = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); } } public bool BG2_Prio1 { get { return _BG2_Prio1 != 0; } set { _BG2_Prio1 = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); } } public bool BG3_Prio0 { get { return _BG3_Prio0 != 0; } set { _BG3_Prio0 = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); } } public bool BG3_Prio1 { get { return _BG3_Prio1 != 0; } set { _BG3_Prio1 = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); } } public bool BG4_Prio0 { get { return _BG4_Prio0 != 0; } set { _BG4_Prio0 = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); } } public bool BG4_Prio1 { get { return _BG4_Prio1 != 0; } set { _BG4_Prio1 = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); } } public bool Obj_Prio0 { get { return _Obj_Prio0 != 0; } set { _Obj_Prio0 = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); } } public bool Obj_Prio1 { get { return _Obj_Prio1 != 0; } set { _Obj_Prio1 = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); } } public bool Obj_Prio2 { get { return _Obj_Prio2 != 0; } set { _Obj_Prio2 = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); } } public bool Obj_Prio3 { get { return _Obj_Prio3 != 0; } set { _Obj_Prio3 = (byte)(value ? 1 : 0); } } } struct CommStruct { //the cmd being executed public eMessage cmd; //the status of the core public eStatus status; //the SIG or BRK that the core is halted in public eMessage reason; //flexible in/out parameters //these are all "overloaded" a little so it isn't clear what's used for what in for any particular message.. //but I think it will beat having to have some kind of extremely verbose custom layouts for every message public sbyte* str; public void* ptr; public uint id, addr, value, size; public int port, device, index, slot; public int width, height; public int scanline; public fixed int inports[2]; //this should always be used in pairs public fixed uint buf[3]; //ACTUALLY A POINTER but can't marshal it :( public fixed int buf_size[3]; //bleck. this is a long so that it can be a 32/64bit pointer public fixed long cdl_ptr[4]; public fixed int cdl_size[4]; public CPURegs cpuregs; public LayerEnables layerEnables; //static configuration-type information which can be grabbed off the core at any time without even needing a QUERY command public SNES_REGION region; public SNES_MAPPER mapper; //utilities //TODO: make internal, wrap on the API instead of the comm public unsafe string GetAscii() { return _getAscii(str); } public bool GetBool() { return value != 0; } private unsafe string _getAscii(sbyte* ptr) { int len = 0; sbyte* junko = (sbyte*)ptr; while(junko[len] != 0) len++; return new string((sbyte*)str, 0, len, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII); } } public SNES_REGION Region { get { return comm->region; } } public SNES_MAPPER Mapper { get { return comm->mapper; } } public void SetLayerEnables(ref LayerEnables enables) { comm->layerEnables = enables; QUERY_set_layer_enable(); } public void SetInputPortBeforeInit(int port, SNES_INPUT_PORT type) { comm->inports[port] = (int)type; } } }