using System; using System.Linq; using System.Xml; using System.IO; using BizHawk.Common.BufferExtensions; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Components.W65816; // TODO - add serializer (?) // // TODO // libsnes needs to be modified to support multiple instances - THIS IS NECESSARY - or else loading one game and then another breaks things // edit - this is a lot of work // wrap dll code around some kind of library-accessing interface so that it doesnt malfunction if the dll is unavailablecd namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.SNES { [Core( "BSNES", "byuu", isPorted: true, isReleased: true, portedVersion: "v87", portedUrl: "")] [ServiceNotApplicable(typeof(IDriveLight))] public unsafe partial class LibsnesCore : IEmulator, IVideoProvider, ISaveRam, IStatable, IInputPollable, IRegionable, ICodeDataLogger, IDebuggable, ISettable { public LibsnesCore(GameInfo game, byte[] romData, byte[] xmlData, CoreComm comm, object settings, object syncSettings) { var ser = new BasicServiceProvider(this); ServiceProvider = ser; _tracer = new TraceBuffer { Header = "65816: PC, mnemonic, operands, registers (A, X, Y, S, D, DB, flags (NVMXDIZC), V, H)" }; ser.Register(new W65816_DisassemblerService()); _game = game; CoreComm = comm; byte[] sgbRomData = null; if (game["SGB"]) { if ((romData[0x143] & 0xc0) == 0xc0) { throw new CGBNotSupportedException(); } sgbRomData = CoreComm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmware("SNES", "Rom_SGB", true, "SGB Rom is required for SGB emulation."); game.FirmwareHash = sgbRomData.HashSHA1(); } _settings = (SnesSettings)settings ?? new SnesSettings(); _syncSettings = (SnesSyncSettings)syncSettings ?? new SnesSyncSettings(); // TODO: pass profile here Api = new LibsnesApi(CoreComm.CoreFileProvider.DllPath()) { ReadHook = ReadHook, ExecHook = ExecHook, WriteHook = WriteHook, ReadHook_SMP = ReadHook_SMP, ExecHook_SMP = ExecHook_SMP, WriteHook_SMP = WriteHook_SMP, }; ScanlineHookManager = new MyScanlineHookManager(this); _controllerDeck = new LibsnesControllerDeck(_syncSettings); _controllerDeck.NativeInit(Api); Api.CMD_init(); Api.QUERY_set_path_request(snes_path_request); _scanlineStartCb = new LibsnesApi.snes_scanlineStart_t(snes_scanlineStart); _tracecb = new LibsnesApi.snes_trace_t(snes_trace); _soundcb = new LibsnesApi.snes_audio_sample_t(snes_audio_sample); // start up audio resampler InitAudio(); ser.Register(_resampler); // strip header if ((romData?.Length & 0x7FFF) == 512) { var newData = new byte[romData.Length - 512]; Array.Copy(romData, 512, newData, 0, newData.Length); romData = newData; } if (game["SGB"]) { IsSGB = true; SystemId = "SNES"; ser.Register(new SGBBoardInfo()); _currLoadParams = new LoadParams() { type = LoadParamType.SuperGameBoy, rom_xml = null, rom_data = sgbRomData, rom_size = (uint)sgbRomData.Length, dmg_data = romData, }; if (!LoadCurrent()) { throw new Exception("snes_load_cartridge_normal() failed"); } } else { // we may need to get some information out of the cart, even during the following bootup/load process if (xmlData != null) { _romxml = new XmlDocument(); _romxml.Load(new MemoryStream(xmlData)); // bsnes wont inspect the xml to load the necessary sfc file. // so, we have to do that here and pass it in as the romData :/ if (_romxml["cartridge"]?["rom"] != null) { romData = File.ReadAllBytes(CoreComm.CoreFileProvider.PathSubfile(_romxml["cartridge"]["rom"].Attributes["name"].Value)); } else { throw new Exception("Could not find rom file specification in xml file. Please check the integrity of your xml file"); } } SystemId = "SNES"; _currLoadParams = new LoadParams { type = LoadParamType.Normal, xml_data = xmlData, rom_data = romData }; if (!LoadCurrent()) { throw new Exception("snes_load_cartridge_normal() failed"); } } if (Api.Region == LibsnesApi.SNES_REGION.NTSC) { // similar to what aviout reports from snes9x and seems logical from bsnes first principles. bsnes uses that numerator (ntsc master clockrate) for sure. VsyncNumerator = 21477272; VsyncDenominator = 4 * 341 * 262; } else { // VsyncNumerator = 21281370; VsyncDenominator = 4 * 341 * 312; } Api.CMD_power(); SetupMemoryDomains(romData, sgbRomData); if (CurrentProfile == "Compatibility") { ser.Register(_tracer); } Api.QUERY_set_path_request(null); Api.QUERY_set_video_refresh(snes_video_refresh); Api.QUERY_set_input_poll(snes_input_poll); Api.QUERY_set_input_state(snes_input_state); Api.QUERY_set_input_notify(snes_input_notify); Api.QUERY_set_audio_sample(_soundcb); Api.Seal(); RefreshPalette(); } private readonly GameInfo _game; private readonly LibsnesControllerDeck _controllerDeck; private readonly ITraceable _tracer; private readonly XmlDocument _romxml; private readonly LibsnesApi.snes_scanlineStart_t _scanlineStartCb; private readonly LibsnesApi.snes_trace_t _tracecb; private readonly LibsnesApi.snes_audio_sample_t _soundcb; private IController _controller; private LoadParams _currLoadParams; private SpeexResampler _resampler; private int _timeFrameCounter; private bool _disposed; public bool IsSGB { get; } private class SGBBoardInfo : IBoardInfo { public string BoardName => "SGB"; } public string CurrentProfile => "Compatibility"; // We no longer support performance, and accuracy isn't worth the effort so we shall just hardcode this one public LibsnesApi Api { get; } public SnesColors.ColorType CurrPalette { get; private set; } public MyScanlineHookManager ScanlineHookManager { get; } public class MyScanlineHookManager : ScanlineHookManager { private readonly LibsnesCore _core; public MyScanlineHookManager(LibsnesCore core) { _core = core; } protected override void OnHooksChanged() { _core.OnScanlineHooksChanged(); } } private void OnScanlineHooksChanged() { if (_disposed) { return; } Api.QUERY_set_scanlineStart(ScanlineHookManager.HookCount == 0 ? null : _scanlineStartCb); } private void snes_scanlineStart(int line) { ScanlineHookManager.HandleScanline(line); } private string snes_path_request(int slot, string hint) { // every rom requests msu1.rom... why? who knows. // also handle msu-1 pcm files here bool isMsu1Rom = hint == "msu1.rom"; bool isMsu1Pcm = Path.GetExtension(hint).ToLower() == ".pcm"; if (isMsu1Rom || isMsu1Pcm) { // well, check if we have an msu-1 xml if (_romxml?["cartridge"]?["msu1"] != null) { var msu1 = _romxml["cartridge"]["msu1"]; if (isMsu1Rom && msu1["rom"]?.Attributes["name"] != null) { return CoreComm.CoreFileProvider.PathSubfile(msu1["rom"].Attributes["name"].Value); } if (isMsu1Pcm) { // return @"D:\roms\snes\SuperRoadBlaster\SuperRoadBlaster-1.pcm"; // return ""; int wantsTrackNumber = int.Parse(hint.Replace("track-", "").Replace(".pcm", "")); wantsTrackNumber++; string wantsTrackString = wantsTrackNumber.ToString(); foreach (var child in msu1.ChildNodes.Cast()) { if (child.Name == "track" && child.Attributes["number"].Value == wantsTrackString) { return CoreComm.CoreFileProvider.PathSubfile(child.Attributes["name"].Value); } } } } // not found.. what to do? (every rom will get here when msu1.rom is requested) return ""; } // not MSU-1. ok. string firmwareId; switch (hint) { case "cx4.rom": firmwareId = "CX4"; break; case "dsp1.rom": firmwareId = "DSP1"; break; case "dsp1b.rom": firmwareId = "DSP1b"; break; case "dsp2.rom": firmwareId = "DSP2"; break; case "dsp3.rom": firmwareId = "DSP3"; break; case "dsp4.rom": firmwareId = "DSP4"; break; case "st010.rom": firmwareId = "ST010"; break; case "st011.rom": firmwareId = "ST011"; break; case "st018.rom": firmwareId = "ST018"; break; default: CoreComm.ShowMessage($"Unrecognized SNES firmware request \"{hint}\"."); return ""; } string ret; var data = CoreComm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmware("SNES", firmwareId, false, "Game may function incorrectly without the requested firmware."); if (data != null) { ret = hint; Api.AddReadonlyFile(data, hint); } else { ret = ""; } Console.WriteLine("Served libsnes request for firmware \"{0}\"", hint); // return the path we built return ret; } private void snes_trace(uint which, string msg) { // TODO: get them out of the core split up and remove this hackery const string splitStr = "A:"; if (which == (uint)LibsnesApi.eTRACE.CPU) { var split = msg.Split(new[] { splitStr }, 2, StringSplitOptions.None); _tracer.Put(new TraceInfo { Disassembly = split[0].PadRight(34), RegisterInfo = splitStr + split[1] }); } else if (which == (uint)LibsnesApi.eTRACE.SMP) { int idx = msg.IndexOf("YA:"); string dis = msg.Substring(0,idx).TrimEnd(); string regs = msg.Substring(idx); _tracer.Put(new TraceInfo { Disassembly = dis, RegisterInfo = regs }); } else if (which == (uint)LibsnesApi.eTRACE.GB) { int idx = msg.IndexOf("AF:"); string dis = msg.Substring(0,idx).TrimEnd(); string regs = msg.Substring(idx); _tracer.Put(new TraceInfo { Disassembly = dis, RegisterInfo = regs }); } } private void SetPalette(SnesColors.ColorType pal) { CurrPalette = pal; int[] tmp = SnesColors.GetLUT(pal); fixed (int* p = &tmp[0]) Api.QUERY_set_color_lut((IntPtr)p); } private void ReadHook(uint addr) { MemoryCallbacks.CallReads(addr, "System Bus"); // we RefreshMemoryCallbacks() after the trigger in case the trigger turns itself off at that point // EDIT: for now, theres some IPC re-entrancy problem // RefreshMemoryCallbacks(); } private void ExecHook(uint addr) { MemoryCallbacks.CallExecutes(addr, "System Bus"); // we RefreshMemoryCallbacks() after the trigger in case the trigger turns itself off at that point // EDIT: for now, theres some IPC re-entrancy problem // RefreshMemoryCallbacks(); } private void WriteHook(uint addr, byte val) { MemoryCallbacks.CallWrites(addr, "System Bus"); // we RefreshMemoryCallbacks() after the trigger in case the trigger turns itself off at that point // EDIT: for now, theres some IPC re-entrancy problem // RefreshMemoryCallbacks(); } private void ReadHook_SMP(uint addr) { MemoryCallbacks.CallReads(addr, "SMP"); } private void ExecHook_SMP(uint addr) { MemoryCallbacks.CallExecutes(addr, "SMP"); } private void WriteHook_SMP(uint addr, byte val) { MemoryCallbacks.CallWrites(addr, "SMP"); } private enum LoadParamType { Normal, SuperGameBoy } private struct LoadParams { public LoadParamType type; public byte[] xml_data; public string rom_xml; public byte[] rom_data; public uint rom_size; public byte[] dmg_data; } private bool LoadCurrent() { bool result = _currLoadParams.type == LoadParamType.Normal ? Api.CMD_load_cartridge_normal(_currLoadParams.xml_data, _currLoadParams.rom_data) : Api.CMD_load_cartridge_super_game_boy(_currLoadParams.rom_xml, _currLoadParams.rom_data, _currLoadParams.rom_size, _currLoadParams.dmg_data); _mapper = Api.Mapper; return result; } /// /// /// 0 or 1, corresponding to L and R physical ports on the snes /// LibsnesApi.SNES_DEVICE enum index specifying type of device /// meaningless for most controllers. for multitap, 0-3 for which multitap controller /// button ID enum; in the case of a regular controller, this corresponds to shift register position /// for regular controllers, one bit D0 of button status. for other controls, varying ranges depending on id private short snes_input_state(int port, int device, int index, int id) { return _controllerDeck.CoreInputState(_controller, port, device, index, id); } private void snes_input_poll() { // this doesn't actually correspond to anything in the underlying bsnes; // it gets called once per frame with video_refresh() and has nothing to do with anything } private void snes_input_notify(int index) { // gets called with the following numbers: // 4xxx : lag frame related // 0: signifies latch bit going to 0. should be reported as oninputpoll // 1: signifies latch bit going to 1. should be reported as oninputpoll if (index >= 0x4000) { IsLagFrame = false; } } private void snes_video_refresh(int* data, int width, int height) { bool doubleSize = _settings.AlwaysDoubleSize; bool lineDouble = doubleSize, dotDouble = doubleSize; _videoWidth = width; _videoHeight = height; int yskip = 1, xskip = 1; // if we are in high-res mode, we get double width. so, lets double the height here to keep it square. if (width == 512) { _videoHeight *= 2; yskip = 2; lineDouble = true; // we dont dot double here because the user wanted double res and the game provided double res dotDouble = false; } else if (lineDouble) { _videoHeight *= 2; yskip = 2; } int srcPitch = 1024; int srcStart = 0; bool interlaced = height == 478 || height == 448; if (interlaced) { // from bsnes in interlaced mode we have each field side by side // so we will come in with a dimension of 512x448, say // but the fields are side by side, so it's actually 1024x224. // copy the first scanline from row 0, then the 2nd scanline from row 0 (offset 512) // EXAMPLE: yu yu hakushu legal screens // EXAMPLE: World Class Service Super Nintendo Tester (double resolution vertically but not horizontally, in character test the stars should shrink) lineDouble = false; srcPitch = 512; yskip = 1; _videoHeight = height; } if (dotDouble) { _videoWidth *= 2; xskip = 2; } if (_settings.CropSGBFrame && IsSGB) { _videoWidth = 160; _videoHeight = 144; } int size = _videoWidth * _videoHeight; if (_videoBuffer.Length != size) { _videoBuffer = new int[size]; } if (_settings.CropSGBFrame && IsSGB) { int di = 0; for (int y = 0; y < 144; y++) { int si = ((y+39) * srcPitch) + 48; for(int x=0;x<160;x++) _videoBuffer[di++] = data[si++]; } return; } for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { if (j == 1 && !dotDouble) { break; } int xbonus = j; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // potentially do this twice, if we need to line double if (i == 1 && !lineDouble) { break; } int bonus = (i * _videoWidth) + xbonus; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { int si = (y * srcPitch) + x + srcStart; int di = y * _videoWidth * yskip + x * xskip + bonus; int rgb = data[si]; _videoBuffer[di] = rgb; } } } } VirtualHeight = BufferHeight; VirtualWidth = BufferWidth; if (VirtualHeight * 2 < VirtualWidth) VirtualHeight *= 2; if (VirtualHeight > 240) VirtualWidth = 512; VirtualWidth = (int)Math.Round(VirtualWidth * 1.146); } private void RefreshMemoryCallbacks(bool suppress) { var mcs = MemoryCallbacks; Api.QUERY_set_state_hook_exec(!suppress && mcs.HasExecutesForScope("System Bus")); Api.QUERY_set_state_hook_read(!suppress && mcs.HasReadsForScope("System Bus")); Api.QUERY_set_state_hook_write(!suppress && mcs.HasWritesForScope("System Bus")); } //public byte[] snes_get_memory_data_read(LibsnesApi.SNES_MEMORY id) //{ // var size = (int)api.snes_get_memory_size(id); // if (size == 0) return new byte[0]; // var ret = api.snes_get_memory_data(id); // return ret; //} private void InitAudio() { _resampler = new SpeexResampler((SpeexResampler.Quality)6, 64081, 88200, 32041, 44100); } private void snes_audio_sample(ushort left, ushort right) { _resampler.EnqueueSample((short)left, (short)right); } private void RefreshPalette() { SetPalette((SnesColors.ColorType)Enum.Parse(typeof(SnesColors.ColorType), _settings.Palette, false)); } } }