/******************************************************************************/ /* Mednafen Virtual Boy Emulation Module */ /******************************************************************************/ /* vb.cpp: ** Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Mednafen Team ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ** of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ** 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "vb.h" #include "../emulibc/emulibc.h" #include "../emulibc/waterboxcore.h" #define EXPORT extern "C" ECL_EXPORT namespace MDFN_IEN_VB { struct NativeSettings { int InstantReadHack; int DisableParallax; int ThreeDeeMode; int SwapViews; int AnaglyphPreset; int AnaglyphCustomLeftColor; int AnaglyphCustomRightColor; int NonAnaglyphColor; int LedOnScale; int InterlacePrescale; int SideBySideSeparation; }; static void (*input_callback)(); static bool lagged; enum { ANAGLYPH_PRESET_DISABLED = 0, ANAGLYPH_PRESET_RED_BLUE, ANAGLYPH_PRESET_RED_CYAN, ANAGLYPH_PRESET_RED_ELECTRICCYAN, ANAGLYPH_PRESET_RED_GREEN, ANAGLYPH_PRESET_GREEN_MAGENTA, ANAGLYPH_PRESET_YELLOW_BLUE, }; static const uint32 AnaglyphPreset_Colors[][2] = { {0, 0}, {0xFF0000, 0x0000FF}, {0xFF0000, 0x00B7EB}, {0xFF0000, 0x00FFFF}, {0xFF0000, 0x00FF00}, {0x00FF00, 0xFF00FF}, {0xFFFF00, 0x0000FF}, }; static uint32 VB3DMode; static uint8 *WRAM = NULL; static uint8 *GPRAM = NULL; static const uint32 GPRAM_Mask = 0xFFFF; static uint8 *GPROM = NULL; static uint32 GPROM_Mask; V810 *VB_V810 = NULL; VSU *VB_VSU = NULL; static uint32 VSU_CycleFix; static uint8 WCR; static int32 next_vip_ts, next_timer_ts, next_input_ts; static uint32 IRQ_Asserted; static INLINE void RecalcIntLevel(void) { int ilevel = -1; for (int i = 4; i >= 0; i--) { if (IRQ_Asserted & (1 << i)) { ilevel = i; break; } } VB_V810->SetInt(ilevel); } void VBIRQ_Assert(int source, bool assert) { assert(source >= 0 && source <= 4); IRQ_Asserted &= ~(1 << source); if (assert) IRQ_Asserted |= 1 << source; RecalcIntLevel(); } static MDFN_FASTCALL uint8 HWCTRL_Read(v810_timestamp_t ×tamp, uint32 A) { uint8 ret = 0; if (A & 0x3) { //puts("HWCtrl Bogus Read?"); return (ret); } switch (A & 0xFF) { default: //printf("Unknown HWCTRL Read: %08x\n", A); break; case 0x18: case 0x1C: case 0x20: ret = TIMER_Read(timestamp, A); break; case 0x24: ret = WCR | 0xFC; break; case 0x10: case 0x14: case 0x28: lagged = false; if (input_callback) input_callback(); ret = VBINPUT_Read(timestamp, A); break; } return (ret); } static MDFN_FASTCALL void HWCTRL_Write(v810_timestamp_t ×tamp, uint32 A, uint8 V) { if (A & 0x3) { puts("HWCtrl Bogus Write?"); return; } switch (A & 0xFF) { default: //printf("Unknown HWCTRL Write: %08x %02x\n", A, V); break; case 0x18: case 0x1C: case 0x20: TIMER_Write(timestamp, A, V); break; case 0x24: WCR = V & 0x3; break; case 0x10: case 0x14: case 0x28: VBINPUT_Write(timestamp, A, V); break; } } uint8 MDFN_FASTCALL MemRead8(v810_timestamp_t ×tamp, uint32 A) { uint8 ret = 0; A &= (1 << 27) - 1; //if((A >> 24) <= 2) // printf("Read8: %d %08x\n", timestamp, A); switch (A >> 24) { case 0: ret = VIP_Read8(timestamp, A); break; case 1: break; case 2: ret = HWCTRL_Read(timestamp, A); break; case 3: break; case 4: break; case 5: ret = WRAM[A & 0xFFFF]; break; case 6: if (GPRAM) ret = GPRAM[A & GPRAM_Mask]; break; case 7: ret = GPROM[A & GPROM_Mask]; break; } return (ret); } uint16 MDFN_FASTCALL MemRead16(v810_timestamp_t ×tamp, uint32 A) { uint16 ret = 0; A &= (1 << 27) - 1; //if((A >> 24) <= 2) // printf("Read16: %d %08x\n", timestamp, A); switch (A >> 24) { case 0: ret = VIP_Read16(timestamp, A); break; case 1: break; case 2: ret = HWCTRL_Read(timestamp, A); break; case 3: break; case 4: break; case 5: ret = MDFN_de16lsb(&WRAM[A & 0xFFFF]); break; case 6: if (GPRAM) ret = MDFN_de16lsb(&GPRAM[A & GPRAM_Mask]); break; case 7: ret = MDFN_de16lsb(&GPROM[A & GPROM_Mask]); break; } return ret; } void MDFN_FASTCALL MemWrite8(v810_timestamp_t ×tamp, uint32 A, uint8 V) { A &= (1 << 27) - 1; //if((A >> 24) <= 2) // printf("Write8: %d %08x %02x\n", timestamp, A, V); switch (A >> 24) { case 0: VIP_Write8(timestamp, A, V); break; case 1: VB_VSU->Write((timestamp + VSU_CycleFix) >> 2, A, V); break; case 2: HWCTRL_Write(timestamp, A, V); break; case 3: break; case 4: break; case 5: WRAM[A & 0xFFFF] = V; break; case 6: if (GPRAM) GPRAM[A & GPRAM_Mask] = V; break; case 7: // ROM, no writing allowed! break; } } void MDFN_FASTCALL MemWrite16(v810_timestamp_t ×tamp, uint32 A, uint16 V) { A &= (1 << 27) - 1; //if((A >> 24) <= 2) // printf("Write16: %d %08x %04x\n", timestamp, A, V); switch (A >> 24) { case 0: VIP_Write16(timestamp, A, V); break; case 1: VB_VSU->Write((timestamp + VSU_CycleFix) >> 2, A, V); break; case 2: HWCTRL_Write(timestamp, A, V); break; case 3: break; case 4: break; case 5: MDFN_en16lsb(&WRAM[A & 0xFFFF], V); break; case 6: if (GPRAM) MDFN_en16lsb(&GPRAM[A & GPRAM_Mask], V); break; case 7: // ROM, no writing allowed! break; } } static void FixNonEvents(void) { if (next_vip_ts & 0x40000000) next_vip_ts = VB_EVENT_NONONO; if (next_timer_ts & 0x40000000) next_timer_ts = VB_EVENT_NONONO; if (next_input_ts & 0x40000000) next_input_ts = VB_EVENT_NONONO; } static void EventReset(void) { next_vip_ts = VB_EVENT_NONONO; next_timer_ts = VB_EVENT_NONONO; next_input_ts = VB_EVENT_NONONO; } static INLINE int32 CalcNextTS(void) { int32 next_timestamp = next_vip_ts; if (next_timestamp > next_timer_ts) next_timestamp = next_timer_ts; if (next_timestamp > next_input_ts) next_timestamp = next_input_ts; return (next_timestamp); } static void RebaseTS(const v810_timestamp_t timestamp) { //printf("Rebase: %08x %08x %08x\n", timestamp, next_vip_ts, next_timer_ts); assert(next_vip_ts > timestamp); assert(next_timer_ts > timestamp); assert(next_input_ts > timestamp); next_vip_ts -= timestamp; next_timer_ts -= timestamp; next_input_ts -= timestamp; } void VB_SetEvent(const int type, const v810_timestamp_t next_timestamp) { //assert(next_timestamp > VB_V810->v810_timestamp); if (type == VB_EVENT_VIP) next_vip_ts = next_timestamp; else if (type == VB_EVENT_TIMER) next_timer_ts = next_timestamp; else if (type == VB_EVENT_INPUT) next_input_ts = next_timestamp; if (next_timestamp < VB_V810->GetEventNT()) VB_V810->SetEventNT(next_timestamp); } static int32 MDFN_FASTCALL EventHandler(const v810_timestamp_t timestamp) { if (timestamp >= next_vip_ts) next_vip_ts = VIP_Update(timestamp); if (timestamp >= next_timer_ts) next_timer_ts = TIMER_Update(timestamp); if (timestamp >= next_input_ts) next_input_ts = VBINPUT_Update(timestamp); return (CalcNextTS()); } // Called externally from debug.cpp in some cases. void ForceEventUpdates(const v810_timestamp_t timestamp) { next_vip_ts = VIP_Update(timestamp); next_timer_ts = TIMER_Update(timestamp); next_input_ts = VBINPUT_Update(timestamp); VB_V810->SetEventNT(CalcNextTS()); //printf("FEU: %d %d %d\n", next_vip_ts, next_timer_ts, next_input_ts); } static void VB_Power(void) { memset(WRAM, 0, 65536); VIP_Power(); VB_VSU->Power(); TIMER_Power(); VBINPUT_Power(); EventReset(); IRQ_Asserted = 0; RecalcIntLevel(); VB_V810->Reset(); VSU_CycleFix = 0; WCR = 0; ForceEventUpdates(0); //VB_V810->v810_timestamp); } /*struct VB_HeaderInfo { char game_title[256]; uint32 game_code; uint16 manf_code; uint8 version; };*/ /*static void ReadHeader(const uint8 *const rom_data, const uint64 rom_size, VB_HeaderInfo *hi) { iconv_t sjis_ict = iconv_open("UTF-8", "shift_jis"); if (sjis_ict != (iconv_t)-1) { char *in_ptr, *out_ptr; size_t ibl, obl; ibl = 20; obl = sizeof(hi->game_title) - 1; in_ptr = (char *)rom_data + (0xFFFFFDE0 & (rom_size - 1)); out_ptr = hi->game_title; iconv(sjis_ict, (ICONV_CONST char **)&in_ptr, &ibl, &out_ptr, &obl); iconv_close(sjis_ict); *out_ptr = 0; MDFN_zapctrlchars(hi->game_title); MDFN_trim(hi->game_title); } else hi->game_title[0] = 0; hi->game_code = MDFN_de32lsb(rom_data + (0xFFFFFDFB & (rom_size - 1))); hi->manf_code = MDFN_de16lsb(rom_data + (0xFFFFFDF9 & (rom_size - 1))); hi->version = rom_data[0xFFFFFDFF & (rom_size - 1)]; }*/ void VB_ExitLoop(void) { VB_V810->Exit(); } /*MDFNGI EmulatedVB = { PortInfo, Load, TestMagic, NULL, NULL, CloseGame, SetLayerEnableMask, NULL, // Layer names, null-delimited NULL, NULL, VIP_CPInfo, 1 << 0, CheatInfo_Empty, false, StateAction, Emulate, NULL, VBINPUT_SetInput, NULL, DoSimpleCommand, NULL, VBSettings, MDFN_MASTERCLOCK_FIXED(VB_MASTER_CLOCK), 0, false, // Multires possible? 0, // lcm_width 0, // lcm_height NULL, // Dummy 384, // Nominal width 224, // Nominal height 384, // Framebuffer width 256, // Framebuffer height 2, // Number of output sound channels };*/ } using namespace MDFN_IEN_VB; EXPORT int Load(const uint8 *rom, int length, const NativeSettings* settings) { const uint64 rom_size = length; V810_Emu_Mode cpu_mode = V810_EMU_MODE_ACCURATE; if (rom_size != round_up_pow2(rom_size)) { return 0; // throw MDFN_Error(0, _("VB ROM image size is not a power of 2.")); } if (rom_size < 256) { return 0; //throw MDFN_Error(0, _("VB ROM image size is too small.")); } if (rom_size > (1 << 24)) { return 0; //throw MDFN_Error(0, _("VB ROM image size is too large.")); } VB_V810 = new V810(); VB_V810->Init(cpu_mode, true); VB_V810->SetMemReadHandlers(MemRead8, MemRead16, NULL); VB_V810->SetMemWriteHandlers(MemWrite8, MemWrite16, NULL); VB_V810->SetIOReadHandlers(MemRead8, MemRead16, NULL); VB_V810->SetIOWriteHandlers(MemWrite8, MemWrite16, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { VB_V810->SetMemReadBus32(i, false); VB_V810->SetMemWriteBus32(i, false); } std::vector Map_Addresses; for (uint64 A = 0; A < 1ULL << 32; A += (1 << 27)) { for (uint64 sub_A = 5 << 24; sub_A < (6 << 24); sub_A += 65536) { Map_Addresses.push_back(A + sub_A); } } WRAM = VB_V810->SetFastMap(alloc_plain, &Map_Addresses[0], 65536, Map_Addresses.size(), "WRAM"); Map_Addresses.clear(); // Round up the ROM size to 65536(we mirror it a little later) GPROM_Mask = (rom_size < 65536) ? (65536 - 1) : (rom_size - 1); for (uint64 A = 0; A < 1ULL << 32; A += (1 << 27)) { for (uint64 sub_A = 7 << 24; sub_A < (8 << 24); sub_A += GPROM_Mask + 1) { Map_Addresses.push_back(A + sub_A); //printf("%08x\n", (uint32)(A + sub_A)); } } GPROM = VB_V810->SetFastMap(alloc_sealed, &Map_Addresses[0], GPROM_Mask + 1, Map_Addresses.size(), "Cart ROM"); Map_Addresses.clear(); memcpy(GPROM, rom, rom_size); // Mirror ROM images < 64KiB to 64KiB for (uint64 i = rom_size; i < 65536; i += rom_size) { memcpy(GPROM + i, GPROM, rom_size); } /*VB_HeaderInfo hinfo; ReadHeader(GPROM, rom_size, &hinfo); MDFN_printf(_("Title: %s\n"), hinfo.game_title); MDFN_printf(_("Game ID Code: %u\n"), hinfo.game_code); MDFN_printf(_("Manufacturer Code: %d\n"), hinfo.manf_code); MDFN_printf(_("Version: %u\n"), hinfo.version); MDFN_printf(_("ROM: %uKiB\n"), (unsigned)(rom_size / 1024)); MDFN_printf(_("ROM MD5: 0x%s\n"), md5_context::asciistr(MDFNGameInfo->MD5, 0).c_str());*/ /*MDFN_printf("\n"); MDFN_printf(_("V810 Emulation Mode: %s\n"), (cpu_mode == V810_EMU_MODE_ACCURATE) ? _("Accurate") : _("Fast"));*/ for (uint64 A = 0; A < 1ULL << 32; A += (1 << 27)) { for (uint64 sub_A = 6 << 24; sub_A < (7 << 24); sub_A += GPRAM_Mask + 1) { //printf("GPRAM: %08x\n", A + sub_A); Map_Addresses.push_back(A + sub_A); } } GPRAM = VB_V810->SetFastMap(alloc_plain, &Map_Addresses[0], GPRAM_Mask + 1, Map_Addresses.size(), "Cart RAM"); Map_Addresses.clear(); memset(GPRAM, 0, GPRAM_Mask + 1); VIP_Init(); VB_VSU = new VSU(); VBINPUT_Init(); VB3DMode = settings->ThreeDeeMode; uint32 prescale = settings->InterlacePrescale; uint32 sbs_separation = settings->SideBySideSeparation; bool reverse = settings->SwapViews; VIP_Set3DMode(VB3DMode, reverse, prescale, sbs_separation); VIP_SetParallaxDisable(settings->DisableParallax); { auto presetColor = settings->AnaglyphPreset; uint32 lcolor = settings->AnaglyphCustomLeftColor; uint32 rcolor = settings->AnaglyphCustomRightColor; if (presetColor != ANAGLYPH_PRESET_DISABLED) { lcolor = AnaglyphPreset_Colors[presetColor][0]; rcolor = AnaglyphPreset_Colors[presetColor][1]; } VIP_SetAnaglyphColors(lcolor, rcolor); VIP_SetDefaultColor(settings->NonAnaglyphColor); } VBINPUT_SetInstantReadHack(settings->InstantReadHack); VIP_SetLEDOnScale(settings->LedOnScale / 1000.0); VB_Power(); /*switch (VB3DMode) { default: break; case VB3DMODE_VLI: MDFNGameInfo->nominal_width = 768 * prescale; MDFNGameInfo->nominal_height = 224; MDFNGameInfo->fb_width = 768 * prescale; MDFNGameInfo->fb_height = 224; break; case VB3DMODE_HLI: MDFNGameInfo->nominal_width = 384; MDFNGameInfo->nominal_height = 448 * prescale; MDFNGameInfo->fb_width = 384; MDFNGameInfo->fb_height = 448 * prescale; break; case VB3DMODE_CSCOPE: MDFNGameInfo->nominal_width = 512; MDFNGameInfo->nominal_height = 384; MDFNGameInfo->fb_width = 512; MDFNGameInfo->fb_height = 384; break; case VB3DMODE_SIDEBYSIDE: MDFNGameInfo->nominal_width = 384 * 2 + sbs_separation; MDFNGameInfo->nominal_height = 224; MDFNGameInfo->fb_width = 384 * 2 + sbs_separation; MDFNGameInfo->fb_height = 224; break; } MDFNGameInfo->lcm_width = MDFNGameInfo->fb_width; MDFNGameInfo->lcm_height = MDFNGameInfo->fb_height;*/ VB_VSU->SetSoundRate(44100); return 1; } EXPORT void GetMemoryAreas(MemoryArea* m) { m[0].Data = WRAM; m[0].Name = "WRAM"; m[0].Size = 65536; m[0].Flags = MEMORYAREA_FLAGS_WRITABLE | MEMORYAREA_FLAGS_PRIMARY | MEMORYAREA_FLAGS_WORDSIZE4; m[1].Data = GPRAM; m[1].Name = "CARTRAM"; m[1].Size = GPRAM_Mask + 1; m[1].Flags = MEMORYAREA_FLAGS_WRITABLE | MEMORYAREA_FLAGS_SAVERAMMABLE | MEMORYAREA_FLAGS_WORDSIZE4; m[2].Data = GPROM; m[2].Name = "ROM"; m[2].Size = GPROM_Mask + 1; m[2].Flags = MEMORYAREA_FLAGS_WORDSIZE4; } EXPORT void FrameAdvance(MyFrameInfo* frame) { v810_timestamp_t v810_timestamp; lagged = true; VBINPUT_Frame(&frame->Buttons); VIP_StartFrame(frame); v810_timestamp = VB_V810->Run(EventHandler); FixNonEvents(); ForceEventUpdates(v810_timestamp); frame->Samples = VB_VSU->EndFrame((v810_timestamp + VSU_CycleFix) >> 2, frame->SoundBuffer, 8192); VSU_CycleFix = (v810_timestamp + VSU_CycleFix) & 3; frame->Cycles = v810_timestamp; frame->Lagged = lagged; TIMER_ResetTS(); VBINPUT_ResetTS(); VIP_ResetTS(); RebaseTS(v810_timestamp); VB_V810->ResetTS(0); } EXPORT void HardReset() { VB_Power(); } EXPORT void SetInputCallback(void (*callback)()) { input_callback = callback; } int main() { return 0; }