using System; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Text; using BizHawk.Common; namespace BizHawk.Client.Common { public class Movie : IMovie { #region Constructors public Movie(string filename, bool startsFromSavestate = false) : this(startsFromSavestate) { Header.Rerecords = 0; Filename = filename; Loaded = !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filename); } public Movie(bool startsFromSavestate = false) { Header = new MovieHeader(); Filename = String.Empty; _preloadFramecount = 0; Header.StartsFromSavestate = startsFromSavestate; IsCountingRerecords = true; _mode = Moviemode.Inactive; MakeBackup = true; } #endregion #region Properties public IMovieHeader Header { get; private set; } public bool MakeBackup { get; set; } public string Filename { get; set; } public bool IsCountingRerecords { get; set; } public bool Loaded { get; private set; } public int InputLogLength { get { return Loaded ? _log.Length : _preloadFramecount; } } public double FrameCount { get { if (_loopOffset.HasValue) { return double.PositiveInfinity; } else if (Loaded) { return _log.Length; } else { return _preloadFramecount; } } } #endregion #region Mode API public bool IsPlaying { get { return _mode == Moviemode.Play || _mode == Moviemode.Finished; } } public bool IsRecording { get { return _mode == Moviemode.Record; } } public bool IsActive { get { return _mode != Moviemode.Inactive; } } public bool IsFinished { get { return _mode == Moviemode.Finished; } } public bool Changes { get { return _changes; } } public void StartNewRecording() { Global.Emulator.ClearSaveRam(); _mode = Moviemode.Record; if (Global.Config.EnableBackupMovies && MakeBackup && _log.Length > 0) { SaveAs(); MakeBackup = false; } _log.Clear(); } public void StartNewPlayback() { Global.Emulator.ClearSaveRam(); _mode = Moviemode.Play; } public void SwitchToRecord() { _mode = Moviemode.Record; } public void SwitchToPlay() { _mode = Moviemode.Play; Save(); } public void Stop(bool saveChanges = true) { if (saveChanges) { if (_mode == Moviemode.Record || _changes) { Save(); } } _changes = false; _mode = Moviemode.Inactive; } /// /// If a movie is in playback mode, this will set it to movie finished /// private void Finish() { if (_mode == Moviemode.Play) { _mode = Moviemode.Finished; } } #endregion #region Public File Handling public void SaveAs(string path) { if (!Loaded) { return; } var directory_info = new FileInfo(Filename).Directory; if (directory_info != null) { Directory.CreateDirectory(directory_info.FullName); } Write(Filename); } public void Save() { if (!Loaded || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Filename)) { return; } SaveAs(Filename); _changes = false; } public void SaveAs() { if (!Loaded || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Filename)) { return; } var backupName = Filename; backupName = backupName.Insert(Filename.LastIndexOf("."), String.Format(".{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", DateTime.Now)); backupName = Path.Combine(Global.Config.PathEntries["Global", "Movie backups"].Path, Path.GetFileName(backupName) ?? String.Empty); var directory_info = new FileInfo(backupName).Directory; if (directory_info != null) { Directory.CreateDirectory(directory_info.FullName); } Write(backupName); } /// /// Load Header information only for displaying file information in dialogs such as play movie /// public bool PreLoadText(HawkFile hawkFile) { Loaded = false; var file = new FileInfo(hawkFile.CanonicalFullPath); if (file.Exists == false) { return false; } else { Header.Clear(); _log.Clear(); } var origStreamPosn = hawkFile.GetStream().Position; hawkFile.GetStream().Position = 0; // Reset to start var sr = new StreamReader(hawkFile.GetStream()); // No using block because we're sharing the stream and need to give it back undisposed. if (!sr.EndOfStream) { string line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.Contains("LoopOffset")) { try { _loopOffset = int.Parse(line.Split(new[] { ' ' }, 2)[1]); } catch (Exception) { continue; } } else if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line) || Header.ParseLineFromFile(line)) { continue; } else if (line.StartsWith("|")) { var frames = sr.ReadToEnd(); var length = line.Length; // Account for line breaks of either size. if (frames.IndexOf("\r\n") != -1) { length++; } length++; _preloadFramecount = (frames.Length / length) + 1; // Count the remaining frames and the current one. break; } else { Header.Comments.Add(line); } } } hawkFile.GetStream().Position = origStreamPosn; return true; } public bool Load() { var file = new FileInfo(Filename); if (file.Exists == false) { Loaded = false; return false; } return LoadText(); } #endregion #region Public Log Editing public string GetInput(int frame) { if (frame < _log.Length) { if (frame >= 0) { int getframe; if (_loopOffset.HasValue) { if (frame < _log.Length) { getframe = frame; } else { getframe = ((frame - _loopOffset.Value) % (_log.Length - _loopOffset.Value)) + _loopOffset.Value; } } else { getframe = frame; } return _log[getframe]; } else { return String.Empty; } } else { Finish(); return String.Empty; } } public void ClearFrame(int frame) { _log.SetFrameAt(frame, MnemonicsGenerator.GetEmptyMnemonic); _changes = true; } public void AppendFrame(MnemonicsGenerator mg) { _log.AppendFrame(mg.GetControllersAsMnemonic()); _changes = true; } public void Truncate(int frame) { _log.TruncateMovie(frame); _log.TruncateStates(frame); _changes = true; } #endregion #region Public Misc Methods public void PokeFrame(int frame, MnemonicsGenerator mg) { _changes = true; _log.SetFrameAt(frame, mg.GetControllersAsMnemonic()); } public void RecordFrame(int frame, MnemonicsGenerator mg) { // Note: Truncation here instead of loadstate will make VBA style loadstates // (Where an entire movie is loaded then truncated on the next frame // this allows users to restore a movie with any savestate from that "timeline" if (Global.Config.VBAStyleMovieLoadState) { if (Global.Emulator.Frame < _log.Length) { _log.TruncateMovie(Global.Emulator.Frame); } } _changes = true; _log.SetFrameAt(frame, mg.GetControllersAsMnemonic()); } public string GetInputLog() { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("[Input]"); foreach (var record in _log) { sb.AppendLine(record); } sb.AppendLine("[/Input]"); return sb.ToString(); } public bool ExtractInputLog(TextReader reader, out string errorMessage) { errorMessage = String.Empty; int? stateFrame = null; // We are in record mode so replace the movie log with the one from the savestate if (!Global.MovieSession.MultiTrack.IsActive) { if (Global.Config.EnableBackupMovies && MakeBackup && _log.Length > 0) { SaveAs(); MakeBackup = false; } _log.Clear(); while (true) { var line = reader.ReadLine(); if (line == null) { break; } else if (line.Trim() == String.Empty) { continue; } else if (line == "[Input]") { continue; } else if (line == "[/Input]") { break; } else if (line.Contains("Frame 0x")) // NES stores frame count in hex, yay { var strs = line.Split('x'); try { stateFrame = int.Parse(strs[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber); } catch { errorMessage = "Savestate Frame number failed to parse"; return false; } } else if (line.Contains("Frame ")) { var strs = line.Split(' '); try { stateFrame = int.Parse(strs[1]); } catch { errorMessage = "Savestate Frame number failed to parse"; return false; } } else if (line[0] == '|') { _log.AppendFrame(line); } } } else { int i = 0; while (true) { var line = reader.ReadLine(); if (line == null) { break; } else if (line.Trim() == string.Empty) { continue; } else if (line == "[Input]") { continue; } else if (line == "[/Input]") { break; } else if (line.Contains("Frame 0x")) // NES stores frame count in hex, yay { var strs = line.Split('x'); try { stateFrame = int.Parse(strs[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber); } catch { errorMessage = "Savestate Frame number failed to parse"; return false; } } else if (line.Contains("Frame ")) { var strs = line.Split(' '); try { stateFrame = int.Parse(strs[1]); } catch { errorMessage = "Savestate Frame number failed to parse"; return false; } } else if (line.StartsWith("|")) { _log.SetFrameAt(i, line); i++; } } } if (stateFrame == null) { errorMessage = "Savestate Frame number failed to parse"; } var stateFramei = (int)stateFrame; if (stateFramei > 0 && stateFramei < _log.Length) { if (!Global.Config.VBAStyleMovieLoadState) { _log.TruncateStates(stateFramei); _log.TruncateMovie(stateFramei); } } else if (stateFramei > _log.Length) // Post movie savestate { if (!Global.Config.VBAStyleMovieLoadState) { _log.TruncateStates(_log.Length); _log.TruncateMovie(_log.Length); } _mode = Moviemode.Finished; } if (IsCountingRerecords) { Header.Rerecords++; } return true; } public TimeSpan Time { get { double dblseconds = GetSeconds(Loaded ? _log.Length : _preloadFramecount); int seconds = (int)(dblseconds % 60); int days = seconds / 86400; int hours = seconds / 3600; int minutes = (seconds / 60) % 60; int milliseconds = (int)((dblseconds - (double)seconds) * 1000); return new TimeSpan(days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds); } } public bool CheckTimeLines(TextReader reader, out string errorMessage) { // This function will compare the movie data to the savestate movie data to see if they match errorMessage = String.Empty; var log = new MovieLog(); int stateFrame = 0; while (true) { var line = reader.ReadLine(); if (line == null) { return false; } else if (line.Trim() == string.Empty) { continue; } else if (line.Contains("Frame 0x")) // NES stores frame count in hex, yay { var strs = line.Split('x'); try { stateFrame = int.Parse(strs[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber); } catch { errorMessage = "Savestate Frame number failed to parse"; return false; } } else if (line.Contains("Frame ")) { var strs = line.Split(' '); try { stateFrame = int.Parse(strs[1]); } catch { errorMessage = "Savestate Frame number failed to parse"; return false; } } else if (line == "[Input]") { continue; } else if (line == "[/Input]") { break; } else if (line[0] == '|') { log.AppendFrame(line); } } if (stateFrame == 0) { stateFrame = log.Length; // In case the frame count failed to parse, revert to using the entire state input log } if (_log.Length < stateFrame) { if (IsFinished) { return true; } else { errorMessage = "The savestate is from frame " + log.Length + " which is greater than the current movie length of " + _log.Length; return false; } } for (var i = 0; i < stateFrame; i++) { if (_log[i] != log[i]) { errorMessage = "The savestate input does not match the movie input at frame " + (i + 1) + "."; return false; } } if (stateFrame > log.Length) // stateFrame is greater than state input log, so movie finished mode { if (_mode == Moviemode.Play || _mode == Moviemode.Finished) { _mode = Moviemode.Finished; return true; } else { return false; } } else if (_mode == Moviemode.Finished) { _mode = Moviemode.Play; } return true; } #endregion #region Private Vars private readonly MovieLog _log = new MovieLog(); private enum Moviemode { Inactive, Play, Record, Finished }; private Moviemode _mode = Moviemode.Inactive; private int _preloadFramecount; // Not a a reliable number, used for preloading (when no log has yet been loaded), this is only for quick stat compilation for dialogs such as play movie private bool _changes; private int? _loopOffset; private readonly PlatformFrameRates _frameRates = new PlatformFrameRates(); #endregion #region Helpers private void Write(string fn) { using (var fs = new FileStream(fn, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read)) { WriteText(fs); } } private void WriteText(Stream stream) { using (var sw = new StreamWriter(stream)) { sw.Write(Header.ToString()); // TODO: clean this up if (_loopOffset.HasValue) { sw.WriteLine("LoopOffset " + _loopOffset); } foreach (var input in _log) { sw.WriteLine(input); } } } private bool LoadText() { var file = new FileInfo(Filename); if (file.Exists == false) { Loaded = false; return false; } else { Header.Clear(); _log.Clear(); } using (var sr = file.OpenText()) { string line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line == String.Empty) { continue; } if (line.Contains("LoopOffset")) { try { _loopOffset = int.Parse(line.Split(new[] { ' ' }, 2)[1]); } catch (Exception) { continue; } } else if (Header.ParseLineFromFile(line)) { continue; } else if (line.StartsWith("|")) { _log.AppendFrame(line); } else { Header.Comments.Add(line); } } } Loaded = true; return true; } private static string MakeDigits(int num) { return num < 10 ? "0" + num : num.ToString(); } private double GetSeconds(int frameCount) { double frames = frameCount; if (frames < 1) { return 0; } var system = Header[HeaderKeys.PLATFORM]; var pal = Header.ContainsKey(HeaderKeys.PAL) && Header[HeaderKeys.PAL] == "1"; return frames / _frameRates[system, pal]; } public double Fps { get { var system = Header[HeaderKeys.PLATFORM]; var pal = Header.ContainsKey(HeaderKeys.PAL) && Header[HeaderKeys.PAL] == "1"; return _frameRates[system, pal]; } } #endregion } }