using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; namespace BizHawk.Client.Common { public class PathEntry { public string SystemDisplayName { get; set; } public string Type { get; set; } public string Path { get; set; } public string System { get; set; } public int Ordinal { get; set; } public bool HasSystem(string systemID) { if (systemID == System) { return true; } return System.Split('_').Contains(systemID); } } [Newtonsoft.Json.JsonObject] public class PathEntryCollection : IEnumerable { public List Paths { get; } public PathEntryCollection() { Paths = new List(); Paths.AddRange(DefaultValues); } [Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConstructor] public PathEntryCollection(List paths) { Paths = paths; } public void Add(PathEntry p) { Paths.Add(p); } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return Paths.GetEnumerator(); } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return GetEnumerator(); } public PathEntry this[string system, string type] { get { return Paths.FirstOrDefault(p => p.HasSystem(system) && p.Type == type) ?? TryGetDebugPath(system, type); } } private PathEntry TryGetDebugPath(string system, string type) { if (Paths.Any(p => p.HasSystem(system))) { // we have the system, but not the type. don't attempt to add an unknown type return null; } // we don't have anything for the system in question. add a set of stock paths var systempath = PathManager.RemoveInvalidFileSystemChars(system) + "_INTERIM"; var systemdisp = system + " (INTERIM)"; Paths.AddRange(new[] { new PathEntry { System = system, SystemDisplayName = systemdisp, Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", systempath), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = system, SystemDisplayName = systemdisp, Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = system, SystemDisplayName = systemdisp, Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = system, SystemDisplayName = systemdisp, Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 }, new PathEntry { System = system, SystemDisplayName = systemdisp, Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = system, SystemDisplayName = systemdisp, Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 } }); return this[system, type]; } public void ResolveWithDefaults() { // Add missing entries foreach (PathEntry defaultpath in DefaultValues) { var path = Paths.FirstOrDefault(p => p.System == defaultpath.System && p.Type == defaultpath.Type); if (path == null) { Paths.Add(defaultpath); } } List entriesToRemove = new List(); // Remove entries that no longer exist in defaults foreach (PathEntry pathEntry in Paths) { var path = DefaultValues.FirstOrDefault(p => p.System == pathEntry.System && p.Type == pathEntry.Type); if (path == null) { entriesToRemove.Add(pathEntry); } } foreach (PathEntry entry in entriesToRemove) { Paths.Remove(entry); } // Add missing displaynames var missingDisplayPaths = Paths.Where(p => p.SystemDisplayName == null).ToList(); foreach (PathEntry path in missingDisplayPaths) { path.SystemDisplayName = DefaultValues.First(p => p.System == path.System).SystemDisplayName; } } private static string ResolveToolsPath(string subPath) { if (Path.IsPathRooted(subPath)) { return subPath; } var toolsPath = Global.Config.PathEntries["Global", "Tools"].Path; // Hack for backwards compabitilbity, preior to 1.11.5, .wch files were in .\Tools, we don't want that to turn into .Tools\Tools if (subPath == "Tools") { return toolsPath; } return Path.Combine(toolsPath, subPath); } // Some frequently requested paths, made into a property for convenience public string ToolsPathFragment => Global.Config.PathEntries["Global", "Tools"].Path; public string WatchPathFragment => ResolveToolsPath(Global.Config.PathEntries["Global", "Watch (.wch)"].Path); public string MultiDiskBundlesFragment => ResolveToolsPath(Global.Config.PathEntries["Global", "Multi-Disk Bundles"].Path); public string LogPathFragment => ResolveToolsPath(Global.Config.PathEntries["Global", "Debug Logs"].Path); public string MoviesPathFragment => Global.Config.PathEntries["Global", "Movies"].Path; public string MoviesBackupsPathFragment => Global.Config.PathEntries["Global", "Movie backups"].Path; public string LuaPathFragment => Global.Config.PathEntries["Global", "Lua"].Path; public string FirmwaresPathFragment => Global.Config.PathEntries["Global", "Firmware"].Path; public string AvPathFragment => Global.Config.PathEntries["Global", "A/V Dumps"].Path; public string GlobalRomFragment => Global.Config.PathEntries["Global", "ROM"].Path; // this one is special public string GlobalBaseFragment => Global.Config.PathEntries["Global", "Base"].Path; public static List DefaultValues => new List { new PathEntry { System = "Global_NULL", SystemDisplayName = "Global", Type = "Base", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "Global_NULL", SystemDisplayName = "Global", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = "Global_NULL", SystemDisplayName = "Global", Type = "Firmware", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Firmware"), Ordinal = 3 }, new PathEntry { System = "Global_NULL", SystemDisplayName = "Global", Type = "Movies", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Movies"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = "Global_NULL", SystemDisplayName = "Global", Type = "Movie backups", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Movies", "backup"), Ordinal = 5 }, new PathEntry { System = "Global_NULL", SystemDisplayName = "Global", Type = "A/V Dumps", Path = ".", Ordinal = 6 }, new PathEntry { System = "Global_NULL", SystemDisplayName = "Global", Type = "Tools", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Tools"), Ordinal = 7 }, new PathEntry { System = "Global_NULL", SystemDisplayName = "Global", Type = "Lua", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Lua"), Ordinal = 8 }, new PathEntry { System = "Global_NULL", SystemDisplayName = "Global", Type = "Watch (.wch)", Path = Path.Combine(".", "."), Ordinal = 9 }, new PathEntry { System = "Global_NULL", SystemDisplayName = "Global", Type = "Debug Logs", Path = Path.Combine(".", ""), Ordinal = 10 }, new PathEntry { System = "Global_NULL", SystemDisplayName = "Global", Type = "Macros", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Movies", "Macros"), Ordinal = 11 }, new PathEntry { System = "Global_NULL", SystemDisplayName = "Global", Type = "TAStudio states", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Movies", "TAStudio states"), Ordinal = 12 }, new PathEntry { System = "Global_NULL", SystemDisplayName = "Global", Type = "Multi-Disk Bundles", Path = Path.Combine(".", ""), Ordinal = 13 }, new PathEntry { System = "Global_NULL", SystemDisplayName = "Global", Type = "External Tools", Path = Path.Combine(".", "ExternalTools"), Ordinal = 14 }, new PathEntry { System = "INTV", SystemDisplayName = "Intellivision", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Intellivision"), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = "INTV", SystemDisplayName = "Intellivision", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "INTV", SystemDisplayName = "Intellivision", Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = "INTV", SystemDisplayName = "Intellivision", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 }, new PathEntry { System = "INTV", SystemDisplayName = "Intellivision", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = "INTV", SystemDisplayName = "Intellivision", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 }, new PathEntry { System = "INTV", SystemDisplayName = "Intellivision", Type = "Palettes", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Palettes"), Ordinal = 6 }, new PathEntry { System = "NES", SystemDisplayName = "NES", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "NES"), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = "NES", SystemDisplayName = "NES", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "NES", SystemDisplayName = "NES", Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = "NES", SystemDisplayName = "NES", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 }, new PathEntry { System = "NES", SystemDisplayName = "NES", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = "NES", SystemDisplayName = "NES", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 }, new PathEntry { System = "NES", SystemDisplayName = "NES", Type = "Palettes", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Palettes"), Ordinal = 6 }, new PathEntry { System = "SNES_SGB", SystemDisplayName = "SNES", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SNES"), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = "SNES_SGB", SystemDisplayName = "SNES", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "SNES_SGB", SystemDisplayName = "SNES", Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = "SNES_SGB", SystemDisplayName = "SNES", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 }, new PathEntry { System = "SNES_SGB", SystemDisplayName = "SNES", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = "SNES_SGB", SystemDisplayName = "SNES", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 }, new PathEntry { System = "GBA", SystemDisplayName = "GBA", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "GBA"), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = "GBA", SystemDisplayName = "GBA", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "GBA", SystemDisplayName = "GBA", Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = "GBA", SystemDisplayName = "GBA", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 }, new PathEntry { System = "GBA", SystemDisplayName = "GBA", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = "GBA", SystemDisplayName = "GBA", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 }, new PathEntry { System = "SMS", SystemDisplayName = "SMS", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SMS"), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = "SMS", SystemDisplayName = "SMS", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "SMS", SystemDisplayName = "SMS", Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = "SMS", SystemDisplayName = "SMS", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 }, new PathEntry { System = "SMS", SystemDisplayName = "SMS", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = "SMS", SystemDisplayName = "SMS", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 }, new PathEntry { System = "GG", SystemDisplayName = "GG", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Game Gear"), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = "GG", SystemDisplayName = "GG", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "GG", SystemDisplayName = "GG", Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = "GG", SystemDisplayName = "GG", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 }, new PathEntry { System = "GG", SystemDisplayName = "GG", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = "GG", SystemDisplayName = "GG", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 }, new PathEntry { System = "SG", SystemDisplayName = "SG", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SG-1000"), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = "SG", SystemDisplayName = "SG", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "SG", SystemDisplayName = "SG", Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = "SG", SystemDisplayName = "SG", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 }, new PathEntry { System = "SG", SystemDisplayName = "SG", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = "SG", SystemDisplayName = "SG", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 }, new PathEntry { System = "GEN", SystemDisplayName = "Genesis", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Genesis"), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = "GEN", SystemDisplayName = "Genesis", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "GEN", SystemDisplayName = "Genesis", Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = "GEN", SystemDisplayName = "Genesis", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 }, new PathEntry { System = "GEN", SystemDisplayName = "Genesis", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = "GEN", SystemDisplayName = "Genesis", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 }, new PathEntry { System = "PCE_PCECD_SGX", SystemDisplayName = "PC Engine", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "PC Engine"), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = "PCE_PCECD_SGX", SystemDisplayName = "PC Engine", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "PCE_PCECD_SGX", SystemDisplayName = "PC Engine", Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = "PCE_PCECD_SGX", SystemDisplayName = "PC Engine", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 }, new PathEntry { System = "PCE_PCECD_SGX", SystemDisplayName = "PC Engine", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = "PCE_PCECD_SGX", SystemDisplayName = "PC Engine", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 }, new PathEntry { System = "GB_GBC", SystemDisplayName = "Gameboy", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Gameboy"), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = "GB_GBC", SystemDisplayName = "Gameboy", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "GB_GBC", SystemDisplayName = "Gameboy", Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = "GB_GBC", SystemDisplayName = "Gameboy", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 }, new PathEntry { System = "GB_GBC", SystemDisplayName = "Gameboy", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = "GB_GBC", SystemDisplayName = "Gameboy", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 }, new PathEntry { System = "GB_GBC", SystemDisplayName = "Gameboy", Type = "Palettes", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Palettes"), Ordinal = 6 }, new PathEntry { System = "DGB", SystemDisplayName = "Dual Gameboy", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Dual Gameboy"), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = "DGB", SystemDisplayName = "Dual Gameboy", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "DGB", SystemDisplayName = "Dual Gameboy", Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = "DGB", SystemDisplayName = "Dual Gameboy", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 }, new PathEntry { System = "DGB", SystemDisplayName = "Dual Gameboy", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = "DGB", SystemDisplayName = "Dual Gameboy", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 }, new PathEntry { System = "DGB", SystemDisplayName = "Dual Gameboy", Type = "Palettes", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Palettes"), Ordinal = 6 }, new PathEntry { System = "TI83", SystemDisplayName = "TI83", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "TI83"), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = "TI83", SystemDisplayName = "TI83", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "TI83", SystemDisplayName = "TI83", Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = "TI83", SystemDisplayName = "TI83", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 }, new PathEntry { System = "TI83", SystemDisplayName = "TI83", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = "TI83", SystemDisplayName = "TI83", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 }, new PathEntry { System = "A26", SystemDisplayName = "Atari 2600", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Atari 2600"), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = "A26", SystemDisplayName = "Atari 2600", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "A26", SystemDisplayName = "Atari 2600", Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = "A26", SystemDisplayName = "Atari 2600", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = "A26", SystemDisplayName = "Atari 2600", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 }, new PathEntry { System = "A78", SystemDisplayName = "Atari 7800", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Atari 7800"), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = "A78", SystemDisplayName = "Atari 7800", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "A78", SystemDisplayName = "Atari 7800", Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = "A78", SystemDisplayName = "Atari 7800", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 }, new PathEntry { System = "A78", SystemDisplayName = "Atari 7800", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = "A78", SystemDisplayName = "Atari 7800", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 }, new PathEntry { System = "C64", SystemDisplayName = "Commodore 64", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "C64"), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = "C64", SystemDisplayName = "Commodore 64", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "C64", SystemDisplayName = "Commodore 64", Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = "C64", SystemDisplayName = "Commodore 64", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = "C64", SystemDisplayName = "Commodore 64", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 }, new PathEntry { System = "ZXSpectrum", SystemDisplayName = "Sinclair ZX Spectrum", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "ZXSpectrum"), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = "ZXSpectrum", SystemDisplayName = "Sinclair ZX Spectrum", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "ZXSpectrum", SystemDisplayName = "Sinclair ZX Spectrum", Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = "ZXSpectrum", SystemDisplayName = "Sinclair ZX Spectrum", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = "ZXSpectrum", SystemDisplayName = "Sinclair ZX Spectrum", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 }, new PathEntry { System = "PSX", SystemDisplayName = "Playstation", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "PSX"), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = "PSX", SystemDisplayName = "Playstation", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "PSX", SystemDisplayName = "Playstation", Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = "PSX", SystemDisplayName = "Playstation", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 }, new PathEntry { System = "PSX", SystemDisplayName = "Playstation", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = "PSX", SystemDisplayName = "Playstation", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 }, new PathEntry { System = "Coleco", SystemDisplayName = "Coleco", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Coleco"), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = "Coleco", SystemDisplayName = "Coleco", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "Coleco", SystemDisplayName = "Coleco", Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = "Coleco", SystemDisplayName = "Coleco", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = "Coleco", SystemDisplayName = "Coleco", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 }, new PathEntry { System = "N64", SystemDisplayName = "N64", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "N64"), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = "N64", SystemDisplayName = "N64", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "N64", SystemDisplayName = "N64", Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = "N64", SystemDisplayName = "N64", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 }, new PathEntry { System = "N64", SystemDisplayName = "N64", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = "N64", SystemDisplayName = "N64", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 }, new PathEntry { System = "SAT", SystemDisplayName = "Saturn", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Saturn"), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = "SAT", SystemDisplayName = "Saturn", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "SAT", SystemDisplayName = "Saturn", Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = "SAT", SystemDisplayName = "Saturn", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 }, new PathEntry { System = "SAT", SystemDisplayName = "Saturn", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = "SAT", SystemDisplayName = "Saturn", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 }, new PathEntry { System = "WSWAN", SystemDisplayName = "WonderSwan", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "WonderSwan"), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = "WSWAN", SystemDisplayName = "WonderSwan", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "WSWAN", SystemDisplayName = "WonderSwan", Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = "WSWAN", SystemDisplayName = "WonderSwan", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 }, new PathEntry { System = "WSWAN", SystemDisplayName = "WonderSwan", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = "WSWAN", SystemDisplayName = "WonderSwan", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 }, new PathEntry { System = "Lynx", SystemDisplayName = "Lynx", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Lynx"), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = "Lynx", SystemDisplayName = "Lynx", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "Lynx", SystemDisplayName = "Lynx", Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = "Lynx", SystemDisplayName = "Lynx", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 3 }, new PathEntry { System = "Lynx", SystemDisplayName = "Lynx", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = "Lynx", SystemDisplayName = "Lynx", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 }, new PathEntry { System = "AppleII", SystemDisplayName = "Apple II", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Apple II"), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = "AppleII", SystemDisplayName = "Apple II", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "AppleII", SystemDisplayName = "Apple II", Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = "AppleII", SystemDisplayName = "Apple II", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = "AppleII", SystemDisplayName = "Apple II", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 5 }, new PathEntry { System = "Libretro", SystemDisplayName = "Libretro", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Libretro"), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = "Libretro", SystemDisplayName = "Libretro", Type = "Cores", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cores"), Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "Libretro", SystemDisplayName = "Libretro", Type = "System", Path = Path.Combine(".", "System"), Ordinal = 2 }, new PathEntry { System = "Libretro", SystemDisplayName = "Libretro", Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), Ordinal = 3 }, new PathEntry { System = "Libretro", SystemDisplayName = "Libretro", Type = "Save RAM", Path = Path.Combine(".", "SaveRAM"), Ordinal = 4 }, new PathEntry { System = "Libretro", SystemDisplayName = "Libretro", Type = "Screenshots", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Screenshots"), Ordinal = 5 }, new PathEntry { System = "Libretro", SystemDisplayName = "Libretro", Type = "Cheats", Path = Path.Combine(".", "Cheats"), Ordinal = 6 }, new PathEntry { System = "VB", SystemDisplayName = "VB", Type = "Base", Path = Path.Combine(".", "VB"), Ordinal = 0 }, new PathEntry { System = "VB", SystemDisplayName = "VB", Type = "ROM", Path = ".", Ordinal = 1 }, new PathEntry { System = "VB", SystemDisplayName = "VB", Type = "Savestates", Path = Path.Combine(".", "State"), 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