using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Xml;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace BizHawk.Client.DBMan
public class TOSECParser : DATParser
/// Required to generate a GameDB file
public override SystemType SysType { get; set; }
private List xmls = new List();
public TOSECParser(SystemType type)
SysType = type;
/// Parses multiple DAT files and returns a single GamesDB format csv string
public override string ParseDAT(string[] filePath)
foreach (var s in filePath)
var res = MessageBox.Show("Could not parse document as valid XML:\n\n" + s + "\n\nDo you wish to continue any other processing?", "Parsing Error", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
if (res != DialogResult.Yes)
return "";
int startIndex = 0;
// actual tosec parsing
foreach (var obj in xmls)
startIndex = Data.Count > 0 ? Data.Count - 1 : 0;
// get header info
var header = obj.Root.Descendants("header").First();
var category = header.Element("category").Value;
var name = header.Element("name").Value;
var version = header.Element("version").Value;
var description = header.Element("description").Value;
// start comment block
List comments = new List
$"FileGen:\t{DateTime.UtcNow:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} (UTC)",
// process each entry
var query = obj.Root.Descendants("game");
foreach (var g in query)
GameDB item = new GameDB();
item.Name = g.Value;
item.SHA1 = g.Elements("rom").First().Attribute("sha1").Value.ToUpper();
item.MD5 = g.Elements("rom").First().Attribute("md5").Value.ToUpper();
item.System = GameDB.GetSystemCode(SysType);
// add this file's data to the stringbuilder
// first we will sort into various ROMSTATUS groups
var working = Data.Skip(startIndex).ToList();
var baddump = working.Where(st => st.Status == "B").OrderBy(na => na.Name).ToList();
AddCommentBlock("Bad Dumps");
var hack = working.Where(st => st.Status == "H").OrderBy(na => na.Name).ToList();
var over = working.Where(st => st.Status == "O").OrderBy(na => na.Name).ToList();
AddCommentBlock("Over Dumps");
var trans = working.Where(st => st.Status == "T").OrderBy(na => na.Name).ToList();
var pd = working.Where(st => st.Status == "D").OrderBy(na => na.Name).ToList();
AddCommentBlock("Home Brew");
var good = working.Where(st => st.Status == "" || st.Status == null).OrderBy(na => na.Name).ToList();
AddCommentBlock("Believed Good");
string result = sb.ToString();
return sb.ToString();
/// Parses all the weird TOSEC flags within the game field
/// Detailed info here:
/// Guts of this has been reused from here:
private void ParseTOSECFlags(GameDB g)
string nameString = g.Name;
// remove uninteresting options
string a = RemoveUnneededOptions(nameString);
// process data contained in ()
string[] d = a.ToString().Split('(', ')');
if (d.Length > 0)
// name field
if (d.Length > 1)
if (d[1].Length > 3)
// year field
if (d.Length > 3)
// publisher field
// public domain
if (nameString.Contains("(PD)"))
g.Status = "D";
if (d.Length > 4)
// parse all other () fields
// because these are not mandatory this can be a confusing process
for (int i = 4; i < d.Length; i++)
string f = d[i];
// system field
if (f == "Aladdin Deck Enhancer" ||
f == "PlayChoice-10" ||
f == "VS DualSystem" ||
f == "VS UniSystem")
// ignore for now (not currently implemented)
// country flag(s)
if (IsCountryFlag(f) == true)
g.Region = f;
// language - if present add to notes
if (IsLanguageFlag(f) == true)
g.Notes = f;
// check copyright status (not currently implemented)
if (IsCopyrightStatus(f) == true)
// check development status (not currently implemented)
if (IsDevelopmenttStatus(f) == true)
// Media Type - ignore for now
// Media Label - ignore for now
// process dump info flags and other info contained in []
if (nameString.Contains("[") && nameString.Contains("]"))
List e = nameString.ToString().Split('[', ']').ToList();
// remove first entry (this is the bit before the [] entries start
// remove empty entries
e = e.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)).Distinct().ToList();
if (e.Count > 0)
// bizhawk currently only has a few different RomStatus values (not as many as TOSEC anyway)
// Parsing priority will be:
// RomStatus.BadDump
// RomStatus.Hack
// RomStatus.Overdump
// RomStatus.GoodDump
// RomStatus.TranslatedRom
// everything else
// all tosec cr, h, t etc.. will fall under RomStatus.Hack
if (e.Where(str =>
// bad dump
str == "b" || str.StartsWith("b ") ||
// virus
str == "v" || str.StartsWith("v ") ||
// under dump
str == "u" || str.StartsWith("u ")).ToList().Count > 0)
// RomStatus.BadDump
g.Status = "B";
else if (e.Where(str =>
// cracked
str == "cr" || str.StartsWith("cr ") ||
// fixed
str == "f" || str.StartsWith("f ") ||
// hack
str == "h" || str.StartsWith("h ") ||
// modified
str == "m" || str.StartsWith("m ") ||
// pirated
str == "p" || str.StartsWith("p ") ||
// trained
str == "t" || str.StartsWith("t ")
).ToList().Count > 0)
// RomStatus.Hack
g.Status = "H";
else if (e.Where(str =>
// over dump
str == "o" || str.StartsWith("o ")).ToList().Count > 0)
// RomStatus.Overdump
g.Status = "O";
else if (e.Where(str =>
// known verified dump
str == "!").ToList().Count > 0)
// RomStatus.GoodDump
g.Status = "";
else if (e.Where(str =>
// translated
str == "tr" || str.StartsWith("tr ")).ToList().Count > 0)
// RomStatus.TranslatedRom
g.Status = "T";
public static bool IsDevelopmenttStatus(string s)
List DS = new List
"alpha", "beta", "preview", "pre-release", "proto"
bool b = DS.Any(s.Contains);
return b;
public static bool IsCopyrightStatus(string s)
List CS = new List
"CW", "CW-R", "FW", "GW", "GW-R", "LW", "PD", "SW", "SW-R"
bool b = CS.Any(s.Contains);
return b;
public static bool IsLanguageFlag(string s)
List LC = new List
"ar", "bg", "bs", "cs", "cy", "da", "de", "el", "en", "eo", "es", "et", "fa", "fi", "fr", "ga",
"gu", "he", "hi", "hr", "hu", "is", "it", "ja", "ko", "lt", "lv", "ms", "nl", "no", "pl", "pt",
"ro", "ru", "sk", "sl", "sq", "sr", "sv", "th", "tr", "ur", "vi", "yi", "zh", "M1", "M2", "M3",
"M4", "M5", "M6", "M7", "M8", "M9"
bool b = false;
if (!s.Contains("[") && !s.Contains("]"))
foreach (var x in LC)
if (s == x || s.StartsWith(x) || s.EndsWith(x))
b = true;
//b = LC.Any(s.Contains);
return b;
public static bool IsCountryFlag(string s)
List CC = new List
"AE", "AL", "AS", "AT", "AU", "BA", "BE", "BG", "BR", "CA", "CH", "CL", "CN", "CS", "CY", "CZ",
"DE", "DK", "EE", "EG", "EU", "ES", "FI", "FR", "GB", "GR", "HK", "HR", "HU", "ID", "IE", "IL",
"IN", "IR", "IS", "IT", "JO", "JP", "KR", "LT", "LU", "LV", "MN", "MX", "MY", "NL", "NO", "NP",
"NZ", "OM", "PE", "PH", "PL", "PT", "QA", "RO", "RU", "SE", "SG", "SI", "SK", "TH", "TR", "TW",
"US", "VN", "YU", "ZA"
bool b = false;
if (!s.Contains("[") && !s.Contains("]"))
foreach (var x in CC)
if (s == x || s.StartsWith(x) || s.EndsWith(x))
b = true;
//b = CC.Any(s.Contains);
return b;
public static string RemoveUnneededOptions(string nameString)
// Remove unneeded entries
string n = nameString
.Replace(" (demo) ", " ")
.Replace(" (demo-kiosk) ", " ")
.Replace(" (demo-playable) ", " ")
.Replace(" (demo-rolling) ", " ")
.Replace(" (demo-slideshow) ", " ");
return n;