// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project / Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. // Enable define below to enable oprofile integration. For this to work, // it requires at least oprofile version 0.9.4, and changing the build // system to link the Dolphin executable against libopagent. Since the // dependency is a little inconvenient and this is possibly a slight // performance hit, it's not enabled by default, but it's useful for // locating performance issues. #include "Common.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif #include "Core/Core.h" #include "Core/MemMap.h" #include "Core/CoreTiming.h" #include "Core/MIPS/MIPS.h" #include "Core/MIPS/MIPSTables.h" #include "Core/MIPS/MIPSAnalyst.h" #include "Core/MIPS/JitCommon/JitBlockCache.h" #include "Core/MIPS/JitCommon/JitCommon.h" #if defined(ARM) #include "Common/ArmEmitter.h" #include "Core/MIPS/ARM/ArmAsm.h" using namespace ArmGen; #elif defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64) #include "Common/x64Emitter.h" #include "Common/x64Analyzer.h" #include "Core/MIPS/x86/Asm.h" using namespace Gen; #else #error "Unsupported arch!" #endif // #include "JitBase.h" #if defined USE_OPROFILE && USE_OPROFILE #include op_agent_t agent; #endif #if defined USE_VTUNE #include #pragma comment(lib, "libittnotify.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "jitprofiling.lib") #endif #define INVALID_EXIT 0xFFFFFFFF JitBlockCache::JitBlockCache(MIPSState *mips_, CodeBlock *codeBlock) : mips(mips_), codeBlock_(codeBlock), blocks(0), num_blocks(0) { } JitBlockCache::~JitBlockCache() { Shutdown(); } bool JitBlock::ContainsAddress(u32 em_address) { // WARNING - THIS DOES NOT WORK WITH JIT INLINING ENABLED. // However, that doesn't exist yet so meh. return (em_address >= originalAddress && em_address < originalAddress + 4 * originalSize); } bool JitBlockCache::IsFull() const { return num_blocks >= MAX_NUM_BLOCKS - 1; } void JitBlockCache::Init() { #if defined USE_OPROFILE && USE_OPROFILE agent = op_open_agent(); #endif blocks = new JitBlock[MAX_NUM_BLOCKS]; Clear(); } void JitBlockCache::Shutdown() { delete[] blocks; blocks = 0; num_blocks = 0; #if defined USE_OPROFILE && USE_OPROFILE op_close_agent(agent); #endif #ifdef USE_VTUNE iJIT_NotifyEvent(iJVM_EVENT_TYPE_SHUTDOWN, NULL); #endif } // This clears the JIT cache. It's called from JitCache.cpp when the JIT cache // is full and when saving and loading states. void JitBlockCache::Clear() { for (int i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) DestroyBlock(i, false); links_to.clear(); block_map.clear(); num_blocks = 0; } void JitBlockCache::Reset() { Shutdown(); Init(); } JitBlock *JitBlockCache::GetBlock(int no) { return &blocks[no]; } int JitBlockCache::AllocateBlock(u32 em_address) { JitBlock &b = blocks[num_blocks]; b.invalid = false; b.originalAddress = em_address; b.exitAddress[0] = INVALID_EXIT; b.exitAddress[1] = INVALID_EXIT; b.exitPtrs[0] = 0; b.exitPtrs[1] = 0; b.linkStatus[0] = false; b.linkStatus[1] = false; b.blockNum = num_blocks; num_blocks++; //commit the current block return num_blocks - 1; } void JitBlockCache::FinalizeBlock(int block_num, bool block_link) { JitBlock &b = blocks[block_num]; b.originalFirstOpcode = Memory::Read_Opcode_JIT(b.originalAddress); u32 opcode = GetEmuHackOpForBlock(block_num); Memory::Write_Opcode_JIT(b.originalAddress, opcode); // Convert the logical address to a physical address for the block map // Yeah, this'll work fine for PSP too I think. u32 pAddr = b.originalAddress & 0x1FFFFFFF; block_map[std::make_pair(pAddr + 4 * b.originalSize - 1, pAddr)] = block_num; if (block_link) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (b.exitAddress[i] != INVALID_EXIT) links_to.insert(std::pair(b.exitAddress[i], block_num)); } LinkBlock(block_num); LinkBlockExits(block_num); } #if defined USE_OPROFILE && USE_OPROFILE char buf[100]; sprintf(buf, "EmuCode%x", b.originalAddress); const u8* blockStart = blocks[block_num].checkedEntry; op_write_native_code(agent, buf, (uint64_t)blockStart, blockStart, b.codeSize); #endif #ifdef USE_VTUNE sprintf(b.blockName, "EmuCode_0x%08x", b.originalAddress); iJIT_Method_Load jmethod = {0}; jmethod.method_id = iJIT_GetNewMethodID(); jmethod.class_file_name = ""; jmethod.source_file_name = __FILE__; jmethod.method_load_address = (void*)blocks[block_num].checkedEntry; jmethod.method_size = b.codeSize; jmethod.line_number_size = 0; jmethod.method_name = b.blockName; iJIT_NotifyEvent(iJVM_EVENT_TYPE_METHOD_LOAD_FINISHED, (void*)&jmethod); #endif } int binary_search(JitBlock blocks[], const u8 *baseoff, int imin, int imax) { while (imin < imax) { int imid = (imin + imax) / 2; if (blocks[imid].normalEntry < baseoff) imin = imid + 1; else imax = imid; } if ((imax == imin) && (blocks[imin].normalEntry == baseoff)) return imin; else return -1; } int JitBlockCache::GetBlockNumberFromEmuHackOp(u32 inst) const { if (!num_blocks || !MIPS_IS_EMUHACK(inst)) // definitely not a JIT block return -1; int off = (inst & MIPS_EMUHACK_VALUE_MASK); const u8 *baseoff = codeBlock_->GetBasePtr() + off; return binary_search(blocks, baseoff, 0, num_blocks-1); } u32 JitBlockCache::GetEmuHackOpForBlock(int blockNum) const { int off = (int)(blocks[blockNum].normalEntry - codeBlock_->GetBasePtr()); return (MIPS_EMUHACK_OPCODE | off); } int JitBlockCache::GetBlockNumberFromStartAddress(u32 addr) { if (!blocks) return -1; u32 inst = Memory::Read_U32(addr); int bl = GetBlockNumberFromEmuHackOp(inst); if (bl < 0) return -1; if (blocks[bl].originalAddress != addr) return -1; return bl; } void JitBlockCache::GetBlockNumbersFromAddress(u32 em_address, std::vector *block_numbers) { for (int i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) if (blocks[i].ContainsAddress(em_address)) block_numbers->push_back(i); } u32 JitBlockCache::GetOriginalFirstOp(int block_num) { if (block_num >= num_blocks || block_num < 0) { //PanicAlert("JitBlockCache::GetOriginalFirstOp - block_num = %u is out of range", block_num); return block_num; } return blocks[block_num].originalFirstOpcode; } void JitBlockCache::LinkBlockExits(int i) { JitBlock &b = blocks[i]; if (b.invalid) { // This block is dead. Don't relink it. return; } for (int e = 0; e < 2; e++) { if (b.exitAddress[e] != INVALID_EXIT && !b.linkStatus[e]) { int destinationBlock = GetBlockNumberFromStartAddress(b.exitAddress[e]); if (destinationBlock != -1) { #if defined(ARM) ARMXEmitter emit(b.exitPtrs[e]); emit.B(blocks[destinationBlock].checkedEntry); emit.FlushIcache(); #elif defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64) XEmitter emit(b.exitPtrs[e]); emit.JMP(blocks[destinationBlock].checkedEntry, true); #endif b.linkStatus[e] = true; } } } } using namespace std; void JitBlockCache::LinkBlock(int i) { LinkBlockExits(i); JitBlock &b = blocks[i]; pair::iterator, multimap::iterator> ppp; // equal_range(b) returns pair representing the range // of element with key b ppp = links_to.equal_range(b.originalAddress); if (ppp.first == ppp.second) return; for (multimap::iterator iter = ppp.first; iter != ppp.second; ++iter) { // PanicAlert("Linking block %i to block %i", iter->second, i); LinkBlockExits(iter->second); } } void JitBlockCache::UnlinkBlock(int i) { JitBlock &b = blocks[i]; pair::iterator, multimap::iterator> ppp; ppp = links_to.equal_range(b.originalAddress); if (ppp.first == ppp.second) return; for (multimap::iterator iter = ppp.first; iter != ppp.second; ++iter) { JitBlock &sourceBlock = blocks[iter->second]; for (int e = 0; e < 2; e++) { if (sourceBlock.exitAddress[e] == b.originalAddress) sourceBlock.linkStatus[e] = false; } } } void JitBlockCache::DestroyBlock(int block_num, bool invalidate) { if (block_num < 0 || block_num >= num_blocks) { ERROR_LOG(JIT, "DestroyBlock: Invalid block number %d", block_num); return; } JitBlock &b = blocks[block_num]; if (b.invalid) { if (invalidate) ERROR_LOG(JIT, "Invalidating invalid block %d", block_num); return; } b.invalid = true; if ((int)Memory::ReadUnchecked_U32(b.originalAddress) == GetEmuHackOpForBlock(block_num)) Memory::WriteUnchecked_U32(b.originalFirstOpcode, b.originalAddress); b.normalEntry = 0; UnlinkBlock(block_num); #if defined(ARM) // Send anyone who tries to run this block back to the dispatcher. // Not entirely ideal, but .. pretty good. // I hope there's enough space... // checkedEntry is the only "linked" entrance so it's enough to overwrite that. ARMXEmitter emit((u8 *)b.checkedEntry); emit.MOVI2R(R0, b.originalAddress); emit.STR(R0, CTXREG, offsetof(MIPSState, pc)); emit.B(MIPSComp::jit->dispatcher); emit.FlushIcache(); #elif defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64) // Send anyone who tries to run this block back to the dispatcher. // Not entirely ideal, but .. pretty good. // Spurious entrances from previously linked blocks can only come through checkedEntry XEmitter emit((u8 *)b.checkedEntry); emit.MOV(32, M(&mips->pc), Imm32(b.originalAddress)); emit.JMP(MIPSComp::jit->Asm().dispatcher, true); #endif } void JitBlockCache::InvalidateICache(u32 address, const u32 length) { // Convert the logical address to a physical address for the block map u32 pAddr = address & 0x1FFFFFFF; // destroy JIT blocks // !! this works correctly under assumption that any two overlapping blocks end at the same address std::map, u32>::iterator it1 = block_map.lower_bound(std::make_pair(pAddr, 0)), it2 = it1; while (it2 != block_map.end() && it2->first.second < pAddr + length) { DestroyBlock(it2->second, true); it2++; } if (it1 != it2) block_map.erase(it1, it2); }