// Copyright (c) 2012- PPSSPP Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0 or later versions. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official git repository and contact information can be found at // https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp and http://www.ppsspp.org/. #include "Common/ArmEmitter.h" #include "Common/CPUDetect.h" #include "Core/MIPS/ARM/ArmRegCacheFPU.h" using namespace ArmGen; ArmRegCacheFPU::ArmRegCacheFPU(MIPSState *mips) : mips_(mips), vr(mr + 32) { } void ArmRegCacheFPU::Init(ARMXEmitter *emitter) { emit = emitter; } void ArmRegCacheFPU::Start(MIPSAnalyst::AnalysisResults &stats) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ARMFPUREG; i++) { ar[i].mipsReg = -1; ar[i].isDirty = false; } for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MIPSFPUREG; i++) { mr[i].loc = ML_MEM; mr[i].reg = INVALID_REG; mr[i].spillLock = false; mr[i].tempLock = false; } } static const ARMReg *GetMIPSAllocationOrder(int &count) { // We conservatively reserve both S0 and S1 as scratch for now. // Will probably really only need one, if that. static const ARMReg allocationOrder[] = { S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S12, S13, S14, S15 }; // With NEON, we have many more. static const ARMReg allocationOrderNEON[] = { S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S12, S13, S14, S15, S16, S17, S18, S19, S20, S21, S22, S23, S24, S25, S26, S27, S28, S29, S30, S31 }; if (false && cpu_info.bNEON) { count = sizeof(allocationOrderNEON) / sizeof(const int); return allocationOrderNEON; } else { count = sizeof(allocationOrder) / sizeof(const int); return allocationOrder; } } ARMReg ArmRegCacheFPU::MapReg(MIPSReg mipsReg, int mapFlags) { // Let's see if it's already mapped. If so we just need to update the dirty flag. // We don't need to check for ML_NOINIT because we assume that anyone who maps // with that flag immediately writes a "known" value to the register. if (mr[mipsReg].loc == ML_ARMREG) { if (ar[mr[mipsReg].reg].mipsReg != mipsReg) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "Register mapping out of sync! %i", mipsReg); } if (mapFlags & MAP_DIRTY) { ar[mr[mipsReg].reg].isDirty = true; } //INFO_LOG(HLE, "Already mapped %i to %i", mipsReg, mr[mipsReg].reg); return (ARMReg)(mr[mipsReg].reg + S0); } // Okay, not mapped, so we need to allocate an ARM register. int allocCount; const ARMReg *allocOrder = GetMIPSAllocationOrder(allocCount); allocate: for (int i = 0; i < allocCount; i++) { int reg = allocOrder[i] - S0; if (ar[reg].mipsReg == -1) { // That means it's free. Grab it, and load the value into it (if requested). ar[reg].isDirty = (mapFlags & MAP_DIRTY) ? true : false; if (!(mapFlags & MAP_NOINIT)) { if (mr[mipsReg].loc == ML_MEM && mipsReg < TEMP0) { emit->VLDR((ARMReg)(reg + S0), CTXREG, GetMipsRegOffset(mipsReg)); } } ar[reg].mipsReg = mipsReg; mr[mipsReg].loc = ML_ARMREG; mr[mipsReg].reg = reg; //INFO_LOG(HLE, "Mapped %i to %i", mipsReg, mr[mipsReg].reg); return (ARMReg)(reg + S0); } } // Still nothing. Let's spill a reg and goto 10. // TODO: Use age or something to choose which register to spill? // TODO: Spill dirty regs first? or opposite? int bestToSpill = -1; for (int i = 0; i < allocCount; i++) { int reg = allocOrder[i] - S0; if (ar[reg].mipsReg != -1 && (mr[ar[reg].mipsReg].spillLock || mr[ar[reg].mipsReg].tempLock)) continue; bestToSpill = reg; break; } if (bestToSpill != -1) { FlushArmReg((ARMReg)(S0 + bestToSpill)); goto allocate; } // Uh oh, we have all them spilllocked.... ERROR_LOG(JIT, "Out of spillable registers at PC %08x!!!", mips_->pc); return INVALID_REG; } void ArmRegCacheFPU::MapInIn(MIPSReg rd, MIPSReg rs) { SpillLock(rd, rs); MapReg(rd); MapReg(rs); ReleaseSpillLocks(); } void ArmRegCacheFPU::MapDirtyIn(MIPSReg rd, MIPSReg rs, bool avoidLoad) { SpillLock(rd, rs); bool overlap = avoidLoad && rd == rs; MapReg(rd, MAP_DIRTY | (overlap ? 0 : MAP_NOINIT)); MapReg(rs); ReleaseSpillLocks(); } void ArmRegCacheFPU::MapDirtyInIn(MIPSReg rd, MIPSReg rs, MIPSReg rt, bool avoidLoad) { SpillLock(rd, rs, rt); bool overlap = avoidLoad && (rd == rs || rd == rt); MapReg(rd, MAP_DIRTY | (overlap ? 0 : MAP_NOINIT)); MapReg(rt); MapReg(rs); ReleaseSpillLocks(); } void ArmRegCacheFPU::SpillLockV(const u8 *v, VectorSize sz) { for (int i = 0; i < GetNumVectorElements(sz); i++) { vr[v[i]].spillLock = true; } } void ArmRegCacheFPU::SpillLockV(int vec, VectorSize sz) { u8 v[4]; GetVectorRegs(v, sz, vec); SpillLockV(v, sz); } void ArmRegCacheFPU::MapRegV(int vreg, int flags) { MapReg(vreg + 32, flags); } void ArmRegCacheFPU::MapRegsV(int vec, VectorSize sz, int flags) { u8 v[4]; GetVectorRegs(v, sz, vec); SpillLockV(v, sz); for (int i = 0; i < GetNumVectorElements(sz); i++) { MapRegV(v[i], flags); } } void ArmRegCacheFPU::MapRegsV(const u8 *v, VectorSize sz, int flags) { SpillLockV(v, sz); for (int i = 0; i < GetNumVectorElements(sz); i++) { MapRegV(v[i], flags); } } void ArmRegCacheFPU::FlushArmReg(ARMReg r) { int reg = r - S0; if (ar[reg].mipsReg == -1) { // Nothing to do, reg not mapped. return; } if (ar[reg].mipsReg != -1) { if (ar[reg].isDirty && mr[ar[reg].mipsReg].loc == ML_ARMREG) { //INFO_LOG(HLE, "Flushing ARM reg %i", reg); emit->VSTR(r, CTXREG, GetMipsRegOffset(ar[reg].mipsReg)); } // IMMs won't be in an ARM reg. mr[ar[reg].mipsReg].loc = ML_MEM; mr[ar[reg].mipsReg].reg = INVALID_REG; } else { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "Dirty but no mipsreg?"); } ar[reg].isDirty = false; ar[reg].mipsReg = -1; } void ArmRegCacheFPU::FlushR(MIPSReg r) { switch (mr[r].loc) { case ML_IMM: // IMM is always "dirty". // IMM is not allowed for FP (yet). ERROR_LOG(HLE, "Imm in FP register?"); break; case ML_ARMREG: if (mr[r].reg == (int)INVALID_REG) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "FlushR: MipsReg had bad ArmReg"); } if (ar[mr[r].reg].isDirty) { //INFO_LOG(HLE, "Flushing dirty reg %i", mr[r].reg); emit->VSTR((ARMReg)(mr[r].reg + S0), CTXREG, GetMipsRegOffset(r)); ar[mr[r].reg].isDirty = false; } ar[mr[r].reg].mipsReg = -1; break; case ML_MEM: // Already there, nothing to do. break; default: //BAD break; } mr[r].loc = ML_MEM; mr[r].reg = (int)INVALID_REG; } void ArmRegCacheFPU::DiscardR(MIPSReg r) { switch (mr[r].loc) { case ML_IMM: // IMM is always "dirty". // IMM is not allowed for FP (yet). ERROR_LOG(HLE, "Imm in FP register?"); break; case ML_ARMREG: if (mr[r].reg == (int)INVALID_REG) { ERROR_LOG(HLE, "DiscardR: MipsReg had bad ArmReg"); } // Note that we DO NOT write it back here. That's the whole point of Discard. ar[mr[r].reg].isDirty = false; ar[mr[r].reg].mipsReg = -1; break; case ML_MEM: // Already there, nothing to do. break; default: //BAD break; } mr[r].loc = ML_MEM; mr[r].reg = (int)INVALID_REG; mr[r].tempLock = false; // spill lock? } bool ArmRegCacheFPU::IsTempX(ARMReg r) const { return ar[r - S0].mipsReg >= TEMP0; } int ArmRegCacheFPU::GetTempR() { for (int r = TEMP0; r < TEMP0 + NUM_TEMPS; ++r) { if (mr[r].loc == ML_MEM && !mr[r].tempLock) { mr[r].tempLock = true; return r; } } _assert_msg_(DYNA_REC, 0, "Regcache ran out of temp regs, might need to DiscardR() some."); return -1; } void ArmRegCacheFPU::FlushAll() { // Discard temps! for (int i = TEMP0; i < TEMP0 + NUM_TEMPS; i++) { DiscardR(i); } for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MIPSFPUREG; i++) { FlushR(i); } // Sanity check for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ARMFPUREG; i++) { if (ar[i].mipsReg != -1) { ERROR_LOG(JIT, "Flush fail: ar[%i].mipsReg=%i", i, ar[i].mipsReg); } } } int ArmRegCacheFPU::GetMipsRegOffset(MIPSReg r) { // These are offsets within the MIPSState structure. First there are the GPRS, then FPRS, then the "VFPURs". if (r < 32 + 128 + NUM_TEMPS) return (r + 32) << 2; ERROR_LOG(JIT, "bad mips register %i", r); return 0; // or what? } void ArmRegCacheFPU::SpillLock(MIPSReg r1, MIPSReg r2, MIPSReg r3, MIPSReg r4) { mr[r1].spillLock = true; if (r2 != -1) mr[r2].spillLock = true; if (r3 != -1) mr[r3].spillLock = true; if (r4 != -1) mr[r4].spillLock = true; } // This is actually pretty slow with all the 160 regs... void ArmRegCacheFPU::ReleaseSpillLocks() { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MIPSFPUREG; i++) mr[i].spillLock = false; for (int i = TEMP0; i < TEMP0 + NUM_TEMPS; ++i) DiscardR(i); } ARMReg ArmRegCacheFPU::R(int mipsReg) { if (mr[mipsReg].loc == ML_ARMREG) { return (ARMReg)(mr[mipsReg].reg + S0); } else { ERROR_LOG(JIT, "Reg %i not in arm reg. compilerPC = %08x", mipsReg, compilerPC_); return INVALID_REG; // BAAAD } }