using System.IO; using BizHawk.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Vectrex { public partial class VectrexHawk : IStatable { public bool BinarySaveStatesPreferred => true; public void SaveStateText(TextWriter writer) { SyncState(new Serializer(writer)); } public void LoadStateText(TextReader reader) { SyncState(new Serializer(reader)); } public void SaveStateBinary(BinaryWriter bw) { SyncState(new Serializer(bw)); } public void LoadStateBinary(BinaryReader br) { SyncState(new Serializer(br)); } public byte[] SaveStateBinary() { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(ms); SaveStateBinary(bw); bw.Flush(); return ms.ToArray(); } // here is where all your savestated stuff will be called // make sure every variable you make is savestated // also all the components with their own savestate functions need to be called form here // for normal single variables the format is: // ser.Sync("var_name", ref var_name); // for arrays, use: // ser.Sync("var_name", ref var_name, false); private void SyncState(Serializer ser) { byte[] core = null; if (ser.IsWriter) { var ms = new MemoryStream(); ms.Close(); core = ms.ToArray(); } cpu.SyncState(ser); mapper.SyncState(ser); ppu.SyncState(ser); serialport.SyncState(ser); audio.SyncState(ser); ser.BeginSection("VIC20"); ser.Sync("RAM", ref RAM, false); // probably a better way to do this if (cart_RAM != null) { ser.Sync("cart_RAM", ref cart_RAM, false); } ser.EndSection(); } } }