/* Mednafen - Multi-system Emulator * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ // AR_Open(), and AudioReader, will NOT take "ownership" of the Stream object(IE it won't ever delete it). Though it does assume it has exclusive access // to it for as long as the AudioReader object exists. // Don't allow exceptions to propagate into the vorbis/musepack/etc. libraries, as it could easily leave the state of the library's decoder "object" in an // inconsistent state, which would cause all sorts of unfun when we try to destroy it while handling the exception farther up. #include "../mednafen.h" #include "audioreader.h" #include #include #include "../tremor/ivorbisfile.h" #include "../mpcdec/mpcdec.h" #ifdef HAVE_LIBSNDFILE #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_OPUSFILE #include "audioreader_opus.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "../general.h" #include "../endian.h" AudioReader::AudioReader() : LastReadPos(0) { } AudioReader::~AudioReader() { } int64 AudioReader::Read_(int16 *buffer, int64 frames) { abort(); return(false); } bool AudioReader::Seek_(int64 frame_offset) { abort(); return(false); } int64 AudioReader::FrameCount(void) { abort(); return(0); } /* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** */ class OggVorbisReader : public AudioReader { public: OggVorbisReader(Stream *fp); ~OggVorbisReader(); int64 Read_(int16 *buffer, int64 frames); bool Seek_(int64 frame_offset); int64 FrameCount(void); private: OggVorbis_File ovfile; Stream *fw; }; static size_t iov_read_func(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *user_data) { Stream *fw = (Stream*)user_data; if(!size) return(0); try { return fw->read(ptr, size * nmemb, false) / size; } catch(...) { return(0); } } static int iov_seek_func(void *user_data, ogg_int64_t offset, int whence) { Stream *fw = (Stream*)user_data; try { fw->seek(offset, whence); return(0); } catch(...) { return(-1); } } static int iov_close_func(void *user_data) { Stream *fw = (Stream*)user_data; try { fw->close(); return(0); } catch(...) { return EOF; } } static long iov_tell_func(void *user_data) { Stream *fw = (Stream*)user_data; try { return fw->tell(); } catch(...) { return(-1); } } OggVorbisReader::OggVorbisReader(Stream *fp) : fw(fp) { ov_callbacks cb; memset(&cb, 0, sizeof(cb)); cb.read_func = iov_read_func; cb.seek_func = iov_seek_func; cb.close_func = iov_close_func; cb.tell_func = iov_tell_func; fp->seek(0, SEEK_SET); if(ov_open_callbacks(fp, &ovfile, NULL, 0, cb)) throw(0); } OggVorbisReader::~OggVorbisReader() { ov_clear(&ovfile); } int64 OggVorbisReader::Read_(int16 *buffer, int64 frames) { uint8 *tw_buf = (uint8 *)buffer; int cursection = 0; long toread = frames * sizeof(int16) * 2; while(toread > 0) { long didread = ov_read(&ovfile, (char*)tw_buf, toread, &cursection); if(didread == 0) break; tw_buf = (uint8 *)tw_buf + didread; toread -= didread; } return(frames - toread / sizeof(int16) / 2); } bool OggVorbisReader::Seek_(int64 frame_offset) { ov_pcm_seek(&ovfile, frame_offset); return(true); } int64 OggVorbisReader::FrameCount(void) { return(ov_pcm_total(&ovfile, -1)); } class MPCReader : public AudioReader { public: MPCReader(Stream *fp); ~MPCReader(); int64 Read_(int16 *buffer, int64 frames); bool Seek_(int64 frame_offset); int64 FrameCount(void); private: mpc_reader reader; mpc_demux *demux; mpc_streaminfo si; MPC_SAMPLE_FORMAT MPCBuffer[MPC_DECODER_BUFFER_LENGTH]; uint32 MPCBufferIn; uint32 MPCBufferOffs; Stream *fw; }; /// Reads size bytes of data into buffer at ptr. static mpc_int32_t impc_read(mpc_reader *p_reader, void *ptr, mpc_int32_t size) { Stream *fw = (Stream*)(p_reader->data); try { return fw->read(ptr, size, false); } catch(...) { return(MPC_STATUS_FAIL); } } /// Seeks to byte position offset. static mpc_bool_t impc_seek(mpc_reader *p_reader, mpc_int32_t offset) { Stream *fw = (Stream*)(p_reader->data); try { fw->seek(offset, SEEK_SET); return(MPC_TRUE); } catch(...) { return(MPC_FALSE); } } /// Returns the current byte offset in the stream. static mpc_int32_t impc_tell(mpc_reader *p_reader) { Stream *fw = (Stream*)(p_reader->data); try { return fw->tell(); } catch(...) { return(MPC_STATUS_FAIL); } } /// Returns the total length of the source stream, in bytes. static mpc_int32_t impc_get_size(mpc_reader *p_reader) { Stream *fw = (Stream*)(p_reader->data); try { return fw->size(); } catch(...) { return(MPC_STATUS_FAIL); } } /// True if the stream is a seekable stream. static mpc_bool_t impc_canseek(mpc_reader *p_reader) { return(MPC_TRUE); } MPCReader::MPCReader(Stream *fp) : fw(fp) { fp->seek(0, SEEK_SET); demux = NULL; memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si)); memset(MPCBuffer, 0, sizeof(MPCBuffer)); MPCBufferOffs = 0; MPCBufferIn = 0; memset(&reader, 0, sizeof(reader)); reader.read = impc_read; reader.seek = impc_seek; reader.tell = impc_tell; reader.get_size = impc_get_size; reader.canseek = impc_canseek; reader.data = (void*)fp; if(!(demux = mpc_demux_init(&reader))) { throw(0); } mpc_demux_get_info(demux, &si); if(si.channels != 2) { mpc_demux_exit(demux); demux = NULL; throw MDFN_Error(0, _("MusePack stream has wrong number of channels(%u); the correct number is 2."), si.channels); } if(si.sample_freq != 44100) { mpc_demux_exit(demux); demux = NULL; throw MDFN_Error(0, _("MusePack stream has wrong samplerate(%u Hz); the correct samplerate is 44100 Hz."), si.sample_freq); } } MPCReader::~MPCReader() { if(demux) { mpc_demux_exit(demux); demux = NULL; } } int64 MPCReader::Read_(int16 *buffer, int64 frames) { mpc_status err; int16 *cowbuf = (int16 *)buffer; int32 toread = frames * 2; while(toread > 0) { int32 tmplen; if(!MPCBufferIn) { mpc_frame_info fi; memset(&fi, 0, sizeof(fi)); fi.buffer = MPCBuffer; if((err = mpc_demux_decode(demux, &fi)) < 0 || fi.bits == -1) return(frames - toread / 2); MPCBufferIn = fi.samples * 2; MPCBufferOffs = 0; } tmplen = MPCBufferIn; if(tmplen >= toread) tmplen = toread; for(int x = 0; x < tmplen; x++) { #ifdef MPC_FIXED_POINT int32 samp = MPCBuffer[MPCBufferOffs + x] >> MPC_FIXED_POINT_FRACTPART; #else #warning Floating-point MPC decoding path not tested. int32 samp = (int32)(MPCBuffer[MPCBufferOffs + x] * 32767); #endif if(samp < -32768) samp = -32768; if(samp > 32767) samp = 32767; *cowbuf = (int16)samp; cowbuf++; } MPCBufferOffs += tmplen; toread -= tmplen; MPCBufferIn -= tmplen; } return(frames - toread / 2); } bool MPCReader::Seek_(int64 frame_offset) { MPCBufferOffs = 0; MPCBufferIn = 0; if(mpc_demux_seek_sample(demux, frame_offset) < 0) return(false); return(true); } int64 MPCReader::FrameCount(void) { return(mpc_streaminfo_get_length_samples(&si)); } /* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** */ #ifdef HAVE_LIBSNDFILE class SFReader : public AudioReader { public: SFReader(Stream *fp); ~SFReader(); int64 Read_(int16 *buffer, int64 frames); bool Seek_(int64 frame_offset); int64 FrameCount(void); private: SNDFILE *sf; SF_INFO sfinfo; SF_VIRTUAL_IO sfvf; Stream *fw; }; static sf_count_t isf_get_filelen(void *user_data) { Stream *fw = (Stream*)user_data; try { return fw->size(); } catch(...) { return(-1); } } static sf_count_t isf_seek(sf_count_t offset, int whence, void *user_data) { Stream *fw = (Stream*)user_data; try { //printf("Seek: offset=%lld, whence=%lld\n", (long long)offset, (long long)whence); fw->seek(offset, whence); return fw->tell(); } catch(...) { //printf(" SEEK FAILED\n"); return(-1); } } static sf_count_t isf_read(void *ptr, sf_count_t count, void *user_data) { Stream *fw = (Stream*)user_data; try { sf_count_t ret = fw->read(ptr, count, false); //printf("Read: count=%lld, ret=%lld\n", (long long)count, (long long)ret); return ret; } catch(...) { //printf(" READ FAILED\n"); return(0); } } static sf_count_t isf_write(const void *ptr, sf_count_t count, void *user_data) { return(0); } static sf_count_t isf_tell(void *user_data) { Stream *fw = (Stream*)user_data; try { return fw->tell(); } catch(...) { return(-1); } } SFReader::SFReader(Stream *fp) : fw(fp) { fp->seek(0, SEEK_SET); memset(&sfvf, 0, sizeof(sfvf)); sfvf.get_filelen = isf_get_filelen; sfvf.seek = isf_seek; sfvf.read = isf_read; sfvf.write = isf_write; sfvf.tell = isf_tell; memset(&sfinfo, 0, sizeof(sfinfo)); if(!(sf = sf_open_virtual(&sfvf, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, (void*)fp))) throw(0); } SFReader::~SFReader() { sf_close(sf); } int64 SFReader::Read_(int16 *buffer, int64 frames) { return(sf_read_short(sf, (short*)buffer, frames * 2) / 2); } bool SFReader::Seek_(int64 frame_offset) { // FIXME error condition if(sf_seek(sf, frame_offset, SEEK_SET) != frame_offset) return(false); return(true); } int64 SFReader::FrameCount(void) { return(sfinfo.frames); } #endif AudioReader *AR_Open(Stream *fp) { try { return new MPCReader(fp); } catch(int i) { } #ifdef HAVE_OPUSFILE try { return new OpusReader(fp); } catch(int i) { } #endif try { return new OggVorbisReader(fp); } catch(int i) { } #ifdef HAVE_LIBSNDFILE try { return new SFReader(fp); } catch(int i) { } #endif return(NULL); }