* MachineBase.cs
* Abstraction of an emulated machine.
* Copyright © 2003, 2004 Mike Murphy
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
namespace EMU7800.Core
public abstract class MachineBase
#region Fields
ILogger _Logger;
FrameBuffer _FrameBuffer;
bool _MachineHalt;
int _FrameHZ;
readonly int _VisiblePitch, _Scanlines;
protected Cart Cart { get; set; }
#region Internal Properties
internal FrameBuffer FrameBuffer
AssertDebug(_FrameBuffer != null);
return _FrameBuffer;
#region Public Properties
/// The machine's Central Processing Unit.
public M6502 CPU { get; protected set; }
/// The machine's Address Space.
public AddressSpace Mem { get; protected set; }
/// The machine's Peripheral Interface Adaptor device.
public PIA PIA { get; protected set; }
/// Reports whether the machine has been halted due to an internal condition or error.
public bool MachineHalt
get { return _MachineHalt; }
internal set { if (value) _MachineHalt = true; }
/// The machine input state.
public InputState InputState { get; private set; }
/// The current frame number.
public long FrameNumber { get; private set; }
/// The first scanline that is visible.
public int FirstScanline { get; private set; }
/// Frame rate.
public int FrameHZ
get { return _FrameHZ < 1 ? 1 : _FrameHZ; }
set { _FrameHZ = value < 1 ? 1 : value; }
/// Number of sound samples per second.
public int SoundSampleFrequency { get; private set; }
/// The color palette for the configured machine.
public int[] Palette { get; internal set; }
/// Dumps CPU registers to the log when NOP instructions are encountered.
public bool NOPRegisterDumping { get; set; }
/// The configured logger sink.
public ILogger Logger
get { return _Logger ?? (_Logger = new NullLogger()); }
set { _Logger = value; }
#region Public Methods
/// Creates an instance of the specified machine.
/// 7800 BIOS, optional.
/// 7800 High Score cart, optional.
/// Left controller, optional.
/// Right controller, optional.
/// Cart must not be null.
/// Specified MachineType is unexpected.
public static MachineBase Create(MachineType machineType, Cart cart, Bios7800 bios, HSC7800 hsc, Controller p1, Controller p2, ILogger logger)
if (cart == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("cart");
MachineBase m;
switch (machineType)
case MachineType.A2600NTSC:
m = new Machine2600NTSC(cart, logger);
case MachineType.A2600PAL:
m = new Machine2600PAL(cart, logger);
case MachineType.A7800NTSC:
m = new Machine7800NTSC(cart, bios, hsc, logger);
case MachineType.A7800PAL:
m = new Machine7800PAL(cart, bios, hsc, logger);
throw new Emu7800Exception("Unexpected MachineType: " + machineType);
m.InputState.LeftControllerJack = p1;
m.InputState.RightControllerJack = p2;
return m;
/// Deserialize a from the specified stream.
public static MachineBase Deserialize(BinaryReader binaryReader)
var context = new DeserializationContext(binaryReader);
MachineBase m;
m = context.ReadMachine();
catch (Emu7800SerializationException)
catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
// TargetInvocationException wraps exceptions that unwind an Activator.CreateInstance() frame.
throw new Emu7800SerializationException("Serialization stream does not describe a valid machine.", ex.InnerException);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Emu7800SerializationException("Serialization stream does not describe a valid machine.", ex);
return m;
/// Resets the state of the machine.
public virtual void Reset()
Logger.WriteLine("Machine {0} reset ({1} HZ {2} scanlines)", this, FrameHZ, _Scanlines);
FrameNumber = 0;
_MachineHalt = false;
/// Computes the next machine frame, updating contents of the provided .
/// The framebuffer to contain the computed output.
/// frameBuffer is incompatible with machine.
public virtual void ComputeNextFrame(FrameBuffer frameBuffer)
if (MachineHalt)
_FrameBuffer = frameBuffer;
for (var i = 0; i < _FrameBuffer.SoundBufferElementLength; i++)
/// Create a with compatible dimensions for this machine.
public FrameBuffer CreateFrameBuffer()
var fb = new FrameBuffer(_VisiblePitch, _Scanlines);
return fb;
/// Serialize the state of the machine to the specified stream.
public void Serialize(BinaryWriter binaryWriter)
var context = new SerializationContext(binaryWriter);
catch (Emu7800SerializationException)
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Emu7800SerializationException("Problem serializing specified machine.", ex);
#region Constructors
private MachineBase()
protected MachineBase(ILogger logger, int scanLines, int firstScanline, int fHZ, int soundSampleFreq, int[] palette, int vPitch) : this()
InputState = new InputState();
Logger = logger;
_Scanlines = scanLines;
FirstScanline = firstScanline;
FrameHZ = fHZ;
SoundSampleFrequency = soundSampleFreq;
Palette = palette;
_VisiblePitch = vPitch;
#region Serialization Members
protected MachineBase(DeserializationContext input, int[] palette)
if (input == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("input");
if (palette == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("palette");
if (palette.Length != 0x100)
throw new ArgumentException("palette incorrect size, must be 256.");
_MachineHalt = input.ReadBoolean();
_FrameHZ = input.ReadInt32();
_VisiblePitch = input.ReadInt32();
_Scanlines = input.ReadInt32();
FirstScanline = input.ReadInt32();
SoundSampleFrequency = input.ReadInt32();
NOPRegisterDumping = input.ReadBoolean();
InputState = input.ReadInputState();
Palette = palette;
Logger = null;
public virtual void GetObjectData(SerializationContext output)
if (output == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("output");
void AssertDebug(bool cond)
if (!cond)