/* * InputState.cs * * Class containing the input state of the console and its controllers, * mapping emulator input devices to external input. * * Copyright © 2003-2010 Mike Murphy * */ using System; namespace EMU7800.Core { public class InputState { #region Fields const int PaddleOhmMin = 100000, PaddleOhmMax = 800000; const int LeftControllerJackIndex = 0, RightControllerJackIndex = 1, ConsoleSwitchIndex = 2, ControllerActionStateIndex = 3, OhmsIndex = ControllerActionStateIndex + 4, LightgunPositionIndex = ControllerActionStateIndex + 4, InputStateSize = ControllerActionStateIndex + 8 + 1; // For driving controllers readonly byte[] _rotGrayCodes = new byte[] { 0x0f, 0x0d, 0x0c, 0x0e }; readonly int[] _rotState = new int[2]; readonly int[] _nextInputState = new int[InputStateSize]; readonly int[] _inputState = new int[InputStateSize]; #endregion #region Public Members /// /// Enables the incoming input state buffer to be populated prior to the start of the frame. /// Useful for input playback senarios. /// /// Return value is ignored. public Func InputAdvancing { get; set; } /// /// Enables access to the input state buffer. /// Useful for input recording senarios. /// /// Return value is ignored. public Func InputAdvanced { get; set; } public void CaptureInputState() { if (InputAdvancing != null) InputAdvancing(_nextInputState); Buffer.BlockCopy(_nextInputState, 0, _inputState, 0, InputStateSize * sizeof(int)); if (InputAdvanced != null) InputAdvanced(_inputState); } public Controller LeftControllerJack { get { return (Controller)_nextInputState[LeftControllerJackIndex]; } set { _nextInputState[LeftControllerJackIndex] = (int)value; } } public Controller RightControllerJack { get { return (Controller)_nextInputState[RightControllerJackIndex]; } set { _nextInputState[RightControllerJackIndex] = (int)value; } } public bool IsGameBWConsoleSwitchSet { get { return (_nextInputState[ConsoleSwitchIndex] & (1 << (int) ConsoleSwitch.GameBW)) != 0; } } public bool IsLeftDifficultyAConsoleSwitchSet { get { return (_nextInputState[ConsoleSwitchIndex] & (1 << (int)ConsoleSwitch.LeftDifficultyA)) != 0; } } public bool IsRightDifficultyAConsoleSwitchSet { get { return (_nextInputState[ConsoleSwitchIndex] & (1 << (int)ConsoleSwitch.RightDifficultyA)) != 0; } } public void RaiseInput(int playerNo, MachineInput input, bool down) { switch (input) { case MachineInput.Fire: SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Trigger, down); break; case MachineInput.Fire2: SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Trigger2, down); break; case MachineInput.Left: SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Left, down); if (down) SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Right, false); break; case MachineInput.Up: SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Up, down); if (down) SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Down, false); break; case MachineInput.Right: SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Right, down); if (down) SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Left, false); break; case MachineInput.Down: SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Down, down); if (down) SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Up, false); break; case MachineInput.NumPad7: SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Keypad7, down); break; case MachineInput.NumPad8: SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Keypad8, down); break; case MachineInput.NumPad9: SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Keypad9, down); break; case MachineInput.NumPad4: SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Keypad4, down); break; case MachineInput.NumPad5: SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Keypad5, down); break; case MachineInput.NumPad6: SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Keypad6, down); break; case MachineInput.NumPad1: SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Keypad1, down); break; case MachineInput.NumPad2: SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Keypad2, down); break; case MachineInput.NumPad3: SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Keypad3, down); break; case MachineInput.NumPadMult: SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.KeypadA, down); break; case MachineInput.NumPad0: SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Keypad0, down); break; case MachineInput.NumPadHash: SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.KeypadP, down); break; case MachineInput.Driving0: SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Driving0, true); SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Driving1, false); SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Driving2, false); SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Driving3, false); break; case MachineInput.Driving1: SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Driving0, false); SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Driving1, true); SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Driving2, false); SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Driving3, false); break; case MachineInput.Driving2: SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Driving0, false); SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Driving1, false); SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Driving2, true); SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Driving3, false); break; case MachineInput.Driving3: SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Driving0, false); SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Driving1, false); SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Driving2, false); SetControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Driving3, true); break; case MachineInput.Reset: SetConsoleSwitchState(ConsoleSwitch.GameReset, down); break; case MachineInput.Select: SetConsoleSwitchState(ConsoleSwitch.GameSelect, down); break; case MachineInput.Color: if (down) ToggleConsoleSwitchState(ConsoleSwitch.GameBW); break; case MachineInput.LeftDifficulty: if (down) ToggleConsoleSwitchState(ConsoleSwitch.LeftDifficultyA); break; case MachineInput.RightDifficulty: if (down) ToggleConsoleSwitchState(ConsoleSwitch.RightDifficultyA); break; } } public void RaisePaddleInput(int playerNo, int valMax, int val) { var ohms = PaddleOhmMax - (PaddleOhmMax - PaddleOhmMin) / valMax * val; _nextInputState[OhmsIndex + (playerNo & 3)] = ohms; } public void RaiseLightgunPos(int playerNo, int scanline, int hpos) { var i = LightgunPositionIndex + ((playerNo & 1) << 1); _nextInputState[i++] = scanline; _nextInputState[i] = hpos; } public void ClearAllInput() { _nextInputState[ConsoleSwitchIndex] = 0; ClearLeftJackInput(); ClearRightJackInput(); } public void ClearInputByPlayer(int playerNo) { _nextInputState[OhmsIndex + (playerNo & 3)] = 0; _nextInputState[ControllerActionStateIndex + (playerNo & 3)] = 0; _nextInputState[LightgunPositionIndex + ((playerNo & 1) << 1)] = _nextInputState[LightgunPositionIndex + ((playerNo & 1) << 1) + 1] = 0; } public void ClearLeftJackInput() { _nextInputState[OhmsIndex] = _nextInputState[OhmsIndex + 1] = 0; _nextInputState[ControllerActionStateIndex] = 0; switch (LeftControllerJack) { case Controller.Paddles: _nextInputState[ControllerActionStateIndex] = _nextInputState[ControllerActionStateIndex + 1] = 0; break; default: _nextInputState[ControllerActionStateIndex] = 0; break; } _nextInputState[LightgunPositionIndex] = _nextInputState[LightgunPositionIndex + 1] = 0; } public void ClearRightJackInput() { _nextInputState[OhmsIndex + 2] = _nextInputState[OhmsIndex + 3] = 0; switch (RightControllerJack) { case Controller.Paddles: _nextInputState[ControllerActionStateIndex + 2] = _nextInputState[ControllerActionStateIndex + 3] = 0; break; default: _nextInputState[ControllerActionStateIndex + 1] = 0; break; } _nextInputState[LightgunPositionIndex + 2] = _nextInputState[LightgunPositionIndex + 3] = 0; } #endregion #region Serialization Members public InputState() { } public InputState(DeserializationContext input) { if (input == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("input"); input.CheckVersion(1); _rotState = input.ReadIntegers(2); _nextInputState = input.ReadIntegers(InputStateSize); _inputState = input.ReadIntegers(InputStateSize); } public void GetObjectData(SerializationContext output) { if (output == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("output"); output.WriteVersion(1); output.Write(_rotState); output.Write(_nextInputState); output.Write(_inputState); } #endregion #region Internal Members internal bool SampleCapturedConsoleSwitchState(ConsoleSwitch consoleSwitch) { return (_inputState[ConsoleSwitchIndex] & (1 << (int)consoleSwitch)) != 0; } internal bool SampleCapturedControllerActionState(int playerno, ControllerAction action) { return (_inputState[ControllerActionStateIndex + (playerno & 3)] & (1 << (int)action)) != 0; } internal int SampleCapturedOhmState(int playerNo) { return _inputState[OhmsIndex + (playerNo & 3)]; } internal void SampleCapturedLightGunPosition(int playerNo, out int scanline, out int hpos) { var i = LightgunPositionIndex + ((playerNo & 1) << 1); scanline = _inputState[i++]; hpos = _inputState[i]; } internal byte SampleCapturedDrivingState(int playerNo) { if (SampleCapturedControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Driving0)) _rotState[playerNo] = 0; else if (SampleCapturedControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Driving1)) _rotState[playerNo] = 1; else if (SampleCapturedControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Driving2)) _rotState[playerNo] = 2; else if (SampleCapturedControllerActionState(playerNo, ControllerAction.Driving3)) _rotState[playerNo] = 3; return _rotGrayCodes[_rotState[playerNo]]; } #endregion #region Object Overrides public override string ToString() { return GetType().Name; } #endregion #region Helpers void SetControllerActionState(int playerNo, ControllerAction action, bool value) { if (value) { _nextInputState[ControllerActionStateIndex + (playerNo & 3)] |= (1 << (int)action); } else { _nextInputState[ControllerActionStateIndex + (playerNo & 3)] &= ~(1 << (int)action); } } void SetConsoleSwitchState(ConsoleSwitch consoleSwitch, bool value) { if (value) { _nextInputState[ConsoleSwitchIndex] |= (byte)(1 << (byte)consoleSwitch); } else { _nextInputState[ConsoleSwitchIndex] &= (byte)~(1 << (byte)consoleSwitch); } } void ToggleConsoleSwitchState(ConsoleSwitch consoleSwitch) { var consoleSwitchState = (_nextInputState[ConsoleSwitchIndex] & (1 << (int) consoleSwitch)) != 0; SetConsoleSwitchState(consoleSwitch, !consoleSwitchState); } #endregion } }