print("##########################################################") getUrl = comm.httpGetGetUrl() print("GET URL: " .. getUrl) postUrl = comm.httpGetPostUrl() print("POST URL: " .. postUrl) print("\nChecking GET URL change") error = false comm.httpSetGetUrl('a') if (getUrl ~= comm.httpGetGetUrl()) then comm.httpSetGetUrl(getUrl) error = (getUrl ~= comm.httpGetGetUrl()) else error = true end if error == false then print("Get URL was successfully changed") else print("Error while changing Get URL") end print("\nChecking POST URL change") error = false comm.httpSetPostUrl('a') if (postUrl ~= comm.httpGetPostUrl()) then comm.httpSetPostUrl(postUrl) error = (postUrl ~= comm.httpGetPostUrl()) else error = true end if error == false then print("Post URL was successfully changed") else print("Error while changing Post URL") end print("\nChecking GET request") getResponse = comm.httpGet("") if string.find(getResponse, "Bizhawk") then print("GET seems to work") else print("Either the Bizhawk site is down or the GET does not work") end print("\nChecking memory mapped filed") size = comm.mmfScreenshot() if size > 0 then print("Memory mapped file was successfully written") else print("Failed to write memory mapped file") end mmf_filename = comm.mmfGetFilename() print("MMF filename: " .. mmf_filename) comm.mmfSetFilename("deleteme.tmp") error = false if (mmf_filename ~= comm.mmfGetFilename()) then comm.mmfSetFilename(mmf_filename) error = (mmf_filename ~= comm.mmfGetFilename()) else error = true end if error == false then print("MMF filename successfully changed") else print("MMF filename change failed") end print("Writing to MMF") message = "ABC" resp_n = tonumber(comm.mmfWrite(mmf_filename, message)) if (resp_n ~= string.len(message)) then print("Failed to write to MMF") else resp = comm.mmfRead(mmf_filename, string.len(message)) if (resp ~= message) then print("Failed to read from MMF") else print("MMF read and read OK") end end print("\nTests finished") print("Please run TestCommunication_All.lua with the supplied Python server for a more comprehensive test")