snes CDL
2015-11-03 23:45:57 -06:00 |
switch snes core back to external process. more refined this time. support use of performance core.
2012-12-25 20:36:04 +00:00 |
snes: Fix rewind issue with tales of phantasia. Full details are as follows: Synchronize events occur right BEFORE the original thread tries to modify the data. That means that if, for instance, the SMP thread switches off to the CPU thread for a synchronize, but then the CPU switches to the PPU, commits a frame, and then in runtosave, finalizes, without having ever advanced past the SMP, when the SMP runs to save, it will do a data modify without being properly synced. The solution is for the CPU to not stop in runtosave until there's enough time for both the PPU and SMP to finish. Because of our stateful design, there's at most one event pending, so that simplifies to (smp.clock < 0 && ppu.clock < 0). This is unfortunately never guaranteed to finish, but with short timing segments on stateful PPU and SMP, and special guards in the PPU and SMP to switch back to the CPU as quickly as possible when in runtosave, it seems to work out.
2012-12-24 21:14:29 +00:00 |
libsnes: implement "stateful" smp that can restore its state at more points, theoretically eliminating incorrectness from smp misbehavior. no real speed loss. doesn't fix anything at the moment; i might back out the change if it turns out to never fix anything. breaks savestates.
2012-12-24 18:07:13 +00:00 |
snes: fix crash with rewind enabled in tales of phantasia. the problem seems to be that during runtosave(), the smp hits a wait opcode (0xff), which it can't get out of. with this fix, the emulator no longer crashes, but the emulated game does crash. more research is needed.
2012-12-02 18:32:33 +00:00 |
libsnes-add missing variable initializations for ppu/cpu/dsp/smp components. every one of them was fundamentally untasworthy.
2012-12-01 08:29:47 +00:00 |
bsneshawk step 1 of N - compile libsnes, make bsneshawk core, setup interop, support frameadvance, video, gamepad. games are playable, I think.
2012-09-04 00:20:36 +00:00 |