Add those 2 classes in order to help handling of external tools
- Also fix value setting in watches constructor
- Bugfix in loading externaltools (they loaded multiple times)
- Add new version of Hello World external tool
Whitespaces noise in RamWatch.cs... :s The code hasn't changed
Fix has been done on constructor of each watch. Call GetByte / Word /
DWord if value is 0.
It ensure that previous passed in parameters remains unchanged
Now fully use comparer class. That saves memory and offer extensibility
ItemCount property obsolete => Moved to Count property (which did the same thing)
Moved ConfigPersistAttribute.cs, IToolForm.cs, IToolFormAutoConfig.cs back to common
+ Moved WatchList.cs to specific directory (just a matter of ordering)
+ Mark some properties and methods in watchlist as obsolete
+ Create Comparer class that are used for sorting (Only domain and
address atm, other a still stored with linq). Unlike OrderBy in LINQ, it
doesn't create a new list for sorting (so it saves memory), furthermore,
it runs faster.
Finally, change to type of Watch.Address from nullable lon to regular
long (the rare times watch.Address.Value was used, there wasn't any
check of null and so, program would have crashed -
InvalidOperationException -)
Watch now implements IEquatable<Watch>, IEquatable<Cheat>,
Operators had also been overloaded. You can now put watches from SAME
domain in a list and easly sort them.
Sorting is based on address first then size.
Some improvement when you get Available types. Used to return a new
array each time you call the function. It has been transformed into an
IEnumrable and yield return.
DisplayType, PreviousType and Watchsize have been moved outside the
Watch Class
So, I create a new dll named BizHawk.Client.ApiHawk and moved few stuff
to it.
Also moved some stuff to BizHawk.Client.Common. Don't think it can be
I started comment Watch and rearrange code (put some #region etc...
It compiles and it seems working :)