Created an enum (and a convertion function) for emulated system. It
provides a more sexy way to work with SystemID.
It also means that convertion function and enum has to be updated if we
add a new system.
We can now specify a context for external tools. Global, specific for a
type of emulator / system or specific for a game (If not specified, a
tool is global). It should avoid loading something unwanted.
Also add ClientApi, a static class that can interract with EmuHawk
window (SetPadding is the only thing implemented currently).
As mentionned, this bug is fixed, it creates the directory if it does
not exists
+ ExternalTool code exemple is cloned from repo and added inot
ExternalTool folder
Add those 2 classes in order to help handling of external tools
- Also fix value setting in watches constructor
- Bugfix in loading externaltools (they loaded multiple times)
- Add new version of Hello World external tool
Whitespaces noise in RamWatch.cs... :s The code hasn't changed
Now fully use comparer class. That saves memory and offer extensibility
ItemCount property obsolete => Moved to Count property (which did the same thing)
Moved ConfigPersistAttribute.cs, IToolForm.cs, IToolFormAutoConfig.cs back to common
Watch now implements IEquatable<Watch>, IEquatable<Cheat>,
Operators had also been overloaded. You can now put watches from SAME
domain in a list and easly sort them.
Sorting is based on address first then size.
Some improvement when you get Available types. Used to return a new
array each time you call the function. It has been transformed into an
IEnumrable and yield return.
DisplayType, PreviousType and Watchsize have been moved outside the
Watch Class
So, I create a new dll named BizHawk.Client.ApiHawk and moved few stuff
to it.
Also moved some stuff to BizHawk.Client.Common. Don't think it can be
I started comment Watch and rearrange code (put some #region etc...
It compiles and it seems working :)