-Implemented the final CRC check.
I didn't get around to implementing bank-switched ranges, but I don't think it's worth worrying about that right now considering that the Intellicart is not marked as readable at the initial PC, so something is either wrong or I need to implement more things before this will work. I think I'll put Intellicarts on hold and try to get a .int / .bin to run in the meantime.
--In my test case, only a few segments were set to readable and nothing else was set. 0x1000, which is where the PC is initialized to, certainly isn't in a writable page.
--Although I've read that these memory attributes affect the Intellivision and not the Intellicart, I'm pretty sure this has to be implemented in the Intellicart so that my Read/WriteCart functions can choose to respond / not respond depending on these attributes. I very well could be wrong.
-Hooked Read/WriteCart into Read/WriteMemory.
-Implemented memory attributes into Read/WriteCart.
--TODO: Bank-switching.
TODO: Fine address table and memory attribute / fine address checksums.
-Initialized the memory devices with a tentative size that ignores the unofficial ranges.
-Masked addresses to match those sizes (That's my understanding of what the memory map needs to do based on other examples).
-Added the ICart interface.
-Started the Intellicart parser; got far enough to know that the files I'm working with are not Intellicarts. ^_^