* With a little more work, it could handle unix and git checkouts too.
* It could pull revisions from submodules as well, if they werent useless gibberish in git
* Unaddressed: theres still a problem where depending on how emuhawk is built, the version project might not trigger
-Changed Program.cs to not use a couple try statements when debugger is attached.
-Implemented the Undo/Redo menu item buttons.
-Ctrl-deselecting frames in TasView now supports dragging.
-Moved Toggle/SetStates from TasMovie.cs to TasMovie.Editing.cs
-bugfix: Yet another bug in setting LastVisibleFrame
-Removed unused declaration
-Fixed MarkerControl to not mess up display when a deleted marker is still selected.
-feature: Basic undo/redo history functions seem to work. (Ctrl+Z/Y in TasView)
-Bugfix: Didn't refresh when changing lag frames to hide.
-Bugfix: Another error with setting LastVisisbleFrame.
-Bugfix: Truncating a movie didn't remove truncated marker selection.
-Bugfix: Dragging to change a float was backwards.
-Fix: Setting LastVisibleRow with lag frames hidden now goes to the correct frame.
-TasView now sets FirstVisibleRow when jumping backwards
-Bugfix: Deleting a marker didn't remove selection; refresh messed up.
-Moved InputRoll.cs, SelectAll/DeselectAll to the Api region.
-Bugfix: Couldn't edit next-frame float values.
-Bugfix: TAStudio was refreshing before autoscrolling to cursor.
-Partial fix: Made setting last visible frame more accurate when lag frames are hidden.
-Removed a line that set an unused local variable.
-Bugfix: Scrolling away from selection with lag frames hidden messed up the display.
-Fixed InputRoll.VisibleRows property.
-Removed useless check for NeedsScrollbar.
-Removed TAStudio.ListView.cs property for hiding lag frames; changed InputRoll.cs to do that work more efficiently.
-Feature: User can now edit float values by holding the mouse button and dragging up/down.
-Bugfix: Moving the cursor past first displayed row while painting would not cause first displayed row to be painted. (and similarly with last)
-bugfix: Local variable hid another; float input couldn't be painted.
-bugfix: Bool input couldn't be painted starting from past the last frame.
-feature: Double-clicking a float input allows user to type value in. (arrow keys would also work, but those aren't seen by the InputRoll, no idea why)
-change: Selected cells are now half-highlighted, so user can still see the non-highlighed color.