* Move PlatformSpecificLinkedLibs and implementations to common and rename
* Specify file ext. at LoadPlatformSpecific call site
* Move Client.Common.Global.RunningOnUnix to PlatformLinkedLibSingleton
* Inline var Resolver
* Use PlatformLinkedLibManager internally
* Move plugin load check to LinkedLibManager, use LinkedLibManager
* Interpolate
* Return exit code from dlclose/FreeLibrary
* Skip all calls to externs in BlipBufDll when using mono
* Use PlatformLinkedLibManager in SevenZipLibraryManager
* Add expected return value to workaround (from testing on Win32)
* Remove ".dll" from DllImport attr, remove temporary workaround, see desc.
The library can be built by changing the output file name in
`.../blip_buf/Makefile` to `libblip_buf.so`, and running `make`. It will be
loaded if placed in the `.../output` folder.
* Remove unused code, add TODO (this class is req. for Waterbox.PeWrapper)
The TODO is to [rewrite with
instead of importing from `kernel32.dll`.
* Update OpenTK again but better (for #1384)
* Add Mono run script
* Add libblip_buf.so (temporary)
Temporary because it should be a separate package which BizHawk depends on.
* Add distro detection, add "already running" and "unknown distro" messages
* Gray-out Lua Console on Unix
* Extract superclass from EmuLuaLibrary, add shell implementation for Unix
* Specify libdl version, Fedora doesn't have the versionless symlink
* Remove empty `ToolStripMenuItem`, null `Text` caused crash on Unix
* Transform OpenTK keyboard input into a `List<KeyEvent>` and read that
Also fixes crash on rebind
* Remove debug `using ...;`
* make trace logging "core-pushes" model, to a sink installed by the frontend. This sink can go straight to the disk without wasting memory if that's what the Trace Logger tool has selected; or the Trace Logger will buffer it if it needs to. Formerly, we had a "core-pushes-to-buffer" and "client-pulls-once-per-frame" which necessarily caused huge buffers no matter what was going on.
Add those 2 classes in order to help handling of external tools
- Also fix value setting in watches constructor
- Bugfix in loading externaltools (they loaded multiple times)
- Add new version of Hello World external tool
Whitespaces noise in RamWatch.cs... :s The code hasn't changed
Some improvement when you get Available types. Used to return a new
array each time you call the function. It has been transformed into an
IEnumrable and yield return.
DisplayType, PreviousType and Watchsize have been moved outside the
Watch Class