More work on AutoGenConfig

This commit is contained in:
YoshiRulz 2020-02-03 04:53:30 +10:00
parent 74e63cd566
commit fd06504882
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: C4DE31C245353FB7
4 changed files with 141 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
using System;
namespace BizHawk.Client.Common
public sealed class ConfigGroupingStructAttribute : Attribute {}

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
<Import Project="$(ProjectDir)../Common.props" />
<Import Project="$(ProjectDir)../NET48ExternalToolForm.props" />
<Reference Include="System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations" />
<Compile Update="AutoGenConfigForm.cs" SubType="Form" />

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
@ -16,13 +17,15 @@ namespace BizHawk.Experiment.AutoGenConfig
public class AutoGenConfigForm : Form, IExternalToolForm
private static readonly IList<(PropertyInfo, IConfigPropEditorUIGen<Control>)> CachedControlGenerators;
private static readonly IList<(string, FieldInfo)> CachedGroupings;
private static readonly IList<(string, PropertyInfo, IConfigPropEditorUIGen<Control>)> CachedPropEditorUIGenerators;
public static ComparisonColors ComparisonColors = new ComparisonColors
Changed = Color.FromArgb(unchecked((int) 0xFF9F3F00)),
ChangedInvalid = Color.DarkRed,
ChangedUnset = Color.FromArgb(unchecked((int) 0xFF9F1F5F)),
Changed = Color.FromArgb(unchecked((int) 0xFFBF5F1F)),
ChangedInvalid = Color.FromArgb(unchecked((int) 0xFF9F0000)),
ChangedUnset = Color.FromArgb(unchecked((int) 0xFFBF1F5F)),
Unchanged = Color.FromArgb(unchecked((int) 0xFF00003F)),
UnchangedDefault = Color.Black
@ -31,15 +34,27 @@ namespace BizHawk.Experiment.AutoGenConfig
static AutoGenConfigForm()
CachedControlGenerators = new List<(PropertyInfo, IConfigPropEditorUIGen<Control>)>();
CachedGroupings = new List<(string, FieldInfo)>();
CachedPropEditorUIGenerators = new List<(string, PropertyInfo, IConfigPropEditorUIGen<Control>)>();
DefaultValues = new Dictionary<string, object?>();
foreach (var pi in typeof(Config).GetProperties())
static void TraversePropertiesOf(Type type, string nesting)
CachedControlGenerators.Add((pi, FallbackGenerators.TryGetValue(pi.PropertyType, out var gen) ? gen : FinalFallbackGenerator));
DefaultValues[pi.Name] = pi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DefaultValueAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault()
?.Let(it => ((DefaultValueAttribute) it).Value)
?? TrueGenericDefault(pi.PropertyType);
foreach (var pi in type.GetProperties()
.Where(pi => pi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EditableAttribute), false).All(attr => ((EditableAttribute) attr).AllowEdit)))
CachedPropEditorUIGenerators.Add((nesting, pi, FallbackGenerators.TryGetValue(pi.PropertyType, out var gen) ? gen : FinalFallbackGenerator));
DefaultValues[$"{nesting}/{pi.Name}"] = pi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DefaultValueAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault()
?.Let(it => ((DefaultValueAttribute) it).Value)
?? TrueGenericDefault(pi.PropertyType);
foreach (var fi in type.GetFields()
.Where(fi => fi.CustomAttributes.Any(cad => cad.AttributeType == typeof(ConfigGroupingStructAttribute))))
CachedGroupings.Add((nesting, fi));
TraversePropertiesOf(fi.FieldType, $"{nesting}/{fi.Name}");
TraversePropertiesOf(typeof(Config), string.Empty);
/// <returns>value types: default(T); ref types: calls default (no-arg) ctor if it exists, else null</returns>
@ -60,6 +75,8 @@ namespace BizHawk.Experiment.AutoGenConfig
private IEmu? EmuHawkAPI { get; set; }
public readonly IDictionary<string, Control> GroupingUIs = new Dictionary<string, Control>();
public override string Text => "AutoGenConfig";
public bool UpdateBefore => false;
@ -75,17 +92,16 @@ namespace BizHawk.Experiment.AutoGenConfig
new Label { AutoSize = true, Text = "Legend:" },
new Label { AutoSize = true, ForeColor = ComparisonColors.UnchangedDefault, Text = "default, unchanged" },
new Label { AutoSize = true, ForeColor = ComparisonColors.Unchanged, Text = "custom, unchanged" },
new Label { AutoSize = true, ForeColor = ComparisonColors.ChangedUnset, Text = "custom => default" },
new Label { AutoSize = true, ForeColor = ComparisonColors.ChangedUnset, Text = "default, was custom" },
new Label { AutoSize = true, ForeColor = ComparisonColors.ChangedInvalid, Text = "invalid" },
new Label { AutoSize = true, ForeColor = ComparisonColors.Changed, Text = "custom A => custom B" }
new Label { AutoSize = true, ForeColor = ComparisonColors.Changed, Text = "custom, changed" }
Location = new Point(4, 4),
Padding = new Padding(0, 4, 0, 0),
Size = new Size(ClientSize.Width - 8, 24),
WrapContents = false
FlowLayoutPanel flpMain;
Controls.Add(flpMain = new FlowLayoutPanel {
Controls.Add(GroupingUIs[string.Empty] = new FlowLayoutPanel {
Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right,
AutoScroll = true,
FlowDirection = FlowDirection.TopDown,
@ -113,8 +129,38 @@ namespace BizHawk.Experiment.AutoGenConfig
Load += (loadEventSender, loadEventArgs) =>
// This magic works so long as `GroupingUIs[""]` is set to the main FLP before loading, and we create all the GroupBoxes before trying to populate them.
foreach (var (nesting, fi) in CachedGroupings)
GroupingUIs[nesting].Controls.Add(new GroupBox {
Controls = {
new FlowLayoutPanel {
AutoScroll = true,
AutoSize = true,
Dock = DockStyle.Fill,
FlowDirection = FlowDirection.TopDown,
WrapContents = false
}.Also(it => GroupingUIs[$"{nesting}/{fi.Name}"] = it)
Size = new Size(400, 300),
Text = fi.Name
var config = (EmuHawkAPI as EmuApi ?? throw new Exception("required API wasn't fulfilled")).ForbiddenConfigReference;
flpMain.Controls.AddRange(CachedControlGenerators.Select(it => it.Item2.GenerateControl(it.Item1, config, BaselineValues)).ToArray());
var groupings = new Dictionary<string, object> { [string.Empty] = config };
void TraverseGroupings(object groupingObj, string nesting)
foreach (var (_, fi) in CachedGroupings.Where(tuple => tuple.Item1 == nesting))
var newNesting = $"{nesting}/{fi.Name}";
TraverseGroupings(groupings[newNesting] = fi.GetValue(groupingObj), newNesting);
TraverseGroupings(config, string.Empty);
foreach (var (nesting, pi, gen) in CachedPropEditorUIGenerators)
GroupingUIs[nesting].Controls.Add(gen.GenerateControl(nesting, pi, groupings[nesting], BaselineValues));

View File

@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using BizHawk.Client.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Experiment.AutoGenConfig
public static class ConfigEditorUIGenerators
public static readonly IDictionary<Type, IConfigPropEditorUIGen<Control>> FallbackGenerators = new Dictionary<Type, IConfigPropEditorUIGen<Control>> {
[typeof(bool)] = new CheckBoxForBoolEditorUIGen(),
[typeof(int)] = new NumericUpDownForInt32EditorUIGen(),
[typeof(string)] = new TextBoxForStringEditorUIGen()
public static readonly IConfigPropEditorUIGen<GroupBox> FinalFallbackGenerator = new UnrepresentablePropEditorUIGen();
private static Color GetComparisonColorRefT<T>(string prop, T? currentValue, AutoGenConfigForm parent, Func<T?, T?, bool> equalityFunc)
private static Color GetComparisonColorRefT<T>(string nestedName, T? currentValue, AutoGenConfigForm parentForm, Func<T?, T?, bool> equalityFunc)
where T : class
=> equalityFunc(currentValue, parent.BaselineValues[prop] as T)
? GetInitComparisonColorRefT(prop, currentValue, equalityFunc)
: equalityFunc(currentValue, AutoGenConfigForm.DefaultValues[prop] as T)
=> equalityFunc(currentValue, parentForm.BaselineValues[nestedName] as T)
? GetInitComparisonColorRefT(nestedName, currentValue, equalityFunc)
: equalityFunc(currentValue, AutoGenConfigForm.DefaultValues[nestedName] as T)
? AutoGenConfigForm.ComparisonColors.ChangedUnset
: AutoGenConfigForm.ComparisonColors.Changed;
private static Color GetComparisonColorValT<T>(string prop, T? currentValue, AutoGenConfigForm parent, Func<T?, T?, bool> equalityFunc)
private static Color GetComparisonColorValT<T>(string nestedName, T? currentValue, AutoGenConfigForm parentForm, Func<T?, T?, bool> equalityFunc)
where T : struct
=> equalityFunc(currentValue, parent.BaselineValues[prop]?.Let(it => (T) it))
? GetInitComparisonColorValT(prop, currentValue, equalityFunc)
: equalityFunc(currentValue, AutoGenConfigForm.DefaultValues[prop]?.Let(it => (T) it))
=> equalityFunc(currentValue, parentForm.BaselineValues[nestedName]?.Let(it => (T) it))
? GetInitComparisonColorValT(nestedName, currentValue, equalityFunc)
: equalityFunc(currentValue, AutoGenConfigForm.DefaultValues[nestedName]?.Let(it => (T) it))
? AutoGenConfigForm.ComparisonColors.ChangedUnset
: AutoGenConfigForm.ComparisonColors.Changed;
private static Color GetInitComparisonColorRefT<T>(string prop, T? currentValue, Func<T?, T?, bool> equalityFunc)
private static Color GetInitComparisonColorRefT<T>(string nestedName, T? currentValue, Func<T?, T?, bool> equalityFunc)
where T : class
=> equalityFunc(currentValue, AutoGenConfigForm.DefaultValues[prop] as T)
=> equalityFunc(currentValue, AutoGenConfigForm.DefaultValues[nestedName] as T)
? AutoGenConfigForm.ComparisonColors.UnchangedDefault
: AutoGenConfigForm.ComparisonColors.Unchanged;
private static Color GetInitComparisonColorValT<T>(string prop, T? currentValue, Func<T?, T?, bool> equalityFunc)
private static Color GetInitComparisonColorValT<T>(string nestedName, T? currentValue, Func<T?, T?, bool> equalityFunc)
where T : struct
=> equalityFunc(currentValue, AutoGenConfigForm.DefaultValues[prop]?.Let(it => (T) it))
=> equalityFunc(currentValue, AutoGenConfigForm.DefaultValues[nestedName]?.Let(it => (T) it))
? AutoGenConfigForm.ComparisonColors.UnchangedDefault
: AutoGenConfigForm.ComparisonColors.Unchanged;
@ -71,31 +71,73 @@ namespace BizHawk.Experiment.AutoGenConfig
public interface IConfigPropEditorUIGen<out TControl>
where TControl : Control
TControl GenerateControl(PropertyInfo pi, Config config, IDictionary<string, object?> baselineValues);
TControl GenerateControl(string nesting, PropertyInfo pi, object config, IDictionary<string, object?> baselineValues);
private class CheckBoxForBoolEditorUIGen : IConfigPropEditorUIGen<CheckBox>
private static bool BoolEquality(bool? a, bool? b) => a == b;
private static void CheckBoxClickHandler(object clickEventSender, EventArgs clickEventArgs)
=> ((CheckBox) clickEventSender).Let(cb =>
cb.ForeColor = GetComparisonColorValT<bool>(((PropertyInfo) cb.Tag).Name, cb.Checked, GetMainFormParent(cb), BoolEquality)
private static void CheckBoxClickHandler(object changedEventSender, EventArgs changedEventArgs)
=> ((CheckBox) changedEventSender).Let(cb =>
cb.ForeColor = GetComparisonColorValT<bool>(cb.Name, cb.Checked, GetMainFormParent(cb), BoolEquality)
public CheckBox GenerateControl(PropertyInfo pi, Config config, IDictionary<string, object?> baselineValues)
public CheckBox GenerateControl(string nesting, PropertyInfo pi, object config, IDictionary<string, object?> baselineValues)
if (pi.PropertyType != typeof(bool)) throw new Exception();
var baseline = (bool) pi.GetValue(config);
baselineValues[pi.Name] = baseline;
var nestedName = $"{nesting}/{pi.Name}";
baselineValues[nestedName] = baseline;
return new CheckBox
AutoSize = true,
Checked = baseline,
ForeColor = GetInitComparisonColorValT<bool>(pi.Name, baseline, BoolEquality),
Tag = pi,
ForeColor = GetInitComparisonColorValT<bool>(nestedName, baseline, BoolEquality),
Name = nestedName,
Text = GetPropertyNameDesc(pi)
}.Also(it => it.Click += CheckBoxClickHandler);
}.Also(it => it.CheckedChanged += CheckBoxClickHandler);
private class NumericUpDownForInt32EditorUIGen : IConfigPropEditorUIGen<FlowLayoutPanel>
private static bool IntEquality(int? a, int? b) => a == b;
private static void NumericUpDownChangedHandler(object changedEventSender, EventArgs changedEventArgs)
=> ((NumericUpDown) changedEventSender).Let(nud =>
nud.Parent.ForeColor = GetComparisonColorValT<int>(nud.Name, (int) nud.Value, GetMainFormParent(nud), IntEquality)
public FlowLayoutPanel GenerateControl(string nesting, PropertyInfo pi, object config, IDictionary<string, object?> baselineValues)
if (pi.PropertyType != typeof(int)) throw new Exception();
var baseline = (int) pi.GetValue(config);
var nestedName = $"{nesting}/{pi.Name}";
baselineValues[nestedName] = baseline;
return new FlowLayoutPanel {
AutoSize = true,
Controls = {
new Label { Anchor = AnchorStyles.None, AutoSize = true, Text = GetPropertyNameDesc(pi) },
new NumericUpDown
Maximum = int.MaxValue,
Minimum = int.MinValue,
Name = nestedName,
Size = new Size(72, 20),
Value = baseline
}.Also(it =>
if (pi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RangeAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault() is RangeAttribute range)
it.Maximum = (int) range.Maximum;
it.Minimum = (int) range.Minimum;
it.ValueChanged += NumericUpDownChangedHandler;
ForeColor = GetInitComparisonColorValT<int>(nestedName, baseline, IntEquality)
@ -103,30 +145,31 @@ namespace BizHawk.Experiment.AutoGenConfig
private static readonly Func<string?, string?, bool> StringEquality = string.Equals;
public FlowLayoutPanel GenerateControl(PropertyInfo pi, Config config, IDictionary<string, object?> baselineValues)
public FlowLayoutPanel GenerateControl(string nesting, PropertyInfo pi, object config, IDictionary<string, object?> baselineValues)
if (pi.PropertyType != typeof(string)) throw new Exception();
var baseline = (string) pi.GetValue(config);
baselineValues[pi.Name] = baseline;
var nestedName = $"{nesting}/{pi.Name}";
baselineValues[nestedName] = baseline;
return new FlowLayoutPanel {
AutoSize = true,
Controls = {
new Label { Anchor = AnchorStyles.None, AutoSize = true, Text = GetPropertyNameDesc(pi) },
new TextBox { AutoSize = true, Tag = pi, Text = baseline }.Also(it => it.TextChanged += TextBoxChangedHandler)
new TextBox { AutoSize = true, Name = nestedName, Text = baseline }.Also(it => it.TextChanged += TextBoxChangedHandler)
ForeColor = GetInitComparisonColorRefT(pi.Name, baseline, StringEquality)
ForeColor = GetInitComparisonColorRefT(nestedName, baseline, StringEquality)
private static void TextBoxChangedHandler(object changedEventSender, EventArgs changedEventArgs)
=> ((TextBox) changedEventSender).Let(tb =>
tb.Parent.ForeColor = GetComparisonColorRefT(((PropertyInfo) tb.Tag).Name, tb.Text, GetMainFormParent(tb), StringEquality)
tb.Parent.ForeColor = GetComparisonColorRefT(tb.Name, tb.Text, GetMainFormParent(tb), StringEquality)
private class UnrepresentablePropEditorUIGen : IConfigPropEditorUIGen<GroupBox>
public GroupBox GenerateControl(PropertyInfo pi, Config config, IDictionary<string, object?> baselineValues)
public GroupBox GenerateControl(string nesting, PropertyInfo pi, object config, IDictionary<string, object?> baselineValues)
=> new GroupBox {
AutoSize = true,
Controls = {