quick test of using "dotnet build" instead of msbuild. since 'dotnet build' is more or less defined as extra logic on top of msbuild to make it work on dotnet projects.

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zeromus 2020-12-04 15:40:43 -05:00
parent 81ef9ed88b
commit ed4cf3ed59
1 changed files with 5 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -13,8 +13,11 @@ for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%A in (`vswhere -version "[16.0,17.0)" -requires Mic
nuget restore ..\BizHawk.sln
call "%MSBUILDPATH%" ..\BizHawk.sln "/p:Configuration=Release;Platform=Any CPU;MachineRunAnalyzersDuringBuild=true" /t:rebuild
rem nuget restore ..\BizHawk.sln
rem call "%MSBUILDPATH%" ..\BizHawk.sln "/p:Configuration=Release;Platform=Any CPU;MachineRunAnalyzersDuringBuild=true" /t:rebuild
dotnet build ..\BizHawk.sln -c Release --no-incremental
rem -p:Platform="Any CPU"
rem -p:MachineRunAnalyzersDuringBuild=true
@if errorlevel 1 goto MSBUILDFAILED