fix hq2x shader (fixes #2160)

This commit is contained in:
zeromus 2020-06-21 21:52:49 -04:00
parent b9f59337dd
commit e3dd8870c6
2 changed files with 91 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
//Yeah, I'm sorry this uses really old non-generic attributes
//that's just how old this code is; support on ancient graphics cards is helpful
uniform struct
vec2 video_size;
vec2 texture_size;
vec2 output_size;
} IN;
#ifdef VERTEX
uniform mat4 modelViewProj;
void main()
gl_Position = modelViewProj * gl_Vertex;
vec2 texsize = IN.texture_size;
vec2 delta = 0.5 / texsize;
float dx = delta.x;
float dy = delta.y;
gl_TexCoord[0].xy = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy + vec2(-dx, -dy);
gl_TexCoord[1].zw = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy + vec2(-dx, 0.0);
gl_TexCoord[2].xy = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy + vec2(-dx, dy);
gl_TexCoord[3].zw = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy + vec2(0.0, -dy);
gl_TexCoord[4].xy = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy + vec2(0.0, 0.0);
gl_TexCoord[5].zw = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy + vec2(0.0, dy);
gl_TexCoord[6].xy = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy + vec2(dx, -dy);
gl_TexCoord[7].xy = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy + vec2(dx, 0);
gl_TexCoord[7].zw = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy + vec2(dx, dy);
uniform sampler2D s_p;
const float mx = 0.325; // start smoothing wt.
const float k = -0.250; // wt. decrease factor
const float max_w = 0.25; // max filter weigth
const float min_w = -0.05; // min filter weigth
const float lum_add = 0.25; // effects smoothing
void main()
vec3 c00 = texture2D(s_p, gl_TexCoord[0].xy).xyz;
vec3 c01 = texture2D(s_p, gl_TexCoord[1].xy).xyz;
vec3 c02 = texture2D(s_p, gl_TexCoord[2].xy).xyz;
vec3 c10 = texture2D(s_p, gl_TexCoord[3].xy).xyz;
vec3 c11 = texture2D(s_p, gl_TexCoord[4].xy).xyz;
vec3 c12 = texture2D(s_p, gl_TexCoord[5].xy).xyz;
vec3 c20 = texture2D(s_p, gl_TexCoord[6].xy).xyz;
vec3 c21 = texture2D(s_p, gl_TexCoord[7].xy).xyz;
vec3 c22 = texture2D(s_p, gl_TexCoord[7].zw).xyz;
vec3 dt = vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0);
float md1 = dot(abs(c00 - c22), dt);
float md2 = dot(abs(c02 - c20), dt);
float w1 = dot(abs(c22 - c11), dt) * md2;
float w2 = dot(abs(c02 - c11), dt) * md1;
float w3 = dot(abs(c00 - c11), dt) * md2;
float w4 = dot(abs(c20 - c11), dt) * md1;
float t1 = w1 + w3;
float t2 = w2 + w4;
float ww = max(t1, t2) + 0.0001;
c11 = (w1 * c00 + w2 * c20 + w3 * c22 + w4 * c02 + ww * c11) / (t1 + t2 + ww);
float lc1 = k / (0.12 * dot(c10 + c12 + c11, dt) + lum_add);
float lc2 = k / (0.12 * dot(c01 + c21 + c11, dt) + lum_add);
w1 = clamp(lc1 * dot(abs(c11 - c10), dt) + mx, min_w, max_w);
w2 = clamp(lc2 * dot(abs(c11 - c21), dt) + mx, min_w, max_w);
w3 = clamp(lc1 * dot(abs(c11 - c12), dt) + mx, min_w, max_w);
w4 = clamp(lc2 * dot(abs(c11 - c01), dt) + mx, min_w, max_w);
gl_FragColor = vec4(w1 * c10 + w2 * c21 + w3 * c12 + w4 * c01 + (1.0 - w1 - w2 - w3 - w4) * c11, 1.0);

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ void main_vertex
out float4 oPosition : POSITION,
uniform float4x4 modelViewProj,
float2 tex : TEXCOORD,
float2 tex : TEXCOORD0,
uniform input IN,
out tex_coords coords
@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ void main_vertex
coords.c22 = tex + float2(dx, dy);
const float mx = 0.325; // start smoothing wt.
const float k = -0.250; // wt. decrease factor
const float max_w = 0.25; // max filter weigth
const float min_w = -0.05; // min filter weigth
const float lum_add = 0.25; // effects smoothing
static const float mx = 0.325; // start smoothing wt.
static const float k = -0.250; // wt. decrease factor
static const float max_w = 0.25; // max filter weigth
static const float min_w = -0.05; // min filter weigth
static const float lum_add = 0.25; // effects smoothing
float4 main_fragment (in tex_coords co, uniform sampler2D s_p : TEXUNIT0) : COLOR
@ -89,5 +89,5 @@ float4 main_fragment (in tex_coords co, uniform sampler2D s_p : TEXUNIT0) : COLO
w3 = clamp(lc1 * dot(abs(c11 - c12), dt) + mx, min_w, max_w);
w4 = clamp(lc2 * dot(abs(c11 - c01), dt) + mx, min_w, max_w);
return float4(w1 * c10 + w2 * c21 + w3 * c12 + w4 * c01 + (1.0 - w1 - w2 - w3 - w4) * c11, 1.0);
return float4(w1 * c10 + w2 * c21 + w3 * c12 + w4 * c01 + (1.0 - w1 - w2 - w3 - w4) * c11, 1.0);