@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
using System ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Security.Cryptography ;
using BizHawk.Common ;
using BizHawk.Common.IOExtensions ;
using BizHawk.Emulation.DiscSystem.CUE ;
//DiscJuggler CDI images
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.DiscSystem
public class CDI_Format
/// <summary>
/// Represents a CDI file, faithfully. Minimal interpretation of the data happens.
/// </summary>
public class CDIFile
/// <summary>
/// Number of sessions
/// </summary>
public byte NumSessions ;
/// <summary>
/// The session blocks
/// </summary>
public readonly IList < CDISession > Sessions = new List < CDISession > ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// The track blocks
/// </summary>
public readonly IList < CDITrack > Tracks = new List < CDITrack > ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// The disc info block
/// </summary>
public readonly CDIDiscInfo DiscInfo = new ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Footer size in bytes
/// </summary>
public uint Entrypoint ;
/// <summary>
/// Represents a session block from a CDI file
/// </summary>
public class CDISession
/// <summary>
/// Number of tracks in session (1..99) (or 0 = no more sessions)
/// </summary>
public byte NumTracks ;
/// <summary>
/// Represents a track/disc info block header from a CDI track
/// </summary>
public class CDITrackHeader
/// <summary>
/// Number of tracks on disc (1..99)
/// </summary>
public byte NumTracks ;
/// <summary>
/// Full Path/Filename (may be empty)
/// </summary>
public string Path ;
/// <summary>
/// 0x0098 = CD-ROM, 0x0038 = DVD-ROM
/// </summary>
public ushort MediumType ;
/// <summary>
/// Represents a CD text block from a CDI track
/// </summary>
public class CDICDText
/// <summary>
/// A CD text block has 0-18 strings, each of variable length
/// </summary>
public readonly IList < string > CdTexts = new List < string > ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Represents a track block from a CDI file
/// </summary>
public class CDITrack : CDITrackHeader
/// <summary>
/// The sector count of each index specified for the track
/// </summary>
public readonly IList < uint > IndexSectorCounts = new List < uint > ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// CD text blocks
/// </summary>
public readonly IList < CDICDText > CdTextBlocks = new List < CDICDText > ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// The specified track mode (0 = Audio, 1 = Mode1, 2 = Mode2/Mixed)
/// </summary>
public byte TrackMode ;
/// <summary>
/// Session number (0-indexed)
/// </summary>
public uint SessionNumber ;
/// <summary>
/// Track number (0-indexed, releative to session)
/// </summary>
public uint TrackNumber ;
/// <summary>
/// Track start address
/// </summary>
public uint TrackStartAddress ;
/// <summary>
/// Track length, in sectors
/// </summary>
public uint TrackLength ;
/// <summary>
/// The specified read mode (0 = Mode1, 1 = Mode2, 2 = Audio, 3 = Raw+Q, 4 = Raw+PQRSTUVW)
/// </summary>
public uint ReadMode ;
/// <summary>
/// Upper 4 bits of ADR/Control
/// </summary>
public uint Control ;
/// <summary>
/// 12-letter/digit string (may be empty)
/// </summary>
public string IsrcCode ;
/// <summary>
/// Any non-zero is valid?
/// </summary>
public uint IsrcValidFlag ;
/// <summary>
/// Only present on last track of a session (0 = Audio/CD-DA, 1 = Mode1/CD-ROM, 2 = Mode2/CD-XA)
/// </summary>
public uint SessionType ;
/// <summary>
/// Represents a disc info block from a CDI file
/// </summary>
public class CDIDiscInfo : CDITrackHeader
/// <summary>
/// Total number of sectors
/// </summary>
public uint DiscSize ;
/// <summary>
/// probably junk for non-ISO data discs
/// </summary>
public string VolumeId ;
/// <summary>
/// 13-digit string (may be empty)
/// </summary>
public string Ean13Code ;
/// <summary>
/// Any non-zero is valid?
/// </summary>
public uint Ean13CodeValid ;
/// <summary>
/// CD text (for lead-in?)
/// </summary>
public string CdText ;
public class CDIParseException : Exception
public CDIParseException ( string message ) : base ( message ) { }
/// <exception cref="CDIParseException">malformed cdi format</exception>
public static CDIFile ParseFrom ( Stream stream )
var cdif = new CDIFile ( ) ;
using var br = new BinaryReader ( stream ) ;
stream . Seek ( - 4 , SeekOrigin . End ) ;
cdif . Entrypoint = br . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
stream . Seek ( - cdif . Entrypoint , SeekOrigin . End ) ;
cdif . NumSessions = br . ReadByte ( ) ;
if ( cdif . NumSessions = = 0 )
throw new CDIParseException ( "Malformed CDI format: 0 sessions!" ) ;
void ParseTrackHeader ( CDITrackHeader header )
stream . Seek ( 15 , SeekOrigin . Current ) ; // unknown bytes
header . NumTracks = br . ReadByte ( ) ;
var pathLen = br . ReadByte ( ) ;
header . Path = br . ReadStringFixedUtf8 ( pathLen ) ;
stream . Seek ( 29 , SeekOrigin . Current ) ; // unknown bytes
header . MediumType = br . ReadUInt16 ( ) ;
switch ( header . MediumType )
case 0x0038 :
throw new CDIParseException ( "Malformed CDI format: DVD was specified, but this is not supported!" ) ;
case 0x0098 :
return ;
default :
throw new CDIParseException ( "Malformed CDI format: Invalid medium type!" ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < = cdif . NumSessions ; i + + )
var session = new CDISession ( ) ;
stream . Seek ( 1 , SeekOrigin . Current ) ; // unknown byte
session . NumTracks = br . ReadByte ( ) ;
stream . Seek ( 13 , SeekOrigin . Current ) ; // unknown bytes
cdif . Sessions . Add ( session ) ;
// the last session block should have 0 tracks (as it indicates no more sessions)
if ( session . NumTracks = = 0 & & i ! = cdif . NumSessions )
throw new CDIParseException ( "Malformed CDI format: No tracks in session!" ) ;
if ( session . NumTracks + cdif . Tracks . Count > 99 )
throw new CDIParseException ( "Malformed CDI format: More than 99 tracks on disc!" ) ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < session . NumTracks ; j + + )
var track = new CDITrack ( ) ;
ParseTrackHeader ( track ) ;
var indexes = br . ReadUInt16 ( ) ;
if ( indexes < 2 ) // We should have at least 2 indexes (one pre-gap, and one "real" one)
throw new CDIParseException ( "Malformed CDI format: Less than 2 indexes in track!" ) ;
for ( var k = 0 ; k < indexes ; k + + )
track . IndexSectorCounts . Add ( br . ReadUInt32 ( ) ) ;
var numCdTextBlocks = br . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
for ( var k = 0 ; k < numCdTextBlocks ; k + + )
var cdTextBlock = new CDICDText ( ) ;
for ( var l = 0 ; l < 18 ; l + + )
var cdTextLen = br . ReadByte ( ) ;
if ( cdTextLen > 0 )
cdTextBlock . CdTexts . Add ( br . ReadStringFixedUtf8 ( cdTextLen ) ) ;
track . CdTextBlocks . Add ( cdTextBlock ) ;
stream . Seek ( 2 , SeekOrigin . Current ) ; // unknown bytes
track . TrackMode = br . ReadByte ( ) ;
if ( track . TrackMode > 2 )
throw new CDIParseException ( "Malformed CDI format: Invalid track mode!" ) ;
stream . Seek ( 7 , SeekOrigin . Current ) ; // unknown bytes
track . SessionNumber = br . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
if ( track . SessionNumber ! = i )
throw new CDIParseException ( "Malformed CDI format: Session number mismatch!" ) ;
track . TrackNumber = br . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
if ( track . TrackNumber ! = j ) // I think this is relative to the session?
throw new CDIParseException ( "Malformed CDI format: Track number mismatch!" ) ;
track . TrackStartAddress = br . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
track . TrackLength = br . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
stream . Seek ( 16 , SeekOrigin . Current ) ; // unknown bytes
track . ReadMode = br . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
if ( track . ReadMode > 4 )
throw new CDIParseException ( "Malformed CDI format: Invalid read mode!" ) ;
track . Control = br . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
if ( ( track . Control & ~ 0xF ) ! = 0 )
throw new CDIParseException ( "Malformed CDI format: Invalid control!" ) ;
stream . Seek ( 1 , SeekOrigin . Current ) ; // unknown byte
var redundantTrackLen = br . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
if ( track . TrackLength ! = redundantTrackLen )
throw new CDIParseException ( "Malformed CDI format: Track length mismatch!" ) ;
stream . Seek ( 4 , SeekOrigin . Current ) ; // unknown bytes
track . IsrcCode = br . ReadStringFixedUtf8 ( 12 ) ;
track . IsrcValidFlag = br . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
if ( track . IsrcValidFlag = = 0 )
track . IsrcCode = string . Empty ;
stream . Seek ( 87 , SeekOrigin . Current ) ; // unknown bytes
track . SessionType = br . ReadByte ( ) ;
switch ( track . SessionType )
case > 2 :
throw new CDIParseException ( "Malformed CDI format: Invalid session type!" ) ;
case > 0 when j ! = session . NumTracks - 1 :
throw new CDIParseException ( "Malformed CDI format: Session type was specified, but this is only supposed to be present on the last track!" ) ;
stream . Seek ( 5 , SeekOrigin . Current ) ; // unknown bytes
var notLastTrackInSession = br . ReadByte ( ) ;
switch ( notLastTrackInSession )
case 0 when j ! = session . NumTracks - 1 :
throw new CDIParseException ( "Malformed CDI format: Track was specified to be the last track of the session, but more tracks are available!" ) ;
case > 1 :
throw new CDIParseException ( "Malformed CDI format: Invalid not last track of session flag!" ) ;
stream . Seek ( 5 , SeekOrigin . Current ) ; // unknown bytes
// well, the last 4 bytes here are said to be the "address for last track of a session? (otherwise 00,00,FF,FF)"
// except I'm not sure what the address is meant to be, by bytes? by sectors? relative to file? relative session start?
// for now I just ignore it
cdif . Tracks . Add ( track ) ;
ParseTrackHeader ( cdif . DiscInfo ) ;
cdif . DiscInfo . DiscSize = br . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
if ( cdif . DiscInfo . DiscSize ! = cdif . Tracks . Sum ( t = > t . TrackLength ) )
//throw new CDIParseException("Malformed CDI format: Disc size mismatch!");
//this seems to be wrong?
var volumeIdLen = br . ReadByte ( ) ;
cdif . DiscInfo . VolumeId = br . ReadStringFixedUtf8 ( volumeIdLen ) ;
stream . Seek ( 9 , SeekOrigin . Current ) ; // unknown bytes
cdif . DiscInfo . Ean13Code = br . ReadStringFixedUtf8 ( 13 ) ;
cdif . DiscInfo . Ean13CodeValid = br . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
if ( cdif . DiscInfo . Ean13CodeValid = = 0 )
cdif . DiscInfo . Ean13Code = string . Empty ;
var cdTextLengh = br . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
if ( cdTextLengh > int . MaxValue )
// suppose technically this might not be considered too large purely going off the format
// but it's a bit silly to have a >2GB string so this is probably not valid
throw new CDIParseException ( "Malformed CDI format: CD text too large!" ) ;
cdif . DiscInfo . CdText = br . ReadStringFixedUtf8 ( ( int ) cdTextLengh ) ;
stream . Seek ( 12 , SeekOrigin . Current ) ; // unknown bytes
if ( cdif . Tracks . Any ( track = > track . NumTracks ! = cdif . Tracks . Count ) | | cdif . DiscInfo . NumTracks ! = cdif . Tracks . Count )
throw new CDIParseException ( "Malformed CDI format: Total track number mismatch!" ) ;
if ( stream . Position ! = stream . Length - 4 )
throw new CDIParseException ( "Malformed CDI format: Did not reach end of footer after parsing!" ) ;
return cdif ;
catch ( EndOfStreamException )
throw new CDIParseException ( "Malformed CDI format: Unexpected stream end!" ) ;
public class LoadResults
public CDIFile ParsedCDIFile ;
public bool Valid ;
public CDIParseException FailureException ;
public string CdiPath ;
public static LoadResults LoadCDIPath ( string path )
var ret = new LoadResults
CdiPath = path
} ;
if ( ! File . Exists ( path ) ) throw new CDIParseException ( "Malformed CDI format: nonexistent CDI file!" ) ;
CDIFile cdif ;
using ( var infCDI = new FileStream ( path , FileMode . Open , FileAccess . Read , FileShare . Read ) )
cdif = ParseFrom ( infCDI ) ;
ret . ParsedCDIFile = cdif ;
ret . Valid = true ;
catch ( CDIParseException ex )
ret . FailureException = ex ;
return ret ;
private class SS_CDI_RawQ : SS_Base
public override void Synth ( SectorSynthJob job )
Blob . Read ( BlobOffset , job . DestBuffer2448 , job . DestOffset , 2352 ) ;
if ( ( job . Parts & ESectorSynthPart . SubchannelP ) ! = 0 )
SynthUtils . SubP ( job . DestBuffer2448 , job . DestOffset + 2352 , Pause ) ;
// Q is present in the blob and non-interleaved
if ( ( job . Parts & ESectorSynthPart . SubchannelQ ) ! = 0 )
Blob . Read ( BlobOffset , job . DestBuffer2448 , job . DestOffset + 2352 + 12 , 12 ) ;
//clear R-W if needed
if ( ( job . Parts & ESectorSynthPart . Subchannel_RSTUVW ) ! = 0 )
Array . Clear ( job . DestBuffer2448 , job . DestOffset + 2352 + 12 + 12 , 12 * 6 ) ;
//subcode has been generated deinterleaved; we may still need to interleave it
if ( ( job . Parts & ESectorSynthPart . SubcodeAny ) ! = 0 & & ( job . Parts & ESectorSynthPart . SubcodeDeinterleave ) = = 0 )
SynthUtils . InterleaveSubcodeInplace ( job . DestBuffer2448 , job . DestOffset + 2352 ) ;
private class SS_CDI_RawPQRSTUVW : SS_Base
public override void Synth ( SectorSynthJob job )
// all subcode is present and interleaved, just read it all
Blob . Read ( BlobOffset , job . DestBuffer2448 , job . DestOffset , 2448 ) ;
// deinterleave it if needed
if ( ( job . Parts & ESectorSynthPart . SubcodeDeinterleave ) ! = 0 )
SynthUtils . DeinterleaveSubcodeInplace ( job . DestBuffer2448 , job . DestOffset + 2352 ) ;
/// <exception cref="CDIParseException">file <paramref name="cdiPath"/> not found</exception>
public static Disc LoadCDIToDisc ( string cdiPath , DiscMountPolicy IN_DiscMountPolicy )
var loadResults = LoadCDIPath ( cdiPath ) ;
if ( ! loadResults . Valid )
throw loadResults . FailureException ;
var disc = new Disc ( ) ;
var cdif = loadResults . ParsedCDIFile ;
IBlob cdiBlob = new Blob_RawFile { PhysicalPath = cdiPath } ;
disc . DisposableResources . Add ( cdiBlob ) ;
var trackOffset = 0 ;
var blobOffset = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < cdif . NumSessions ; i + + )
var session = new DiscSession { Number = i + 1 } ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < cdif . Sessions [ i ] . NumTracks ; j + + )
var track = cdif . Tracks [ trackOffset + j ] ;
RawTOCEntry EmitRawTOCEntry ( )
var q = default ( SubchannelQ ) ;
//absent some kind of policy for how to set it, this is a safe assumption
const byte kADR = 1 ;
q . SetStatus ( kADR , ( EControlQ ) track . Control ) ;
q . q_tno = BCD2 . FromDecimal ( 0 ) ;
q . q_index = BCD2 . FromDecimal ( trackOffset + j + 1 ) ;
q . Timestamp = 0 ;
q . zero = 0 ;
q . AP_Timestamp = disc . _Sectors . Count ;
q . q_crc = 0 ;
return new ( ) { QData = q } ;
var sectorSize = track . ReadMode switch
0 = > 2048 ,
1 = > 2336 ,
2 = > 2352 ,
3 = > 2368 ,
4 = > 2448 ,
_ = > throw new InvalidOperationException ( )
} ;
var curIndex = 0 ;
var relMSF = - track . IndexSectorCounts [ 0 ] ;
var indexSectorOffset = 0 U ;
for ( var k = 0 ; k < track . TrackLength ; k + + )
if ( track . IndexSectorCounts [ curIndex ] = = k - indexSectorOffset )
indexSectorOffset + = track . IndexSectorCounts [ curIndex ] ;
curIndex + + ;
if ( track . IndexSectorCounts . Count = = curIndex )
throw new CDIParseException ( "Malformed CDI Format: Reached end of index list unexpectedly" ) ;
if ( curIndex = = 1 )
session . RawTOCEntries . Add ( EmitRawTOCEntry ( ) ) ;
//note that CDIs contain the pregap data themselves...
SS_Base synth = track . ReadMode switch
0 = > new SS_Mode1_2048 ( ) ,
1 = > throw new NotSupportedException ( "Mode2/2336" ) , // TODO
2 = > new SS_2352 ( ) ,
3 = > new SS_CDI_RawQ ( ) ,
4 = > new SS_CDI_RawPQRSTUVW ( ) ,
_ = > throw new InvalidOperationException ( )
} ;
synth . Blob = cdiBlob ;
synth . BlobOffset = blobOffset ;
synth . Policy = IN_DiscMountPolicy ;
//TODO: subchannel here is all wrong for gaps, probably
const byte kADR = 1 ;
synth . sq . SetStatus ( kADR , ( EControlQ ) track . Control ) ;
synth . sq . q_tno = BCD2 . FromDecimal ( trackOffset + j + 1 ) ;
synth . sq . q_index = BCD2 . FromDecimal ( curIndex ) ;
synth . sq . Timestamp = ( int ) relMSF ;
synth . sq . zero = 0 ;
synth . sq . AP_Timestamp = disc . _Sectors . Count ;
synth . sq . q_crc = 0 ;
synth . Pause = curIndex = = 0 ;
disc . _Sectors . Add ( synth ) ;
blobOffset + = sectorSize ;
if ( curIndex ! = 0 )
relMSF + + ;
var TOCMiscInfo = new Synthesize_A0A1A2_Job (
firstRecordedTrackNumber : trackOffset + 1 ,
lastRecordedTrackNumber : trackOffset + cdif . Sessions [ i ] . NumTracks + 1 ,
sessionFormat : ( SessionFormat ) ( cdif . Tracks [ trackOffset + cdif . Sessions [ i ] . NumTracks - 1 ] . SessionType * 0x10 ) ,
leadoutTimestamp : disc . _Sectors . Count ) ;
TOCMiscInfo . Run ( session . RawTOCEntries ) ;
disc . Sessions . Add ( session ) ;
trackOffset + = cdif . Sessions [ i ] . NumTracks ;
return disc ;