ball delay
This commit is contained in:
@ -273,6 +273,34 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.Atari2600
private int test_count_m0;
private int test_count_m1;
private int test_count_b;
private byte pf0_update = 0;
private byte pf1_update = 0;
private byte pf2_update = 0;
private bool pf0_updater = false;
private bool pf1_updater = false;
private bool pf2_updater = false;
private byte pf0_delay_clock = 0;
private byte pf1_delay_clock = 0;
private byte pf2_delay_clock = 0;
private byte pf0_max_delay = 0;
private byte pf1_max_delay = 0;
private byte pf2_max_delay = 0;
private int enam0_delay = 0;
private int enam1_delay = 0;
private int enamb_delay = 0;
private bool enam0_val = false;
private bool enam1_val = false;
private bool enamb_val = false;
private int prg0_delay = 0;
private int prg1_delay = 0;
private byte prg0_val = 0;
private byte prg1_val = 0;
private bool do_ticks = false;
private byte _hsyncCnt;
private int _capChargeStart;
private bool _capCharging;
@ -400,8 +428,100 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.Atari2600
// Still ignoring cycles...
// Reset the RDY flag when we reach hblank
if (_hsyncCnt <= 0)
//delay latch to new playfield register
if (pf0_updater==true)
if (pf0_delay_clock > pf0_max_delay)
_playField.Grp = (uint)((_playField.Grp & 0x0FFFF) + ((ReverseBits(pf0_update, 8) & 0x0F) << 16));
pf0_updater = false;
if (pf1_updater == true)
if (pf1_delay_clock > pf1_max_delay)
_playField.Grp = (uint)((_playField.Grp & 0xF00FF) + (pf1_update << 8));
pf1_updater = false;
if (pf2_updater == true)
if (pf2_delay_clock > pf2_max_delay)
_playField.Grp = (uint)((_playField.Grp & 0xFFF00) + ReverseBits(pf2_update, 8));
pf2_updater = false;
//delay latch to missile enable
if (enam0_delay>0)
if (enam0_delay==3)
enam0_delay = 0;
_player0.Missile.Enabled = enam0_val;
if (enam1_delay > 0)
if (enam1_delay == 3)
enam1_delay = 0;
_player1.Missile.Enabled = enam1_val;
// delay latch to ball enable
if (enamb_delay > 0)
if (enamb_delay == 3)
enamb_delay = 0;
_ball.Enabled = enamb_val;
// delay latch to player graphics registers
if (prg0_delay > 0)
if (prg0_delay == 3)
prg0_delay = 0;
_player0.Grp = prg0_val;
_player1.Dgrp = _player1.Grp;
if (prg1_delay > 0)
if (prg1_delay == 3)
prg1_delay = 0;
_player1.Grp = prg1_val;
_player0.Dgrp = _player0.Grp;
// TODO: Find a game that uses this functionality and test it
_ball.Denabled = _ball.Enabled;
// Reset the RDY flag when we reach hblank
if (_hsyncCnt <= 0)
_core.Cpu.RDY = true;
@ -411,8 +531,10 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.Atari2600
// ---- Things that happen only in the drawing section ----
// TODO: Remove this magic number (17). It depends on the HMOVE
if ((_hsyncCnt / 4) >= (_hmove.LateHBlankReset ? 19 : 17))
if ((_hsyncCnt) >= (_hmove.LateHBlankReset ? 76 : 68))
do_ticks = false;
// TODO: Remove this magic number
if ((_hsyncCnt / 4) >= 37)
@ -528,16 +650,16 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.Atari2600
if (_playField.Priority && (collisions & CXPF) != 0 && _core.Settings.ShowPlayfield)
if (_playField.Score && !_playField.Priority && (collisions & CXPF) != 0 && _core.Settings.ShowPlayfield)
if (_playField.Score)
pixelColor = !rightSide ? _palette[_player0.Color] : _palette[_player1.Color];
pixelColor = _palette[_playField.PfColor];
pixelColor = !rightSide ? _palette[_player0.Color] : _palette[_player1.Color];
if (_playField.Priority && (collisions & CXPF) != 0 && _core.Settings.ShowPlayfield)
pixelColor = _palette[_playField.PfColor];
// Handle vblank
@ -559,9 +681,30 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.Atari2600
throw new Exception(); // TODO
_scanlinebuffer[_CurrentScanLine * ScreenWidth + x] = pixelColor;
} else
do_ticks = true;
// if extended HBLank is active, the screen area still needs a color
if (_hsyncCnt >= 68 && _hsyncCnt < 76 && _hmove.LateHBlankReset)
int pixelColor = 0;
// Add the pixel to the scanline
// TODO: Remove this magic number (68)
int y = _CurrentScanLine;
// y >= max screen height means lag frame or game crashed, but is a legal situation.
// either way, there's nothing to display
if (y < MaxScreenHeight)
int x = _hsyncCnt - 68;
if (x < 0 || x > 159) // this can't happen, right?
throw new Exception(); // TODO
_scanlinebuffer[_CurrentScanLine * ScreenWidth + x] = pixelColor;
@ -607,8 +750,6 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.Atari2600
if (_hmove.DecCntEnabled)
// clock
// Actually do stuff only evey 4 pulses
if (_hmove.HMoveCnt == 0)
@ -619,8 +760,12 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.Atari2600
// If the move counter still has a bit in common with the HM register
if (((15 - _hmove.Player0Cnt) ^ ((_player0.HM & 0x07) | ((~(_player0.HM & 0x08)) & 0x08))) != 0x0F)
// "Clock-Stuffing"
// "Clock-Stuffing"
if (do_ticks==true)
// Increase by 1, max of 15
@ -644,15 +789,15 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.Atari2600
if (_hmove.Missile0Latch)
if (_hmove.Missile0Cnt == 15)
{ }
// If the move counter still has a bit in common with the HM register
if (((15 - _hmove.Missile0Cnt) ^ ((_player0.Missile.Hm & 0x07) | ((~(_player0.Missile.Hm & 0x08)) & 0x08))) != 0x0F)
// "Clock-Stuffing"
// "Clock-Stuffing"
if (do_ticks == true)
// Increase by 1, max of 15
@ -670,7 +815,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.Atari2600
_hmove.Missile0Latch = false;
_hmove.Missile0Cnt = 0;
@ -679,9 +824,11 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.Atari2600
// If the move counter still has a bit in common with the HM register
if (((15 - _hmove.Player1Cnt) ^ ((_player1.HM & 0x07) | ((~(_player1.HM & 0x08)) & 0x08))) != 0x0F)
// "Clock-Stuffing"
// "Clock-Stuffing"
if (do_ticks == true)
// Increase by 1, max of 15
if (test_count_p1 < 16)
@ -705,9 +852,11 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.Atari2600
// If the move counter still has a bit in common with the HM register
if (((15 - _hmove.Missile1Cnt) ^ ((_player1.Missile.Hm & 0x07) | ((~(_player1.Missile.Hm & 0x08)) & 0x08))) != 0x0F)
// "Clock-Stuffing"
// "Clock-Stuffing"
if (do_ticks == true)
// Increase by 1, max of 15
if (test_count_m1 < 16)
@ -731,9 +880,11 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.Atari2600
// If the move counter still has a bit in common with the HM register
if (((15 - _hmove.BallCnt) ^ ((_ball.HM & 0x07) | ((~(_ball.HM & 0x08)) & 0x08))) != 0x0F)
// "Clock-Stuffing"
// "Clock-Stuffing"
if (do_ticks == true)
// Increase by 1, max of 15
if (test_count_b < 16)
@ -763,7 +914,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.Atari2600
_hmove.HMoveCnt %= 4;
if (_hmove.HMoveDelayCnt < 5)
@ -776,7 +927,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.Atari2600
_hmove.DecCntEnabled = true;
// Increment the hsync counter
@ -948,7 +1099,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.Atari2600
else if (maskedAddr == 0x08) // COLUPF
_playField.PfColor = (byte)(value & 0xFE);
_playField.PfColor = (byte)(value & 0xFE);
else if (maskedAddr == 0x09) // COLUBK
@ -972,80 +1123,166 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.Atari2600
else if (maskedAddr == 0x0D) // PF0
_playField.Grp = (uint)((_playField.Grp & 0x0FFFF) + ((ReverseBits(value, 8) & 0x0F) << 16));
pf0_update = value;
pf0_updater = true;
pf0_delay_clock = 0;
if (((_hsyncCnt / 3) & 3) == 0)
pf0_max_delay = 4;
if (((_hsyncCnt / 3) & 3) == 1)
pf0_max_delay = 5;
if (((_hsyncCnt / 3) & 3) == 2)
pf0_max_delay = 2;
if (((_hsyncCnt / 3) & 3) == 3)
pf0_max_delay = 3;
//_playField.Grp = (uint)((_playField.Grp & 0x0FFFF) + ((ReverseBits(value, 8) & 0x0F) << 16));
else if (maskedAddr == 0x0E) // PF1
_playField.Grp = (uint)((_playField.Grp & 0xF00FF) + (value << 8));
pf1_update = value;
pf1_updater = true;
pf1_delay_clock = 0;
if (((_hsyncCnt / 3) & 3) == 0)
pf1_max_delay = 4;
if (((_hsyncCnt / 3) & 3) == 1)
pf1_max_delay = 5;
if (((_hsyncCnt / 3) & 3) == 2)
pf1_max_delay = 2;
if (((_hsyncCnt / 3) & 3) == 3)
pf1_max_delay = 3;
//_playField.Grp = (uint)((_playField.Grp & 0xF00FF) + (value << 8));
else if (maskedAddr == 0x0F) // PF2
_playField.Grp = (uint)((_playField.Grp & 0xFFF00) + ReverseBits(value, 8));
pf2_update = value;
pf2_updater = true;
pf2_delay_clock = 0;
if (((_hsyncCnt / 3) & 3) == 0)
pf2_max_delay = 4;
if (((_hsyncCnt / 3) & 3) == 1)
pf2_max_delay = 5;
if (((_hsyncCnt / 3) & 3) == 2)
pf2_max_delay = 2;
if (((_hsyncCnt / 3) & 3) == 3)
pf2_max_delay = 3;
//_playField.Grp = (uint)((_playField.Grp & 0xFFF00) + ReverseBits(value, 8));
else if (maskedAddr == 0x10) // RESP0
// Borrowed from EMU7800. Apparently resetting between 68 and 76 has strange results.
if (_hsyncCnt < 69)
_player0.HPosCnt = 0;
_player0.ResetCnt = 2;
_player0.Reset = true;
else if (_hsyncCnt == 69)
_player0.ResetCnt = 0;
else if (_hsyncCnt == 72)
_player0.ResetCnt = 0;
else if (_hsyncCnt == 75)
_player0.ResetCnt = 0;
_player0.ResetCnt = 0;
// Resp depends on HMOVE
if (!_hmove.LateHBlankReset)
if (_hsyncCnt < 69)
_player0.HPosCnt = 0;
_player0.ResetCnt = 2;
_player0.Reset = true;
_player0.ResetCnt = 0;
if (_hsyncCnt < 76)
_player0.HPosCnt = 0;
_player0.ResetCnt = 1;
_player0.Reset = true;
_player0.ResetCnt = 0;
else if (maskedAddr == 0x11) // RESP1
// Borrowed from EMU7800. Apparently resetting between 68 and 76 has strange results.
// This fixes some graphic glitches with Frostbite
if (_hsyncCnt < 69)
_player1.HPosCnt = 0;
_player1.ResetCnt = 2;
_player1.Reset = true;
else if (_hsyncCnt == 69)
_player1.ResetCnt = 0;
else if (_hsyncCnt == 72)
_player1.ResetCnt = 0;
else if (_hsyncCnt == 75)
_player1.ResetCnt = 0;
_player1.ResetCnt = 0;
// RESP depends on HMOVE
if (!_hmove.LateHBlankReset)
if (_hsyncCnt < 69)
_player1.HPosCnt = 0;
_player1.ResetCnt = 2;
_player1.Reset = true;
} else
_player1.ResetCnt = 0;
} else
if (_hsyncCnt < 76)
_player1.HPosCnt = 0;
_player1.ResetCnt = 1;
_player1.Reset = true;
_player1.ResetCnt = 0;
else if (maskedAddr == 0x12) // RESM0
_player0.Missile.HPosCnt = (byte)(_hsyncCnt < 68 ? 160 - 2 : 160 - 4);
if (!_hmove.LateHBlankReset)
_player0.Missile.HPosCnt = (byte)(_hsyncCnt < 68 ? 160 - 2 : 160 - 4);
} else
_player0.Missile.HPosCnt = (byte)(_hsyncCnt < 76 ? 160 - 2 : 160 - 4);
else if (maskedAddr == 0x13) // RESM1
_player1.Missile.HPosCnt = (byte)(_hsyncCnt < 68 ? 160 - 2 : 160 - 4);
if (!_hmove.LateHBlankReset)
_player1.Missile.HPosCnt = (byte)(_hsyncCnt < 68 ? 160 - 2 : 160 - 4);
_player1.Missile.HPosCnt = (byte)(_hsyncCnt < 76 ? 160 - 2 : 160 - 4);
else if (maskedAddr == 0x14) // RESBL
_ball.HPosCnt = (byte)(_hsyncCnt < 68 ? 160 - 2 : 160 - 4);
if (!_hmove.LateHBlankReset)
_ball.HPosCnt = (byte)(_hsyncCnt < 68 ? 160 - 3 : 160 - 4);
_ball.HPosCnt = (byte)(_hsyncCnt < 76 ? 160 - 3 : 160 - 4);
else if (maskedAddr == 0x15) // AUDC0
@ -1073,53 +1310,30 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.Atari2600
else if (maskedAddr == 0x1B) // GRP0
_player0.Grp = value;
_player1.Dgrp = _player1.Grp;
prg0_val = value;
prg0_delay = 1;
else if (maskedAddr == 0x1C) // GRP1
_player1.Grp = value;
_player0.Dgrp = _player0.Grp;
// TODO: Find a game that uses this functionality and test it
_ball.Denabled = _ball.Enabled;
prg1_val = value;
prg1_delay = 1;
else if (maskedAddr == 0x1D) // ENAM0
if (_player0.Missile.Enabled)
if (((value & 0x02) == 0))
_player0.Missile.Delay2 = 1;
_player0.Missile.Enabled = (value & 0x02) != 0;
if (_player0.Missile.Enabled)
_player0.Missile.Delay = 1;
enam0_val = (value & 0x02) != 0;
enam0_delay = 1;
else if (maskedAddr == 0x1E) // ENAM1
if (_player1.Missile.Enabled)
if (((value & 0x02) == 0))
_player1.Missile.Delay2 = 1;
_player1.Missile.Enabled = (value & 0x02) != 0;
if (_player1.Missile.Enabled)
_player1.Missile.Delay = 1;
enam1_val = (value & 0x02) != 0;
enam1_delay = 1;
else if (maskedAddr == 0x1F) // ENABL
_ball.Enabled = (value & 0x02) != 0;
enamb_val = (value & 0x02) != 0;
enamb_delay = 1;
else if (maskedAddr == 0x20) // HMP0
Reference in New Issue