diff --git a/Common.ruleset b/Common.ruleset
index df281cd622..ae3825787c 100644
--- a/Common.ruleset
+++ b/Common.ruleset
@@ -542,6 +542,9 @@
diff --git a/src/BizHawk.Client.Common/movie/PlatformFrameRates.cs b/src/BizHawk.Client.Common/movie/PlatformFrameRates.cs
index 995d6c5d10..490b783384 100644
--- a/src/BizHawk.Client.Common/movie/PlatformFrameRates.cs
+++ b/src/BizHawk.Client.Common/movie/PlatformFrameRates.cs
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace BizHawk.Client.Common
- public class PlatformFrameRates
+ public static class PlatformFrameRates
// these are political numbers, designed to be in accord with tasvideos.org tradition. they're not necessarily mathematical factualities (although they may be in some cases)
// it would be nice if we could turn this into a rational expression natively, and also, to write some comments about the derivation and ideal values (since this seems to be where they're all collected)
diff --git a/src/BizHawk.Common/SpanStream.cs b/src/BizHawk.Common/SpanStream.cs
index fea93f817c..8223613aac 100644
--- a/src/BizHawk.Common/SpanStream.cs
+++ b/src/BizHawk.Common/SpanStream.cs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Common
void Write (ReadOnlySpan buffer);
int Read (Span buffer);
- public class SpanStream
+ public static class SpanStream
/// Returns a stream in spanstream mode, or creates a wrapper that provides that functionality
diff --git a/src/BizHawk.Emulation.Cores/Waterbox/WaterboxHostNative.cs b/src/BizHawk.Emulation.Cores/Waterbox/WaterboxHostNative.cs
index 460946dcb0..bed079387e 100644
--- a/src/BizHawk.Emulation.Cores/Waterbox/WaterboxHostNative.cs
+++ b/src/BizHawk.Emulation.Cores/Waterbox/WaterboxHostNative.cs
@@ -30,26 +30,47 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Waterbox
public class MemoryLayoutTemplate
+ ///
/// Memory space to serve brk(2)
+ ///
public UIntPtr sbrk_size;
+ ///
/// Memory space to serve alloc_sealed(3)
+ ///
public UIntPtr sealed_size;
+ ///
/// Memory space to serve alloc_invisible(3)
+ ///
public UIntPtr invis_size;
+ ///
/// Memory space to serve alloc_plain(3)
+ ///
public UIntPtr plain_size;
+ ///
/// Memory space to serve mmap(2) and friends.
/// Calls without MAP_FIXED or MREMAP_FIXED will be placed in this area.
/// TODO: Are we allowing fixed calls to happen anywhere in the block?
+ ///
public UIntPtr mmap_size;
- /// Read bytes into the buffer. Return number of bytes read on success, or < 0 on failure.
+ ///
+ /// Read bytes into the buffer. Return number of bytes read on success, or < 0 on failure.
/// permitted to read less than the provided buffer size, but must always read at least 1
/// byte if EOF is not reached. If EOF is reached, should return 0.
+ ///
public delegate IntPtr ReadCallback(IntPtr userdata, IntPtr /*byte**/ data, UIntPtr size);
- /// write bytes. Return 0 on success, or < 0 on failure.
+ ///
+ /// write bytes. Return 0 on success, or < 0 on failure.
/// Must write all provided bytes in one call or fail, not permitted to write less (unlike reader).
+ ///
public delegate int WriteCallback(IntPtr userdata, IntPtr /*byte**/ data, UIntPtr size);
// public delegate UIntPtr /*MissingFileResult*/ FileCallback(IntPtr userdata, UIntPtr /*string*/ name);
public static WriteCallback MakeCallbackForWriter(Stream s)
@@ -98,59 +119,96 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Waterbox
// public bool writable;
// }
+ ///
/// Given a guest executable and a memory layout, create a new host environment. All data will be immediately consumed from the reader,
/// which will not be used after this call.
+ ///
public abstract void wbx_create_host(MemoryLayoutTemplate layout, string moduleName, ReadCallback wbx, IntPtr userdata, ReturnData /*WaterboxHost*/ ret);
+ ///
/// Tear down a host environment. May not be called while the environment is active.
+ ///
public abstract void wbx_destroy_host(IntPtr /*WaterboxHost*/ obj, ReturnData /*void*/ ret);
+ ///
/// Activate a host environment. This swaps it into memory and makes it available for use.
/// Pointers to inside the environment are only valid while active. Uses a mutex internally
/// so as to not stomp over other host environments in the same 4GiB slice.
/// Returns a pointer to the activated object, used to do most other functions.
+ ///
public abstract void wbx_activate_host(IntPtr /*WaterboxHost*/ obj, ReturnData /*ActivatedWaterboxHost*/ ret);
+ ///
/// Deactivates a host environment, and releases the mutex.
+ ///
public abstract void wbx_deactivate_host(IntPtr /*ActivatedWaterboxHost*/ obj, ReturnData /*void*/ ret);
+ ///
/// Returns the address of an exported function from the guest executable. This pointer is only valid
/// while the host is active. A missing proc is not an error and simply returns 0.
+ ///
public abstract void wbx_get_proc_addr(IntPtr /*ActivatedWaterboxHost*/ obj, string name, ReturnData /*UIntPtr*/ ret);
+ ///
/// Calls the seal operation, which is a one time action that prepares the host to save states.
+ ///
public abstract void wbx_seal(IntPtr /*ActivatedWaterboxHost*/ obj, ReturnData /*void*/ ret);
+ ///
/// Mounts a file in the environment. All data will be immediately consumed from the reader, which will not be used after this call.
/// To prevent nondeterminism, adding and removing files is very limited WRT savestates. If a file is writable, it must never exist
/// when save_state is called, and can only be used for transient operations. If a file is readable, it can appear in savestates,
/// but it must exist in every savestate and the exact sequence of add_file calls must be consistent from savestate to savestate.
+ ///
public abstract void wbx_mount_file(IntPtr /*ActivatedWaterboxHost*/ obj, string name, ReadCallback reader, IntPtr userdata, bool writable, ReturnData /*void*/ ret);
+ ///
/// Remove a file previously added. Writer is optional; if provided, the contents of the file at time of removal will be dumped to it.
/// It is an error to remove a file which is currently open in the guest.
+ ///
public abstract void wbx_unmount_file(IntPtr /*ActivatedWaterboxHost*/ obj, string name, WriteCallback writer, IntPtr userdata, ReturnData /*void*/ ret);
+#if false
+ ///
/// Set (or clear, with None) a callback to be called whenever the guest tries to load a nonexistant file.
/// The callback will be provided with the name of the requested load, and can either return null to signal the waterbox
/// to return ENOENT to the guest, or a struct to immediately load that file. You may not call any wbx methods
/// in the callback. If the MissingFileResult is provided, it will be consumed immediately and will have the same effect
/// as wbx_mount_file(). You may free resources associated with the MissingFileResult whenever control next returns to your code.
- // [BizImport(CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
- // public abstract void wbx_set_missing_file_callback(IntPtr /*ActivatedWaterboxHost*/ obj, MissingFileCallback mfc_o);
+ ///
+ [BizImport(CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
+ public abstract void wbx_set_missing_file_callback(IntPtr /*ActivatedWaterboxHost*/ obj, MissingFileCallback mfc_o);
+ ///
/// Save state. Must not be called before seal. Must not be called with any writable files mounted.
/// Must always be called with the same sequence and contents of readonly files.
+ ///
public abstract void wbx_save_state(IntPtr /*ActivatedWaterboxHost*/ obj, WriteCallback writer, IntPtr userdata, ReturnData /*void*/ ret);
+ ///
/// Load state. Must not be called before seal. Must not be called with any writable files mounted.
/// Must always be called with the same sequence and contents of readonly files that were in the save state.
/// Must be called with the same wbx executable and memory layout as in the savestate.
/// Errors generally poison the environment; sorry!
+ ///
public abstract void wbx_load_state(IntPtr /*ActivatedWaterboxHost*/ obj, ReadCallback reader, IntPtr userdata, ReturnData /*void*/ ret);
+ ///
/// Control whether the host automatically evicts blocks from memory when they are not active. For the best performance,
/// this should be set to false. Set to true to help catch dangling pointer issues. Will be ignored (and forced to true)
/// if waterboxhost was built in debug mode. This is a single global setting.
+ ///
public abstract void wbx_set_always_evict_blocks(bool val);