MainForm cleanups

This commit is contained in:
adelikat 2019-12-20 10:40:13 -06:00
parent f934b059c8
commit c9c04032c7
3 changed files with 80 additions and 73 deletions

View File

@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
PresentationPanel.Control.Paint += (o, e) =>
// I would like to trigger a repaint here, but this isnt done yet
// I would like to trigger a repaint here, but this isn't done yet
@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
/// <item><description>Updating the screen</description></item>
/// <item><description>Loading the no-framebuffer state from RAM</description></item>
/// </list>
/// The most common usecase is CamHack for Sonic games.
/// The most common use case is CamHack for Sonic games.
/// Accessing this from Lua allows to keep internal code hacks to minimum.
/// <list type="bullet">
/// <item><description><see cref="EmuHawkLuaLibrary.InvisibleEmulation(bool)"/></description></item>
@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
var triggers = Global.ClientControls.SearchBindings(ie.LogicalButton.ToString());
if (triggers.Count == 0)
// Maybe it is a system alt-key which hasnt been overridden
// Maybe it is a system alt-key which hasn't been overridden
if (ie.EventType == Input.InputEventType.Press)
if (ie.LogicalButton.Alt && ie.LogicalButton.Button.Length == 1)
@ -895,7 +895,6 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
// zero 09-sep-2012 - all input is eligible for controller input. not sure why the above was done.
// maybe because it doesn't make sense to me to bind hotkeys and controller inputs to the same keystrokes
// adelikat 02-dec-2012 - implemented options for how to handle controller vs hotkey conflicts. This is primarily motivated by computer emulation and thus controller being nearly the entire keyboard
bool handled;
switch (Config.Input_Hotkey_OverrideOptions)
@ -923,7 +922,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
handled = false;
if (ie.EventType == Input.InputEventType.Press)
handled = triggers.Aggregate(handled, (current, trigger) => current | CheckHotkey(trigger));
handled = triggers.Aggregate(false, (current, trigger) => current | CheckHotkey(trigger));
// hotkeys which aren't handled as actions get coalesced as pollable virtual client buttons
@ -938,7 +937,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
handled = false;
if (ie.EventType == Input.InputEventType.Press)
handled = triggers.Aggregate(handled, (current, trigger) => current | CheckHotkey(trigger));
handled = triggers.Aggregate(false, (current, trigger) => current | CheckHotkey(trigger));
// hotkeys which aren't handled as actions get coalesced as pollable virtual client buttons
@ -1264,24 +1263,24 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
private void ThrottleMessage()
string ttype = ":(none)";
string type = ":(none)";
if (Config.SoundThrottle)
ttype = ":Sound";
type = ":Sound";
if (Config.VSyncThrottle)
ttype = $":Vsync{(Config.VSync ? "[ena]" : "[dis]")}";
type = $":Vsync{(Config.VSync ? "[ena]" : "[dis]")}";
if (Config.ClockThrottle)
ttype = ":Clock";
type = ":Clock";
string xtype = _unthrottled ? "Unthrottled" : "Throttled";
string msg = $"{xtype}{ttype} ";
string throttled = _unthrottled ? "Unthrottled" : "Throttled";
string msg = $"{throttled}{type} ";
@ -1320,9 +1319,9 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
bool result = false;
if (Emulator is LibsnesCore)
if (Emulator is LibsnesCore bsnes)
var s = ((LibsnesCore)Emulator).GetSettings();
var s = bsnes.GetSettings();
switch (layer)
case 1:
@ -1339,11 +1338,11 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
else if (Emulator is Snes9x)
else if (Emulator is Snes9x snes9X)
var s = ((Snes9x)Emulator).GetSettings();
var s = snes9X.GetSettings();
switch (layer)
case 1:
@ -1360,7 +1359,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
AddOnScreenMessage($"BG {layer} Layer {(result ? "On" : "Off")}");
@ -1379,9 +1378,9 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
bool result = false;
if (Emulator is LibsnesCore)
if (Emulator is LibsnesCore bsnes)
var s = ((LibsnesCore)Emulator).GetSettings();
var s = bsnes.GetSettings();
switch (layer)
case 1:
@ -1398,7 +1397,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
AddOnScreenMessage($"Obj {layer} Layer {(result ? "On" : "Off")}");
else if (Emulator is Snes9x snes9X)
@ -2041,6 +2040,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
PauseStatusButton.Image = Properties.Resources.Lightning;
PauseStatusButton.Visible = true;
// ReSharper disable once PossibleInvalidOperationException
PauseStatusButton.ToolTipText = $"Emulator is turbo seeking to frame {PauseOnFrame.Value} click to stop seek";
else if (PauseOnFrame.HasValue)
@ -2306,9 +2306,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
return string.Join(";", values.OrderBy(n => n));
var allFilters = new List<FileFilterEntry>();
allFilters.Add(new FileFilterEntry("Rom Files", GetRomFilterStrings()));
var allFilters = new List<FileFilterEntry> { new FileFilterEntry("Rom Files", GetRomFilterStrings()) };
allFilters.AddRange(RomFilterEntries.Where(f => f.EffectiveFilters.Any()));
allFilters.Add(new FileFilterEntry("Savestate", "*.state"));
allFilters.Add(new FileFilterEntry("All Files", "*.*"));
@ -2628,7 +2626,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
private static readonly int[] _speedPercents = { 1, 3, 6, 12, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400 };
private static readonly int[] SpeedPercents = { 1, 3, 6, 12, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400 };
private void IncreaseSpeed()
@ -2638,18 +2636,18 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
var oldp = Config.SpeedPercent;
int newp;
var oldPercent = Config.SpeedPercent;
int newPercent;
int i = 0;
newp = _speedPercents[i];
newPercent = SpeedPercents[i];
while (newp <= oldp && i < _speedPercents.Length - 1);
while (newPercent <= oldPercent && i < SpeedPercents.Length - 1);
private void DecreaseSpeed()
@ -2660,18 +2658,18 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
var oldp = Config.SpeedPercent;
int newp;
var oldPercent = Config.SpeedPercent;
int newPercent;
int i = _speedPercents.Length - 1;
int i = SpeedPercents.Length - 1;
newp = _speedPercents[i];
newPercent = SpeedPercents[i];
while (newp >= oldp && i > 0);
while (newPercent >= oldPercent && i > 0);
private void SaveMovie()
@ -2794,14 +2792,14 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
private const int WmDevicechange = 0x0219;
private const int WmDeviceChange = 0x0219;
// Alt key hacks
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
switch (m.Msg)
case WmDevicechange:
case WmDeviceChange:
@ -3116,7 +3114,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
if (!record.Lagged.HasValue && IsSeeking)
// haven't yet greenzoned the frame, hence it's after editing
// then we want to pause here. taseditor fasion
// then we want to pause here. taseditor fashion
@ -3457,40 +3455,40 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
IDisposable disposableOutput = null;
if (_avwriterResizew > 0 && _avwriterResizeh > 0)
BitmapBuffer bbin = null;
Bitmap bmpin = null;
BitmapBuffer bbIn = null;
Bitmap bmpIn = null;
bbin = Config.AVI_CaptureOSD
bbIn = Config.AVI_CaptureOSD
? CaptureOSD()
: new BitmapBuffer(_currentVideoProvider.BufferWidth, _currentVideoProvider.BufferHeight, _currentVideoProvider.GetVideoBuffer());
var bmpout = new Bitmap(_avwriterResizew, _avwriterResizeh, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
bmpin = bbin.ToSysdrawingBitmap();
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(bmpout))
var bmpOut = new Bitmap(_avwriterResizew, _avwriterResizeh, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
bmpIn = bbIn.ToSysdrawingBitmap();
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(bmpOut))
if (_avwriterpad)
g.DrawImageUnscaled(bmpin, (bmpout.Width - bmpin.Width) / 2, (bmpout.Height - bmpin.Height) / 2);
g.DrawImageUnscaled(bmpIn, (bmpOut.Width - bmpIn.Width) / 2, (bmpOut.Height - bmpIn.Height) / 2);
g.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;
g.PixelOffsetMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode.Half;
g.DrawImage(bmpin, new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpout.Width, bmpout.Height));
g.DrawImage(bmpIn, new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpOut.Width, bmpOut.Height));
output = new BmpVideoProvider(bmpout, _currentVideoProvider.VsyncNumerator, _currentVideoProvider.VsyncDenominator);
output = new BmpVideoProvider(bmpOut, _currentVideoProvider.VsyncNumerator, _currentVideoProvider.VsyncDenominator);
disposableOutput = (IDisposable)output;
@ -3631,7 +3629,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
if (args.OpenAdvanced is OpenAdvanced_OpenRom)
var leftPart = path.Split('|')[0];
Config.LastRomPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.GetDirectoryName(leftPart));
Config.LastRomPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.GetDirectoryName(leftPart) ?? "");
return true;
@ -3694,29 +3692,29 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
var nextComm = CreateCoreComm();
IOpenAdvanced ioa = args.OpenAdvanced;
var oa_openrom = ioa as OpenAdvanced_OpenRom;
var oa_mame = ioa as OpenAdvanced_MAME;
var oa_retro = ioa as OpenAdvanced_Libretro;
var ioa_retro = ioa as IOpenAdvancedLibretro;
var oaOpenrom = ioa as OpenAdvanced_OpenRom;
var oaMame = ioa as OpenAdvanced_MAME;
var oaRetro = ioa as OpenAdvanced_Libretro;
var ioaRetro = ioa as IOpenAdvancedLibretro;
// we need to inform LoadRom which Libretro core to use...
if (ioa_retro != null)
if (ioaRetro != null)
// prepare a core specification
// if it wasn't already specified, use the current default
if (ioa_retro.CorePath == null)
if (ioaRetro.CorePath == null)
ioa_retro.CorePath = Config.LibretroCore;
ioaRetro.CorePath = Config.LibretroCore;
nextComm.LaunchLibretroCore = ioa_retro.CorePath;
nextComm.LaunchLibretroCore = ioaRetro.CorePath;
if (nextComm.LaunchLibretroCore == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't load a file via Libretro until a core is specified");
if (oa_openrom != null)
if (oaOpenrom != null)
// path already has the right value, while ioa.Path is null (interestingly, these are swapped below)
// I doubt null is meant to be assigned here, and it just prevents game load
@ -3729,19 +3727,19 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
// we need to replace the path in the OpenAdvanced with the canonical one the user chose.
// It can't be done until loader.LoadRom happens (for CanonicalFullPath)
// i'm not sure this needs to be more abstractly engineered yet until we have more OpenAdvanced examples
if (oa_retro != null)
if (oaRetro != null)
oa_retro.token.Path = loader.CanonicalFullPath;
oaRetro.token.Path = loader.CanonicalFullPath;
if (oa_openrom != null)
if (oaOpenrom != null)
oa_openrom.Path = loader.CanonicalFullPath;
oaOpenrom.Path = loader.CanonicalFullPath;
if (oa_mame != null)
if (oaMame != null)
oa_mame.Path = loader.CanonicalFullPath;
oaMame.Path = loader.CanonicalFullPath;
if (result)
@ -3752,17 +3750,17 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
if (oa_openrom != null && Path.GetExtension(oa_openrom.Path.Replace("|", "")).ToLowerInvariant() == ".xml" && !(Emulator is LibsnesCore))
if (oaOpenrom != null && Path.GetExtension(oaOpenrom.Path.Replace("|", "")).ToLowerInvariant() == ".xml" && !(Emulator is LibsnesCore))
// this is a multi-disk bundler file
// determine the xml assets and create RomStatusDetails for all of them
var xmlGame = XmlGame.Create(new HawkFile(oa_openrom.Path));
var xmlGame = XmlGame.Create(new HawkFile(oaOpenrom.Path));
using var xSw = new StringWriter();
for (int xg = 0; xg < xmlGame.Assets.Count; xg++)
var ext = Path.GetExtension(xmlGame.AssetFullPaths[xg]).ToLowerInvariant();
var ext = Path.GetExtension(xmlGame.AssetFullPaths[xg])?.ToLowerInvariant();
if (ext == ".cue" || ext == ".ccd" || ext == ".toc" || ext == ".mds")
@ -3860,7 +3858,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
CurrentlyOpenRom = oa_openrom?.Path ?? openAdvancedArgs;
CurrentlyOpenRom = oaOpenrom?.Path ?? openAdvancedArgs;
CurrentlyOpenRomArgs = args;

View File

@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
if (_bufferedProvider != null) _bufferedProvider.DiscardSamples();
Global.SoundMaxBufferDeficitMs = 0;
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
if (!Global.Config.SoundEnabled || !IsStarted || _bufferedProvider == null || _disposed)
if (_bufferedProvider != null) _bufferedProvider.DiscardSamples();

View File

@ -182,6 +182,7 @@
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/Environment/SettingsMigration/IsMigratorApplied/=JetBrains_002EReSharper_002EPsi_002ECSharp_002ECodeStyle_002ESettingsUpgrade_002EMigrateBlankLinesAroundFieldToBlankLinesAroundProperty/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=addr/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=amstrad/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=atten/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=Autofire/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=autoflushing/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=autohold/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
@ -240,6 +241,7 @@
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=Framerate/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=Frameskip/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=Frameskipping/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=framestart/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=gambatte/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=Gameboy/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=gamedb/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
@ -261,6 +263,7 @@
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=Joypad/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=Justifier/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=keepalives/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=KEYMENU/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=Libretro/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=Lightgun/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=Lmsv/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
@ -268,6 +271,7 @@
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=Loadstates/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=Longplay/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=Longplays/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=lparam/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=lsmv/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=LSNES/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=luaf/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
@ -277,6 +281,8 @@
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=mame/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=Mednafen/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=Mednafen_0027s/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=minipsf/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=mmsys/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=MOTW/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=Multidisk/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=multilines/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
@ -333,6 +339,7 @@
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=subframe/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=Subshell/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=Syncless/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=SYSCOMMAND/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=taseditor/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=tasproj/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=Tastudio/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
@ -344,6 +351,8 @@
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=Turboing/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=tvalue/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=UDLR/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=underrun/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=Underruns/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=Uninitialize/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=unmerge/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>
<s:Boolean x:Key="/Default/UserDictionary/Words/=unpause/@EntryIndexedValue">True</s:Boolean>