Add Satellaview rom detection code

This commit is contained in:
YoshiRulz 2022-11-27 04:35:30 +10:00 committed by Moritz Bender
parent 76cfee6396
commit c954a84cd8
3 changed files with 178 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -6,9 +6,16 @@ namespace BizHawk.Common.IOExtensions
public static class IOExtensions
public static readonly Encoding ShiftJISEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("shift_jis");
public static Span<byte> GetBufferAsSpan(this MemoryStream ms)
=> ms.GetBuffer().AsSpan().Slice(start: 0, length: (int) ms.Length);
public static unsafe string GetString(this Encoding encoding, ReadOnlySpan<byte> bytes)
fixed (byte* p = bytes) return encoding.GetString(p, bytes.Length);
public static byte[] ReadAllBytes(this Stream stream)
var outStream = new MemoryStream();

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@ -248,10 +248,16 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Common
case ".SFC":
case ".SMC":
game.System = VSystemID.Raw.SNES;
case ".BS":
game.System = VSystemID.Raw.BSX;
if (SatellaviewFileTypeDetector.IsSatellaviewRom(romData, out var warnings))
game.System = VSystemID.Raw.BSX;
foreach (var s in warnings) Console.WriteLine(s);
game.System = VSystemID.Raw.SNES;
case ".GB":

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@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using BizHawk.Common;
using BizHawk.Common.IOExtensions;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Common
public static class SatellaviewFileTypeDetector
/// <remarks>
/// </remarks>
public readonly ref struct SatellaviewHeader
private const byte LIMITED_0_PLAYS_LEFT = 0b10000000;
private const byte LIMITED_1_PLAYS_LEFT = 0b10000100;
private const byte LIMITED_2_PLAYS_LEFT = 0b10001100;
private const byte LIMITED_3_PLAYS_LEFT = 0b10011100;
private const byte LIMITED_4_PLAYS_LEFT = 0b10111100;
private const byte LIMITED_5_PLAYS_LEFT = 0b11111100;
private const int OFFSET_BROADCAST_DATE = 0x26; // 2 octets
private const int OFFSET_CHECKSUM = 0x2C; // 2 octets
private const int OFFSET_CHECKSUM_COMPLEMENT = 0x2E; // 2 octets
private const int OFFSET_CONTENT_TYPE = 0x29; // 1 octet
private const int OFFSET_MAGIC_DRM_BYTE = 0x2A; // 1 octet
private const int OFFSET_REVISION = 0x2B; // 1 octet
private const int OFFSET_SELFDESTRUCT = 0x24; // 2 octets, but the lower 10 bits are always 0, so effectively 1 octet
private const int OFFSET_SPEED = 0x28; // 1 octet
private const int OFFSET_TITLE = 0x10; // 16 octets
internal const byte UNLIMITED_PLAYS_LEFT = 0b00000000;
private readonly ReadOnlySpan<byte> _header;
public byte ContentTypeField
public bool IsHiROM
=> (SpeedField & 1) is 1;
public bool IsSelfDestructing
=> (SelfDestructionField & LIMITED_0_PLAYS_LEFT) is LIMITED_0_PLAYS_LEFT;
internal byte MagicDRMByte
public int RemainingPlays
=> SelfDestructionField switch
_ => -1
public byte Revision
=> _header[OFFSET_REVISION];
internal byte SelfDestructionField
internal byte SpeedField
=> _header[OFFSET_SPEED];
public string Title
=> IOExtensions.ShiftJISEncoding.GetString(_header.Slice(start: OFFSET_TITLE, length: 0x10)).TrimEnd();
public SatellaviewHeader(ReadOnlySpan<byte> header)
=> _header = header;
public override string ToString()
=> $"[{ContentTypeField >> 4:X1}] {Title} r{Revision} ({(IsSelfDestructing ? RemainingPlays : "unlimited")} plays left)";
public bool VerifyChecksum(ReadOnlySpan<byte> rom)
=> true; //TODO need to parse page mapping from offset 0x20..0x23 in order to calculate this
private const int HEADER_LENGTH = 0x50;
private const int ROM_LENGTH = 0x100000;
private const int THRESHOLD = 3;
private static bool CheckHeaderHeuristics(bool checkHiROM, ReadOnlySpan<byte> rom, IList<string> warnings)
SatellaviewHeader header = new(rom.Slice(start: checkHiROM ? 0xFFB0 : 0x7FB0, length: HEADER_LENGTH));
var corruption = 0;
// "invalid" states were assigned a higher value if the wiki page was less vague
if (header.Title.Length is 0) corruption++;
if (header.IsSelfDestructing)
if (header.RemainingPlays is -1) corruption += 2;
if (header.SelfDestructionField is not SatellaviewHeader.UNLIMITED_PLAYS_LEFT) corruption += 2;
//TODO broadcast date, CBB
if ((header.SpeedField & 0b1110) is not 0 || header.IsHiROM != checkHiROM) corruption += 2;
if ((header.ContentTypeField & 0b1111) is not 0) corruption += 2;
else if ((header.ContentTypeField >> 4) is not (0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 10)) corruption++;
if (header.MagicDRMByte is not 0x33) corruption += 3; // just this would probably have sufficed
var checksumMatches = header.VerifyChecksum(rom);
if (!checksumMatches)
warnings.Add("mismatch with rom's internal checksum");
var detected = corruption <= THRESHOLD;
if (detected) Util.DebugWriteLine($"heuristic match for Satellaview game/content ({(checkHiROM ? "HiROM" : "LoROM")}, -{corruption} pts.): {header.ToString()}");
// Util.DebugWriteLine($"didn't match {(checkHiROM ? "HiROM" : "LoROM")}, -{corruption} pts.: {header.ToString()}");
return detected;
/// <remarks>not to be confused with a "slotted cart" i.e. base game, which we treat as either firmware or a normal SNES rom</remarks>
public static bool IsSatellaviewRom(ReadOnlySpan<byte> rom, out IReadOnlyList<string> warnings)
if (rom.Length is not ROM_LENGTH)
warnings = Array.Empty<string>();
return false;
List<string> warnings1 = new();
//TODO which should we check first?
var detected = CheckHeaderHeuristics(checkHiROM: false, rom, warnings1)
|| CheckHeaderHeuristics(checkHiROM: true, rom, warnings1);
warnings = warnings1;
return detected;