Vectrex Initial Commit

This commit is contained in:
alyosha-tas 2019-03-30 16:09:04 -05:00
parent 31237e0c92
commit ba4ec02cb5
30 changed files with 3970 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -597,6 +597,39 @@
<Compile Include="Consoles\Belogic\LibUzem.cs" />
<Compile Include="Consoles\Belogic\Uzem.cs" />
<Compile Include="Consoles\GCE\Vectrex\Audio.cs" />
<Compile Include="Consoles\GCE\Vectrex\Vectrex.CpuLink.cs" />
<Compile Include="Consoles\GCE\Vectrex\VectrexHawk.cs" />
<Compile Include="Consoles\GCE\Vectrex\VectrexHawk.ICodeDataLog.cs" />
<Compile Include="Consoles\GCE\Vectrex\VectrexHawk.IDebuggable.cs">
<Compile Include="Consoles\GCE\Vectrex\VectrexHawk.IEmulator.cs">
<Compile Include="Consoles\GCE\Vectrex\VectrexHawk.IInputPollable.cs">
<Compile Include="Consoles\GCE\Vectrex\VectrexHawk.IMemoryDomains.cs">
<Compile Include="Consoles\GCE\Vectrex\VectrexHawk.ISaveRam.cs">
<Compile Include="Consoles\GCE\Vectrex\VectrexHawk.ISettable.cs">
<Compile Include="Consoles\GCE\Vectrex\VectrexHawk.IStatable.cs">
<Compile Include="Consoles\GCE\Vectrex\VectrexHawkControllerDeck.cs" />
<Compile Include="Consoles\GCE\Vectrex\VectrexHawkControllers.cs" />
<Compile Include="Consoles\GCE\Vectrex\HW_Registers.cs" />
<Compile Include="Consoles\GCE\Vectrex\Mappers\MapperBase.cs" />
<Compile Include="Consoles\GCE\Vectrex\Mappers\Mapper_Default.cs" />
<Compile Include="Consoles\GCE\Vectrex\MemoryMap.cs" />
<Compile Include="Consoles\GCE\Vectrex\PPU.cs" />
<Compile Include="Consoles\GCE\Vectrex\SerialPort.cs" />
<Compile Include="Consoles\Coleco\ColecoVision.cs" />
<Compile Include="Consoles\Coleco\ColecoVision.IDebuggable.cs">
@ -1493,6 +1526,13 @@
<Compile Include="CPUs\CP1610\CP1610.Disassembler.cs" />
<Compile Include="CPUs\CP1610\CP1610.Execute.cs" />
<Compile Include="CPUs\HuC6280\HuC6280_CDL.cs" />
<Compile Include="CPUs\MC6809\Execute.cs" />
<Compile Include="CPUs\MC6809\Interrupts.cs" />
<Compile Include="CPUs\MC6809\MC6809.cs" />
<Compile Include="CPUs\MC6809\NewDisassembler.cs" />
<Compile Include="CPUs\MC6809\Operations.cs" />
<Compile Include="CPUs\MC6809\Registers.cs" />
<Compile Include="CPUs\MC6809\Tables_Direct.cs" />
<Compile Include="CPUs\LR35902\Execute.cs" />
<Compile Include="CPUs\LR35902\Interrupts.cs" />
<Compile Include="CPUs\LR35902\LR35902.cs" />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
using System;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Common.Components.MC6809
public partial class MC6809
private ulong totalExecutedCycles;
public ulong TotalExecutedCycles { get { return totalExecutedCycles; } set { totalExecutedCycles = value; } }
private int EI_pending;
private bool interrupts_enabled;
// variables for executing instructions
public int instr_pntr = 0;
public ushort[] cur_instr;
public int opcode;
public bool halted;
public bool stopped;
public bool jammed;
public int LY;
public void FetchInstruction(byte opcode)
switch (opcode)
case 0x00: DIRECT_MEM(NEG); break; // NEG (Direct)
case 0x01: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x02: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x03: DIRECT_MEM(COM); break; // COM (Direct)
case 0x04: DIRECT_MEM(LSR); break; // LSR (Direct)
case 0x05: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x06: DIRECT_MEM(ROR); break; // ROR (Direct)
case 0x07: DIRECT_MEM(ASR); break; // ASR (Direct)
case 0x08: DIRECT_MEM(ASL); break; // ASL , LSL (Direct)
case 0x09: DIRECT_MEM(ROL); break; // ROL (Direct)
case 0x0A: DIRECT_MEM(DEC8); break; // DEC (Direct)
case 0x0B: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x0C: DIRECT_MEM(INC8); break; // INC (Direct)
case 0x0D: DIRECT_MEM(TST); break; // TST (Direct)
case 0x0E: JMP_DIR_(); break; // JMP (Direct)
case 0x0F: DIRECT_MEM(CLR); break; // CLR (Direct)
case 0x10: PAGE_2(); break; // Page 2
case 0x11: PAGE_3(); break; // Page 3
case 0x12: NOP_(); break; // NOP (Inherent)
case 0x13: SYNC_(); break; // SYNC (Inherent)
case 0x14: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x15: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x16: LBR_(true); break; // LBRA (Relative)
case 0x17: LBSR_(); break; // LBSR (Relative)
case 0x18: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x19: REG_OP(DA, A); break; // DAA (Inherent)
case 0x1A: REG_OP_IMD_CC(OR8); break; // ORCC (Immediate)
case 0x1B: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x1C: REG_OP_IMD_CC(AND8); break; // ANDCC (Immediate)
case 0x1D: REG_OP(SEX, A); break; // SEX (Inherent)
case 0x1E: EXG_(); break; // EXG (Immediate)
case 0x1F: TFR_(); break; // TFR (Immediate)
case 0x20: BR_(true); break; // BRA (Relative)
case 0x21: BR_(false); break; // BRN (Relative)
case 0x22: BR_(!(FlagC | FlagZ)); break; // BHI (Relative)
case 0x23: BR_(FlagC | FlagZ); break; // BLS (Relative)
case 0x24: BR_(!FlagC); break; // BHS , BCC (Relative)
case 0x25: BR_(FlagC); break; // BLO , BCS (Relative)
case 0x26: BR_(!FlagZ); break; // BNE (Relative)
case 0x27: BR_(FlagZ); break; // BEQ (Relative)
case 0x28: BR_(!FlagV); break; // BVC (Relative)
case 0x29: BR_(FlagV); break; // BVS (Relative)
case 0x2A: BR_(!FlagN); break; // BPL (Relative)
case 0x2B: BR_(FlagN); break; // BMI (Relative)
case 0x2C: BR_(FlagN == FlagV); break; // BGE (Relative)
case 0x2D: BR_(FlagN ^ FlagV); break; // BLT (Relative)
case 0x2E: BR_((!FlagZ) & (FlagN == FlagV)); break; // BGT (Relative)
case 0x2F: BR_(FlagZ | (FlagN ^ FlagV)); break; // BLE (Relative)
case 0x30: JR_COND(!FlagC); break; // LEAX (Indexed)
case 0x31: ; break; // LEAY (Indexed)
case 0x32: ; break; // LEAS (Indexed)
case 0x33: ; break; // LEAU (Indexed)
case 0x34: ; break; // PSHS (Immediate)
case 0x35: ; break; // PULS (Immediate)
case 0x36: ; break; // PSHU (Immediate)
case 0x37: ; break; // PULU (Immediate)
case 0x38: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x39: ; break; // RTS (Inherent)
case 0x3A: ; break; // ABX (Inherent)
case 0x3B: ; break; // RTI (Inherent)
case 0x3C: ; break; // CWAI (Inherent)
case 0x3D: ; break; // MUL (Inherent)
case 0x3E: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x3F: ; break; // SWI (Inherent)
case 0x40: REG_OP(NEG, A); break; // NEGA (Inherent)
case 0x41: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x42: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x43: REG_OP(COM, A); break; // COMA (Inherent)
case 0x44: REG_OP(LSR, A); break; // LSRA (Inherent)
case 0x45: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x46: REG_OP(ROR, A); break; // RORA (Inherent)
case 0x47: REG_OP(ASR, A); break; // ASRA (Inherent)
case 0x48: REG_OP(ASL, A); break; // ASLA , LSLA (Inherent)
case 0x49: REG_OP(ROL, A); break; // ROLA (Inherent)
case 0x4A: REG_OP(DEC8, A); break; // DECA (Inherent)
case 0x4B: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x4C: REG_OP(INC8, A); break; // INCA (Inherent)
case 0x4D: REG_OP(TST, A); break; // TSTA (Inherent)
case 0x4E: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x4F: REG_OP(CLR, A); break; // CLRA (Inherent)
case 0x50: REG_OP(NEG, B); break; // NEGB (Inherent)
case 0x51: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x52: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x53: REG_OP(COM, B); break; // COMB (Inherent)
case 0x54: REG_OP(LSR, B); break; // LSRB (Inherent)
case 0x55: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x56: REG_OP(ROR, B); break; // RORB (Inherent)
case 0x57: REG_OP(ASR, B); break; // ASRB (Inherent)
case 0x58: REG_OP(ASL, B); break; // ASLB , LSLB (Inherent)
case 0x59: REG_OP(ROL, B); break; // ROLB (Inherent)
case 0x5A: REG_OP(DEC8, B); break; // DECB (Inherent)
case 0x5B: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x5C: REG_OP(INC8, B); break; // INCB (Inherent)
case 0x5D: REG_OP(TST, B); break; // TSTB (Inherent)
case 0x5E: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x5F: REG_OP(CLR, B); break; // CLRB (Inherent)
case 0x60: REG_OP(TR, B); break; // NEG (Indexed)
case 0x61: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x62: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x63: REG_OP(TR, B); break; // COM (Indexed)
case 0x64: REG_OP(TR, B); break; // LSR (Indexed)
case 0x65: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x66: REG_OP(TR, B); break; // ROR (Indexed)
case 0x67: REG_OP(TR, A); break; // ASR (Indexed)
case 0x68: REG_OP(TR, A); break; // ASL , LSL (Indexed)
case 0x69: REG_OP(TR, A); break; // ROL (Indexed)
case 0x6A: REG_OP(TR, A); break; // DEC (Indexed)
case 0x6B: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x6C: REG_OP(TR, A); break; // INC (Indexed)
case 0x6D: REG_OP(TR, A); break; // TST (Indexed)
case 0x6E: REG_OP(TR, A); break; // JMP (Indexed)
case 0x6F: REG_OP(TR, A); break; // CLR (Indexed)
case 0x70: REG_OP(TR, A); break; // NEG (Extended)
case 0x71: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x72: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x73: REG_OP(TR, A); break; // COM (Extended)
case 0x74: REG_OP(TR, A); break; // LSR (Extended)
case 0x75: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x76: REG_OP(TR, A); break; // ROR (Extended)
case 0x77: REG_OP(TR, A); break; // ASR (Extended)
case 0x78: REG_OP(TR, A); break; // ASL , LSL (Extended)
case 0x79: REG_OP(TR, A); break; // ROL (Extended)
case 0x7A: REG_OP(TR, A); break; // DEC (Extended)
case 0x7B: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x7C: REG_OP(TR, A); break; // INC (Extended)
case 0x7D: REG_OP(TR, A); break; // TST (Extended)
case 0x7E: REG_OP(TR, A); break; // JMP (Extended)
case 0x7F: REG_OP(TR, A); break; // CLR (Extended)
case 0x80: REG_OP(ADD8, A); break; // SUBA (Immediate)
case 0x81: REG_OP(ADD8, A); break; // CMPA (Immediate)
case 0x82: REG_OP(ADD8, A); break; // SBCA (Immediate)
case 0x83: REG_OP(ADD8, A); break; // SUBD (Immediate)
case 0x84: REG_OP(ADD8, A); break; // ANDA (Immediate)
case 0x85: REG_OP(ADD8, A); break; // BITA (Immediate)
case 0x86: REG_OP(ADD8, A); break; // LDA (Immediate)
case 0x87: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x88: REG_OP(ADC8, A); break; // EORA (Immediate)
case 0x89: REG_OP(ADC8, A); break; // ADCA (Immediate)
case 0x8A: REG_OP(ADC8, A); break; // ORA (Immediate)
case 0x8B: REG_OP(ADC8, A); break; // ADDA (Immediate)
case 0x8C: REG_OP(ADC8, A); break; // CMPX (Immediate)
case 0x8D: REG_OP(ADC8, A); break; // BSR (Relative)
case 0x8E: REG_OP(ADC8, A); break; // LDX (Immediate)
case 0x8F: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0x90: REG_OP(ADD8, A); break; // SUBA (Direct)
case 0x91: REG_OP(ADD8, A); break; // CMPA (Direct)
case 0x92: REG_OP(ADD8, A); break; // SBCA (Direct)
case 0x93: REG_OP(ADD8, A); break; // SUBD (Direct)
case 0x94: REG_OP(ADD8, A); break; // ANDA (Direct)
case 0x95: REG_OP(ADD8, A); break; // BITA (Direct)
case 0x96: REG_OP(ADD8, A); break; // LDA (Direct)
case 0x97: REG_OP(ADD8, A); break; // STA (Direct)
case 0x98: REG_OP(ADC8, A); break; // EORA (Direct)
case 0x99: REG_OP(ADC8, A); break; // ADCA (Direct)
case 0x9A: REG_OP(ADC8, A); break; // ORA (Direct)
case 0x9B: REG_OP(ADC8, A); break; // ADDA (Direct)
case 0x9C: REG_OP(ADC8, A); break; // CMPX (Direct)
case 0x9D: REG_OP(ADC8, A); break; // JSR (Direct)
case 0x9E: REG_OP(ADC8, A); break; // LDX (Direct)
case 0x9F: REG_OP(ADC8, A); break; // STX (Direct)
case 0xA0: REG_OP(AND8, A); break; // SUBA (Indexed)
case 0xA1: REG_OP(AND8, A); break; // CMPA (Indexed)
case 0xA2: REG_OP(AND8, A); break; // SBCA (Indexed)
case 0xA3: REG_OP(AND8, A); break; // SUBD (Indexed)
case 0xA4: REG_OP(AND8, A); break; // ANDA (Indexed)
case 0xA5: REG_OP(AND8, A); break; // BITA (Indexed)
case 0xA6: REG_OP(AND8, A); break; // LDA (Indexed)
case 0xA7: REG_OP(AND8, A); break; // STA (Indexed)
case 0xA8: REG_OP(XOR8, A); break; // EORA (Indexed)
case 0xA9: REG_OP(XOR8, A); break; // ADCA (Indexed)
case 0xAA: REG_OP(XOR8, A); break; // ORA (Indexed)
case 0xAB: REG_OP(XOR8, A); break; // ADDA (Indexed)
case 0xAC: REG_OP(XOR8, A); break; // CMPX (Indexed)
case 0xAD: REG_OP(XOR8, A); break; // JSR (Indexed)
case 0xAE: REG_OP(XOR8, A); break; // LDX (Indexed)
case 0xAF: REG_OP(XOR8, A); break; // STX (Indexed)
case 0xB0: REG_OP(AND8, A); break; // SUBA (Extended)
case 0xB1: REG_OP(AND8, A); break; // CMPA (Extended)
case 0xB2: REG_OP(AND8, A); break; // SBCA (Extended)
case 0xB3: REG_OP(AND8, A); break; // SUBD (Extended)
case 0xB4: REG_OP(AND8, A); break; // ANDA (Extended)
case 0xB5: REG_OP(AND8, A); break; // BITA (Extended)
case 0xB6: REG_OP(AND8, A); break; // LDA (Extended)
case 0xB7: REG_OP(AND8, A); break; // STA (Extended)
case 0xB8: REG_OP(XOR8, A); break; // EORA (Extended)
case 0xB9: REG_OP(XOR8, A); break; // ADCA (Extended)
case 0xBA: REG_OP(XOR8, A); break; // ORA (Extended)
case 0xBB: REG_OP(XOR8, A); break; // ADDA (Extended)
case 0xBC: REG_OP(XOR8, A); break; // CMPX (Extended)
case 0xBD: REG_OP(XOR8, A); break; // JSR (Extended)
case 0xBE: REG_OP(XOR8, A); break; // LDX (Extended)
case 0xBF: REG_OP(XOR8, A); break; // STX (Extended)
case 0xC0: REG_OP(ADD8, A); break; // SUBB (Immediate)
case 0xC1: REG_OP(ADD8, A); break; // CMPB (Immediate)
case 0xC2: REG_OP(ADD8, A); break; // SBCB (Immediate)
case 0xC3: REG_OP(ADD8, A); break; // ADDD (Immediate)
case 0xC4: REG_OP(ADD8, A); break; // ANDB (Immediate)
case 0xC5: REG_OP(ADD8, A); break; // BITB (Immediate)
case 0xC6: REG_OP(ADD8, A); break; // LDB (Immediate)
case 0xC7: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0xC8: REG_OP(ADC8, A); break; // EORB (Immediate)
case 0xC9: REG_OP(ADC8, A); break; // ADCB (Immediate)
case 0xCA: REG_OP(ADC8, A); break; // ORB (Immediate)
case 0xCB: REG_OP(ADC8, A); break; // ADDB (Immediate)
case 0xCC: REG_OP(ADC8, A); break; // LDD (Immediate)
case 0xCD: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0xCE: REG_OP(ADC8, A); break; // LDU (Immediate)
case 0xCF: ILLEGAL(); break; // ILLEGAL
case 0xD0: REG_OP(ADD8, B); break; // SUBB (Direct)
case 0xD1: REG_OP(ADD8, B); break; // CMPB (Direct)
case 0xD2: REG_OP(ADD8, B); break; // SBCB (Direct)
case 0xD3: REG_OP(ADD8, B); break; // ADDD (Direct)
case 0xD4: REG_OP(ADD8, B); break; // ANDB (Direct)
case 0xD5: REG_OP(ADD8, B); break; // BITB (Direct)
case 0xD6: REG_OP(ADD8, B); break; // LDB (Direct)
case 0xD7: REG_OP(ADD8, B); break; // STB (Direct)
case 0xD8: REG_OP(ADC8, B); break; // EORB (Direct)
case 0xD9: REG_OP(ADC8, B); break; // ADCB (Direct)
case 0xDA: REG_OP(ADC8, B); break; // ORB (Direct)
case 0xDB: REG_OP(ADC8, B); break; // ADDB (Direct)
case 0xDC: REG_OP(ADC8, B); break; // LDD (Direct)
case 0xDD: REG_OP(ADC8, B); break; // STD (Direct)
case 0xDE: REG_OP(ADC8, B); break; // LDU (Direct)
case 0xDF: REG_OP(ADC8, B); break; // STU (Direct)
case 0xE0: REG_OP(AND8, B); break; // SUBB (Indexed)
case 0xE1: REG_OP(AND8, B); break; // CMPB (Indexed)
case 0xE2: REG_OP(AND8, B); break; // SBCB (Indexed)
case 0xE3: REG_OP(AND8, B); break; // ADDD (Indexed)
case 0xE4: REG_OP(AND8, B); break; // ANDB (Indexed)
case 0xE5: REG_OP(AND8, B); break; // BITB (Indexed)
case 0xE6: REG_OP(AND8, B); break; // LDB (Indexed)
case 0xE7: REG_OP(AND8, B); break; // STB (Indexed)
case 0xE8: REG_OP(XOR8, B); break; // EORB (Indexed)
case 0xE9: REG_OP(XOR8, B); break; // ADCB (Indexed)
case 0xEA: REG_OP(XOR8, B); break; // ORB (Indexed)
case 0xEB: REG_OP(XOR8, B); break; // ADDB (Indexed)
case 0xEC: REG_OP(XOR8, B); break; // LDD (Indexed)
case 0xED: REG_OP(XOR8, B); break; // STD (Indexed)
case 0xEE: REG_OP(XOR8, B); break; // LDU (Indexed)
case 0xEF: REG_OP(XOR8, B); break; // STU (Indexed)
case 0xF0: REG_OP(AND8, B); break; // SUBB (Extended)
case 0xF1: REG_OP(AND8, B); break; // CMPB (Extended)
case 0xF2: REG_OP(AND8, B); break; // SBCB (Extended)
case 0xF3: REG_OP(AND8, B); break; // ADDD (Extended)
case 0xF4: REG_OP(AND8, B); break; // ANDB (Extended)
case 0xF5: REG_OP(AND8, B); break; // BITB (Extended)
case 0xF6: REG_OP(AND8, B); break; // LDB (Extended)
case 0xF7: REG_OP(AND8, B); break; // STB (Extended)
case 0xF8: REG_OP(XOR8, B); break; // EORB (Extended)
case 0xF9: REG_OP(XOR8, B); break; // ADCB (Extended)
case 0xFA: REG_OP(XOR8, B); break; // ORB (Extended)
case 0xFB: REG_OP(XOR8, B); break; // ADDB (Extended)
case 0xFC: REG_OP(XOR8, B); break; // LDD (Extended)
case 0xFD: REG_OP(XOR8, B); break; // STD (Extended)
case 0xFE: REG_OP(XOR8, B); break; // LDU (Extended)
case 0xFF: REG_OP(XOR8, B); break; // STU (Extended)
public void FetchInstruction2(byte opcode)
switch (opcode)
default: ILLEGAL(); break;
public void FetchInstruction3(byte opcode)
switch (opcode)
default: ILLEGAL(); break;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
using System;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Common.Components.MC6809
public partial class MC6809
private void INTERRUPT_()
private void INTERRUPT_GBC_NOP()
private static ushort[] INT_vectors = new ushort[] {0x40, 0x48, 0x50, 0x58, 0x60, 0x00};
public ushort int_src;
public int stop_time;
public bool stop_check;
public bool is_GBC; // GBC automatically adds a NOP to avoid the HALT bug (according to Sinimas)
public bool I_use; // in halt mode, the I flag is checked earlier then when deicision to IRQ is taken
public bool skip_once;
public bool Halt_bug_2;
public bool Halt_bug_3;
private void ResetInterrupts()
I_use = false;
skip_once = false;
Halt_bug_2 = false;
Halt_bug_3 = false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using BizHawk.Common;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
using BizHawk.Common.NumberExtensions;
// Motorola Corp 6809
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Common.Components.MC6809
public sealed partial class MC6809
// operations that can take place in an instruction
public const ushort IDLE = 0;
public const ushort OP = 1;
public const ushort RD = 2;
public const ushort WR = 3;
public const ushort TR = 4;
public const ushort ADD16BR = 5;
public const ushort ADD8 = 6;
public const ushort SUB8 = 7;
public const ushort ADC8 = 8;
public const ushort SBC8 = 9;
public const ushort INC16 = 10;
public const ushort INC8 = 11;
public const ushort DEC16 = 12;
public const ushort DEC8 = 13;
public const ushort RLC = 14;
public const ushort ROL = 15;
public const ushort RRC = 16;
public const ushort ROR = 17;
public const ushort COM = 18;
public const ushort DA = 19;
public const ushort SCF = 20;
public const ushort CCF = 21;
public const ushort AND8 = 22;
public const ushort XOR8 = 23;
public const ushort OR8 = 24;
public const ushort CP8 = 25;
public const ushort ASL = 26;
public const ushort ASR = 27;
public const ushort LSR = 28;
public const ushort SWAP = 29;
public const ushort BIT = 30;
public const ushort RES = 31;
public const ushort SET = 32;
public const ushort EI = 33;
public const ushort DI = 34;
public const ushort HALT = 35;
public const ushort STOP = 36;
public const ushort ASGN = 38;
public const ushort ADDS = 39; // signed 16 bit operation used in 2 instructions
public const ushort OP_G = 40; // glitchy opcode read performed by halt when interrupts disabled
public const ushort JAM = 41; // all undocumented opcodes jam the machine
public const ushort RD_F = 42; // special read case to pop value into F
public const ushort EI_RETI = 43; // reti has no delay in interrupt enable
public const ushort INT_GET = 44;
public const ushort HALT_CHK = 45; // when in halt mode, actually check I Flag here
public const ushort RD_INC = 46;
public const ushort SET_ADDR = 47;
public const ushort NEG = 48;
public const ushort TST = 49;
public const ushort CLR = 50;
public const ushort OP_PG_2 = 51;
public const ushort OP_PG_3 = 52;
public const ushort SEX = 53;
public const ushort RD_INC_OP = 54;
public const ushort EXG = 55;
public const ushort TFR = 56;
public const ushort WR_DEC_LO = 57;
public const ushort WR_HI = 58;
public const ushort ADD8BR = 59;
public MC6809()
public void Reset()
TotalExecutedCycles = 8;
stop_check = false;
cur_instr = new ushort[] { IDLE, IDLE, HALT_CHK, OP };
// Memory Access
public Func<ushort, byte> ReadMemory;
public Action<ushort, byte> WriteMemory;
public Func<ushort, byte> PeekMemory;
public Func<ushort, byte> DummyReadMemory;
// Special Function for Speed switching executed on a STOP
public Func<int, int> SpeedFunc;
//this only calls when the first byte of an instruction is fetched.
public Action<ushort> OnExecFetch;
public void UnregisterMemoryMapper()
ReadMemory = null;
ReadMemory = null;
PeekMemory = null;
DummyReadMemory = null;
public void SetCallbacks
Func<ushort, byte> ReadMemory,
Func<ushort, byte> DummyReadMemory,
Func<ushort, byte> PeekMemory,
Action<ushort, byte> WriteMemory
this.ReadMemory = ReadMemory;
this.DummyReadMemory = DummyReadMemory;
this.PeekMemory = PeekMemory;
this.WriteMemory = WriteMemory;
//a little CDL related stuff
public delegate void DoCDLCallbackType(ushort addr, MC6809.eCDLogMemFlags flags);
public DoCDLCallbackType CDLCallback;
public enum eCDLogMemFlags
FetchFirst = 1,
FetchOperand = 2,
Data = 4,
Write = 8
// Execute instructions
public void ExecuteOne(ref byte interrupt_src, byte interrupt_enable)
switch (cur_instr[instr_pntr++])
case IDLE:
// do nothing
case OP:
// Read the opcode of the next instruction
if (EI_pending > 0)
if (EI_pending == 0)
interrupts_enabled = true;
if (I_use && interrupts_enabled && !jammed)
interrupts_enabled = false;
if (TraceCallback != null)
TraceCallback(new TraceInfo
Disassembly = "====IRQ====",
RegisterInfo = ""
// call interrupt processor
// lowest bit set is highest priority
if (OnExecFetch != null) OnExecFetch(PC);
if (TraceCallback != null) TraceCallback(State());
if (CDLCallback != null) CDLCallback(PC, eCDLogMemFlags.FetchFirst);
instr_pntr = 0;
I_use = false;
case OP_PG_2:
case OP_PG_3:
case RD:
Read_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case RD_INC:
Read_Inc_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case RD_INC_OP:
Read_Inc_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
switch (cur_instr[instr_pntr++])
case AND8:
AND8_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case OR8:
OR8_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case SUB8:
SUB8_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case WR:
Write_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case WR_DEC_LO:
Write_Dec_Lo_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case WR_HI:
Write_Hi_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case TR:
TR_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case EXG:
case TFR:
case SET_ADDR:
Regs[cur_instr[instr_pntr++]] = (ushort)((Regs[cur_instr[instr_pntr++]] << 8) | Regs[cur_instr[instr_pntr++]]);
case NEG:
case TST:
case CLR:
case SEX:
case ADD16BR:
ADD16BR_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case ADD8BR:
ADD8BR_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case ADD8:
ADD8_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case SUB8:
SUB8_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case ADC8:
ADC8_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case SBC8:
SBC8_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case INC16:
INC16_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case INC8:
case DEC16:
case DEC8:
case RLC:
case ROL:
case RRC:
case ROR:
case COM:
case DA:
case SCF:
case CCF:
case AND8:
AND8_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case XOR8:
XOR8_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case OR8:
OR8_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case CP8:
CP8_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case ASL:
case ASR:
case LSR:
case SWAP:
case BIT:
BIT_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case RES:
RES_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case SET:
SET_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case EI:
if (EI_pending == 0) { EI_pending = 2; }
case DI:
interrupts_enabled = false;
EI_pending = 0;
case HALT:
case STOP:
case ASGN:
ASGN_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case ADDS:
ADDS_Func(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case OP_G:
if (OnExecFetch != null) OnExecFetch(PC);
if (TraceCallback != null) TraceCallback(State());
if (CDLCallback != null) CDLCallback(PC, eCDLogMemFlags.FetchFirst);
FetchInstruction(ReadMemory(PC)); // note no increment
instr_pntr = 0;
case JAM:
jammed = true;
case RD_F:
Read_Func_F(cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++], cur_instr[instr_pntr++]);
case EI_RETI:
EI_pending = 1;
case INT_GET:
case HALT_CHK:
// tracer stuff
public Action<TraceInfo> TraceCallback;
public string TraceHeader
get { return "MC6809: PC, machine code, mnemonic, operands, registers (A, F, B, C, D, E, H, L, SP), Cy, flags (ZNHCI)"; }
public TraceInfo State(bool disassemble = true)
ushort notused;
return new TraceInfo
Disassembly = string.Format(
"{0} ",
disassemble ? Disassemble(PC, ReadMemory, out notused) : "---").PadRight(40),
RegisterInfo = string.Format(
"A:{0:X2} F:{1:X2} B:{2:X2} C:{3:X2} D:{4:X2} E:{5:X2} H:{6:X2} L:{7:X2}",
FlagZ ? "Z" : "z",
FlagN ? "N" : "n",
FlagH ? "H" : "h",
FlagC ? "C" : "c",
FlagI ? "I" : "i",
interrupts_enabled ? "E" : "e")
/// <summary>
/// Optimization method to set cur_instr
/// </summary>
private void PopulateCURINSTR(ushort d0 = 0, ushort d1 = 0, ushort d2 = 0, ushort d3 = 0, ushort d4 = 0, ushort d5 = 0, ushort d6 = 0, ushort d7 = 0, ushort d8 = 0,
ushort d9 = 0, ushort d10 = 0, ushort d11 = 0, ushort d12 = 0, ushort d13 = 0, ushort d14 = 0, ushort d15 = 0, ushort d16 = 0, ushort d17 = 0, ushort d18 = 0,
ushort d19 = 0, ushort d20 = 0, ushort d21 = 0, ushort d22 = 0, ushort d23 = 0, ushort d24 = 0, ushort d25 = 0, ushort d26 = 0, ushort d27 = 0, ushort d28 = 0,
ushort d29 = 0, ushort d30 = 0, ushort d31 = 0, ushort d32 = 0, ushort d33 = 0, ushort d34 = 0, ushort d35 = 0, ushort d36 = 0, ushort d37 = 0)
cur_instr[0] = d0; cur_instr[1] = d1; cur_instr[2] = d2;
cur_instr[3] = d3; cur_instr[4] = d4; cur_instr[5] = d5;
cur_instr[6] = d6; cur_instr[7] = d7; cur_instr[8] = d8;
cur_instr[9] = d9; cur_instr[10] = d10; cur_instr[11] = d11;
cur_instr[12] = d12; cur_instr[13] = d13; cur_instr[14] = d14;
cur_instr[15] = d15; cur_instr[16] = d16; cur_instr[17] = d17;
cur_instr[18] = d18; cur_instr[19] = d19; cur_instr[20] = d20;
cur_instr[21] = d21; cur_instr[22] = d22; cur_instr[23] = d23;
cur_instr[24] = d24; cur_instr[25] = d25; cur_instr[26] = d26;
cur_instr[27] = d27; cur_instr[28] = d28; cur_instr[29] = d29;
cur_instr[30] = d30; cur_instr[31] = d31; cur_instr[32] = d32;
cur_instr[33] = d33; cur_instr[34] = d34; cur_instr[35] = d35;
cur_instr[36] = d36; cur_instr[37] = d37;
// State Save/Load
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)
ser.Sync("IRQ", ref interrupts_enabled);
ser.Sync("I_use", ref I_use);
ser.Sync("skip_once", ref skip_once);
ser.Sync("Halt_bug_2", ref Halt_bug_2);
ser.Sync("Halt_bug_3", ref Halt_bug_3);
ser.Sync("Halted", ref halted);
ser.Sync("ExecutedCycles", ref totalExecutedCycles);
ser.Sync("EI_pending", ref EI_pending);
ser.Sync("int_src", ref int_src);
ser.Sync("stop_time", ref stop_time);
ser.Sync("stop_check", ref stop_check);
ser.Sync("is_GBC", ref is_GBC);
ser.Sync("instr_pntr", ref instr_pntr);
ser.Sync("cur_instr", ref cur_instr, false);
ser.Sync("Stopped", ref stopped);
ser.Sync("opcode", ref opcode);
ser.Sync("jammped", ref jammed);
ser.Sync("LY", ref LY);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Common.Components.MC6809
// adapted from the information at
public sealed partial class MC6809
static string[] table =
"NOP", // 00
"LD BC,d16", // 01
"LD (BC),A", // 02
"INC BC", // 03
"INC B", // 04
"DEC B", // 05
"LD B,d8", // 06
"RLCA", // 07
"LD (a16),SP", // 08
"ADD HL,BC", // 09
"LD A,(BC)", // 0a
"DEC BC", // 0b
"INC C", // 0c
"DEC C", // 0d
"LD C,d8", // 0e
"RRCA", // 0f
"STOP 0", // 10
"LD DE,d16", // 11
"LD (DE),A", // 12
"INC DE", // 13
"INC D", // 14
"DEC D", // 15
"LD D,d8", // 16
"RLA", // 17
"JR r8", // 18
"ADD HL,DE", // 19
"LD A,(DE)", // 1a
"DEC DE", // 1b
"INC E", // 1c
"DEC E", // 1d
"LD E,d8", // 1e
"RRA", // 1f
"JR NZ,r8", // 20
"LD HL,d16", // 21
"LD (HL+),A", // 22
"INC HL", // 23
"INC H", // 24
"DEC H", // 25
"LD H,d8", // 26
"DAA", // 27
"JR Z,r8", // 28
"ADD HL,HL", // 29
"LD A,(HL+)", // 2a
"DEC HL", // 2b
"INC L", // 2c
"DEC L", // 2d
"LD L,d8", // 2e
"CPL", // 2f
"JR NC,r8", // 30
"LD SP,d16", // 31
"LD (HL-),A", // 32
"INC SP", // 33
"INC (HL)", // 34
"DEC (HL)", // 35
"LD (HL),d8", // 36
"SCF", // 37
"JR C,r8", // 38
"ADD HL,SP", // 39
"LD A,(HL-)", // 3a
"DEC SP", // 3b
"INC A", // 3c
"DEC A", // 3d
"LD A,d8", // 3e
"CCF", // 3f
"LD B,B", // 40
"LD B,C", // 41
"LD B,D", // 42
"LD B,E", // 43
"LD B,H", // 44
"LD B,L", // 45
"LD B,(HL)", // 46
"LD B,A", // 47
"LD C,B", // 48
"LD C,C", // 49
"LD C,D", // 4a
"LD C,E", // 4b
"LD C,H", // 4c
"LD C,L", // 4d
"LD C,(HL)", // 4e
"LD C,A", // 4f
"LD D,B", // 50
"LD D,C", // 51
"LD D,D", // 52
"LD D,E", // 53
"LD D,H", // 54
"LD D,L", // 55
"LD D,(HL)", // 56
"LD D,A", // 57
"LD E,B", // 58
"LD E,C", // 59
"LD E,D", // 5a
"LD E,E", // 5b
"LD E,H", // 5c
"LD E,L", // 5d
"LD E,(HL)", // 5e
"LD E,A", // 5f
"LD H,B", // 60
"LD H,C", // 61
"LD H,D", // 62
"LD H,E", // 63
"LD H,H", // 64
"LD H,L", // 65
"LD H,(HL)", // 66
"LD H,A", // 67
"LD L,B", // 68
"LD L,C", // 69
"LD L,D", // 6a
"LD L,E", // 6b
"LD L,H", // 6c
"LD L,L", // 6d
"LD L,(HL)", // 6e
"LD L,A", // 6f
"LD (HL),B", // 70
"LD (HL),C", // 71
"LD (HL),D", // 72
"LD (HL),E", // 73
"LD (HL),H", // 74
"LD (HL),L", // 75
"HALT", // 76
"LD (HL),A", // 77
"LD A,B", // 78
"LD A,C", // 79
"LD A,D", // 7a
"LD A,E", // 7b
"LD A,H", // 7c
"LD A,L", // 7d
"LD A,(HL)", // 7e
"LD A,A", // 7f
"ADD A,B", // 80
"ADD A,C", // 81
"ADD A,D", // 82
"ADD A,E", // 83
"ADD A,H", // 84
"ADD A,L", // 85
"ADD A,(HL)", // 86
"ADD A,A", // 87
"ADC A,B", // 88
"ADC A,C", // 89
"ADC A,D", // 8a
"ADC A,E", // 8b
"ADC A,H", // 8c
"ADC A,L", // 8d
"ADC A,(HL)", // 8e
"ADC A,A", // 8f
"SUB B", // 90
"SUB C", // 91
"SUB D", // 92
"SUB E", // 93
"SUB H", // 94
"SUB L", // 95
"SUB (HL)", // 96
"SUB A", // 97
"SBC A,B", // 98
"SBC A,C", // 99
"SBC A,D", // 9a
"SBC A,E", // 9b
"SBC A,H", // 9c
"SBC A,L", // 9d
"SBC A,(HL)", // 9e
"SBC A,A", // 9f
"AND B", // a0
"AND C", // a1
"AND D", // a2
"AND E", // a3
"AND H", // a4
"AND L", // a5
"AND (HL)", // a6
"AND A", // a7
"XOR B", // a8
"XOR C", // a9
"XOR D", // aa
"XOR E", // ab
"XOR H", // ac
"XOR L", // ad
"XOR (HL)", // ae
"XOR A", // af
"OR B", // b0
"OR C", // b1
"OR D", // b2
"OR E", // b3
"OR H", // b4
"OR L", // b5
"OR (HL)", // b6
"OR A", // b7
"CP B", // b8
"CP C", // b9
"CP D", // ba
"CP E", // bb
"CP H", // bc
"CP L", // bd
"CP (HL)", // be
"CP A", // bf
"RET NZ", // c0
"POP BC", // c1
"JP NZ,a16", // c2
"JP a16", // c3
"CALL NZ,a16", // c4
"PUSH BC", // c5
"ADD A,d8", // c6
"RST 00H", // c7
"RET Z", // c8
"RET", // c9
"JP Z,a16", // ca
"PREFIX CB", // cb
"CALL Z,a16", // cc
"CALL a16", // cd
"ADC A,d8", // ce
"RST 08H", // cf
"RET NC", // d0
"POP DE", // d1
"JP NC,a16", // d2
"???", // d3
"CALL NC,a16", // d4
"PUSH DE", // d5
"SUB d8", // d6
"RST 10H", // d7
"RET C", // d8
"RETI", // d9
"JP C,a16", // da
"???", // db
"CALL C,a16", // dc
"???", // dd
"SBC A,d8", // de
"RST 18H", // df
"LDH (a8),A", // e0
"POP HL", // e1
"LD (C),A", // e2
"???", // e3
"???", // e4
"PUSH HL", // e5
"AND d8", // e6
"RST 20H", // e7
"ADD SP,r8", // e8
"JP (HL)", // e9
"LD (a16),A", // ea
"???", // eb
"???", // ec
"???", // ed
"XOR d8", // ee
"RST 28H", // ef
"LDH A,(a8)", // f0
"POP AF", // f1
"LD A,(C)", // f2
"DI", // f3
"???", // f4
"PUSH AF", // f5
"OR d8", // f6
"RST 30H", // f7
"LD HL,SP+r8", // f8
"LD SP,HL", // f9
"LD A,(a16)", // fa
"EI ", // fb
"???", // fc
"???", // fd
"CP d8", // fe
"RST 38H", // ff
"RLC B", // 00
"RLC C", // 01
"RLC D", // 02
"RLC E", // 03
"RLC H", // 04
"RLC L", // 05
"RLC (HL)", // 06
"RLC A", // 07
"RRC B", // 08
"RRC C", // 09
"RRC D", // 0a
"RRC E", // 0b
"RRC H", // 0c
"RRC L", // 0d
"RRC (HL)", // 0e
"RRC A", // 0f
"RL B", // 10
"RL C", // 11
"RL D", // 12
"RL E", // 13
"RL H", // 14
"RL L", // 15
"RL (HL)", // 16
"RL A", // 17
"RR B", // 18
"RR C", // 19
"RR D", // 1a
"RR E", // 1b
"RR H", // 1c
"RR L", // 1d
"RR (HL)", // 1e
"RR A", // 1f
"SLA B", // 20
"SLA C", // 21
"SLA D", // 22
"SLA E", // 23
"SLA H", // 24
"SLA L", // 25
"SLA (HL)", // 26
"SLA A", // 27
"SRA B", // 28
"SRA C", // 29
"SRA D", // 2a
"SRA E", // 2b
"SRA H", // 2c
"SRA L", // 2d
"SRA (HL)", // 2e
"SRA A", // 2f
"SWAP B", // 30
"SWAP C", // 31
"SWAP D", // 32
"SWAP E", // 33
"SWAP H", // 34
"SWAP L", // 35
"SWAP (HL)", // 36
"SWAP A", // 37
"SRL B", // 38
"SRL C", // 39
"SRL D", // 3a
"SRL E", // 3b
"SRL H", // 3c
"SRL L", // 3d
"SRL (HL)", // 3e
"SRL A", // 3f
"BIT 0,B", // 40
"BIT 0,C", // 41
"BIT 0,D", // 42
"BIT 0,E", // 43
"BIT 0,H", // 44
"BIT 0,L", // 45
"BIT 0,(HL)", // 46
"BIT 0,A", // 47
"BIT 1,B", // 48
"BIT 1,C", // 49
"BIT 1,D", // 4a
"BIT 1,E", // 4b
"BIT 1,H", // 4c
"BIT 1,L", // 4d
"BIT 1,(HL)", // 4e
"BIT 1,A", // 4f
"BIT 2,B", // 50
"BIT 2,C", // 51
"BIT 2,D", // 52
"BIT 2,E", // 53
"BIT 2,H", // 54
"BIT 2,L", // 55
"BIT 2,(HL)", // 56
"BIT 2,A", // 57
"BIT 3,B", // 58
"BIT 3,C", // 59
"BIT 3,D", // 5a
"BIT 3,E", // 5b
"BIT 3,H", // 5c
"BIT 3,L", // 5d
"BIT 3,(HL)", // 5e
"BIT 3,A", // 5f
"BIT 4,B", // 60
"BIT 4,C", // 61
"BIT 4,D", // 62
"BIT 4,E", // 63
"BIT 4,H", // 64
"BIT 4,L", // 65
"BIT 4,(HL)", // 66
"BIT 4,A", // 67
"BIT 5,B", // 68
"BIT 5,C", // 69
"BIT 5,D", // 6a
"BIT 5,E", // 6b
"BIT 5,H", // 6c
"BIT 5,L", // 6d
"BIT 5,(HL)", // 6e
"BIT 5,A", // 6f
"BIT 6,B", // 70
"BIT 6,C", // 71
"BIT 6,D", // 72
"BIT 6,E", // 73
"BIT 6,H", // 74
"BIT 6,L", // 75
"BIT 6,(HL)", // 76
"BIT 6,A", // 77
"BIT 7,B", // 78
"BIT 7,C", // 79
"BIT 7,D", // 7a
"BIT 7,E", // 7b
"BIT 7,H", // 7c
"BIT 7,L", // 7d
"BIT 7,(HL)", // 7e
"BIT 7,A", // 7f
"RES 0,B", // 80
"RES 0,C", // 81
"RES 0,D", // 82
"RES 0,E", // 83
"RES 0,H", // 84
"RES 0,L", // 85
"RES 0,(HL)", // 86
"RES 0,A", // 87
"RES 1,B", // 88
"RES 1,C", // 89
"RES 1,D", // 8a
"RES 1,E", // 8b
"RES 1,H", // 8c
"RES 1,L", // 8d
"RES 1,(HL)", // 8e
"RES 1,A", // 8f
"RES 2,B", // 90
"RES 2,C", // 91
"RES 2,D", // 92
"RES 2,E", // 93
"RES 2,H", // 94
"RES 2,L", // 95
"RES 2,(HL)", // 96
"RES 2,A", // 97
"RES 3,B", // 98
"RES 3,C", // 99
"RES 3,D", // 9a
"RES 3,E", // 9b
"RES 3,H", // 9c
"RES 3,L", // 9d
"RES 3,(HL)", // 9e
"RES 3,A", // 9f
"RES 4,B", // a0
"RES 4,C", // a1
"RES 4,D", // a2
"RES 4,E", // a3
"RES 4,H", // a4
"RES 4,L", // a5
"RES 4,(HL)", // a6
"RES 4,A", // a7
"RES 5,B", // a8
"RES 5,C", // a9
"RES 5,D", // aa
"RES 5,E", // ab
"RES 5,H", // ac
"RES 5,L", // ad
"RES 5,(HL)", // ae
"RES 5,A", // af
"RES 6,B", // b0
"RES 6,C", // b1
"RES 6,D", // b2
"RES 6,E", // b3
"RES 6,H", // b4
"RES 6,L", // b5
"RES 6,(HL)", // b6
"RES 6,A", // b7
"RES 7,B", // b8
"RES 7,C", // b9
"RES 7,D", // ba
"RES 7,E", // bb
"RES 7,H", // bc
"RES 7,L", // bd
"RES 7,(HL)", // be
"RES 7,A", // bf
"SET 0,B", // c0
"SET 0,C", // c1
"SET 0,D", // c2
"SET 0,E", // c3
"SET 0,H", // c4
"SET 0,L", // c5
"SET 0,(HL)", // c6
"SET 0,A", // c7
"SET 1,B", // c8
"SET 1,C", // c9
"SET 1,D", // ca
"SET 1,E", // cb
"SET 1,H", // cc
"SET 1,L", // cd
"SET 1,(HL)", // ce
"SET 1,A", // cf
"SET 2,B", // d0
"SET 2,C", // d1
"SET 2,D", // d2
"SET 2,E", // d3
"SET 2,H", // d4
"SET 2,L", // d5
"SET 2,(HL)", // d6
"SET 2,A", // d7
"SET 3,B", // d8
"SET 3,C", // d9
"SET 3,D", // da
"SET 3,E", // db
"SET 3,H", // dc
"SET 3,L", // dd
"SET 3,(HL)", // de
"SET 3,A", // df
"SET 4,B", // e0
"SET 4,C", // e1
"SET 4,D", // e2
"SET 4,E", // e3
"SET 4,H", // e4
"SET 4,L", // e5
"SET 4,(HL)", // e6
"SET 4,A", // e7
"SET 5,B", // e8
"SET 5,C", // e9
"SET 5,D", // ea
"SET 5,E", // eb
"SET 5,H", // ec
"SET 5,L", // ed
"SET 5,(HL)", // ee
"SET 5,A", // ef
"SET 6,B", // f0
"SET 6,C", // f1
"SET 6,D", // f2
"SET 6,E", // f3
"SET 6,H", // f4
"SET 6,L", // f5
"SET 6,(HL)", // f6
"SET 6,A", // f7
"SET 7,B", // f8
"SET 7,C", // f9
"SET 7,D", // fa
"SET 7,E", // fb
"SET 7,H", // fc
"SET 7,L", // fd
"SET 7,(HL)", // fe
"SET 7,A", // ff
public static string Disassemble(ushort addr, Func<ushort, byte> reader, out ushort size)
ushort origaddr = addr;
List<byte> bytes = new List<byte>();
string result = table[bytes[0]];
if (bytes[0] == 0xcb)
result = table[bytes[1] + 256];
if (result.Contains("d8"))
byte d = reader(addr++);
result = result.Replace("d8", string.Format("#{0:X2}h", d));
else if (result.Contains("d16"))
byte dlo = reader(addr++);
byte dhi = reader(addr++);
result = result.Replace("d16", string.Format("#{0:X2}{1:X2}h", dhi, dlo));
else if (result.Contains("a16"))
byte dlo = reader(addr++);
byte dhi = reader(addr++);
result = result.Replace("a16", string.Format("#{0:X2}{1:X2}h", dhi, dlo));
else if (result.Contains("a8"))
byte d = reader(addr++);
result = result.Replace("a8", string.Format("#FF{0:X2}h", d));
else if (result.Contains("r8"))
byte d = reader(addr++);
int offs = d;
if (offs >= 128)
offs -= 256;
result = result.Replace("r8", string.Format("{0:X4}h", (ushort)(addr + offs)));
StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
ret.Append(string.Format("{0:X4}: ", origaddr));
foreach (var b in bytes)
ret.Append(string.Format("{0:X2} ", b));
while (ret.Length < 17)
ret.Append(' ');
size = (ushort)(addr - origaddr);
return ret.ToString();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
using BizHawk.Common.NumberExtensions;
using System;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Common.Components.MC6809
public partial class MC6809
public void Read_Func(ushort dest, ushort src)
if (CDLCallback != null)
if (src == PC) CDLCallback(Regs[src], eCDLogMemFlags.FetchOperand);
else CDLCallback(Regs[src], eCDLogMemFlags.Data);
Regs[dest] = ReadMemory(Regs[src]);
public void Read_Inc_Func(ushort dest, ushort src)
if (CDLCallback != null)
if (src == PC) CDLCallback(Regs[src], eCDLogMemFlags.FetchOperand);
else CDLCallback(Regs[src], eCDLogMemFlags.Data);
Regs[dest] = ReadMemory(Regs[src]);
Regs[src] = Regs[src]++;
public void Write_Func(ushort dest_l, ushort dest_h, ushort src)
ushort addr = (ushort)(Regs[dest_l] | (Regs[dest_h]) << 8);
if (CDLCallback != null) CDLCallback(addr, eCDLogMemFlags.Write | eCDLogMemFlags.Data);
WriteMemory(addr, (byte)Regs[src]);
public void NEG_8_Func(ushort src)
int Reg16_d = 0;
Reg16_d -= Regs[src];
FlagC = Regs[src] != 0x0;
FlagZ = (Reg16_d & 0xFF) == 0;
FlagV = Regs[src] == 0x80;
FlagN = (Reg16_d & 0xFF) > 127;
ushort ans = (ushort)(Reg16_d & 0xFF);
// redo for half carry flag
Reg16_d = 0;
Reg16_d -= (Regs[src] & 0xF);
FlagH = Reg16_d.Bit(4);
Regs[src] = ans;
// speical read for POP AF that always clears the lower 4 bits of F
public void Read_Func_F(ushort dest, ushort src_l, ushort src_h)
Regs[dest] = (ushort)(ReadMemory((ushort)(Regs[src_l] | (Regs[src_h]) << 8)) & 0xF0);
public void Write_Dec_Lo_Func(ushort dest, ushort src)
if (CDLCallback != null) CDLCallback(Regs[dest], eCDLogMemFlags.Write | eCDLogMemFlags.Data);
WriteMemory(Regs[dest], (byte)Regs[src]);
Regs[dest] -= 1;
public void Write_Hi_Func(ushort dest, ushort src)
if (CDLCallback != null) CDLCallback(Regs[dest], eCDLogMemFlags.Write | eCDLogMemFlags.Data);
WriteMemory(Regs[dest], (byte)(Regs[src] >> 8));
public void TR_Func(ushort dest, ushort src)
Regs[dest] = Regs[src];
public void TST_Func(ushort src)
FlagZ = Regs[src] == 0;
FlagV = false;
FlagN = (Regs[src] & 0xFF) > 127;
public void CLR_Func(ushort src)
Regs[src] = 0;
FlagZ = true;
FlagV = false;
FlagC = false;
FlagN = false;
// source is considered a 16 bit signed value, used for long relative branch
// no flags used
public void ADD16BR_Func(ushort dest, ushort src)
Regs[dest] = (ushort)(Regs[dest] + (short)Regs[src]);
public void ADD8BR_Func(ushort dest, ushort src)
if (Regs[src] > 127) { Regs[src] |= 0xFF00; }
Regs[dest] = (ushort)(Regs[dest] + (short)Regs[src]);
public void ADD8_Func(ushort dest, ushort src)
int Reg16_d = Regs[dest];
Reg16_d += Regs[src];
FlagC = Reg16_d.Bit(8);
FlagZ = (Reg16_d & 0xFF) == 0;
ushort ans = (ushort)(Reg16_d & 0xFF);
// redo for half carry flag
Reg16_d = Regs[dest] & 0xF;
Reg16_d += (Regs[src] & 0xF);
FlagH = Reg16_d.Bit(4);
FlagN = false;
Regs[dest] = ans;
public void SUB8_Func(ushort dest, ushort src)
int Reg16_d = Regs[dest];
Reg16_d -= Regs[src];
FlagC = Reg16_d.Bit(8);
FlagZ = (Reg16_d & 0xFF) == 0;
ushort ans = (ushort)(Reg16_d & 0xFF);
// redo for half carry flag
Reg16_d = Regs[dest] & 0xF;
Reg16_d -= (Regs[src] & 0xF);
FlagH = Reg16_d.Bit(4);
FlagN = true;
Regs[dest] = ans;
public void BIT_Func(ushort bit, ushort src)
FlagZ = !Regs[src].Bit(bit);
FlagH = true;
FlagN = false;
public void SET_Func(ushort bit, ushort src)
Regs[src] |= (ushort)(1 << bit);
public void RES_Func(ushort bit, ushort src)
Regs[src] &= (ushort)(0xFF - (1 << bit));
public void ASGN_Func(ushort src, ushort val)
Regs[src] = val;
public void SWAP_Func(ushort src)
ushort temp = (ushort)((Regs[src] << 4) & 0xF0);
Regs[src] = (ushort)(temp | (Regs[src] >> 4));
FlagZ = Regs[src] == 0;
FlagH = false;
FlagN = false;
FlagC = false;
public void ASL_Func(ushort src)
FlagC = Regs[src].Bit(7);
FlagV = Regs[src].Bit(7) ^ Regs[src].Bit(6);
Regs[src] = (ushort)((Regs[src] << 1) & 0xFF);
FlagZ = Regs[src] == 0;
FlagH = false;
FlagN = (Regs[src] & 0xFF) > 127;
public void ASR_Func(ushort src)
FlagC = Regs[src].Bit(0);
ushort temp = (ushort)(Regs[src] & 0x80); // MSB doesn't change in this operation
Regs[src] = (ushort)((Regs[src] >> 1) | temp);
FlagZ = Regs[src] == 0;
FlagH = false;
FlagN = (Regs[src] & 0xFF) > 127;
public void LSR_Func(ushort src)
FlagC = Regs[src].Bit(0);
Regs[src] = (ushort)(Regs[src] >> 1);
FlagZ = Regs[src] == 0;
FlagN = false;
public void COM_Func(ushort src)
Regs[src] = (ushort)((~Regs[src]) & 0xFF);
FlagC = true;
FlagZ = Regs[src] == 0;
FlagV = false;
FlagN = (Regs[src] & 0xFF) > 127;
public void SEX_Func(ushort src)
if (Regs[B] > 127)
Regs[A] = 0xFF;
Regs[A] = 0;
FlagZ = D == 0;
FlagN = Regs[B] > 127;
public void CCF_Func(ushort src)
FlagC = !FlagC;
FlagH = false;
FlagN = false;
public void SCF_Func(ushort src)
FlagC = true;
FlagH = false;
FlagN = false;
public void AND8_Func(ushort dest, ushort src)
Regs[dest] = (ushort)(Regs[dest] & Regs[src]);
FlagZ = Regs[dest] == 0;
FlagV = false;
FlagN = Regs[B] > 127;
public void OR8_Func(ushort dest, ushort src)
Regs[dest] = (ushort)(Regs[dest] | Regs[src]);
FlagZ = Regs[dest] == 0;
FlagV = false;
FlagN = Regs[B] > 127;
public void XOR8_Func(ushort dest, ushort src)
Regs[dest] = (ushort)(Regs[dest] ^ Regs[src]);
FlagZ = Regs[dest] == 0;
FlagC = false;
FlagH = false;
FlagN = false;
public void CP8_Func(ushort dest, ushort src)
int Reg16_d = Regs[dest];
Reg16_d -= Regs[src];
FlagC = Reg16_d.Bit(8);
FlagZ = (Reg16_d & 0xFF) == 0;
// redo for half carry flag
Reg16_d = Regs[dest] & 0xF;
Reg16_d -= (Regs[src] & 0xF);
FlagH = Reg16_d.Bit(4);
FlagN = true;
public void RRC_Func(ushort src)
FlagC = Regs[src].Bit(0);
Regs[src] = (ushort)((FlagC ? 0x80 : 0) | (Regs[src] >> 1));
FlagZ = (Regs[src] == 0);
FlagH = false;
FlagN = false;
public void ROR_Func(ushort src)
ushort c = (ushort)(FlagC ? 0x80 : 0);
FlagC = Regs[src].Bit(0);
Regs[src] = (ushort)(c | (Regs[src] >> 1));
FlagZ = Regs[src] == 0;
FlagN = (Regs[src] & 0xFF) > 127;
public void RLC_Func(ushort src)
bool imm = false;
if (imm) { src = A; }
ushort c = (ushort)(Regs[src].Bit(7) ? 1 : 0);
FlagC = Regs[src].Bit(7);
Regs[src] = (ushort)(((Regs[src] << 1) & 0xFF) | c);
FlagZ = imm ? false : (Regs[src] == 0);
FlagH = false;
FlagN = false;
public void ROL_Func(ushort src)
ushort c = (ushort)(FlagC ? 1 : 0);
FlagC = Regs[src].Bit(7);
FlagV = Regs[src].Bit(7) ^ Regs[src].Bit(6);
Regs[src] = (ushort)(((Regs[src] << 1) & 0xFF) | c);
FlagZ = Regs[src] == 0;
FlagN = (Regs[src] & 0xFF) > 127;
public void INC8_Func(ushort src)
FlagV = Regs[src] == 0x7F;
Regs[src] = (ushort)((Regs[src] + 1) & 0xFF);
FlagZ = Regs[src] == 0;
FlagN = (Regs[src] & 0xFF) > 127;
public void DEC8_Func(ushort src)
FlagV = Regs[src] == 0x80;
Regs[src] = (ushort)((Regs[src] - 1) & 0xFF);
FlagZ = Regs[src] == 0;
FlagN = (Regs[src] & 0xFF) > 127;
public void INC16_Func(ushort src_l, ushort src_h)
int Reg16_d = Regs[src_l] | (Regs[src_h] << 8);
Reg16_d += 1;
Regs[src_l] = (ushort)(Reg16_d & 0xFF);
Regs[src_h] = (ushort)((Reg16_d & 0xFF00) >> 8);
public void DEC16_Func(ushort src)
Regs[src] -= 1;
public void ADC8_Func(ushort dest, ushort src)
int Reg16_d = Regs[dest];
int c = FlagC ? 1 : 0;
Reg16_d += (Regs[src] + c);
FlagC = Reg16_d.Bit(8);
FlagZ = (Reg16_d & 0xFF) == 0;
ushort ans = (ushort)(Reg16_d & 0xFF);
// redo for half carry flag
Reg16_d = Regs[dest] & 0xF;
Reg16_d += ((Regs[src] & 0xF) + c);
FlagH = Reg16_d.Bit(4);
FlagN = false;
Regs[dest] = ans;
public void SBC8_Func(ushort dest, ushort src)
int Reg16_d = Regs[dest];
int c = FlagC ? 1 : 0;
Reg16_d -= (Regs[src] + c);
FlagC = Reg16_d.Bit(8);
FlagZ = (Reg16_d & 0xFF) == 0;
ushort ans = (ushort)(Reg16_d & 0xFF);
// redo for half carry flag
Reg16_d = Regs[dest] & 0xF;
Reg16_d -= ((Regs[src] & 0xF) + c);
FlagH = Reg16_d.Bit(4);
FlagN = true;
Regs[dest] = ans;
// DA code courtesy of AWJ:
public void DA_Func(ushort src)
byte a = (byte)Regs[src];
if (!FlagN)
{ // after an addition, adjust if (half-)carry occurred or if result is out of bounds
if (FlagC || a > 0x99) { a += 0x60; FlagC = true; }
if (FlagH || (a & 0x0f) > 0x09) { a += 0x6; }
{ // after a subtraction, only adjust if (half-)carry occurred
if (FlagC) { a -= 0x60; }
if (FlagH) { a -= 0x6; }
a &= 0xFF;
Regs[src] = a;
FlagZ = a == 0;
FlagH = false;
// used for signed operations
public void ADDS_Func(ushort dest_l, ushort dest_h, ushort src_l, ushort src_h)
int Reg16_d = Regs[dest_l];
int Reg16_s = Regs[src_l];
Reg16_d += Reg16_s;
ushort temp = 0;
// since this is signed addition, calculate the high byte carry appropriately
if (Reg16_s.Bit(7))
if (((Reg16_d & 0xFF) >= Regs[dest_l]))
temp = 0xFF;
temp = 0;
temp = (ushort)(Reg16_d.Bit(8) ? 1 : 0);
ushort ans_l = (ushort)(Reg16_d & 0xFF);
// JR operations do not effect flags
if (dest_l != PC)
FlagC = Reg16_d.Bit(8);
// redo for half carry flag
Reg16_d = Regs[dest_l] & 0xF;
Reg16_d += Regs[src_l] & 0xF;
FlagH = Reg16_d.Bit(4);
FlagN = false;
FlagZ = false;
Regs[dest_l] = ans_l;
Regs[dest_h] += temp;
Regs[dest_h] &= 0xFF;
public void EXG_Func(ushort sel)
ushort src = 0;
ushort dest = 0;
ushort temp = 0;
if ((Regs[sel] & 0x8) == 0)
switch (Regs[sel] & 0xF)
case 0: src = Dr; break;
case 1: src = X; break;
case 2: src = Y; break;
case 3: src = US; break;
case 4: src = SP; break;
case 5: src = PC; break;
case 6: src = 0xFF; break;
case 7: src = 0xFF; break;
switch ((Regs[sel] >> 4) & 0xF)
case 0: dest = Dr; break;
case 1: dest = X; break;
case 2: dest = Y; break;
case 3: dest = US; break;
case 4: dest = SP; break;
case 5: dest = PC; break;
case 6: dest = 0xFF; break;
case 7: dest = 0xFF; break;
default: dest = 0xFF; break;
switch (Regs[sel] & 0xF)
case 8: src = A; break;
case 9: src = B; break;
case 10: src = CC; break;
case 11: src = DP; break;
case 12: src = 0xFF; break;
case 13: src = 0xFF; break;
case 14: src = 0xFF; break;
case 15: src = 0xFF; break;
switch ((Regs[sel] >> 4) & 0xF)
case 8: dest = A; break;
case 9: dest = B; break;
case 10: dest = CC; break;
case 11: dest = DP; break;
case 12: dest = 0xFF; break;
case 13: dest = 0xFF; break;
case 14: dest = 0xFF; break;
case 15: dest = 0xFF; break;
default: dest = 0xFF; break;
if ((src != 0xFF) && (dest != 0xFF))
if (src == Dr)
temp = D;
D = Regs[dest];
Regs[dest] = temp;
else if (dest == Dr)
temp = D;
D = Regs[src];
Regs[src] = temp;
temp = Regs[src];
Regs[src] = Regs[dest];
Regs[dest] = temp;
public void TFR_Func(ushort sel)
ushort src = 0;
ushort dest = 0;
if ((Regs[sel] & 0x8) == 0)
switch (Regs[sel] & 0xF)
case 0: dest = Dr; break;
case 1: dest = X; break;
case 2: dest = Y; break;
case 3: dest = US; break;
case 4: dest = SP; break;
case 5: dest = PC; break;
case 6: dest = 0xFF; break;
case 7: dest = 0xFF; break;
switch ((Regs[sel] >> 4) & 0xF)
case 0: src = Dr; break;
case 1: src = X; break;
case 2: src = Y; break;
case 3: src = US; break;
case 4: src = SP; break;
case 5: src = PC; break;
case 6: src = 0xFF; break;
case 7: src = 0xFF; break;
default: src = 0xFF; break;
switch (Regs[sel] & 0xF)
case 8: dest = A; break;
case 9: dest = B; break;
case 10: dest = CC; break;
case 11: dest = DP; break;
case 12: dest = 0xFF; break;
case 13: dest = 0xFF; break;
case 14: dest = 0xFF; break;
case 15: dest = 0xFF; break;
switch ((Regs[sel] >> 4) & 0xF)
case 8: src = A; break;
case 9: src = B; break;
case 10: src = CC; break;
case 11: src = DP; break;
case 12: src = 0xFF; break;
case 13: src = 0xFF; break;
case 14: src = 0xFF; break;
case 15: src = 0xFF; break;
default: src = 0xFF; break;
if ((src != 0xFF) && (dest != 0xFF))
if (src == Dr)
Regs[dest] = D;
else if (dest == Dr)
D = Regs[src];
Regs[dest] = Regs[dest];

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
TODO: STOP for second byte nonzero

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Common.Components.MC6809
public partial class MC6809
// registers
public ushort[] Regs = new ushort[12];
public const ushort PC = 0;
public const ushort US = 1;
public const ushort SP = 2;
public const ushort X = 3;
public const ushort Y = 4;
public const ushort A = 5;
public const ushort B = 6;
public const ushort ADDR = 7; // internal
public const ushort ALU = 8; // internal
public const ushort ALU2 = 9; // internal
public const ushort DP = 10;
public const ushort CC = 11;
public const ushort Dr = 12;
public ushort D
get { return (ushort)(Regs[B] | (Regs[A] << 8)); }
set { Regs[B] = (ushort)(value & 0xFF); Regs[A] = (ushort)((value >> 8) & 0xFF); }
public bool FlagC
get { return (Regs[CC] & 0x01) != 0; }
set { Regs[CC] = (byte)((Regs[CC] & ~0x01) | (value ? 0x01 : 0x00)); }
public bool FlagV
get { return (Regs[CC] & 0x02) != 0; }
set { Regs[CC] = (byte)((Regs[CC] & ~0x02) | (value ? 0x02 : 0x00)); }
public bool FlagZ
get { return (Regs[CC] & 0x04) != 0; }
set { Regs[CC] = (byte)((Regs[CC] & ~0x04) | (value ? 0x04 : 0x00)); }
public bool FlagN
get { return (Regs[CC] & 0x08) != 0; }
set { Regs[CC] = (byte)((Regs[CC] & ~0x08) | (value ? 0x08 : 0x00)); }
public bool FlagI
get { return (Regs[CC] & 0x10) != 0; }
set { Regs[CC] = (byte)((Regs[CC] & ~0x10) | (value ? 0x10 : 0x00)); }
public bool FlagH
get { return (Regs[CC] & 0x20) != 0; }
set { Regs[CC] = (byte)((Regs[CC] & ~0x20) | (value ? 0x20 : 0x00)); }
public bool FlagF
get { return (Regs[CC] & 0x40) != 0; }
set { Regs[CC] = (byte)((Regs[CC] & ~0x40) | (value ? 0x40 : 0x00)); }
public bool FlagE
get { return (Regs[CC] & 0x80) != 0; }
set { Regs[CC] = (byte)((Regs[CC] & ~0x80) | (value ? 0x80 : 0x00)); }
private void ResetRegisters()
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
Regs[i] = 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
using System;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Common.Components.MC6809
public partial class MC6809
// this contains the vectors of instrcution operations
// NOTE: This list is NOT confirmed accurate for each individual cycle
private void NOP_()
private void ILLEGAL()
private void SYNC_()
private void DIRECT_MEM(ushort oper)
oper, ALU,
private void REG_OP_IMD_CC(ushort oper)
Regs[ALU2] = Regs[CC];
TR, CC, ALU2);
private void EXG_()
private void TFR_()
private void REG_OP(ushort oper, ushort src)
PopulateCURINSTR(oper, src);
private void JMP_DIR_()
private void LBR_(bool cond)
if (cond)
private void BR_(bool cond)
if (cond)
private void LBSR_()
DEC16, SP,
private void PAGE_2()
private void PAGE_3()
private void INC_16(ushort src_l, ushort src_h)
cur_instr = new ushort[]
INC16, src_l, src_h,
OP };
private void DEC_16(ushort src_l, ushort src_h)
cur_instr = new ushort[]
DEC16, src_l, src_h,
OP };
private void ADD_16(ushort dest_l, ushort dest_h, ushort src_l, ushort src_h)
private void STOP_()
private void HALT_()
private void JR_COND(bool cond)
private void JP_COND(bool cond)
private void RET_()
private void RETI_()
private void RET_COND(bool cond)
private void CALL_COND(bool cond)
private void INT_OP(ushort operation, ushort src)
private void BIT_OP(ushort operation, ushort bit, ushort src)
private void PUSH_(ushort src_l, ushort src_h)
// NOTE: this is the only instruction that can write to F
// but the bottom 4 bits of F are always 0, so instead of putting a special check for every read op
// let's just put a special operation here specifically for F
private void POP_(ushort src_l, ushort src_h)
private void RST_(ushort n)
private void PREFIX_()
private void DI_()
private void EI_()
private void JP_HL()
private void ADD_SP()
private void LD_SP_HL()
private void LD_HL_SPn()
private void JAM_()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
using System;
using BizHawk.Common;
using BizHawk.Common.BufferExtensions;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
using BizHawk.Common.NumberExtensions;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Vectrex
// An AY_3_8912
public class Audio : ISoundProvider
public VectrexHawk Core { get; set; }
private BlipBuffer _blip_L = new BlipBuffer(15000);
private BlipBuffer _blip_R = new BlipBuffer(15000);
public uint master_audio_clock;
private short current_sample;
public byte[] Register = new byte[16];
public byte port_sel;
public short Sample()
return current_sample;
private static readonly int[] VolumeTable =
0x0000, 0x0055, 0x0079, 0x00AB, 0x00F1, 0x0155, 0x01E3, 0x02AA,
0x03C5, 0x0555, 0x078B, 0x0AAB, 0x0F16, 0x1555, 0x1E2B, 0x2AAA
private int psg_clock;
private int sq_per_A, sq_per_B, sq_per_C;
private int clock_A, clock_B, clock_C;
private int vol_A, vol_B, vol_C;
private bool A_on, B_on, C_on;
private bool A_up, B_up, C_up;
private bool A_noise, B_noise, C_noise;
private int env_per;
private int env_clock;
private int env_shape;
private int env_E;
private int E_up_down;
private int env_vol_A, env_vol_B, env_vol_C;
private int noise_clock;
private int noise_per;
private int noise = 0x1;
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)
ser.Sync("Register", ref Register, false);
ser.Sync("psg_clock", ref psg_clock);
ser.Sync("clock_A", ref clock_A);
ser.Sync("clock_B", ref clock_B);
ser.Sync("clock_C", ref clock_C);
ser.Sync("noise_clock", ref noise_clock);
ser.Sync("env_clock", ref env_clock);
ser.Sync("A_up", ref A_up);
ser.Sync("B_up", ref B_up);
ser.Sync("C_up", ref C_up);
ser.Sync("noise", ref noise);
ser.Sync("env_E", ref env_E);
ser.Sync("E_up_down", ref E_up_down);
ser.Sync("port_sel", ref port_sel);
public byte ReadReg(int addr)
return Register[port_sel];
private void sync_psg_state()
sq_per_A = (Register[0] & 0xFF) | (((Register[1] & 0xF) << 8));
if (sq_per_A == 0)
sq_per_A = 0x1000;
sq_per_B = (Register[2] & 0xFF) | (((Register[3] & 0xF) << 8));
if (sq_per_B == 0)
sq_per_B = 0x1000;
sq_per_C = (Register[4] & 0xFF) | (((Register[5] & 0xF) << 8));
if (sq_per_C == 0)
sq_per_C = 0x1000;
env_per = (Register[11] & 0xFF) | (((Register[12] & 0xFF) << 8));
if (env_per == 0)
env_per = 0x10000;
env_per *= 2;
A_on = Register[7].Bit(0);
B_on = Register[7].Bit(1);
C_on = Register[7].Bit(2);
A_noise = Register[7].Bit(3);
B_noise = Register[7].Bit(4);
C_noise = Register[7].Bit(5);
noise_per = Register[6] & 0x1F;
if (noise_per == 0)
noise_per = 0x20;
var shape_select = Register[13] & 0xF;
if (shape_select < 4)
env_shape = 0;
else if (shape_select < 8)
env_shape = 1;
env_shape = 2 + (shape_select - 8);
vol_A = Register[8] & 0xF;
env_vol_A = (Register[8] >> 4) & 0x1;
vol_B = Register[9] & 0xF;
env_vol_B = (Register[9] >> 4) & 0x1;
vol_C = Register[10] & 0xF;
env_vol_C = (Register[10] >> 4) & 0x1;
public void WriteReg(int addr, byte value)
value &= 0xFF;
Register[port_sel] = value;
if (port_sel == 13)
env_clock = env_per;
if (env_shape == 0 || env_shape == 2 || env_shape == 3 || env_shape == 4 || env_shape == 5)
env_E = 15;
E_up_down = -1;
env_E = 0;
E_up_down = 1;
public void tick()
// there are 8 cpu cycles for every psg cycle
bool sound_out_A;
bool sound_out_B;
bool sound_out_C;
if (psg_clock == 8)
psg_clock = 0;
// clock noise
if (noise_clock == 0)
noise = (noise >> 1) ^ (noise.Bit(0) ? 0x10004 : 0);
noise_clock = noise_per;
if (env_clock == 0)
env_clock = env_per;
env_E += E_up_down;
if (env_E == 16 || env_E == -1)
// we just completed a period of the envelope, determine what to do now based on the envelope shape
if (env_shape == 0 || env_shape == 1 || env_shape == 3 || env_shape == 9)
E_up_down = 0;
env_E = 0;
else if (env_shape == 5 || env_shape == 7)
E_up_down = 0;
env_E = 15;
else if (env_shape == 4 || env_shape == 8)
if (env_E == 16)
env_E = 15;
E_up_down = -1;
env_E = 0;
E_up_down = 1;
else if (env_shape == 2)
env_E = 15;
env_E = 0;
if (clock_A == 0)
A_up = !A_up;
clock_A = sq_per_A;
if (clock_B == 0)
B_up = !B_up;
clock_B = sq_per_B;
if (clock_C == 0)
C_up = !C_up;
clock_C = sq_per_C;
sound_out_A = (noise.Bit(0) | A_noise) & (A_on | A_up);
sound_out_B = (noise.Bit(0) | B_noise) & (B_on | B_up);
sound_out_C = (noise.Bit(0) | C_noise) & (C_on | C_up);
// now calculate the volume of each channel and add them together
int v;
if (env_vol_A == 0)
v = (short)(sound_out_A ? VolumeTable[vol_A] : 0);
v = (short)(sound_out_A ? VolumeTable[vol_A] : 0);
if (env_vol_B == 0)
v += (short)(sound_out_B ? VolumeTable[vol_B] : 0);
v += (short)(sound_out_B ? VolumeTable[env_E] : 0);
if (env_vol_C == 0)
v += (short)(sound_out_C ? VolumeTable[vol_C] : 0);
v += (short)(sound_out_C ? VolumeTable[env_E] : 0);
current_sample = (short)v;
public void Reset()
clock_A = clock_B = clock_C = 0x1000;
noise_clock = 0x20;
port_sel = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
Register[i] = 0x0000;
_blip_L.SetRates(4194304, 44100);
_blip_R.SetRates(4194304, 44100);
#region audio
public bool CanProvideAsync => false;
public void SetSyncMode(SyncSoundMode mode)
if (mode != SyncSoundMode.Sync)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Only Sync mode is supported_");
public SyncSoundMode SyncMode => SyncSoundMode.Sync;
public void GetSamplesSync(out short[] samples, out int nsamp)
nsamp = _blip_L.SamplesAvailable();
// only for running without errors, remove this line once you get audio
nsamp = 1;
samples = new short[nsamp * 2];
// uncomment these once you have audio to play
//_blip_L.ReadSamplesLeft(samples, nsamp);
//_blip_R.ReadSamplesRight(samples, nsamp);
master_audio_clock = 0;
public void GetSamplesAsync(short[] samples)
throw new NotSupportedException("Async is not available");
public void DiscardSamples()
master_audio_clock = 0;
private void GetSamples(short[] samples)
public void DisposeSound()
_blip_L = null;
_blip_R = null;

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
using System;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
using BizHawk.Common.NumberExtensions;
using BizHawk.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Vectrex
public partial class VectrexHawk
// Interact with Hardware registers through these read and write methods
// Typically you will only be able to access different parts of the hardware through their available registers
// Sending the memory map of these regiesters through here helps keep things organized even though it results in an extra function call
public byte Read_Registers(int addr)
byte ret = 0;
switch (addr)
return ret;
public void Write_Registers(int addr, byte value)
switch (addr)
public void Register_Reset()
// Registers will start with a default value at power on, use this funciton to set them

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
using BizHawk.Common;
using System;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common.Components.MC6809;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Vectrex
public class MapperBase
public VectrexHawk Core { get; set; }
public virtual byte ReadMemory(ushort addr)
return 0;
public virtual byte PeekMemory(ushort addr)
return 0;
public virtual void WriteMemory(ushort addr, byte value)
public virtual void PokeMemory(ushort addr, byte value)
public virtual void SyncState(Serializer ser)
public virtual void Dispose()
public virtual void Initialize()
public virtual void Mapper_Tick()
public virtual void RTC_Get(byte value, int index)
public virtual void MapCDL(ushort addr, MC6809.eCDLogMemFlags flags)

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
using BizHawk.Common;
using BizHawk.Common.NumberExtensions;
using System;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common.Components.MC6809;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Vectrex
// Default mapper with no bank switching
// make sure peekmemory and poke memory don't effect the rest of the system!
public class MapperDefault : MapperBase
public override void Initialize()
// nothing to initialize
public override byte ReadMemory(ushort addr)
return 0xFF;
public override byte PeekMemory(ushort addr)
return ReadMemory(addr);
public override void WriteMemory(ushort addr, byte value)
public override void PokeMemory(ushort addr, byte value)
WriteMemory(addr, value);

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Official Mappers
Unofficial Mappers

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
using System;
using BizHawk.Common.BufferExtensions;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
Fill in the memory map in this space for easy reference
0x0000 - 0x0FFF RAM
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Vectrex
public partial class VectrexHawk
// typically here you have a big if / else if block to decide what to do with memory reads and writes
// send hardware register accesses to the Read_register / Write_register methods
// make sure you are returning the correct value (typically 0 or 0xFF) for unmapped memory
// PeekMemory is called by the hex eidtor and other tools to read what's on the bus
// make sure it doesn't modify anything in the core or you will be in debugging hell.
public byte ReadMemory(ushort addr)
// memory callbacks are used for LUA and such
MemoryCallbacks.CallReads(addr, "System Bus");
return 0;
public void WriteMemory(ushort addr, byte value)
MemoryCallbacks.CallWrites(addr, "System Bus");
public byte PeekMemory(ushort addr)
return 0;

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
using System;
using BizHawk.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Vectrex
// Here is where you will write the renderer for the core.
// You will probably spend just about all of your time writing this part.
// Plan ahead on what types of memory structures you want, and understand how the physical display unit sees data
// if you get stuck, probably GBHawk has the cleanest implementation to use for reference
public class PPU
public VectrexHawk Core { get; set; }
public byte ReadReg(int addr)
return 0;
public void WriteReg(int addr, byte value)
// you should be able to run the PPU one step at a time through this method.
public void tick()
// if some values aren't latched immediately, you might need this function to delay their latching
public virtual void latch_delay()
public void render(int render_cycle)
// Reset all values here, should be called along with other reset methods
public void Reset()
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
using System;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
using BizHawk.Common.NumberExtensions;
using BizHawk.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Vectrex
// your core may have several integral peripherals beyond the usual graphics / sound / controller
// here is one such example
// Treat it the same way as any other component. you should be able to run it one tick at a time in sync with the
// other parts of the core
public class SerialPort
public VectrexHawk Core { get; set; }
public byte ReadReg(int addr)
return 0xFF;
public void WriteReg(int addr, byte value)
public void serial_transfer_tick()
public void Reset()
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Components.M6502;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Vectrex
public partial class VectrexHawk
public struct CpuLink : IMOS6502XLink
private readonly VectrexHawk _Vectrex;
public CpuLink(VectrexHawk Vectrex)
_Vectrex = Vectrex;
public byte DummyReadMemory(ushort address) => _Vectrex.ReadMemory(address);
public void OnExecFetch(ushort address) => _Vectrex.ExecFetch(address);
public byte PeekMemory(ushort address) => _Vectrex.CDL == null ? _Vectrex.PeekMemory(address) : _Vectrex.FetchMemory_CDL(address);
public byte ReadMemory(ushort address) => _Vectrex.CDL == null ? _Vectrex.ReadMemory(address) : _Vectrex.ReadMemory_CDL(address);
public void WriteMemory(ushort address, byte value) => _Vectrex.WriteMemory(address, value);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Components.M6502;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Vectrex
public sealed partial class VectrexHawk : ICodeDataLogger
public void SetCDL(ICodeDataLog cdl)
CDL = cdl;
public void NewCDL(ICodeDataLog cdl)
cdl["RAM"] = new byte[MemoryDomains["RAM"].Size];
if (MemoryDomains.Has("Save RAM"))
cdl["Save RAM"] = new byte[MemoryDomains["Save RAM"].Size];
if (MemoryDomains.Has("Battery RAM"))
cdl["Battery RAM"] = new byte[MemoryDomains["Battery RAM"].Size];
if (MemoryDomains.Has("Battery RAM"))
cdl["Battery RAM"] = new byte[MemoryDomains["Battery RAM"].Size];
cdl.SubType = "VIC20";
cdl.SubVer = 0;
public void DisassembleCDL(Stream s, ICodeDataLog cdl)
private enum CDLog_AddrType
private enum CDLog_Flags
ExecFirst = 0x01,
ExecOperand = 0x02,
Data = 0x04
private struct CDLog_MapResults
public CDLog_AddrType Type;
public int Address;
private delegate CDLog_MapResults MapMemoryDelegate(ushort addr, bool write);
private MapMemoryDelegate MapMemory;
private ICodeDataLog CDL;
private void RunCDL(ushort address, CDLog_Flags flags)
if (MapMemory != null)
CDLog_MapResults results = MapMemory(address, false);
switch (results.Type)
case CDLog_AddrType.None: break;
case CDLog_AddrType.MainRAM: CDL["Main RAM"][results.Address] |= (byte)flags; break;
case CDLog_AddrType.SaveRAM: CDL["Save RAM"][results.Address] |= (byte)flags; break;
/// <summary>
/// A wrapper for FetchMemory which inserts CDL logic
/// </summary>
private byte FetchMemory_CDL(ushort address)
RunCDL(address, CDLog_Flags.ExecFirst);
return PeekMemory(address);
/// <summary>
/// A wrapper for ReadMemory which inserts CDL logic
/// </summary>
private byte ReadMemory_CDL(ushort address)
RunCDL(address, CDLog_Flags.Data);
return ReadMemory(address);

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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Vectrex
public partial class VectrexHawk : IDebuggable
public IDictionary<string, RegisterValue> GetCpuFlagsAndRegisters()
return new Dictionary<string, RegisterValue>
["A"] = cpu.A,
["X"] = cpu.X,
["Y"] = cpu.Y,
["S"] = cpu.S,
["PC"] = cpu.PC,
["Flag C"] = cpu.FlagC,
["Flag Z"] = cpu.FlagZ,
["Flag I"] = cpu.FlagI,
["Flag D"] = cpu.FlagD,
["Flag B"] = cpu.FlagB,
["Flag V"] = cpu.FlagV,
["Flag N"] = cpu.FlagN,
["Flag T"] = cpu.FlagT
public void SetCpuRegister(string register, int value)
switch (register)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
case "A":
//cpu.A = (byte)value;
case "X":
//cpu.X = (byte)value;
case "Y":
//cpu.Y = (byte)value;
case "S":
//cpu.S = (byte)value;
case "PC":
//cpu.PC = (ushort)value;
case "Flag I":
//cpu.FlagI = value > 0;
public IMemoryCallbackSystem MemoryCallbacks { get; } = new MemoryCallbackSystem(new[] { "System Bus" });
public bool CanStep(StepType type)
return false;
public void Step(StepType type)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public long TotalExecutedCycles
get { return (long)cpu.TotalExecutedCycles; }

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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
using BizHawk.Common.NumberExtensions;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Vectrex
public partial class VectrexHawk : IEmulator, IVideoProvider
public IEmulatorServiceProvider ServiceProvider { get; }
public ControllerDefinition ControllerDefinition => _controllerDeck.Definition;
public bool FrameAdvance(IController controller, bool render, bool rendersound)
if (_tracer.Enabled)
cpu.TraceCallback = s => _tracer.Put(s);
cpu.TraceCallback = null;
if (controller.IsPressed("Power"))
_islag = true;
if (_islag)
return true;
public void do_frame()
public int Frame => _frame;
public string SystemId => "VIC20";
public bool DeterministicEmulation { get; set; }
public void ResetCounters()
_frame = 0;
_lagcount = 0;
_islag = false;
public CoreComm CoreComm { get; }
public void Dispose()
#region Video provider
public int _frameHz = 60;
public int[] _vidbuffer;
public int[] GetVideoBuffer()
return _vidbuffer;
public int VirtualWidth => 160;
public int VirtualHeight => 144;
public int BufferWidth => 160;
public int BufferHeight => 144;
public int BackgroundColor => unchecked((int)0xFF000000);
public int VsyncNumerator => _frameHz;
public int VsyncDenominator => 1;
public static readonly uint[] color_palette_BW = { 0xFFFFFFFF , 0xFFAAAAAA, 0xFF555555, 0xFF000000 };
public static readonly uint[] color_palette_Gr = { 0xFFA4C505, 0xFF88A905, 0xFF1D551D, 0xFF052505 };
public uint[] color_palette = new uint[4];

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Vectrex
public partial class VectrexHawk : IInputPollable
public int LagCount
get { return _lagcount; }
set { _lagcount = value; }
public bool IsLagFrame
get { return _islag; }
set { _islag = value; }
public IInputCallbackSystem InputCallbacks { get; } = new InputCallbackSystem();
public bool _islag = true;
private int _lagcount;

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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Vectrex
public partial class VectrexHawk
private IMemoryDomains MemoryDomains;
public void SetupMemoryDomains()
var domains = new List<MemoryDomain>
new MemoryDomainDelegate(
"Main RAM",
addr => RAM[addr],
(addr, value) => RAM[addr] = value,
new MemoryDomainDelegate(
"System Bus",
addr => PeekSystemBus(addr),
(addr, value) => PokeSystemBus(addr, value),
new MemoryDomainDelegate(
addr => _rom[addr],
(addr, value) => _rom[addr] = value,
if (cart_RAM != null)
var CartRam = new MemoryDomainByteArray("Cart RAM", MemoryDomain.Endian.Little, cart_RAM, true, 1);
MemoryDomains = new MemoryDomainList(domains);
(ServiceProvider as BasicServiceProvider).Register<IMemoryDomains>(MemoryDomains);
private byte PeekSystemBus(long addr)
ushort addr2 = (ushort)(addr & 0xFFFF);
return PeekMemory(addr2);
private void PokeSystemBus(long addr, byte value)
ushort addr2 = (ushort)(addr & 0xFFFF);
WriteMemory(addr2, value);

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
using System;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Vectrex
public partial class VectrexHawk : ISaveRam
public byte[] CloneSaveRam()
if (cart_RAM != null)
return (byte[])cart_RAM.Clone();
return null;
public void StoreSaveRam(byte[] data)
Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 0, cart_RAM, 0, data.Length);
Console.WriteLine("loading SRAM here");
public bool SaveRamModified
return has_bat & _syncSettings.Use_SRAM;

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@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using BizHawk.Common;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Vectrex
public partial class VectrexHawk : IEmulator, IStatable, ISettable<VectrexHawk.VectrexSettings, VectrexHawk.VectrexSyncSettings>
public VectrexSettings GetSettings()
return _settings.Clone();
public VectrexSyncSettings GetSyncSettings()
return _syncSettings.Clone();
public bool PutSettings(VectrexSettings o)
_settings = o;
return false;
public bool PutSyncSettings(VectrexSyncSettings o)
bool ret = VectrexSyncSettings.NeedsReboot(_syncSettings, o);
_syncSettings = o;
return ret;
private VectrexSettings _settings = new VectrexSettings();
public VectrexSyncSettings _syncSettings = new VectrexSyncSettings();
public class VectrexSettings
public VectrexSettings Clone()
return (VectrexSettings)MemberwiseClone();
public class VectrexSyncSettings
public string Port1 = VectrexHawkControllerDeck.DefaultControllerName;
public enum ControllerType
private ControllerType _VectrexController;
[Description("Select Controller Type")]
public ControllerType VectrexController
get { return _VectrexController; }
if (value == ControllerType.Default) { Port1 = VectrexHawkControllerDeck.DefaultControllerName; }
else { Port1 = VectrexHawkControllerDeck.DefaultControllerName; }
_VectrexController = value;
[DisplayName("Use Existing SaveRAM")]
[Description("When true, existing SaveRAM will be loaded at boot up")]
public bool Use_SRAM { get; set; }
public VectrexSyncSettings Clone()
return (VectrexSyncSettings)MemberwiseClone();
public static bool NeedsReboot(VectrexSyncSettings x, VectrexSyncSettings y)
return !DeepEquality.DeepEquals(x, y);

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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
using System.IO;
using BizHawk.Common;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Vectrex
public partial class VectrexHawk : IStatable
public bool BinarySaveStatesPreferred => true;
public void SaveStateText(TextWriter writer)
SyncState(new Serializer(writer));
public void LoadStateText(TextReader reader)
SyncState(new Serializer(reader));
public void SaveStateBinary(BinaryWriter bw)
SyncState(new Serializer(bw));
public void LoadStateBinary(BinaryReader br)
SyncState(new Serializer(br));
public byte[] SaveStateBinary()
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(ms);
return ms.ToArray();
// here is where all your savestated stuff will be called
// make sure every variable you make is savestated
// also all the components with their own savestate functions need to be called form here
// for normal single variables the format is:
// ser.Sync("var_name", ref var_name);
// for arrays, use:
// ser.Sync("var_name", ref var_name, false);
private void SyncState(Serializer ser)
byte[] core = null;
if (ser.IsWriter)
var ms = new MemoryStream();
core = ms.ToArray();
ser.Sync("RAM", ref RAM, false);
// probably a better way to do this
if (cart_RAM != null)
ser.Sync("cart_RAM", ref cart_RAM, false);

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@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
using System;
using BizHawk.Common.BufferExtensions;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common.Components.MC6809;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Vectrex
isPorted: false,
isReleased: true)]
public partial class VectrexHawk : IEmulator, ISaveRam, IDebuggable, IStatable, IInputPollable, IRegionable,
ISettable<VectrexHawk.VectrexSettings, VectrexHawk.VectrexSyncSettings>
// declaractions
// put top level core variables here
// including things like RAM and BIOS
// they will be used in the hex editor and others
// the following declaraion is only an example
// see memoryDomains.cs to see how it is used to define a Memory Domain that you can see in Hex editor
// ex:
public byte[] RAM = new byte[0x8000];
public byte[] _bios;
public readonly byte[] _rom;
// sometimes roms will have a header
// the following is only an example in order to demonstrate how to extract the header
public readonly byte[] header = new byte[0x50];
public byte[] cart_RAM;
public bool has_bat;
private int _frame = 0;
public MapperBase mapper;
private readonly ITraceable _tracer;
public MC6809 cpu;
public PPU ppu;
public Audio audio;
public SerialPort serialport;
private static byte[] GBA_override = { 0xFF, 0x00, 0xCD, 0x03, 0x35, 0xAA, 0x31, 0x90, 0x94, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
public VectrexHawk(CoreComm comm, GameInfo game, byte[] rom, /*string gameDbFn,*/ object settings, object syncSettings)
var ser = new BasicServiceProvider(this);
cpu = new MC6809
ReadMemory = ReadMemory,
WriteMemory = WriteMemory,
PeekMemory = PeekMemory,
DummyReadMemory = ReadMemory,
OnExecFetch = ExecFetch,
audio = new Audio();
ppu = new PPU();
serialport = new SerialPort();
CoreComm = comm;
_settings = (VectrexSettings)settings ?? new VectrexSettings();
_syncSettings = (VectrexSyncSettings)syncSettings ?? new VectrexSyncSettings();
_controllerDeck = new VectrexHawkControllerDeck(_syncSettings.Port1);
// BIOS stuff can be tricky. Sometimes you'll have more then one vailable BIOS or different BIOSes for different regions
// for now I suggest just picking one going
byte[] Bios = null;
//Bios = comm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmware("Vectrex", "Bios", true, "BIOS Not Found, Cannot Load");
_bios = Bios;
// the following few lines are jsut examples of working with a header and hashes
Buffer.BlockCopy(rom, 0x100, header, 0, 0x50);
string hash_md5 = null;
hash_md5 = "md5:" + rom.HashMD5(0, rom.Length);
// in this case our working ROm has the header removed (might not be the case for your system)
_rom = rom;
_frameHz = 60;
// usually you want to have a reflected core available to the various components since they share some information
audio.Core = this;
ppu.Core = this;
serialport.Core = this;
// the following is just interface setup, dont worry to much about it
ServiceProvider = ser;
_settings = (VectrexSettings)settings ?? new VectrexSettings();
_syncSettings = (VectrexSyncSettings)syncSettings ?? new VectrexSyncSettings();
_tracer = new TraceBuffer { Header = cpu.TraceHeader };
public DisplayType Region => DisplayType.NTSC;
private readonly VectrexHawkControllerDeck _controllerDeck;
public void HardReset()
_vidbuffer = new int[VirtualWidth * VirtualHeight];
private void ExecFetch(ushort addr)
MemoryCallbacks.CallExecutes(addr, "System Bus");
// most systems have cartridges or other storage media that map memory in more then one way.
// Use this ethod to set that stuff up when first starting the core
private void Setup_Mapper()
mapper = new MapperDefault();

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using BizHawk.Common;
using BizHawk.Common.ReflectionExtensions;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Vectrex
public class VectrexHawkControllerDeck
public VectrexHawkControllerDeck(string controller1Name)
if (!ValidControllerTypes.ContainsKey(controller1Name))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid controller type: " + controller1Name);
Port1 = (IPort)Activator.CreateInstance(ValidControllerTypes[controller1Name], 1);
Definition = new ControllerDefinition
Name = Port1.Definition.Name,
BoolButtons = Port1.Definition.BoolButtons
public byte ReadPort1(IController c)
return Port1.Read(c);
public ControllerDefinition Definition { get; }
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)
private readonly IPort Port1;
private static Dictionary<string, Type> _controllerTypes;
public static Dictionary<string, Type> ValidControllerTypes
if (_controllerTypes == null)
_controllerTypes = typeof(VectrexHawkControllerDeck).Assembly
.Where(t => typeof(IPort).IsAssignableFrom(t))
.Where(t => !t.IsAbstract && !t.IsInterface)
.ToDictionary(tkey => tkey.DisplayName());
return _controllerTypes;
public static string DefaultControllerName => typeof(StandardControls).DisplayName();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using BizHawk.Common;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Vectrex
/// <summary>
/// Represents a Vectrex add on
/// </summary>
public interface IPort
byte Read(IController c);
ControllerDefinition Definition { get; }
void SyncState(Serializer ser);
int PortNum { get; }
[DisplayName("Vectrex Controller")]
public class StandardControls : IPort
public StandardControls(int portNum)
PortNum = portNum;
Definition = new ControllerDefinition
Name = "Vectrex Controller",
BoolButtons = BaseDefinition
.Select(b => "P" + PortNum + " " + b)
public int PortNum { get; }
public ControllerDefinition Definition { get; }
public byte Read(IController c)
byte result = 0xFF;
return result;
private static readonly string[] BaseDefinition =
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)