Comment out some temporarily short-circuited code to remove some warnings

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adelikat 2017-04-24 12:59:24 -05:00
parent b16a9b12ff
commit a86ad73ade
1 changed files with 49 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
//blnActionReplayMax means "This is an Action Replay MAX code."
Boolean blnActionReplayMax = false;
//blnCodeBreaker means "This is a CodeBreaker code."
Boolean blnCodeBreaker = false;
//Boolean blnCodeBreaker = false;
//blnUnhandled means "BizHawk can't do this one or the tool can't."
Boolean blnUnhandled = false;
//blnUnneeded means "You don't need this code."
@ -402,14 +402,14 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
private void GBA()
blnEncrypted = false;
bool blnNoCode = false;
//bool blnNoCode = false;
//Super Ultra Mega HD BizHawk GameShark/Action Replay/Code Breaker Final Hyper Edition Arcade Remix EX + α GBA Code detection method.
//Seriously, it's that complex.
//Check Game Shark/Action Replay (Not Max) Codes
if (SingleCheat.Length == 17 && SingleCheat.IndexOf(" ") == 8)
blnNoCode = true;
//blnNoCode = true;
//Super Ultra Mega HD BizHawk GameShark/Action Replay/Code Breaker Final Hyper Edition Arcade Remix EX + α GBA Code detection method.
//Seriously, it's that complex.
@ -531,57 +531,56 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
//Sample Code
//Encyped: 6C2A1F51C2C0
//Decrypted: 82028048 FFFFFFFF
if (blnCodeBreaker == false)
parseString = SingleCheat;
UInt32 op1 = 0;
UInt32 op2 = 0;
UInt32 sum = 0xC6EF3720;
string test1;
string test2;
test1 = parseString.Remove(5, 6);
test2 = parseString.Remove(0, 6);
op1 = UInt32.Parse(parseString.Remove(5, 6), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
op2 = UInt32.Parse(parseString.Remove(0, 6), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
//if (blnCodeBreaker == false)
// parseString = SingleCheat;
// UInt32 op1 = 0;
// UInt32 op2 = 0;
// UInt32 sum = 0xC6EF3720;
// string test1;
// string test2;
// test1 = parseString.Remove(5, 6);
// test2 = parseString.Remove(0, 6);
// MessageBox.Show(test1.ToString());
// MessageBox.Show(test2.ToString());
// op1 = UInt32.Parse(parseString.Remove(5, 6), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
// op2 = UInt32.Parse(parseString.Remove(0, 6), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
//Tiny Encryption Algorithm
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
op2 -= ((op1 << 4) + GBAGameSharkSeeds[2]) ^ (op1 + sum) ^ ((op1 >> 5) + GBAGameSharkSeeds[3]);
op1 -= ((op2 << 4) + GBAGameSharkSeeds[0]) ^ (op2 + sum) ^ ((op2 >> 5) + GBAGameSharkSeeds[1]);
sum -= 0x9E3779B9;
//op1 has the Address
//op2 has the Value
//Sum, is pointless?
RAMAddress = string.Format("{0:X8}", op1);
//RAMAddress = RAMAddress.Remove(0, 1);
RAMValue = string.Format("{0:X8}", op2);
// && RAMAddress[6] == '0'
// //Tiny Encryption Algorithm
// int i;
// for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
// {
// op2 -= ((op1 << 4) + GBAGameSharkSeeds[2]) ^ (op1 + sum) ^ ((op1 >> 5) + GBAGameSharkSeeds[3]);
// op1 -= ((op2 << 4) + GBAGameSharkSeeds[0]) ^ (op2 + sum) ^ ((op2 >> 5) + GBAGameSharkSeeds[1]);
// sum -= 0x9E3779B9;
// }
// //op1 has the Address
// //op2 has the Value
// //Sum, is pointless?
// RAMAddress = string.Format("{0:X8}", op1);
// //RAMAddress = RAMAddress.Remove(0, 1);
// RAMValue = string.Format("{0:X8}", op2);
// // && RAMAddress[6] == '0'
if (blnCodeBreaker == true)
//We got a Valid Code Breaker Code. Hopefully.
if (SingleCheat.IndexOf(" ") != 8 && SingleCheat.Length != 12)
MessageBox.Show("ALL Codes for Action Replay, Action Replay MAX, Codebreaker, GameShark Advance, GameShark SP, Xploder have a Space after the 8th character.", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//We have a code
if (blnNoCode == false)
//if (blnCodeBreaker == true)
// //We got a Valid Code Breaker Code. Hopefully.
// AddGBA();
// return;
//if (SingleCheat.IndexOf(" ") != 8 && SingleCheat.Length != 12)
// MessageBox.Show("ALL Codes for Action Replay, Action Replay MAX, Codebreaker, GameShark Advance, GameShark SP, Xploder have a Space after the 8th character.", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
// return;
////We have a code
//if (blnNoCode == false)