Intellivision fix border collision

Now passes MTE test cart
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alyosha-tas 2016-12-27 11:49:31 -05:00 committed by GitHub
parent c61a15458c
commit a38de398df
1 changed files with 18 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Intellivision
public int[] BGBuffer = new int[159 * 96];
public int[] FrameBuffer = new int[176 * 208];
public ushort[,] Collision = new ushort[167,210];
public ushort[,] Collision = new ushort[168,210];
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)
@ -481,17 +481,17 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Intellivision
int x_border = (Register[0x32] & 0x0001) * 8;
int y_border = ((Register[0x32] >> 1) & 0x0001) * 8;
int min_x = x_border == 0 ? x_delay : x_border;
int min_y = y_border == 0 ? y_delay : y_border;
for (int j=0;j<96;j++)
for (int i = 0; i < 159; i++)
if (i >= x_delay && j >= y_delay)
if (i >= min_x && j >= min_y)
if (i >= x_border && j >= y_border)
FrameBuffer[(j * 2) * 176 + (i+8) + BORDER_OFFSET] = BGBuffer[(j - y_delay) * 159 + i - x_delay];
FrameBuffer[(j * 2 + 1) * 176 + (i+8) + BORDER_OFFSET] = BGBuffer[(j - y_delay) * 159 + i - x_delay];
FrameBuffer[(j * 2) * 176 + (i+8) + BORDER_OFFSET] = BGBuffer[(j - y_delay) * 159 + i - x_delay];
FrameBuffer[(j * 2 + 1) * 176 + (i+8) + BORDER_OFFSET] = BGBuffer[(j - y_delay) * 159 + i - x_delay];
@ -699,8 +699,6 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Intellivision
//draw the mob and check for collision
//we already have the BG at this point, so for now let's assume mobs have priority for testing
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
@ -720,7 +718,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Intellivision
//a MOB does not need to be visible for it to be interracting
//special case: a mob with x position 0 is counted as off
if (intr && pixel && (cur_x) < 167 && (loc_y * 2 + cur_y) < 210 && loc_x != 0)
if (intr && pixel && (cur_x) <= 167 && (loc_y * 2 + cur_y) < 210 && loc_x != 0)
Collision[cur_x, loc_y * 2 + cur_y] |= (ushort)(1 << i);
@ -734,7 +732,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Intellivision
//a MOB does not need to be visible for it to be interracting
//special case: a mob with x position 0 is counted as off
if (intr && pixel && (cur_x + 1) < 167 && (loc_y * 2 + cur_y) < 210 && loc_x != 0)
if (intr && pixel && (cur_x + 1) <= 167 && (loc_y * 2 + cur_y) < 210 && loc_x != 0)
Collision[cur_x + 1, loc_y * 2 + cur_y] |= (ushort)(1 << i);
@ -743,7 +741,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Intellivision
// Now repeat the process if the mob is double sized
if (yres>1)
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
@ -764,7 +762,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Intellivision
//a MOB does not need to be visible for it to be interracting
//special case: a mob with x position 0 is counted as off
if (intr && pixel && (cur_x) < 167 && ((loc_y + 4 * y_size) * 2 + cur_y) < 210 && loc_x != 0)
if (intr && pixel && (cur_x) <= 167 && ((loc_y + 4 * y_size) * 2 + cur_y) < 210 && loc_x != 0)
Collision[cur_x, (loc_y + 4 * y_size) * 2 + cur_y] |= (ushort)(1 << i);
@ -778,7 +776,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Intellivision
//a MOB does not need to be visible for it to be interracting
//special case: a mob with x position 0 is counted as off
if (intr && pixel && (cur_x + 1) < 167 && ((loc_y + 4 * y_size) * 2 + cur_y) < 210 && loc_x != 0)
if (intr && pixel && (cur_x + 1) <= 167 && ((loc_y + 4 * y_size) * 2 + cur_y) < 210 && loc_x != 0)
Collision[cur_x + 1, (loc_y + 4 * y_size) * 2 + cur_y] |= (ushort)(1 << i);
@ -791,22 +789,22 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Intellivision
// by now we have collision information for all 8 mobs and the BG
// so we can store data in the collision registers here
int x_border = Register[0x32].Bit(0) ? 16-x_delay : 8-x_delay;
int y_border = Register[0x32].Bit(1) ? 32-y_delay*2 : 16-y_delay*2;
int x_border = Register[0x32].Bit(0) ? 15-x_delay : 7-x_delay;
int y_border = Register[0x32].Bit(1) ? 30-y_delay*2 : 14-y_delay*2;
int x_border_2 = Register[0x32].Bit(0) ? 8 : 0;
int y_border_2 = Register[0x32].Bit(1) ? 16 : 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 167; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < 168; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 210; j++)
// while we are here we can set collision detection bits for the border region
if (i == x_border || i == (165-x_delay))
if (i == x_border || i == (167-x_delay))
Collision[i, j] |= (1 << 9);
if ((j == y_border || j == y_border-1) || (j == (207-y_delay*2) || j == (207 - y_delay * 2+1)))
if (j == y_border || j == y_border+1 || j == (208-y_delay*2) || j == (208 - y_delay * 2+1))
Collision[i, j] |= (1 << 9);
@ -826,7 +824,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Intellivision
// the extra condition here is to ignore only border collsion bit set
// the extra condition here is to ignore only border/BG collsion bit set
if (Collision[i, j] != 0 && Collision[i,j] != (1<<9) && Collision[i,j] != (1<<8))
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)