diff --git a/libsnes/vs2015/libsnes.sln b/libsnes/vs2015/libsnes.sln
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..177357d4c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libsnes/vs2015/libsnes.sln
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
+# Visual Studio 14
+VisualStudioVersion = 14.0.22823.1
+MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "libsnes", "libsnes.vcxproj", "{488B77AD-58DF-4E01-9329-67B20D486860}"
+ GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
+ Debug|x86 = Debug|x86
+ Release|x86 = Release|x86
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
+ {488B77AD-58DF-4E01-9329-67B20D486860}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+ {488B77AD-58DF-4E01-9329-67B20D486860}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+ {488B77AD-58DF-4E01-9329-67B20D486860}.Release|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+ {488B77AD-58DF-4E01-9329-67B20D486860}.Release|x86.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
+ HideSolutionNode = FALSE
+ EndGlobalSection
diff --git a/libsnes/vs2015/libsnes.vcxproj b/libsnes/vs2015/libsnes.vcxproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d67898902c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libsnes/vs2015/libsnes.vcxproj
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+ Debug
+ Win32
+ Release
+ Win32
+ {488B77AD-58DF-4E01-9329-67B20D486860}
+ libsnes
+ 8.1
+ DynamicLibrary
+ true
+ v140
+ NotSet
+ Application
+ false
+ v140
+ true
+ MultiByte
+ Level3
+ Disabled
+ false
+ $(ProjectDir)../bsnes
+ true
+ true
+ Level3
+ MaxSpeed
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ $(IntDir)$([System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Replace('%(Identity)','[^A-Za-z0-9\\]','').Replace("\","_") ).obj
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libsnes/vs2015/libsnes.vcxproj.filters b/libsnes/vs2015/libsnes.vcxproj.filters
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..67087b6313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libsnes/vs2015/libsnes.vcxproj.filters
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+ {6321d017-eb1b-4c32-8ad6-2a444cd349f6}
+ {b524d91d-4f81-4c11-a85c-b3b4d12ae8cf}
+ {c08353ee-b185-43d3-bbcf-0b6ec3e90320}
+ {408560e5-f6fb-4bb3-a9d5-d4142a1320f0}
+ {a38518d2-1cce-44e8-a3a5-0f861d87493e}
+ {9f9acb28-fdaa-49d0-90be-c1420ab16873}
+ {289226f8-df84-498f-9ae4-aa56bd12b59c}
+ {55ee4b4b-d81c-44a1-9aaa-acd145d22f7a}
+ {2393d351-a00c-4786-ad11-445f1a1f41b1}
+ {7c6789fc-4c2c-4d46-9f37-f0ca1d3b1040}
+ {7f99b945-63a1-4516-8b55-97e752e836f2}
+ {b2c7c754-bd74-4418-948b-2af3c799d015}
+ {17456ecf-3890-4e53-ab34-0e2522355065}
+ {ba2a4779-7d10-43e6-bfc9-132ea211483c}
+ {118fed9b-6135-4bb5-9e24-eea11c4af00c}
+ {82b154b9-d01b-413a-8f8b-dd12999827dd}
+ {a3e5a31b-5b10-40d1-8805-abd490396997}
+ {72824eb5-fe38-4ef8-908a-58c890560e65}
+ {e219cd9c-1e92-4ab1-bf0a-ce3501000807}
+ {613fc7f9-2c45-429f-b23d-6d49079d7891}
+ {2b5e8fde-1d52-4681-a15c-f06b7926fe82}
+ {b4be7383-80a1-4237-8d43-01e15867afc2}
+ {11dfb660-4987-46c8-8972-7342e656c555}
+ {9dd57f5e-1002-48d7-81d3-529c022996bd}
+ {944e3046-20a8-4271-9974-15718a3aa3cd}
+ {b5eedfaf-3238-4e31-814b-f59d2ad6c617}
+ {bb93bc7a-e90a-4e11-a0c0-84e26dc7f42a}
+ {7887aa9a-01a4-4152-a285-bb4ecaa0b716}
+ {009324b7-7605-4e55-b73d-68131f4a8845}
+ {a9b576a3-938b-4e09-86e7-4cda6e5deba5}
+ {4c4832de-b4f0-488d-980b-a77ebce05527}
+ {fb725aa0-6ff3-4b25-bf45-ae28fc3aed4a}
+ {2a37b3c4-7b36-48e5-b201-25b1e81d8751}
+ {574e46b2-63b2-491a-8ae1-0942b01d6cd2}
+ {b4ec7434-0582-4463-8e08-c3e9eb99d005}
+ {34858db2-a967-43a1-ac48-4de7b5db5a6b}
+ {e7a4951f-47f4-44e1-a1ac-c29484c89c33}
+ {da1501bf-c0ce-4e34-a9b5-80b369db33dc}
+ {adbd7da4-de16-44d3-9ba4-15841768d4fe}
+ {9cabccb5-50ec-491e-b48f-ca8b88a546c8}
+ {f008c454-28d4-40c7-9289-b3f2dd19a762}
+ {434d7eb5-d533-4917-8b38-cca08d569ed5}
+ {a6600a1f-d587-4a88-966e-11f7a2ee2e3e}
+ {000a6753-2b90-45fa-845d-c7b364a37c35}
+ {b8ea9101-3f2f-4631-8bfe-4011bebc8e0e}
+ {1d1cf6c9-9e1b-402c-b1cc-7ed8866092e7}
+ {d2cbafd7-caaf-404c-9fdb-4adaaf5c1687}
+ {be676f5c-dcb3-4a39-911c-4e102dfa25d8}
+ base
+ gameboy
+ gameboy\apu
+ gameboy\cheat
+ snes
+ snes
+ snes
+ snes
+ target-libsnes
+ gameboy\apu
+ gameboy\cartridge
+ gameboy\cheat
+ gameboy\cpu
+ gameboy\interface
+ gameboy\lcd
+ gameboy\memory
+ gameboy\scheduler
+ gameboy\system
+ gameboy\video
+ snes\alt\dsp
+ snes\alt\cpu
+ snes\alt\ppu-performance
+ snes\alt\smp
+ snes\cartridge
+ snes\cheat
+ snes\chip\armdsp
+ snes\chip\bsx
+ snes\chip\hitachidsp
+ snes\chip\icd2
+ snes\chip\link
+ snes\chip\msu1
+ snes\necdsp
+ snes\chip\nss
+ snes\chip\obc1
+ snes\chip\sa1
+ snes\chip\sdd1
+ snes\chip\spc7110
+ snes\chip\srtc
+ snes\chip\sufamiturbo
+ snes\chip\superfx
+ snes\config
+ snes\controller
+ snes\cpu
+ snes\dsp
+ snes\interface
+ snes\memory
+ snes\ppu
+ snes\smp
+ snes\system
+ target-libsnes
+ target-libsnes
+ libco_msvc_win32
+ snes\cpu\core
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libsnes/vs2015/vs2015-support.patch b/libsnes/vs2015/vs2015-support.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b760d6859
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libsnes/vs2015/vs2015-support.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+Index: gameboy/system/system.hpp
+--- gameboy/system/system.hpp (revision 9394)
++++ gameboy/system/system.hpp (working copy)
+@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
+ GameBoyColor,
+ };
+ readonly revision;
+- inline bool dmg() const { return revision == Revision::GameBoy; }
+- inline bool sgb() const { return revision == Revision::SuperGameBoy; }
+- inline bool cgb() const { return revision == Revision::GameBoyColor; }
++ inline bool dmg() const { return (Revision)revision == Revision::GameBoy; }
++ inline bool sgb() const { return (Revision)revision == Revision::SuperGameBoy; }
++ inline bool cgb() const { return (Revision)revision == Revision::GameBoyColor; }
+ struct BootROM {
+ static const uint8 dmg[ 256];
+Index: nall/bit.hpp
+--- nall/bit.hpp (revision 9394)
++++ nall/bit.hpp (working copy)
+@@ -10,20 +10,24 @@
+ template
+ constexpr inline uintmax_t uclip(const uintmax_t x) {
+- enum : uintmax_t { b = 1ull << (bits - 1), m = b * 2 - 1 };
+- return (x & m);
++ //enum : uintmax_t { b = 1ull << (bits - 1), m = b * 2 - 1 }; //test
++ //return (x & m); //test
++ return (x & ((uintmax_t)(((uintmax_t)(1ull << (bits - 1))) * 2 - 1)));
+ }
+ template
+ constexpr inline intmax_t sclamp(const intmax_t x) {
+- enum : intmax_t { b = 1ull << (bits - 1), m = b - 1 };
+- return (x > m) ? m : (x < -b) ? -b : x;
++ //enum : intmax_t { b = 1ull << (bits - 1), m = b - 1 }; //test
++ //(intmax_t)(1ull << (bits - 1)) //b
++ //(((intmax_t)(1ull << (bits - 1))) - 1) //m
++ //return (x > m) ? m : (x < -b) ? -b : x; //test
++ return (x > (((intmax_t)(1ull << (bits - 1))) - 1)) ? (((intmax_t)(1ull << (bits - 1))) - 1) : (x < -((intmax_t)(1ull << (bits - 1)))) ? -((intmax_t)(1ull << (bits - 1))) : x; //test
+ }
+ template
+ constexpr inline intmax_t sclip(const intmax_t x) {
+- enum : uintmax_t { b = 1ull << (bits - 1), m = b * 2 - 1 };
+- return ((x & m) ^ b) - b;
++ //enum : uintmax_t { b = 1ull << (bits - 1), m = b * 2 - 1 }; //test
++ return ((x & ((uintmax_t)(((uintmax_t)(1ull << (bits - 1))) * 2 - 1))) ^ ((uintmax_t)(1ull << (bits - 1)))) - ((uintmax_t)(1ull << (bits - 1)));
+ }
+ namespace bit {
+Index: nall/dsp/resample/average.hpp
+--- nall/dsp/resample/average.hpp (revision 9394)
++++ nall/dsp/resample/average.hpp (working copy)
+@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@
+ void ResampleAverage::sampleLinear() {
+ while(fraction <= 1.0) {
+- real channel[dsp.settings.channels];
++ //real channel[dsp.settings.channels]; //test
++ real channel[2];
+ for(unsigned n = 0; n < dsp.settings.channels; n++) {
+ real a = dsp.buffer.read(n, -1);
+Index: nall/dsp/resample/cosine.hpp
+--- nall/dsp/resample/cosine.hpp (revision 9394)
++++ nall/dsp/resample/cosine.hpp (working copy)
+@@ -21,8 +21,10 @@
+ void ResampleCosine::sample() {
+ while(fraction <= 1.0) {
+- real channel[dsp.settings.channels];
++ //real channel[dsp.settings.channels]; //test
++ real channel[2];
+ for(unsigned n = 0; n < dsp.settings.channels; n++) {
+ real a = dsp.buffer.read(n, -1);
+ real b = dsp.buffer.read(n, -0);
+Index: nall/dsp/resample/cubic.hpp
+--- nall/dsp/resample/cubic.hpp (revision 9394)
++++ nall/dsp/resample/cubic.hpp (working copy)
+@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
+ void ResampleCubic::sample() {
+ while(fraction <= 1.0) {
+- real channel[dsp.settings.channels];
++ //real channel[dsp.settings.channels]; //test
++ real channel[2]; //test
+ for(unsigned n = 0; n < dsp.settings.channels; n++) {
+ real a = dsp.buffer.read(n, -3);
+Index: nall/dsp/resample/hermite.hpp
+--- nall/dsp/resample/hermite.hpp (revision 9394)
++++ nall/dsp/resample/hermite.hpp (working copy)
+@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
+ void ResampleHermite::sample() {
+ while(fraction <= 1.0) {
+- real channel[dsp.settings.channels];
++ //real channel[dsp.settings.channels]; //test
++ real channel[2];
+ for(unsigned n = 0; n < dsp.settings.channels; n++) {
+ real a = dsp.buffer.read(n, -3);
+Index: nall/dsp/resample/lib/sinc.hpp
+--- nall/dsp/resample/lib/sinc.hpp (revision 9394)
++++ nall/dsp/resample/lib/sinc.hpp (working copy)
+@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
+ typedef float resample_coeff_t; // note: sizeof(resample_coeff_t) must be == to a power of 2, and not larger than 16
+ typedef float resample_samp_t;
+ // ...but don't comment this single RESAMPLE_SSEREGPARM define out when disabling SSE.
+Index: nall/dsp/resample/linear.hpp
+--- nall/dsp/resample/linear.hpp (revision 9394)
++++ nall/dsp/resample/linear.hpp (working copy)
+@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
+ void ResampleLinear::sample() {
+ while(fraction <= 1.0) {
+- real channel[dsp.settings.channels];
++ //real channel[dsp.settings.channels]; //TEST
++ real channel[2];
+ for(unsigned n = 0; n < dsp.settings.channels; n++) {
+ real a = dsp.buffer.read(n, -1);
+Index: nall/dsp/resample/nearest.hpp
+--- nall/dsp/resample/nearest.hpp (revision 9394)
++++ nall/dsp/resample/nearest.hpp (working copy)
+@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
+ void ResampleNearest::sample() {
+ while(fraction <= 1.0) {
+- real channel[dsp.settings.channels];
++ //real channel[dsp.settings.channels]; //test
++ real channel[2];
+ for(unsigned n = 0; n < dsp.settings.channels; n++) {
+ real a = dsp.buffer.read(n, -1);
+Index: nall/file.hpp
+--- nall/file.hpp (revision 9394)
++++ nall/file.hpp (working copy)
+@@ -176,7 +176,8 @@
+ struct __stat64 data;
+ _wstat64(utf16_t(filename), &data);
+ #endif
+- return S_ISREG(data.st_mode) ? data.st_size : 0u;
++ //return S_ISREG(data.st_mode) ? data.st_size : 0u; //TEST
++ return data.st_size;
+ }
+ static time_t timestamp(const string &filename, file::time mode = file::time::create) {
+Index: nall/platform.hpp
+--- nall/platform.hpp (revision 9394)
++++ nall/platform.hpp (working copy)
+@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
+ #include
+ #endif
++#ifdef _MSC_VER
++#define _USE_MATH_DEFINES 1
+ //=========================
+ //standard platform headers
+ //=========================
+@@ -29,10 +33,13 @@
+ #if defined(_WIN32)
+ #include
+ #include
+- #include
++ //#include //bizhawk chokes?
+ #include
+ #undef interface
+ #define dllexport __declspec(dllexport)
++ //bad things happen without these here
++ #include
++ #include
+ #else
+ #include
+ #include
+@@ -100,23 +107,27 @@
+ }
+ inline char* userpath(char *path) {
+- wchar_t fp[_MAX_PATH] = L"";
+- SHGetFolderPathW(0, CSIDL_APPDATA | CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE, 0, 0, fp);
+- strcpy(path, nall::utf8_t(fp));
+- for(unsigned n = 0; path[n]; n++) if(path[n] == '\\') path[n] = '/';
+- unsigned length = strlen(path);
+- if(path[length] != '/') strcpy(path + length, "/");
+- return path;
++ return nullptr;
++ //wchar_t fp[_MAX_PATH] = L"";
++ //SHGetFolderPathW(0, CSIDL_APPDATA | CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE, 0, 0, fp);
++ //strcpy(path, nall::utf8_t(fp));
++ //for(unsigned n = 0; path[n]; n++) if(path[n] == '\\') path[n] = '/';
++ //unsigned length = strlen(path);
++ //if(path[length] != '/') strcpy(path + length, "/");
++ //return path;
+ }
+ inline char* getcwd(char *path) {
+- wchar_t fp[_MAX_PATH] = L"";
+- _wgetcwd(fp, _MAX_PATH);
+- strcpy(path, nall::utf8_t(fp));
+- for(unsigned n = 0; path[n]; n++) if(path[n] == '\\') path[n] = '/';
+- unsigned length = strlen(path);
+- if(path[length] != '/') strcpy(path + length, "/");
+- return path;
++ return nullptr;
++ //wchar_t fp[_MAX_PATH] = L"";
++ //_wgetcwd(fp, _MAX_PATH);
++ //strcpy(path, nall::utf8_t(fp));
++ //for(unsigned n = 0; path[n]; n++) if(path[n] == '\\') path[n] = '/';
++ //unsigned length = strlen(path);
++ //if(path[length] != '/') strcpy(path + length, "/");
++ //return path;
+ }
+ #else
+ //realpath() already exists
+Index: nall/property.hpp
+--- nall/property.hpp (revision 9394)
++++ nall/property.hpp (working copy)
+@@ -56,17 +56,17 @@
+ const T* operator->() const { return &value; }
+ const T& operator()() const { return value; }
+ operator const T&() const { return value; }
+- private:
++ //private:
+ T* operator->() { return &value; }
+ operator T&() { return value; }
+ const T& operator=(const T& value_) { return value = value_; }
+ T value;
+- friend class traits::type;
++ //friend class traits::type;
+ };
+ template struct writeonly {
+ void operator=(const T& value_) { value = value_; }
+- private:
++ //private:
+ const T* operator->() const { return &value; }
+ const T& operator()() const { return value; }
+ operator const T&() const { return value; }
+@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
+ T* operator->() { return &value; }
+ operator T&() { return value; }
+ T value;
+- friend class traits::type;
++ //friend class traits::type;
+ };
+ template struct readwrite {
+Index: nall/string/utility.hpp
+--- nall/string/utility.hpp (revision 9394)
++++ nall/string/utility.hpp (working copy)
+@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+ namespace nall {
+ template
+@@ -164,7 +166,7 @@
+ buffer[size] = 0;
+ unsigned length = (length_ == 0 ? size : length_);
+- char result[length + 1];
++ char* result = (char*)alloca(length + 1);
+ memset(result, padding, length);
+ result[length] = 0;
+@@ -209,7 +211,7 @@
+ } while(value);
+ unsigned length = (length_ == 0 ? size : length_);
+- char result[length + 1];
++ char *result = (char*)alloca(length + 1);
+ memset(result, padding, length);
+ result[length] = 0;
+Index: snes/cartridge/markup.cpp
+--- snes/cartridge/markup.cpp (revision 9394)
++++ snes/cartridge/markup.cpp (working copy)
+@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
+ void Cartridge::parse_markup_icd2(XML::Node &root) {
+ #if defined(GAMEBOY)
+ if(root.exists() == false) return;
+- if(mode != Mode::SuperGameBoy) return;
++ if(mode.value != Mode::SuperGameBoy) return;
+ icd2.revision = max(1, numeral(root["revision"].data));
+@@ -241,7 +241,8 @@
+ if(!sha256.empty()) {
+ //XML file specified SHA256 sum for program. Verify file matches the hash.
+ fp.seek(0);
+- uint8_t data[filesize];
++ //uint8_t data[filesize]; //test
++ uint8_t *data = (uint8_t*)alloca(filesize);
+ fp.read(data, filesize);
+ if(sha256 != nall::sha256(data, filesize)) {
+@@ -367,7 +368,7 @@
+ void Cartridge::parse_markup_bsx(XML::Node &root) {
+ if(root.exists() == false) return;
+- if(mode != Mode::BsxSlotted && mode != Mode::Bsx) return;
++ if(mode.value != Mode::BsxSlotted && mode.value != Mode::Bsx) return;
+ has_bsx_slot = true;
+ for(auto &node : root["slot"]) {
+@@ -394,7 +395,7 @@
+ void Cartridge::parse_markup_sufamiturbo(XML::Node &root) {
+ if(root.exists() == false) return;
+- if(mode != Mode::SufamiTurbo) return;
++ if(mode.value != Mode::SufamiTurbo) return;
+ for(auto &slot : root) {
+ if(slot.name != "slot") continue;
+Index: snes/chip/armdsp/registers.hpp
+--- snes/chip/armdsp/registers.hpp (revision 9394)
++++ snes/chip/armdsp/registers.hpp (working copy)
+@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@
+ Register& operator=(uint32 n) {
+ data = n;
+ if(write) write();
++ return *this; //test - what?
+ }
+ Register& operator+=(uint32 n) { return operator=(data + n); }
+Index: snes/chip/icd2/interface/interface.cpp
+--- snes/chip/icd2/interface/interface.cpp (revision 9394)
++++ snes/chip/icd2/interface/interface.cpp (working copy)
+@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
+ return 0;
+ }
+-void* ICD2::allocSharedMemory(const char* memtype, size_t amt, int initialByte) { SNES::interface()->allocSharedMemory(memtype, amt, initialByte); }
++void* ICD2::allocSharedMemory(const char* memtype, size_t amt, int initialByte) { return SNES::interface()->allocSharedMemory(memtype, amt, initialByte); }
+ void ICD2::freeSharedMemory(void* ptr) { SNES::interface()->freeSharedMemory(ptr); }
+ #endif
+Index: snes/system/system.cpp
+--- snes/system/system.cpp (revision 9394)
++++ snes/system/system.cpp (working copy)
+@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
+ region = config.region;
+ expansion = config.expansion_port;
+- if(region == Region::Autodetect) {
++ if(region.value == Region::Autodetect) {
+ region = (cartridge.region() == Cartridge::Region::NTSC ? Region::NTSC : Region::PAL);
+ }
+Index: target-libsnes/libsnes_pwrap.cpp
+--- target-libsnes/libsnes_pwrap.cpp (revision 9394)
++++ target-libsnes/libsnes_pwrap.cpp (working copy)
+@@ -854,6 +854,7 @@
+ case eMessage_QUERY_peek_cpu_regs:
+ {
+ //watch it! the size of this struct is important!
++ #pragma pack(push,1)
+ struct {
+ u32 pc;
+ u16 a,x,y,z,s,d,vector; //7x
+@@ -860,7 +861,8 @@
+ u8 p, nothing;
+ u32 aa,rd;
+ u8 sp, dp, db, mdr;
+- } __attribute__((__packed__)) cpuregs;
++ } cpuregs;
++ #pragma pack(pop)
+ cpuregs.pc = (u32)SNES::cpu.regs.pc;
+ cpuregs.a = SNES::cpu.regs.a;