Support UNIF DripGame Everything works except the nametable viewer (which does not account for the exattributes)

This commit is contained in:
nattthebear 2016-03-16 19:56:26 -04:00
parent c0f7219b06
commit 8d3e10b56e
3 changed files with 407 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -726,6 +726,7 @@
<Compile Include="Consoles\Nintendo\NES\Boards\UNIF\UNIF_UNL-AX5705.cs" />
<Compile Include="Consoles\Nintendo\NES\Boards\UNIF\UNIF_UNL-CC-21.cs" />
<Compile Include="Consoles\Nintendo\NES\Boards\UNIF\UNIF_UNL-EDU2000.cs" />
<Compile Include="Consoles\Nintendo\NES\Boards\UNIF\UNIF_UNL_DripGame.cs" />
<Compile Include="Consoles\Nintendo\NES\Boards\UxROM.cs">

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@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using BizHawk.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.NES
public class UNIF_UNL_DripGame : NES.NESBoardBase
public bool DripGameDipSwitch;
// cycles the hardware takes to prep; exact value not known
const int WarmupTime = 1000000;
// hardware warmup clock
int warmupclock = WarmupTime;
// 16k prg bank
int[] prg = new int[2];
// 2k chr bank
int[] chr = new int[4];
// prg bank mask
int prgmask;
// chr bank mask
int chrmask;
// 4096 bits of attribute ram (only bottom two bits of each byte are valid)
byte[] exram = new byte[2048];
// nt mirroring (we track internally because we have to use it specially)
int[] nt = new int[4];
// true if exattr is active
bool exattr; // 800a.2
// true if sram is writeable
bool sramwrite; // 800a.3
// 8 bit latch of value written to 8008
byte irqbuffer; // 8008
// current irq timer value (15 bit)
int irqvalue;
// last ppu read in 2xxx that was a nametable read, mapped for nt mirroring to 000:7ff
// internally, this might be implemented without a latch (you can figure everything directly from the address)
int lastntread;
// sound hardware
SoundChannel sound0;
SoundChannel sound1;
public override void SyncState(Serializer ser)
ser.Sync("DripGameDipSwitch", ref DripGameDipSwitch);
ser.Sync("warmupclock", ref warmupclock);
ser.Sync("prg", ref prg, false);
ser.Sync("chr", ref chr, false);
ser.Sync("exram", ref exram, false);
ser.Sync("nt", ref nt, false);
ser.Sync("exattr", ref exattr);
ser.Sync("sramwrite", ref sramwrite);
ser.Sync("irqbuffer", ref irqbuffer);
ser.Sync("irqvalue", ref irqvalue);
ser.Sync("lastntread", ref lastntread); // technically not needed if states are always at frame boundary
public override bool Configure(NES.EDetectionOrigin origin)
switch (Cart.board_type)
return false;
Cart.wram_size = 8;
Cart.wram_battery = false;
AssertPrg(16, 32, 64, 128, 256); // 4 bits x 16
AssertChr(8, 16, 32); // 4 bits x 2
prgmask = Cart.prg_size / 16 - 1;
chrmask = Cart.prg_size / 2 - 1;
prg[1] = prgmask;
if (NES.apu != null) // don't start up sound when in configurator
sound0 = new SoundChannel(NES.apu.ExternalQueue);
sound1 = new SoundChannel(NES.apu.ExternalQueue);
return true;
private void SetMirror(int mirr)
switch (mirr)
case 0:
nt[0] = 0; nt[1] = 1; nt[2] = 0; nt[3] = 1; break; // V
case 1:
nt[0] = 0; nt[1] = 0; nt[2] = 1; nt[3] = 1; break; // H
case 2:
nt[0] = 0; nt[1] = 0; nt[2] = 0; nt[3] = 0; break; // 1a
case 3:
nt[0] = 1; nt[1] = 1; nt[2] = 1; nt[3] = 1; break; // 1b
public override void ClockCPU()
if (irqvalue > 0)
if (irqvalue == 0)
IRQSignal = true;
if (warmupclock > 0)
public override byte ReadEXP(int addr)
switch (addr & 0xf800)
case 0x0800: // status
byte ret = warmupclock == 0 ? (byte)0x64 : (byte)0x7f;
if (DripGameDipSwitch)
ret |= 0x80;
return ret;
case 0x1000: // sound1 status
return sound0.Read();
case 0x1800: // sound2 status
return sound1.Read();
return NES.DB;
public override void WritePRG(int addr, byte value)
if (addr < 0x4000) // regs
switch (addr & 15)
case 0: // sc0 silence
case 1: // sc0 data
case 2: // sc0 p low
case 3: // sc0 p hi
sound0.Write(addr & 3, value);
case 4: // sc0 silence
case 5: // sc0 data
case 6: // sc0 p low
case 7: // sc0 p hi
sound1.Write(addr & 3, value);
case 8: // irql
irqbuffer = value;
case 9: // irqh
IRQSignal = false; // ack
if ((value & 0x80) != 0) // enable
irqvalue = value << 8 & 0x7f00 | irqbuffer;
irqvalue = 0;
case 10: // control
SetMirror(value & 3);
exattr = (value & 4) != 0;
sramwrite = (value & 8) != 0;
case 11:
prg[0] = value & prgmask;
case 12:
case 13:
case 14:
case 15:
chr[addr & 3] = value & chrmask;
else // exattr
// mirror the two bottom bits to make rendering quicker
value &= 3;
value |= (byte)(value << 2);
value |= (byte)(value << 4);
exram[addr & 0x7ff] = value;
public override byte ReadPRG(int addr)
return ROM[addr & 0x3fff | prg[addr >> 14] << 14];
public override byte ReadPPU(int addr)
if (addr < 0x2000)
return VROM[addr & 0x7ff | chr[addr >> 11] << 11];
int mappedaddr = addr & 0x3ff | nt[addr >> 10 & 3] << 10;
if (exattr && (addr & 0x3ff) >= 0x3c0)
// pull palette data from exattr instead
return exram[lastntread];
lastntread = mappedaddr;
return NES.CIRAM[mappedaddr];
public override void WritePPU(int addr, byte value)
if (addr >= 0x2000)
NES.CIRAM[addr & 0x3ff | nt[addr >> 10 & 3] << 10] = value;
public override void WriteWRAM(int addr, byte value)
if (sramwrite)
base.WriteWRAM(addr, value);
private class SoundChannel
public SoundChannel(Action<int> enqueuer)
this.enqueuer = enqueuer;
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)
ser.Sync("fifo", ref fifo, false);
ser.Sync("active", ref active);
ser.Sync("writecursor", ref writecursor);
ser.Sync("readcursor", ref readcursor);
ser.Sync("timer", ref timer);
ser.Sync("period", ref period);
ser.Sync("volume", ref volume);
ser.Sync("sample", ref sample);
ser.Sync("latched", ref latched); // not needed
ser.Sync("volumeChangePending", ref volumeChangePending); // very not needed
// sound data fifo
byte[] fifo = new byte[256];
// true if channel is currently running
bool active = false;
// where the next byte will be written to
int writecursor;
// where the next byte will be read from
int readcursor;
// current phase clock
int timer;
// phase reload value
int period;
// volume register
int volume;
// last read sample
byte sample;
// latched output
int latched;
// communicate with APU
Action<int> enqueuer;
// true if V has been written and we need to check to change something
bool volumeChangePending;
void CalcLatch()
int n = volume * sample * 9; // 9 is magic master volume level
if (n != latched)
enqueuer(n - latched);
latched = n;
bool Empty { get { return writecursor == readcursor; } }
bool Full { get { return readcursor + 256 == writecursor; } }
public void Write(int addr, byte value)
switch (addr)
case 0: // clear
writecursor = 0;
readcursor = 0;
Array.Clear(fifo, 0, 256);
active = false;
case 1: // write
// TODO: is a write disallowed if we're full?
if (!Full)
fifo[writecursor & 255] = value;
if (!active)
active = true;
timer = period;
//Console.WriteLine("Enter with period {0}", period);
case 2: // set period low
period &= 0xf00;
period |= value;
case 3: // period high + volume
period &= 0xff;
period |= value << 8 & 0xf00;
volume = value >> 4;
// we can't change the latched value right now because it's illegal
// to enqueue to the APU when outside clockcpu method
volumeChangePending = true;
public void Clock()
if (active && timer > 0)
if (timer == 0)
if (Empty)
active = false;
sample = fifo[readcursor & 255];
timer = period;
if (volumeChangePending)
volumeChangePending = false;
public byte Read()
byte ret = 0;
if (Empty)
ret |= 0x40;
if (Full)
ret |= 0x80;
return ret;

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@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.NES
if (e is InvalidCastException || e is FormatException || e is OverflowException)
throw new InvalidDataException("Auto Mapper Properties were in a bad format!", e);
throw e;