Add way to unregister auto-registered services with BasicServiceProvider

allows for better handling with SubNESHawk and Libretro statable, maybe others
This commit is contained in:
CasualPokePlayer 2024-06-16 21:18:24 -07:00
parent 145e0431d0
commit 87209aa11b
6 changed files with 57 additions and 75 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Common
/// <seealso cref="IEmulatorServiceProvider"/>
public class BasicServiceProvider : IEmulatorServiceProvider
private readonly Dictionary<Type, object> _services = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
private readonly Dictionary<Type, object> _services = [ ];
public BasicServiceProvider(IEmulator core)
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Common
// find the field), but we're going to keep such logic out of the basic provider. anything the passed
// core doesn't implement directly needs to be added with Register()
// this also fully allows services that are not IEmulatorService
Type coreType = core.GetType();
var coreType = core.GetType();
foreach (var service in coreType.GetInterfaces().Where(static t => typeof(IEmulatorService).IsAssignableFrom(t)
&& t != typeof(IEmulatorService) && t != typeof(ISpecializedEmulatorService)))
@ -45,30 +45,32 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Common
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="provider"/> is null</exception>
public void Register<T>(T provider)
where T : class, IEmulatorService
_services[typeof(T)] = provider;
=> _services[typeof(T)] = provider;
/// <summary>
/// the core can call this to unregister an existing service
/// this is particularly useful wrt the auto-registration of services
/// in case the core has some condition which renders a service unusable
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The <see cref="IEmulatorService"/> to unregister</typeparam>
public void Unregister<T>()
where T : class, IEmulatorService
=> _services.Remove(typeof(T));
public T GetService<T>()
where T : IEmulatorService
=> (T) GetService(typeof(T))!;
public object? GetService(Type t)
return _services.TryGetValue(t, out var service) ? service : null;
=> _services.TryGetValue(t, out var service) ? service : null;
public bool HasService<T>()
where T : IEmulatorService
return HasService(typeof(T));
=> HasService(typeof(T));
public bool HasService(Type t)
return _services.ContainsKey(t);
=> _services.ContainsKey(t);
public IEnumerable<Type> AvailableServices =>_services.Select(d => d.Key);
public IEnumerable<Type> AvailableServices => _services.Select(d => d.Key);

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Components.M6502;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.NES
public partial class NES : IEmulator, ISoundProvider/*, ICycleTiming*/
public partial class NES : IEmulator, ISoundProvider, ICycleTiming
internal static class RomChecksums

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@ -71,6 +71,12 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.NES
// only the subframe core should have ICycleTiming registered
if (!subframe)

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@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.NES;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.SubNESHawk
[Core(CoreNames.SubNesHawk, "")]
public partial class SubNESHawk : IEmulator, IStatable, IInputPollable,
ISettable<NES.NES.NESSettings, NES.NES.NESSyncSettings>, ICycleTiming
public partial class SubNESHawk : IEmulator, IStatable, IInputPollable, ISettable<NES.NES.NESSettings, NES.NES.NESSyncSettings>
[CoreConstructor(VSystemID.Raw.NES, Priority = CorePriority.SuperLow)]
public SubNESHawk(CoreComm comm, GameInfo game, byte[] rom, /*string gameDbFn,*/ NES.NES.NESSettings settings, NES.NES.NESSyncSettings syncSettings)
@ -36,6 +35,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.SubNESHawk
const string TRACE_HEADER = "6502: PC, machine code, mnemonic, operands, registers (A, X, Y, P, SP), flags (NVTBDIZCR), CPU Cycle, PPU Cycle";
_tracer = new TraceBuffer(TRACE_HEADER);
@ -76,8 +76,5 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.SubNESHawk
public NES.NES.NESSyncSettings GetSyncSettings() => _nesCore.GetSyncSettings();
public PutSettingsDirtyBits PutSettings(NES.NES.NESSettings o) => _nesCore.PutSettings(o);
public PutSettingsDirtyBits PutSyncSettings(NES.NES.NESSyncSettings o) => _nesCore.PutSyncSettings(o);
public long CycleCount => _nesCore.CycleCount;
public double ClockRate => _nesCore.ClockRate;

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@ -5,40 +5,29 @@ using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Libretro
// not all Libretro cores implement savestates
// we use this so we can optionally register IStatable
// todo: this can probably be genericized
public class StatableLibretro : IStatable
// note: Not all Libretro cores implement savestates
public partial class LibretroHost : IStatable
private readonly LibretroHost _host;
private readonly LibretroApi _api;
private readonly byte[] _stateBuf;
public StatableLibretro(LibretroHost host, LibretroApi api, int maxSize)
_host = host;
_api = api;
_stateBuf = new byte[maxSize];
private byte[] _stateBuf = [ ];
public bool AvoidRewind => false;
public void SaveStateBinary(BinaryWriter writer)
var len = checked((int)_api.retro_serialize_size());
var len = checked((int)api.retro_serialize_size());
if (len > _stateBuf.Length)
throw new Exception("Core attempted to grow state size. This is not allowed per the libretro API.");
_api.retro_serialize(_stateBuf, len);
api.retro_serialize(_stateBuf, len);
writer.Write(_stateBuf, 0, len);
// host variables
public void LoadStateBinary(BinaryReader reader)
@ -49,13 +38,13 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Libretro
throw new Exception("State buffer size exceeded the core's maximum state size!");
reader.Read(_stateBuf, 0, len);
_api.retro_unserialize(_stateBuf, len);
_ = reader.Read(_stateBuf, 0, len);
api.retro_unserialize(_stateBuf, len);
// host variables
_host.Frame = reader.ReadInt32();
_host.LagCount = reader.ReadInt32();
_host.IsLagFrame = reader.ReadBoolean();
Frame = reader.ReadInt32();
LagCount = reader.ReadInt32();
IsLagFrame = reader.ReadBoolean();

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Libretro
// nb: multiple libretro cores could theoretically be ran at once
// but all of them would need to be different cores, a core itself is single instance
[PortedCore(CoreNames.Libretro, "CasualPokePlayer", singleInstance: true, isReleased: false)]
[ServiceNotApplicable(new[] { typeof(IDriveLight) })]
[ServiceNotApplicable([ typeof(IDriveLight) ])]
public partial class LibretroHost
private static readonly LibretroBridge bridge;
@ -28,32 +28,24 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Libretro
private readonly LibretroApi api;
private IStatable _stateWrapper;
private readonly IntPtr cbHandler;
private readonly BridgeGuard _guard;
private class BridgeGuard : IMonitor
private class BridgeGuard(IntPtr parentHandler) : IMonitor
private static readonly object _sync = new();
private static IntPtr _activeHandler;
private static int _refCount;
private readonly IntPtr _parentHandler;
public BridgeGuard(IntPtr parentHandler)
=> _parentHandler = parentHandler;
public void Enter()
lock (_sync)
if (_activeHandler == IntPtr.Zero)
_activeHandler = _parentHandler;
_activeHandler = parentHandler;
else if (_activeHandler != _parentHandler)
else if (_activeHandler != parentHandler)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Multiple callback handlers cannot be active at once!");
@ -94,10 +86,9 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Libretro
throw new Exception("Failed to create callback handler!");
_guard = new(cbHandler);
var guard = new BridgeGuard(cbHandler);
api = BizInvoker.GetInvoker<LibretroApi>(
new DynamicLibraryImportResolver(corePath, hasLimitedLifetime: false), _guard, CallingConventionAdapters.Native);
new DynamicLibraryImportResolver(corePath, hasLimitedLifetime: false), guard, CallingConventionAdapters.Native);
_serviceProvider = new(this);
@ -140,23 +131,17 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Libretro
private class RetroData : IDisposable
private class RetroData(object o, long len = 0) : IDisposable
private readonly GCHandle _handle;
private GCHandle _handle = GCHandle.Alloc(o, GCHandleType.Pinned);
public IntPtr PinnedData => _handle.AddrOfPinnedObject();
public long Length { get; }
public RetroData(object o, long len = 0)
_handle = GCHandle.Alloc(o, GCHandleType.Pinned);
Length = len;
public long Length { get; } = len;
public void Dispose() => _handle.Free();
private byte[] RetroString(string managedString)
private static byte[] RetroString(string managedString)
var ret = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(managedString);
Array.Resize(ref ret, ret.Length + 1);
@ -205,11 +190,11 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Libretro
success = api.retro_load_no_game();
game = new() { path = path.PinnedData };
game = new() { path = path!.PinnedData };
success = api.retro_load_game(ref game);
game = new() { path = path.PinnedData, data = data.PinnedData, size = data.Length };
game = new() { path = path!.PinnedData, data = data!.PinnedData, size = data.Length };
success = api.retro_load_game(ref game);
@ -237,8 +222,11 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Libretro
var len = checked((int)api.retro_serialize_size());
if (len > 0)
_stateWrapper = new StatableLibretro(this, api, len);
_stateBuf = new byte[len];
_region = api.retro_get_region();