Identify correct core for IPF image

Obviously we don't support IPF images right now, but with any luck we will eventually. So it makes sense to have something in place in the frontend to do core selection (when a gamedb hash is not found) based on the INFO block within the IPF file itself.
This commit is contained in:
Asnivor 2024-10-15 17:27:05 +01:00
parent f26fe45ea9
commit 85a7d3474b
3 changed files with 409 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -900,7 +900,7 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.Common
public static readonly IReadOnlyCollection<string> WSWAN = new[] { "ws", "wsc", "pc2" };
public static readonly IReadOnlyCollection<string> ZXSpectrum = new[] { "tzx", "tap", "dsk", "pzx" };
public static readonly IReadOnlyCollection<string> ZXSpectrum = new[] { "tzx", "tap", "dsk", "pzx", "ipf" };
public static readonly IReadOnlyCollection<string> AutoloadFromArchive = Array.Empty<string>()

View File

@ -412,14 +412,18 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Common
case ".ADF":
case ".ADZ":
case ".DMS":
case ".IPF":
case ".DMS":
case ".FDI":
case ".HDF":
case ".LHA":
game.System = VSystemID.Raw.Amiga;
case ".IPF":
var ipfId = new IpfIdentifier(romData);
game.System = ipfId.IdentifiedSystem;
case ".32X":
game.System = VSystemID.Raw.Sega32X;
game.AddOption("32X", "true");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using BizHawk.Common.StringExtensions;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Common
/// <summary>
/// Even though we don't currently support IPF files, it makes sense for the future that we can identify them
/// (or more precisely, the core that we need to pass them too if an entry is not present in the gamedb)
/// The IPF INFO record does contain a platform entry that assists in this.
/// </summary>
public class IpfIdentifier
/// <summary>
/// Default fallthrough to Amiga
/// </summary>
public string IdentifiedSystem { get; set; } = VSystemID.Raw.Amiga;
private readonly byte[] _data;
public IpfIdentifier(byte[] imageData)
_data = imageData;
private void ParseIpfImage()
// look for standard magic string
string ident = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(_data, 0, 16);
if (!ident.Contains("CAPS", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// incorrect format
int pos = 0;
List<IPFBlock> blocks = new List<IPFBlock>();
while (pos < _data.Length)
var block = IPFBlock.ParseNextBlock(ref pos, _data, blocks);
if (block == null)
// EOF
if (block.RecordType == RecordHeaderType.INFO)
catch (Exception)
// fallthrough
// process the INFO block
var infoBlock = blocks.Find(static a => a.RecordType == RecordHeaderType.INFO);
if (infoBlock != null)
// platform records consist of an array of 4 byte integers
// this is because an image can potentially run on multiple platforms
// for now, just take the first bizhawk supported platform we find
bool found = false;
switch (infoBlock.INFOplatform1)
case 1:
IdentifiedSystem = VSystemID.Raw.Amiga;
found = true;
case 4:
IdentifiedSystem = VSystemID.Raw.AmstradCPC;
found = true;
case 5:
IdentifiedSystem = VSystemID.Raw.ZXSpectrum;
found = true;
case 8:
IdentifiedSystem = VSystemID.Raw.C64;
found = true;
case 2: // Atari ST
case 3: // PC
case 6: // Sam Coupe
case 7: // Archimedes
case 9: // Atari 8-bit
case 0: // None
default: // Unknown
if (found)
switch (infoBlock.INFOplatform2)
case 1:
IdentifiedSystem = VSystemID.Raw.Amiga;
found = true;
case 4:
IdentifiedSystem = VSystemID.Raw.AmstradCPC;
found = true;
case 5:
IdentifiedSystem = VSystemID.Raw.ZXSpectrum;
found = true;
case 8:
IdentifiedSystem = VSystemID.Raw.C64;
found = true;
case 2: // Atari ST
case 3: // PC
case 6: // Sam Coupe
case 7: // Archimedes
case 9: // Atari 8-bit
case 0: // None
default: // Unknown
if (found)
switch (infoBlock.INFOplatform3)
case 1:
IdentifiedSystem = VSystemID.Raw.Amiga;
found = true;
case 4:
IdentifiedSystem = VSystemID.Raw.AmstradCPC;
found = true;
case 5:
IdentifiedSystem = VSystemID.Raw.ZXSpectrum;
found = true;
case 8:
IdentifiedSystem = VSystemID.Raw.C64;
found = true;
case 2: // Atari ST
case 3: // PC
case 6: // Sam Coupe
case 7: // Archimedes
case 9: // Atari 8-bit
case 0: // None
default: // Unknown
if (found)
switch (infoBlock.INFOplatform4)
case 1:
IdentifiedSystem = VSystemID.Raw.Amiga;
found = true;
case 4:
IdentifiedSystem = VSystemID.Raw.AmstradCPC;
found = true;
case 5:
IdentifiedSystem = VSystemID.Raw.ZXSpectrum;
found = true;
case 8:
IdentifiedSystem = VSystemID.Raw.C64;
found = true;
case 2: // Atari ST
case 3: // PC
case 6: // Sam Coupe
case 7: // Archimedes
case 9: // Atari 8-bit
case 0: // None
default: // Unknown
/// <summary>
/// Returns an int32 from a byte array based on offset (in BIG ENDIAN format)
/// </summary>
public static int GetBEInt32(byte[] buf, int offsetIndex)
byte[] b = new byte[4];
Array.Copy(buf, offsetIndex, b, 0, 4);
byte[] buffer = b.Reverse().ToArray();
int pos = 0;
return buffer[pos++] | buffer[pos++] << 8 | buffer[pos++] << 16 | buffer[pos++] << 24;
public class IPFBlock
public RecordHeaderType RecordType;
public int BlockLength;
public int CRC;
public byte[]? RawBlockData;
public int StartPos;
public int INFOmediaType;
public int INFOencoderType;
public int INFOencoderRev;
public int INFOfileKey;
public int INFOfileRev;
public int INFOorigin;
public int INFOminTrack;
public int INFOmaxTrack;
public int INFOminSide;
public int INFOmaxSide;
public int INFOcreationDate;
public int INFOcreationTime;
public int INFOplatform1;
public int INFOplatform2;
public int INFOplatform3;
public int INFOplatform4;
public int INFOdiskNumber;
public int INFOcreatorId;
public int IMGEtrack;
public int IMGEside;
public int IMGEdensity;
public int IMGEsignalType;
public int IMGEtrackBytes;
public int IMGEstartBytePos;
public int IMGEstartBitPos;
public int IMGEdataBits;
public int IMGEgapBits;
public int IMGEtrackBits;
public int IMGEblockCount;
public int IMGEencoderProcess;
public int IMGEtrackFlags;
public int IMGEdataKey;
public int DATAlength;
public int DATAbitSize;
public int DATAcrc;
public int DATAdataKey;
public byte[]? DATAextraDataRaw;
public static IPFBlock? ParseNextBlock(ref int startPos, byte[] data, List<IPFBlock> blockCollection)
IPFBlock ipf = new IPFBlock();
ipf.StartPos = startPos;
if (startPos >= data.Length)
// EOF
return null;
// assume the startPos passed in is actually the start of a new block
// look for record header ident
string ident = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data, startPos, 4);
startPos += 4;
ipf.RecordType = (RecordHeaderType) Enum.Parse(typeof(RecordHeaderType), ident);
ipf.RecordType = RecordHeaderType.None;
// setup for actual block size
ipf.BlockLength = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.CRC = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.RawBlockData = new byte[ipf.BlockLength];
Array.Copy(data, ipf.StartPos, ipf.RawBlockData, 0, ipf.BlockLength);
switch (ipf.RecordType)
// Nothing to process / unknown
// just move ahead
case RecordHeaderType.CAPS:
case RecordHeaderType.TRCK:
case RecordHeaderType.DUMP:
case RecordHeaderType.CTEI:
case RecordHeaderType.CTEX:
startPos = ipf.StartPos + ipf.BlockLength;
// INFO block
case RecordHeaderType.INFO:
// INFO header is followed immediately by an INFO block
ipf.INFOmediaType = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.INFOencoderType = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.INFOencoderRev = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.INFOfileKey = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.INFOfileRev = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.INFOorigin = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.INFOminTrack = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.INFOmaxTrack = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.INFOminSide = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.INFOmaxSide = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.INFOcreationDate = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.INFOcreationTime = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.INFOplatform1 = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.INFOplatform2 = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.INFOplatform3 = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.INFOplatform4 = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.INFOdiskNumber = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.INFOcreatorId = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
startPos += 12; // reserved
case RecordHeaderType.IMGE:
ipf.IMGEtrack = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.IMGEside = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.IMGEdensity = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.IMGEsignalType = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.IMGEtrackBytes = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.IMGEstartBytePos = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.IMGEstartBitPos = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.IMGEdataBits = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.IMGEgapBits = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.IMGEtrackBits = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.IMGEblockCount = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.IMGEencoderProcess = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.IMGEtrackFlags = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.IMGEdataKey = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
startPos += 12; // reserved
case RecordHeaderType.DATA:
ipf.DATAlength = GetBEInt32(data, startPos);
if (ipf.DATAlength == 0)
ipf.DATAextraDataRaw = Array.Empty<byte>();
ipf.DATAlength = 0;
ipf.DATAextraDataRaw = new byte[ipf.DATAlength];
startPos += 4;
ipf.DATAbitSize = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.DATAcrc = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
ipf.DATAdataKey = GetBEInt32(data, startPos); startPos += 4;
if (ipf.DATAlength != 0)
Array.Copy(data, startPos, ipf.DATAextraDataRaw, 0, ipf.DATAlength);
startPos += ipf.DATAlength;
return ipf;
public enum RecordHeaderType