diff --git a/src/BizHawk.Client.Common/CoreFileProvider.cs b/src/BizHawk.Client.Common/CoreFileProvider.cs
index 876009950a..96baf54009 100644
--- a/src/BizHawk.Client.Common/CoreFileProvider.cs
+++ b/src/BizHawk.Client.Common/CoreFileProvider.cs
@@ -34,59 +34,41 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.Common
public string GetRetroSystemPath(IGameInfo game)
=> _pathEntries.RetroSystemAbsolutePath(game);
- private void FirmwareWarn(FirmwareID id, bool required, string msg = null)
+ private (byte[] FW, string Path)? GetFirmwareWithPath(FirmwareID id)
- if (required)
- {
- var fullMsg = $"Couldn't find required firmware {id}. This is fatal{(msg != null ? $": {msg}" : ".")}";
- throw new MissingFirmwareException(fullMsg);
- }
- if (msg != null)
- {
- var fullMsg = $"Couldn't find firmware {id}. Will attempt to continue: {msg}";
- _dialogParent.ModalMessageBox(fullMsg, "Warning", EMsgBoxIcon.Warning);
- }
- }
- private byte[] GetFirmwareWithPath(FirmwareID id, bool required, string msg, out string path)
- {
- var firmwarePath = _firmwareManager.Request(_pathEntries, _firmwareUserSpecifications, id);
- if (firmwarePath == null || !File.Exists(firmwarePath))
- {
- path = null;
- FirmwareWarn(id, required, msg);
- return null;
- }
+ var path = _firmwareManager.Request(_pathEntries, _firmwareUserSpecifications, id);
- var ret = File.ReadAllBytes(firmwarePath);
- path = firmwarePath;
- return ret;
+ if (path is not null && File.Exists(path)) return (File.ReadAllBytes(path), path);
+ // else fall through
catch (IOException)
- path = null;
- FirmwareWarn(id, required, msg);
- return null;
+ // fall through
+ return null;
- /// not found and is true
- public byte[] GetFirmware(FirmwareID id, bool required, string msg = null)
- => GetFirmwareWithPath(id, required, msg, out _);
+ private (byte[] FW, string Path) GetFirmwareWithPathOrThrow(FirmwareID id, string msg)
+ => GetFirmwareWithPath(id) ?? throw new MissingFirmwareException($"Couldn't find required firmware {id}. This is fatal{(msg is null ? "." : $": {msg}")}");
- /// not found and is true
- public byte[] GetFirmwareWithGameInfo(FirmwareID id, bool required, out GameInfo gi, string msg = null)
+ public byte[] GetFirmware(FirmwareID id, string msg = null)
- var ret = GetFirmwareWithPath(id, required, msg, out var path);
- gi = ret != null && path != null
- ? Database.GetGameInfo(ret, path)
- : null;
+ var tuple = GetFirmwareWithPath(id);
+ if (tuple is null && msg is not null)
+ {
+ _dialogParent.ModalMessageBox($"Couldn't find firmware {id}. Will attempt to continue: {msg}", "Warning", EMsgBoxIcon.Warning);
+ }
+ return tuple?.FW;
+ }
- return ret;
+ public byte[] GetFirmwareOrThrow(FirmwareID id, string msg = null)
+ => GetFirmwareWithPathOrThrow(id, msg).FW;
+ public (byte[] FW, GameInfo Game) GetFirmwareWithGameInfoOrThrow(FirmwareID id, string msg = null)
+ {
+ var (fw, path) = GetFirmwareWithPathOrThrow(id, msg);
+ return (fw, Database.GetGameInfo(fw, path));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/BizHawk.Emulation.Common/Extensions.cs b/src/BizHawk.Emulation.Common/Extensions.cs
index 059021a0f4..cdf90098dd 100644
--- a/src/BizHawk.Emulation.Common/Extensions.cs
+++ b/src/BizHawk.Emulation.Common/Extensions.cs
@@ -480,18 +480,13 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Common
public static AxisSpec With(this in AxisSpec spec, Range range, int neutral) => new AxisSpec(range, neutral, spec.IsReversed, spec.Constraint);
- /// Get a firmware as a byte array
- /// the core systemID
- /// the firmware id
- /// if true, result is guaranteed to be valid; else null is possible if not found
- /// message to show if fail to get
- /// TODO inline (only change is wrapping strings in ctor, these IDs should probably be consts in each core's class)
- public static byte[] GetFirmware(this ICoreFileProvider cfp, string sysId, string firmwareId, bool required, string msg = null)
- => cfp.GetFirmware(new(system: sysId, firmware: firmwareId), required: required, msg: msg);
- /// TODO inline (only change is wrapping strings in ctor, these IDs should probably be consts in each core's class)
- public static byte[] GetFirmwareWithGameInfo(this ICoreFileProvider cfp, string sysId, string firmwareId, bool required, out GameInfo gi, string msg = null)
- => cfp.GetFirmwareWithGameInfo(new(system: sysId, firmware: firmwareId), required: required, out gi, msg: msg);
+ /// message to show on failure, either in an exception iff , or in a warning dialog otherwise
+ /// if not found and is
+ /// TODO inline
+ public static byte[] GetFirmware(this ICoreFileProvider cfp, string sysID, string firmwareID, bool required, string msg = null)
+ => required
+ ? cfp.GetFirmwareOrThrow(new(sysID, firmwareID), msg)
+ : cfp.GetFirmware(new(sysID, firmwareID), msg);
public static string SystemIDToDisplayName(string sysID)
=> SystemIDDisplayNames.TryGetValue(sysID, out var dispName) ? dispName : string.Empty;
diff --git a/src/BizHawk.Emulation.Common/Interfaces/ICoreFileProvider.cs b/src/BizHawk.Emulation.Common/Interfaces/ICoreFileProvider.cs
index 6fbfbe4e8d..2c6263af88 100644
--- a/src/BizHawk.Emulation.Common/Interfaces/ICoreFileProvider.cs
+++ b/src/BizHawk.Emulation.Common/Interfaces/ICoreFileProvider.cs
@@ -20,14 +20,17 @@
string GetRetroSystemPath(IGameInfo game);
- ///
- /// Get a firmware as a byte array
- ///
- /// the firmware id
- /// if true, result is guaranteed to be valid; else null is possible if not found
- /// message to show if fail to get
- byte[] GetFirmware(FirmwareID id, bool required, string msg = null);
+ /// warning message to show on failure
+ /// iff failed
+ byte[] GetFirmware(FirmwareID id, string msg = null);
- byte[] GetFirmwareWithGameInfo(FirmwareID id, bool required, out GameInfo gi, string msg = null);
+ /// exception message to show on failure
+ /// if not found
+ byte[] GetFirmwareOrThrow(FirmwareID id, string msg = null);
+ /// exception message to show on failure
+ /// if not found
+ /// only used in PCEHawk
+ (byte[] FW, GameInfo Game) GetFirmwareWithGameInfoOrThrow(FirmwareID id, string msg = null);
diff --git a/src/BizHawk.Emulation.Cores/Consoles/PC Engine/PCEngine.cs b/src/BizHawk.Emulation.Cores/Consoles/PC Engine/PCEngine.cs
index 8c0e1c24b1..cb689b6d40 100644
--- a/src/BizHawk.Emulation.Cores/Consoles/PC Engine/PCEngine.cs
+++ b/src/BizHawk.Emulation.Cores/Consoles/PC Engine/PCEngine.cs
@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.PCEngine
Settings = (PCESettings)lp.Settings ?? new PCESettings();
_syncSettings = (PCESyncSettings)lp.SyncSettings ?? new PCESyncSettings();
- byte[] rom = lp.Comm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmwareWithGameInfo("PCECD", "Bios", true, out var biosInfo,
+ var (rom, biosInfo) = lp.Comm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmwareWithGameInfoOrThrow(
+ new("PCECD", "Bios"),
"PCE-CD System Card not found. Please check the BIOS settings in Config->Firmwares.");
if (biosInfo.Status == RomStatus.BadDump)
diff --git a/src/BizHawk.Emulation.Cores/Waterbox/NymaCore.cs b/src/BizHawk.Emulation.Cores/Waterbox/NymaCore.cs
index 86ae60f23e..e14a221880 100644
--- a/src/BizHawk.Emulation.Cores/Waterbox/NymaCore.cs
+++ b/src/BizHawk.Emulation.Cores/Waterbox/NymaCore.cs
@@ -58,13 +58,9 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Waterbox
if (firmwares != null && firmwares.TryGetValue(name, out var id))
- var data = CoreComm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmware(id, true,
- "Firmware files are usually required and may stop your game from loading");
- if (data != null)
- {
- _exe.AddReadonlyFile(data, name);
- filesToRemove.Add(name);
- }
+ var data = CoreComm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmwareOrThrow(id, "Firmware files are usually required and may stop your game from loading");
+ _exe.AddReadonlyFile(data, name);
+ filesToRemove.Add(name);