saturn - fix r4402, which was horribly busted. the code looks messier now... almost as messy as before. except the sound test mode in SOTN works through savestates now (it doesn't in vanilla yabause), so i fixed something.

This commit is contained in:
goyuken 2013-05-03 22:12:35 +00:00
parent d9f9d77712
commit 415d749be9
3 changed files with 147 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -166,6 +166,8 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Consoles.Sega.Saturn
if (IsLagFrame)
public int Frame { get; private set; }
@ -317,6 +319,34 @@ namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Consoles.Sega.Saturn
return ms.ToArray();
/// <summary>
/// does a save, load, save combo, and checks the two saves for identicalness.
/// </summary>
void CheckStates()
byte[] s1 = SaveStateBinary();
LoadStateBinary(new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(s1, false)));
byte[] s2 = SaveStateBinary();
if (s1.Length != s2.Length)
throw new Exception(string.Format("CheckStates: Length {0} != {1}", s1.Length, s2.Length));
fixed (byte* b1 = &s1[0], b2 = &s2[0])
for (int i = 0; i < s1.Length; i++)
if (b1[i] != b2[i])
File.WriteAllBytes("save1.raw", s1);
File.WriteAllBytes("save2.raw", s2);
throw new Exception(string.Format("CheckStates s1[{0}] = {1}, s2[{0}] = {2}", i, b1[i], b2[i]));
public CoreComm CoreComm { get; private set; }

View File

@ -287,6 +287,9 @@ typedef struct scsp_t
u32 mcipd; // pending main cpu interrupt
s32 stack[32 * 2]; // two last generation slot output (SCSP STACK)
u32 slotstart;
slot_t slot[32]; // 32 slots
u8 *scsp_ram; // scsp ram pointer
@ -2847,6 +2850,8 @@ scsp_init (u8 *scsp_ram, void (*sint_hand)(u32), void (*mint_hand)(void))
scsp.sintf = sint_hand;
scsp.mintf = mint_hand;
scsp.slotstart = 0x4b435546;
for (i = 0; i < SCSP_ENV_LEN; i++)
// Attack Curve (x^7 ?)
@ -3748,6 +3753,109 @@ M68KClearCodeBreakpoints ()
ScspInternalVars->numcodebreakpoints = 0;
void StateFlatten(slot_t *s)
s->buf8 = (s8*)(int)(s->buf8 - (s8*)scsp.scsp_ram);
s->buf16 = (s16*)(int)(s->buf16 - (s16*)scsp.scsp_ram);
if (s->einc)
s->einc = (s32*)(int)(s->einc - (s32*)s);
if (s->arp == &scsp_null_rate[0])
s->arp = (s32*)(void*)0xdeadbeef;
s->arp = (s32*)(int)(s->arp - scsp_attack_rate);
if (s->drp == &scsp_null_rate[0])
s->drp = (s32*)(void*)0xdeadbeef;
s->drp = (s32*)(int)(s->drp - scsp_decay_rate);
if (s->srp == &scsp_null_rate[0])
s->srp = (s32*)(void*)0xdeadbeef;
s->srp = (s32*)(int)(s->srp - scsp_decay_rate);
if (s->rrp == &scsp_null_rate[0])
s->rrp = (s32*)(void*)0xdeadbeef;
s->rrp = (s32*)(int)(s->rrp - scsp_decay_rate);
if (s->lfofmw == scsp_lfo_sawt_f)
s->lfofmw = (s32*)1;
else if (s->lfofmw == scsp_lfo_squa_f)
s->lfofmw = (s32*)2;
else if (s->lfofmw == scsp_lfo_tri_f)
s->lfofmw = (s32*)3;
else if (s->lfofmw == scsp_lfo_noi_f)
s->lfofmw = (s32*)4;
if (s->lfoemw == scsp_lfo_sawt_e)
s->lfoemw = (s32*)1;
else if (s->lfoemw == scsp_lfo_squa_e)
s->lfoemw = (s32*)2;
else if (s->lfoemw == scsp_lfo_tri_e)
s->lfoemw = (s32*)3;
else if (s->lfoemw == scsp_lfo_noi_e)
s->lfoemw = (s32*)4;
if (s->enxt == scsp_env_null_next)
s->enxt = (void (*)(slot_t*))(void*)1;
else if (s->enxt == scsp_release_next)
s->enxt = (void (*)(slot_t*))(void*)2;
else if (s->enxt == scsp_sustain_next)
s->enxt = (void (*)(slot_t*))(void*)3;
else if (s->enxt == scsp_decay_next)
s->enxt = (void (*)(slot_t*))(void*)4;
else if (s->enxt == scsp_attack_next)
s->enxt = (void (*)(slot_t*))(void*)5;
void StateUnFlatten(slot_t *s)
s->buf8 = (s8*)scsp.scsp_ram + (int)(s->buf8);
s->buf16 = (s16*)scsp.scsp_ram + (int)(s->buf16);
if (s->einc)
s->einc = (s32*)s + (int)(s->einc);
if (s->arp == (void*)0xdeadbeef)
s->arp = &scsp_null_rate[0];
s->arp = scsp_attack_rate + (int)(s->arp);
if (s->drp == (void*)0xdeadbeef)
s->drp = &scsp_null_rate[0];
s->drp = scsp_decay_rate + (int)(s->drp);
if (s->srp == (void*)0xdeadbeef)
s->srp = &scsp_null_rate[0];
s->srp = scsp_decay_rate + (int)(s->srp);
if (s->rrp == (void*)0xdeadbeef)
s->rrp = &scsp_null_rate[0];
s->rrp = scsp_decay_rate + (int)(s->rrp);
switch ((int)(s->lfofmw))
case 1: s->lfofmw = scsp_lfo_sawt_f; break;
case 2: s->lfofmw = scsp_lfo_squa_f; break;
case 3: s->lfofmw = scsp_lfo_tri_f; break;
case 4: s->lfofmw = scsp_lfo_noi_f; break;
switch ((int)(s->lfoemw))
case 1: s->lfoemw = scsp_lfo_sawt_e; break;
case 2: s->lfoemw = scsp_lfo_squa_e; break;
case 3: s->lfoemw = scsp_lfo_tri_e; break;
case 4: s->lfoemw = scsp_lfo_noi_e; break;
switch ((int)(s->enxt))
case 1: s->enxt = scsp_env_null_next; break;
case 2: s->enxt = scsp_release_next; break;
case 3: s->enxt = scsp_sustain_next; break;
case 4: s->enxt = scsp_decay_next; break;
case 5: s->enxt = scsp_attack_next; break;
@ -3787,8 +3895,14 @@ SoundSaveState (FILE *fp)
// Sound RAM is important
ywrite (&check, (void *)SoundRam, 0x80000, 1, fp);
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
ywrite (&check, (void *)&scsp, offsetof(scsp_t, scsp_ram), 1, fp);
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
// Write slot internal variables
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
@ -3909,6 +4023,9 @@ SoundLoadState (FILE *fp, int version, int size)
yread (&check, (void *)&scsp, offsetof(scsp_t, scsp_ram), 1, fp);
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
if (version > 1)