@ -1,210 +1,227 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using BizHawk.Client.Common;
using BizHawk.Common;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
public sealed class ExternalToolManager
public struct MenuItemInfo
private readonly string _asmChecksum;
private readonly string _entryPointTypeName;
private readonly ExternalToolManager _extToolMan;
private bool _skipExtToolWarning;
public readonly string AsmFilename;
public MenuItemInfo(
ExternalToolManager extToolMan,
string asmChecksum,
string asmFilename,
string entryPointTypeName)
_asmChecksum = asmChecksum;
_entryPointTypeName = entryPointTypeName;
_extToolMan = extToolMan;
_skipExtToolWarning = _extToolMan._config.TrustedExtTools.TryGetValue(asmFilename, out var s) && s == _asmChecksum;
AsmFilename = asmFilename;
public void TryLoad()
var success = _extToolMan._loadCallback(
/*toolPath:*/ AsmFilename,
/*customFormTypeName:*/ _entryPointTypeName,
/*skipExtToolWarning:*/ _skipExtToolWarning);
if (!success || _skipExtToolWarning) return;
_skipExtToolWarning = true;
_extToolMan._config.TrustedExtTools[AsmFilename] = _asmChecksum;
private Config _config;
private readonly Func<(string SysID, string Hash)> _getLoadedRomInfoCallback;
private readonly Func<string, string, bool, bool> _loadCallback;
private FileSystemWatcher DirectoryMonitor;
private readonly List<ToolStripMenuItem> MenuItems = new List<ToolStripMenuItem>();
internal readonly IList<string> PossibleExtToolTypeNames = new List<string>();
public ExternalToolManager(
Config config,
Func<(string SysID, string Hash)> getLoadedRomInfoCallback,
Func<string, string, bool, bool> loadCallback)
_getLoadedRomInfoCallback = getLoadedRomInfoCallback;
_loadCallback = loadCallback;
public void Restart(Config config)
_config = config;
if (DirectoryMonitor != null)
DirectoryMonitor.Created -= DirectoryMonitor_Created;
var path = _config.PathEntries[PathEntryCollection.GLOBAL, "External Tools"].Path;
if (Directory.Exists(path))
DirectoryMonitor = new FileSystemWatcher(path, "*.dll")
IncludeSubdirectories = false,
NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastAccess | NotifyFilters.LastWrite | NotifyFilters.FileName,
Filter = "*.dll"
DirectoryMonitor.Created += DirectoryMonitor_Created;
DirectoryMonitor.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
internal void BuildToolStrip()
if (DirectoryMonitor == null) return;
DirectoryInfo di = new(DirectoryMonitor.Path);
if (!di.Exists) return;
foreach (var fi in di.GetFiles("*.dll")) MenuItems.Add(GenerateToolTipFromFileName(fi.FullName));
/// <summary>Generates a <see cref="ToolStripMenuItem"/> from an assembly at <paramref name="fileName"/> containing an external tool.</summary>
/// <returns>a <see cref="ToolStripMenuItem"/> with its <see cref="ToolStripItem.Tag"/> containing a <see cref="MenuItemInfo"/></returns>
private ToolStripMenuItem GenerateToolTipFromFileName(string fileName)
if (fileName == null) throw new Exception();
var item = new ToolStripMenuItem(Path.GetFileName(fileName))
Enabled = false,
Image = Properties.Resources.ExclamationRed,
if (!OSTailoredCode.IsUnixHost) MotWHack.RemoveMOTW(fileName);
var asmBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(fileName);
var externalToolFile = Assembly.Load(asmBytes);
var entryPoint = externalToolFile.GetTypes()
.SingleOrDefault(t => typeof(IExternalToolForm).IsAssignableFrom(t) && t.GetCustomAttributes().OfType<ExternalToolAttribute>().Any());
if (entryPoint == null) throw new ExternalToolAttribute.MissingException();
var allAttrs = entryPoint.GetCustomAttributes().ToList();
var applicabilityAttrs = allAttrs.OfType<ExternalToolApplicabilityAttributeBase>().ToList();
if (applicabilityAttrs.Count > 1) throw new ExternalToolApplicabilityAttributeBase.DuplicateException();
var toolAttribute = allAttrs.OfType<ExternalToolAttribute>().First();
if (toolAttribute.LoadAssemblyFiles != null)
foreach (var depFilename in toolAttribute.LoadAssemblyFiles) Assembly.LoadFrom($"{_config.PathEntries[PathEntryCollection.GLOBAL, "External Tools"].Path}/{depFilename}");
item.Image = null; // no errors, remove error icon
var embeddedIconAttr = allAttrs.OfType<ExternalToolEmbeddedIconAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
if (embeddedIconAttr != null)
var rawIcon = externalToolFile.GetManifestResourceStream(embeddedIconAttr.ResourcePath);
if (rawIcon != null) item.Image = new Bitmap(rawIcon);
item.Text = toolAttribute.Name;
MenuItemInfo menuItemInfo = new(
asmChecksum: SHA1Checksum.ComputePrefixedHex(asmBytes),
asmFilename: fileName,
entryPointTypeName: entryPoint.FullName);
item.Tag = menuItemInfo;
item.Click += (_, _) => menuItemInfo.TryLoad();
if (applicabilityAttrs.Count is 1)
var (system, loadedRomHash) = _getLoadedRomInfoCallback();
if (applicabilityAttrs[0].NotApplicableTo(system))
item.ToolTipText = system is VSystemID.Raw.NULL
? "This tool doesn't work when no rom is loaded"
: "This tool doesn't work with this system";
return item;
if (applicabilityAttrs[0].NotApplicableTo(loadedRomHash, system))
item.ToolTipText = "This tool doesn't work with this game";
return item;
item.Enabled = true;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(toolAttribute.Description)) item.ToolTipText = toolAttribute.Description;
return item;
catch (Exception e)
if (e is ReflectionTypeLoadException rtle)
foreach (var e1 in rtle.LoaderExceptions) Console.WriteLine(e1.Message);
item.ToolTipText = e switch
BadImageFormatException => "This assembly can't be loaded, probably because it's corrupt or targets an incompatible .NET runtime.",
ExternalToolApplicabilityAttributeBase.DuplicateException => "The IExternalToolForm has conflicting applicability attributes.",
ExternalToolAttribute.MissingException => "The assembly doesn't contain a class implementing IExternalToolForm and annotated with [ExternalTool].",
ReflectionTypeLoadException => "Something went wrong while trying to load the assembly.",
_ => $"An exception of type {e.GetType().FullName} was thrown while trying to load the assembly and look for an IExternalToolForm:\n{e.Message}"
return item;
/// <summary>
/// This event is raised when we add a dll file into
/// the external tools path.
/// It will automatically load the assembly and add it into the list
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender">Object that raised the event</param>
/// <param name="e">Event arguments</param>
private void DirectoryMonitor_Created(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
public IReadOnlyCollection<ToolStripItem> ToolStripItems
=> MenuItems;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using BizHawk.Common;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Client.Common
public sealed class ExternalToolManager
public struct MenuItemInfo
private readonly string _asmChecksum = "";
private readonly string _entryPointTypeName = "";
private readonly ExternalToolManager _extToolMan;
private bool _skipExtToolWarning = false;
public readonly string AsmFilename = "";
public readonly string Text;
public readonly Bitmap Icon = null;
public readonly string ToolTip;
public readonly bool Enabled = false;
public MenuItemInfo(
ExternalToolManager extToolMan,
string asmChecksum,
string asmFilename,
string entryPointTypeName,
string text,
Bitmap icon,
string toolTip,
bool enabled)
_asmChecksum = asmChecksum;
_entryPointTypeName = entryPointTypeName;
_extToolMan = extToolMan;
_skipExtToolWarning = _extToolMan._config.TrustedExtTools.TryGetValue(asmFilename, out var s) && s == _asmChecksum;
AsmFilename = asmFilename;
Text = text;
Icon = icon;
ToolTip = toolTip;
Enabled = enabled;
public MenuItemInfo(ExternalToolManager extToolMan, string text, string toolTip)
_extToolMan = extToolMan;
Text = text;
ToolTip = toolTip;
public void TryLoad()
var success = _extToolMan._loadCallback(
/*toolPath:*/ AsmFilename,
/*customFormTypeName:*/ _entryPointTypeName,
/*skipExtToolWarning:*/ _skipExtToolWarning);
if (!success || _skipExtToolWarning) return;
_skipExtToolWarning = true;
_extToolMan._config.TrustedExtTools[AsmFilename] = _asmChecksum;
private Config _config;
private readonly Func<(string SysID, string Hash)> _getLoadedRomInfoCallback;
private readonly Func<string, string, bool, bool> _loadCallback;
private FileSystemWatcher DirectoryMonitor;
private readonly List<MenuItemInfo> MenuItems = new List<MenuItemInfo>();
public readonly IList<string> PossibleExtToolTypeNames = new List<string>();
public ExternalToolManager(
Config config,
Func<(string SysID, string Hash)> getLoadedRomInfoCallback,
Func<string, string, bool, bool> loadCallback)
_getLoadedRomInfoCallback = getLoadedRomInfoCallback;
_loadCallback = loadCallback;
public void Restart(Config config)
_config = config;
if (DirectoryMonitor != null)
DirectoryMonitor.Created -= DirectoryMonitor_Created;
var path = _config.PathEntries[PathEntryCollection.GLOBAL, "External Tools"].Path;
if (Directory.Exists(path))
DirectoryMonitor = new FileSystemWatcher(path, "*.dll")
IncludeSubdirectories = false,
NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastAccess | NotifyFilters.LastWrite | NotifyFilters.FileName,
Filter = "*.dll"
DirectoryMonitor.Created += DirectoryMonitor_Created;
DirectoryMonitor.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
public void BuildToolStripInfo()
if (DirectoryMonitor == null) return;
DirectoryInfo di = new(DirectoryMonitor.Path);
if (!di.Exists) return;
foreach (var fi in di.GetFiles("*.dll")) MenuItems.Add(GenerateMenuItemTextFromFileName(fi.FullName));
private MenuItemInfo GenerateMenuItemTextFromFileName(string fileName)
if (fileName == null) throw new Exception();
if (!OSTailoredCode.IsUnixHost) MotWHack.RemoveMOTW(fileName);
var asmBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(fileName);
var externalToolFile = Assembly.Load(asmBytes);
var entryPoint = externalToolFile.GetTypes()
.SingleOrDefault(t => typeof(IExternalToolForm).IsAssignableFrom(t) && t.GetCustomAttributes().OfType<ExternalToolAttribute>().Any());
if (entryPoint == null) throw new ExternalToolAttribute.MissingException();
var allAttrs = entryPoint.GetCustomAttributes().ToList();
var applicabilityAttrs = allAttrs.OfType<ExternalToolApplicabilityAttributeBase>().ToList();
if (applicabilityAttrs.Count > 1) throw new ExternalToolApplicabilityAttributeBase.DuplicateException();
var toolAttribute = allAttrs.OfType<ExternalToolAttribute>().First();
if (toolAttribute.LoadAssemblyFiles != null)
foreach (var depFilename in toolAttribute.LoadAssemblyFiles) Assembly.LoadFrom($"{_config.PathEntries[PathEntryCollection.GLOBAL, "External Tools"].Path}/{depFilename}");
Bitmap image = null; // no errors, remove error icon
var embeddedIconAttr = allAttrs.OfType<ExternalToolEmbeddedIconAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
if (embeddedIconAttr != null)
var rawIcon = externalToolFile.GetManifestResourceStream(embeddedIconAttr.ResourcePath);
if (rawIcon != null) image = new Bitmap(rawIcon);
bool enabled = true;
string toolTip = "";
if (applicabilityAttrs.Count is 1)
var (system, loadedRomHash) = _getLoadedRomInfoCallback();
if (applicabilityAttrs[0].NotApplicableTo(system))
toolTip = system is VSystemID.Raw.NULL
? "This tool doesn't work when no rom is loaded"
: "This tool doesn't work with this system";
enabled = false;
else if (applicabilityAttrs[0].NotApplicableTo(loadedRomHash, system))
toolTip = "This tool doesn't work with this game";
enabled = false;
else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(toolAttribute.Description))
toolTip = toolAttribute.Description;
return new MenuItemInfo(
asmChecksum: SHA1Checksum.ComputePrefixedHex(asmBytes),
asmFilename: fileName,
entryPointTypeName: entryPoint.FullName,
text: toolAttribute.Name,
icon: image,
toolTip: toolTip,
enabled: enabled);
catch (Exception e)
if (e is ReflectionTypeLoadException rtle)
foreach (var e1 in rtle.LoaderExceptions) Console.WriteLine(e1.Message);
string text = Path.GetFileName(fileName);
string toolTip = e switch
BadImageFormatException => "This assembly can't be loaded, probably because it's corrupt or targets an incompatible .NET runtime.",
ExternalToolApplicabilityAttributeBase.DuplicateException => "The IExternalToolForm has conflicting applicability attributes.",
ExternalToolAttribute.MissingException => "The assembly doesn't contain a class implementing IExternalToolForm and annotated with [ExternalTool].",
ReflectionTypeLoadException => "Something went wrong while trying to load the assembly.",
_ => $"An exception of type {e.GetType().FullName} was thrown while trying to load the assembly and look for an IExternalToolForm:\n{e.Message}"
return new MenuItemInfo(this, text, toolTip);
/// <summary>
/// This event is raised when we add a dll file into
/// the external tools path.
/// It will automatically load the assembly and add it into the list
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender">Object that raised the event</param>
/// <param name="e">Event arguments</param>
private void DirectoryMonitor_Created(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e)
public IReadOnlyCollection<MenuItemInfo> ToolStripItems
=> MenuItems;