Play movie dialog now shows completion time. It also reads the entire movie in order to determine this. I have stressed tested this yet, it is probably very slow.

This commit is contained in:
andres.delikat 2011-05-15 22:59:54 +00:00
parent 1800fcb965
commit 229852d06c
2 changed files with 53 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ namespace BizHawk.MultiClient
text = MovieList[index].GetSysID();
if (column == 2) //Game
text = MovieList[index].GetGameName();
if (column == 3) //Time
text = MovieList[index].GetTime();
private void MovieView_QueryItemBkColor(int index, int column, ref Color color)
@ -97,7 +99,8 @@ namespace BizHawk.MultiClient
private void PreLoadMovieFile(FileInfo path)
Movie m = new Movie(path.FullName, MOVIEMODE.INACTIVE);

View File

@ -336,26 +336,56 @@ namespace BizHawk.MultiClient
return Header.SetHeaderLine(key, value);
private decimal GetSeconds()
public string GetTime()
const decimal NES_PAL = (decimal)50.006977968268290849;
const decimal NES_NTSC = (decimal)60.098813897440515532;
const decimal PCE_PAL = (decimal)(50.0); //TODO ?
const decimal PCE_NTSC = (decimal)(7159090.90909090 / 455 / 263); //~59.826
const decimal SMS_PAL = (decimal)60.0;
const decimal SMS_NTSC = (decimal)50.0;
const decimal GEN = (decimal)60.0;
string time = "";
double seconds = GetSeconds();
int hours = ((int)seconds) / 3600;
int minutes = (((int)seconds) / 60) % 60;
double sec = seconds % 60;
if (hours > 0)
time += MakeDigits(hours) + ":";
time += MakeDigits(minutes) + ":";
time += Math.Round(sec, 2).ToString();
return time;
//const decimal REAL_SMS_NTSC = (decimal)(3579545 / 262.0 / 228.0);
//const decimal REAL_SMS_PAL = (decimal)(3546893 / 313.0 / 228.0);
const decimal NGP = (decimal)(6144000.0 / (515 * 198));
const decimal VBOY = (decimal)(20000000 / (259 * 384 * 4)); //~50.273
const decimal LYNX = (decimal)59.8;
const decimal WSWAN = (decimal)(3072000.0 / (159 * 256));
decimal seconds = 0;
int frames = Log.Length();
private string MakeDigits(decimal num)
if (num < 10)
return "0" + num.ToString();
return num.ToString();
if (frames == 0)
private string MakeDigits(int num)
if (num < 10)
return "0" + num.ToString();
return num.ToString();
private double GetSeconds()
const double NES_PAL = 50.006977968268290849;
const double NES_NTSC = 60.098813897440515532;
const double PCE_PAL = 50.0; //TODO ?
const double PCE_NTSC = (7159090.90909090 / 455 / 263); //~59.826
const double SMS_PAL = 60.0;
const double SMS_NTSC = 50.0;
const double GEN = 60.0;
//const double REAL_SMS_NTSC = (3579545 / 262.0 / 228.0);
//const double REAL_SMS_PAL = (3546893 / 313.0 / 228.0);
const double NGP = (6144000.0 / (515 * 198));
const double VBOY = (20000000 / (259 * 384 * 4)); //~50.273
const double LYNX = 59.8;
const double WSWAN = (3072000.0 / (159 * 256));
double seconds = 0;
double frames = Log.Length();
if (frames < 1)
return seconds;
bool pal = false; //TODO: pal flag
@ -398,9 +428,9 @@ namespace BizHawk.MultiClient
case "":
if (pal)
return (decimal)(frames / 50.0);
return frames / 50.0;
return (decimal)(frames / 60.0);
return frames / 60.0;