Reorganize input display drawing
I tested all combinations I can think of and this looks correct. Hopefully this can easily be verified with the given code comments now.
This commit is contained in:
@ -171,29 +171,30 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.Common
public string InputStrMovie()
private string InputStrMovie()
var state = _movieSession.Movie?.GetInputState(_emulator.Frame - 1);
return state is not null ? MakeStringFor(state) : "";
public string InputStrImmediate()
private string InputStrCurrent()
=> MakeStringFor(_inputManager.AutofireStickyXorAdapter);
// returns an input string for inputs pressed by the user that are not getting unpressed by the sticky adapters
private string InputStrUser()
=> MakeStringFor(_inputManager.AutofireStickyXorAdapter.And(_inputManager.StickyXorAdapter.Source));
private static string MakeStringFor(IController controller)
return Bk2InputDisplayGenerator.Generate(controller);
public string MakeIntersectImmediatePrevious()
private string MakeIntersectImmediatePrevious()
if (_movieSession.Movie.IsActive())
if (_movieSession.Movie.IsRecording())
var m = _movieSession.Movie.IsPlayingOrRecording()
? _movieSession.Movie.GetInputState(_emulator.Frame - 1)
: _movieSession.MovieController;
return MakeStringFor(_inputManager.AutofireStickyXorAdapter.And(m));
var movieInput = _movieSession.Movie.GetInputState(_emulator.Frame - 1);
return MakeStringFor(_inputManager.AutofireStickyXorAdapter.And(movieInput));
return "";
@ -237,42 +238,34 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.Common
else // TODO: message config -- allow setting of "mixed", and "auto"
var previousColor = Color.FromArgb(_config.LastInputColor);
var immediateColor = Color.FromArgb(_config.MessagesColor);
var autoColor = Color.Pink;
var changedColor = Color.PeachPuff;
var previousColor = _movieSession.Movie.IsRecording() ? Color.FromArgb(_config.LastInputColor) : Color.FromArgb(_config.MovieInput);
var currentColor = Color.FromArgb(_config.MessagesColor);
var stickyColor = Color.Pink;
var currentAndPreviousColor = Color.PeachPuff;
// now, we're going to render these repeatedly, with higher-priority things overriding
// now, we're going to render these repeatedly, with higher priority draws overwriting all lower priority draws
// in order of highest priority to lowest, we are effectively displaying (in different colors):
// 1. currently pressed input that was also pressed on the previous frame (movie active + recording mode only)
// 2. currently pressed input that is being pressed by sticky autohold or sticky autofire
// 3. currently pressed input by the user (non-sticky)
// 4. input that was pressed on the previous frame (movie active only)
// first display previous frame's input.
// note: that's only available in case we're working on a movie
var previousStr = InputStrMovie();
var previousInput = InputStrMovie();
var currentInput = InputStrCurrent();
var userInput = InputStrUser();
var currentAndPreviousInput = MakeIntersectImmediatePrevious();
//we need some kind of string for calculating position when right-anchoring, of something like that
var point = GetCoordinates(g, _config.InputDisplay, previousStr);
// calculate origin for drawing all strings. Mainly relevant when right-anchoring
var point = GetCoordinates(g, _config.InputDisplay, currentInput);
bool atMovieEnd = _movieSession.Movie.IsFinished() && _movieSession.Movie.IsAtEnd();
g.DrawString(previousStr, atMovieEnd ? Color.FromArgb(_config.MovieInput) : previousColor, point.X, point.Y);
// next, draw the immediate input.
// that is, whatever is being held down interactively right this moment even if the game is paused
// this includes things held down due to autohold or autofire
// I know, this is all really confusing
var immediate = InputStrImmediate();
g.DrawString(immediate, immediateColor, point.X, point.Y);
// next draw anything that's pressed because it's sticky.
// this applies to autofire and autohold both. somehow. I don't understand it.
// basically we're tinting whatever is pressed because it's sticky specially
// in order to achieve this we want to avoid drawing anything pink that isn't actually held down right now
// so we make an AND adapter and combine it using immediate & sticky
// (adapter creation moved to InputManager)
var autoString = MakeStringFor(_inputManager.WeirdStickyControllerForInputDisplay);
g.DrawString(autoString, autoColor, point.X, point.Y);
//recolor everything that's changed from the previous input
var immediateOverlay = MakeIntersectImmediatePrevious();
g.DrawString(immediateOverlay, changedColor, point.X, point.Y);
// draw previous input first. Currently pressed input will overwrite this
g.DrawString(previousInput, previousColor, point.X, point.Y);
// draw all currently pressed input with the sticky color
g.DrawString(currentInput, stickyColor, point.X, point.Y);
// draw all currently pressed non-sticky input with the current color, overwriting previously drawn non-sticky input in the wrong color
g.DrawString(userInput, currentColor, point.X, point.Y);
// re-draw all currently pressed inputs that were also pressed on the previous frame in their own color
g.DrawString(currentAndPreviousInput, currentAndPreviousColor, point.X, point.Y);
@ -32,8 +32,6 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.Common
/// </summary>
public StickyXorAdapter StickyXorAdapter { get; } = new StickyXorAdapter();
public IController WeirdStickyControllerForInputDisplay { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Used to AND to another controller, used for <see cref="IJoypadApi.Set(IReadOnlyDictionary{string, bool}, int?)">JoypadApi.Set</see>
/// </summary>
@ -79,7 +77,6 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.Common
// these are all reference types which don't change so this SHOULD be a no-op, but I'm not brave enough to move it to the ctor --yoshi
StickyXorAdapter.Source = UdLRControllerAdapter;
AutofireStickyXorAdapter = new() { Source = StickyXorAdapter };
WeirdStickyControllerForInputDisplay = StickyXorAdapter.Source.Xor(AutofireStickyXorAdapter).And(AutofireStickyXorAdapter);
session.MovieIn = AutofireStickyXorAdapter;
session.StickySource = AutofireStickyXorAdapter;
Reference in New Issue